November 24, 2003

I don't think tonight is the night

Yep, I am pretty sure there is not gonna be any navel gazin' this evenin' 'cause the temperature has dropped so low I am pretty sure I am gonna crawl under the covers fully clothed. As such, the navel may go unobserved for the second night. I would do a tactile job on such, as I did last eve, but the tactile instruments are icy and I am almost sure the navel would feel such through the T-shirt. I shudder to think of that. I shiver to be sittin' here also, so think I am about to go to bed.

Uh, that blurb on Counterspin Central netted me a steady flow of visitors today. Total for the day was 650, 90% or more came from Hesiod's elegant recommendation.

Last thing before I go ... I really thought there would be more interest in this idea but it seems everyone either had no interest or it was overlooked by all. End of report.

Posted by notGeorge at November 24, 2003 12:06 AM

I think I had to do that letter for an ACOA meeting a long time ago. I don't think my ten year old self would have wanted to know some of the things that the older, wiser Spiralsands had to live through.

Posted by: spiralsands at November 24, 2003 07:26 AM

I'm very big on my inner 86 year old - the guy who's gonna be all alone and drooling on a rocking chair on the porch of some run-down old age home with nothing left but his memories. It's my job now to provide him with lots of really bodacious memories (at least that's how I justify my sinnin' and carousin') to keep him going. So I'm gonna write him a letter. Plus whenever I think about my poor 10 year old self, I just get really sad - he was such a kind hopeful kid trying his innocent best to deal with really bad stuff with the naive belief that if one was just *good enough* and *pure enough of spirit* that everything would turn out ok. Although it probably would have done him good, I'd hate to be the one to break the news to him. I don't think that I could ever look that 10 year old in the face...

And that Hes - he's a hell of a guy. If he recommends you, then you're A-OK in my book!

Posted by: Andy at November 24, 2003 09:22 AM

Writing a letter to my 10-year-old self would involve me exaggerating everything and slanting the story a bit, because if my younger self knew what my older self turned out to be like, she'd probably want to be someone else instead! ;-)

(Actually, I'm working on my own letter now, it's just a matter of trying to condense everything...)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 24, 2003 11:51 AM

Anyone who writes their letter, please trackback to here so I can come read it, please!

Posted by: Tiger at November 24, 2003 07:31 PM