Geoffrey was beatin' on PETA for bein' the idiot assholes they are and has posted a picture of their action to get people to drink soy crap instead of the great cow juice that comes outta those warm teets that we all were raised on (unless of course, you are too damn young to be readin' my blog anyway). Go have a look, but before you go, beware, because he also said The Three Stooges are upset because they were banned from biddin' on reconstruction contracts in Iraq. Now, I love The Three Stooges, and was pretty sure they were all in their graves by now, but I have likely seen every episode ever made at sometime durin' my life, and to tell you the truth, that is probably as big a favor to the Iraqi people as freein' them from that asshole, Saddam. Seriously, I tell ya. Give Moe, Larry and Curly (unless he is on vacation, then it would be Shemp*) a hammer or a saw or even a pipe wrench and send them to Iraq and those poor people would be worse off than when Alexander the Great ruled the area.
*Am the only one who wished, just once, that the troup would have consisted of Moe, Shemp and Curly? I mean, I like Larry, but both Shemp and Curly were the best of the cast, and without Moe runnin' the show, there was no show to see.
Posted by notGeorge at December 11, 2003 11:25 AMhahahaha ... OMG! That is horrible!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I'm not a big fan of PETA either .... I don't eat most meats mainly for health reasons - I don't eat chicken, turkey, beef, etc. I only eat seafood. I am far from vegan - I love cheese but am trying to cut down because it makes me fat :-P I don't like milk that much and I don't like eggs. My boyfriend is a vegetarian for more animal friendly reasons than I am, however, when he moved down here I was a bad influence and he eats seafood with me :-P
Anyway, we both think that the PETA people are mostly kooks ... I think they go wayyyyyyyyy too far and their methods are crazy. I think that we should all be tolerant of each other - everyone does different things for different reasons and they look down on anyone that doesn't agree with them .... it's nuts!