September 28, 2003

Well, Hell, what do I do now?

I was just sitting here staring at the monitor and pulling hairs out of my nose*, and thought, hey, maybe it is time to go to bed. I have zoo duty in the morning, so if I do decide to post anything, it might be later in the day before anything new comes up. Of course, however, you never know. Cherry could sneak in and post something. ;)

*Hey, if it sounds disgusting, try doing it. Not only is it fairly disgusting to do, it really does not feel all that great either, but then if you don't do it, they tickle the crap** out of your nose and make you sneeze alot.

**For some reason, crap sounds so much nicer than shit, doesn't it?

Posted by notGeorge at September 28, 2003 12:10 AM

**For some reason, crap sounds so much nicer than shit, doesn't it?

Can't argue with that, but why would anyone want to make that stuff sound nice?

Posted by: McGehee at September 29, 2003 09:32 AM