October 02, 2003

We have a WINNER!!!!!

Wow, what a great voter turn-out in the sexiest navel display in the Blogger Boobie Thon. 25 votes in all, and the tally is:

Now good to my word*, I shall have to donate $20 for #3 and $20 for #1, but ya'll didn't do your part in getting some money donated for #2's effort, but as a consolation, I will donate $10 anyway. That will bring my total donation up to $50**, so I can see the pay-per-boobie page.

Per the voting, and in my own personal opinion, the clear winner is Contestant #3, who is to be congratulated on having a very fine looking navel.

*What, an honest attorney? Now you need to donate because you just witnessed a miracle.

**The following graphic provides evidence of such payment being made and may be deleted sometime in the future:

Posted by notGeorge at October 2, 2003 12:41 PM

Check your e-mail. I need to know which donor you are so I can add a URL. THANK YOU!

Posted by: robyn at October 2, 2003 01:07 PM


Posted by: :: jozjozjoz :: at October 2, 2003 01:13 PM