Hmm, I was thinkin' today that my blog was kinda like doin' a stand-up comedy show on some sidewalk with a hat layin' out in front. Every once in awhile a crowd would gather and allow me to entertain them (readin' my crap) and once in a great while, someone would pitch a coin or a bill into the hat (commentin' on my crap). Of course, some would have to leave, but would spend the rest of the day tellin' everyone what they had seen and urgin' them to go see for themselves (linkin' to my crap). What can I say, I am just a natural born street performer. I love the crowds, I love the donations, and I damn sure love the free advertisement.
Today was such a strange day. I actually got nothin' done, seriously. Not sure why, but seemed all I did was go here and there with intentions of accomplishin' somethin' but either someone would not be where they were supposed to be or some problem would occur along the way. Tomorrow I have to attempt to persuade 12 jurors that my retarded client cannot understand enough about the proceedings against him to be competent to stand trial. That is my job. The jury's job is to determine if such is to be. The psychologist was unsure.
I am so glad I found out that I could take Sudafed to rid myself of the sinus headaches and be able to sleep. I had to do so today, and now am really drowsy. I am gonna make it another early one. May be a sign of my impendin' old age ... yuck! Still insomnia sucks.
It has been quite chilly today, so my navel has remained unexposed for the greater part of the day. I suspect there is no problem with it this evening, but I shall take a long gander at it just before I crawl under the goose down comforter and let it begin to reflect my body heat as I drift off into slumber. Just because I might be snoozin' don't mean you should cease your readin'. From some of my Site Meter scans, I find that I often get people who spend hours just readin' through my archives. That always gladdens my heart.
Oh, by the way, I am really enjoyin' the comments I am gettin' on this post. I can feel my ego swellin'. Thanks ya'll!
Posted by notGeorge at November 5, 2003 09:35 PM