October 04, 2003

Back story: Tiger bites man

OK, everyone has posted on this supposed fiasco that occurred in Vegas. Now, read between the lines people. ***, neck, Roy lives! George, what a hoax. You know that old hackneyed show has been playin' forever and ever and attendance was dropping. ***s, schmigers, it was boring. I mean you got a bunch of mean lookin' cats actin' like pussies and no one is gettin' bit. Great stage management, but take it from me: any Tiger that had a man's throat in his mouth and the man still lives was just puttin' it on for the show. Want proof? OK, if this is for real, then the next time you see Siegfried and Roy on stage, there won't be any ***s in the show. It will be trained seals or somethin' that cannot attack. If this is fake, it will be business as usual as soon as everyone gets some much needed rest. Heck, if you saw the Vegas contract those guys got hooked into, they hardly ever get a day off. Riggin' a Tiger attack was jes' a way to get an few days R&R. Just wait until the smoke clears, you will see I am right.

Posted by notGeorge at October 4, 2003 06:56 PM

I wish I had a set of asbestos longhandles to lend you for this one, Tig.

Posted by: McGehee at October 4, 2003 07:58 PM

What, you think I am gonna get flamed on this one? Well, if someone was gonna have to take the tiger's side on this story, who else but I should it have been?

Posted by: Tiger at October 4, 2003 08:06 PM

Amazing, if you're right, Tiger.

Posted by: David at October 5, 2003 05:56 PM

Ooh, unfortunately it's not a hoax, hon...

I was never a big fan of the Poofter Pair myself, but that's one helluva way to get your lifetime Vegas contract cancelled...


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at October 5, 2003 06:18 PM