Although my eyes are almost shut and I am heading to bed, I can safely say that my own navel is doing wonderful tonight. While it is definitely not as popular as those which were eligible to be voted on last evening, it is mine, and I treasure it like it was something I have had forever. I mean, it is almost like I had such navel since the first day of my life. Funny, how things like that come across your mind. I cannot remember a time when I did not have it around, although, it seemed to be in better shape earlier in my life, and seemed to be a really popular part of my body when I was really young. Hmm.
Before I close this report, I would really like to thank all those who came here for their first time just to assist in the voting. I hope some of you will come again for another visit at some time in the future. I am slowly going through all the voting comments and am checking all of your blogs.
OK, I have had my say, so that concludes today's report.
Posted by notGeorge at October 2, 2003 11:39 PM