But I'm not ready. Where can I hide? I am just not ready to face Monday. I was hopin' to wake up and find it was Sunday all over again. Oh, wait, maybe that would not be a good idea ... but then again, it might. Just think how much money I could win in Vegas pickin' the Cowboys over the Panthers to win by a score of 24 to 20. I could have made enough money not to ever have worked again. Then I could have spent all my time bloggin' just like Glenn Reynolds does.
Well, enough with the inanity, I have got to get ready to face my Monday. Argh! I hate Mondays! Opus, come save me!
Posted by notGeorge at November 24, 2003 08:21 AMHey it could be worse. I had to spend my Monday in Brooklyn. Made good time today too. Only 2 hours to cross Staten Island. :D
Posted by: Psycho Dad at November 24, 2003 04:29 PM