November 06, 2003

The world is full of strangers

Well, my trial didn't last long and didn't go my client's way, but the issue is resolved. My client is competent to stand trial. I expected that result but I had a question about it. Therefore could not have ever ethically stated that my client was competent to enter a plea. In fact, when forced to by the court, I entered a "not guilty" plea on his behalf objectin' to being forced to enter a plea prior to a findin' that he was competent. His offense is a serious matter, so back to the drawin' board.

This kid is strange. But I see strange people all the time. The world is full of them; some likely have mental disease and others are probably on drugs. There is a segment of society that appears to move in slow motion. You know that batty lady in the frilly dress and funny hat that just chats up a storm about any old crap to everyone she meets? How about that old man that rides all over town on a bicycle who waves but never speaks? We all know that funny lookin' kid pushin' the broom in the super market. Usually, such persons are productive hardworking people who cause absolutely no problems. There are also places those sort of people don't belong. Prison is one of them. A person like that doesn't last long in prison.

But sometimes people like that are accused of doing some pretty bad things. Often the evidence is pretty overwhelming that they did such things. Compassion is very hard to find. I advised him to pray about it, it couldn't hurt.

Posted by notGeorge at November 6, 2003 05:02 PM