December 11, 2003

What is it about Natalie?

I wanted to link one of the posts on Pickle Juice that had me crackin' up loud enough to draw the attention of my next door neighbor and landlord who thought I had decided to house a jackass in my office*, and yet could not locate just one. There was this one, and there was this one, and then there was this one. Ummm, actually I quit brayin' like a jackass when I got near the end of that last one because there was a mention of takin' a gulp out of a stale can of Coke sittin' on the counter. Last time I did that, I swallowed a couple of cigarette butts.

Anyway, since ya gave me the belly laughs, Natalie, I though I would attempt to repay the favor. So what do ya get if ya cross a reindeer with a pickle?

*There are those who are of the opinion there is a jackass in this office at all times I am occupyin' it.

Posted by notGeorge at December 11, 2003 01:45 PM