October 04, 2003

BloggerCon, Texas-style

Oh cool, my two friends, Who Tends the Fires' Eric and Denita met with Serenity of Serenity's Journal. Of course, it was an important meeting, as two lovely pet rats needed a new home. After discovering dirt, I am sure Zane needed a new adventure, so now has a couple of rats to keep him company. Zane's reaction*:

*Of course, I was not actually present at the time, so this picture is another of those I took at Zane's Birthday party. I was just being snarky, as usual. ;)

Posted by notGeorge at October 4, 2003 07:41 PM

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You snapped some of the best pics of the party! I'm so jealous!


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at October 4, 2003 10:57 PM