September 07, 2003

The new look and other stuff

Well, I had been thinking of redoing the colors on the site for some time, as I could not find any pictures of light blue ***s. I tried it with orange background which was said to be too bright. I agreed. I had originally tried peachy background, but that was panned, and I really did not like it either, as it was not really ***y enough. I do think the black background looks best, with just enough orange highlights to give it the Tiger feel without being so bright it blinded my readers. I do hope that everyone likes it. I really do read your comments, you know? Although this is my blog, I do try hard to please my readership.

I am sorry I have not posted much today. I had a morning tour at the local wildlife park and did not get home until after noon. I got a pizza and was eating it while watching TV. I started watching the Cowboys game, and my phone rang. It is actually unusual that such happens, as I only have the one line and I am almost always hooked into the Internet when I am home. It was some female who asked if I had an personal ad on Yahoo. I said yes. She said she thought she had recognized my face. It seems she lives locally and was thinking of putting in an ad or something. Anyway, she said she was just looking for someone to go walking with or something. She said she was 40 or somewhere around that age. I told her about my dream of having my own kids and such, and she said she appreciated that. She just suggested we hang out together or something. I found out where she lived and discovered she lived near this cross on this bluff overlooking town and I had always wanted to stand up on that bluff and look down upon the town. So she invited me over and we walked up there just as the sun was setting. I didn't see much, but still it was a great view. Then we went back to her house and just sat out back and talked. About 9:30, her son came by before heading back to college in San Antonio. She asked when he had to leave to go back, and he said something about having about a half hour, so I excused myself and came home.

She was nice and we were having a very intelligent conversation. Of course, she reminded me a lot of my mother. I seldom actually envision myself being as old as I actually am. As my dream is that of someone a decade or more younger than myself, I still see myself as being that age. Of course, my creaking bones and the grey hairs which seem to be cropping up everywhere remind me that I am not 20-something or even early 30-something. I am not sure where this will go. Anyway, I did not blog much today because I was either not here, or I was eating pizza while watching the 3 Stooges or watching the Cowboys play horrendously. Now it is getting close to bedtime on a work night.

I really need to do some laundry.

Posted by notGeorge at September 7, 2003 11:23 PM

Good luck, Tig! You never know, you might just find peace again...

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at September 8, 2003 12:45 AM