September 03, 2003

Hey, that ain't Kosher!

I do not remember where or when I first heard someone say "Hey, is that where the Indian shot you?" when poking me in my exposed navel, but surely someone did. I do this regularly to children. It delights some, frightens some, and some just argue with you about having not been shot there by any Indians. Now I am wondering if it is politically correct to make such a reference when poking children's navels. Maybe I should say "Is that where the Evil* Iranian Islamic Mullah shot you?" from now on. I don't think there is a group of Evil Iranian Islamic Mullah's standing around ready to complain at such reference, is there? As for me, my navel was not shot today by an Evil Iranian Islamic Mullah or an Indian. It appears to be in fine shape, sitting quietly in the center of my too round belly. Having done my service to the BLOG-IRAN Grassroots Campaign for the day, and maybe my lifetime, as you know how vindictive those Evil Iranian Islamic Mullahs can be, I hereby end tonight's report.

*Evil is definitely the operative word in this phrase, as I would not want to offend those Saintly Iranian Islamic Mullahs.

Posted by notGeorge at September 3, 2003 09:17 PM | TrackBack

I can sleep peacefully, knowing all is well with your navel....

Posted by: Susie at September 3, 2003 11:44 PM