November 24, 2003

The rumors of my demise are premature

Oh, you don't even want to hear about my day. I promise you. I was long, mostly just shufflin' paperwork and crap and borin' as Hell but needed to be done. My internet connection sucked, so I was unable to blog or do much of anything all day webwise. I finally was able to download my email after 5:00pm though that took like forever thanks to my friend Matt attachin' a 1.5Mb mp3 to a message. It was hilarious and I would love to share it with ya'll but 1.5Mb is a might too big for me upload on my paltry server space here. I might do a search and if I find it someplace, I will post a link to it.

Anyway, am way behind in blog readin' so will be doin' that for a bit. Check your site meters and you may find me on. If I find anythin' ya'll might like, you can bet I will be right back postin' 'bout it.

Posted by notGeorge at November 24, 2003 07:49 PM