March 07, 2004

I am just the blogosphere's most under-appreciated and most abused idea man

The most-read webloggers aren't necessarily the ones with the most original ideas, say researchers at Hewlett-Packard Labs. [A]uthors of popular blog sites regularly borrow topics from lesser-known bloggers -- and they often do so without attribution.

Don't I forkin' know this. I swear that Bill has been usin' long distance telepathy to suck all the ideas out of my head while I sleep, and then he uses the ones he is capable of understandin'. The rest he sells to Frank J.*

I ain't gonna steal this one, 'cause I am gonna 'fess up that I found the link at Dustin' My Brain**

*I was gonna say Michele, but I ain't too sure she always gets my sense of humor.

**I ain't yet sure where Cindy resides, but they don't seem to drop the "g's" from their words in her area. The spellin' change is my doin', OK?. Posted by notGeorge at March 7, 2004 07:29 PM


Bill has actual content? Ideas? Are you sure you're not confusing him with Wind Rider?

Posted by: michele at March 7, 2004 07:32 PM

Oh, ya know, ya could be right. I actually thought Bill had multiple personalities and that Wind Rider was one of the smarter ones. ;)

Posted by: Tiger at March 7, 2004 07:36 PM

Cindy, aka me, favors the phrase "y'all" - even though she's from up north...NYC, that is. ;-)

Posted by: Cindy at March 7, 2004 09:05 PM

p.s. hmm...perhaps I should be so bold as to say, er, the Northeast. duh.

btw, I like your version of dustin' ... all I need is a photo of cowboy boots and I can change the banner on my blog ;-)

Posted by: Cindy at March 7, 2004 09:10 PM

Well, give me a day or so, and I will see if I can shoot you a photo of my boots your way! ;)

Posted by: Tiger at March 7, 2004 10:24 PM

I'm pretty sure Michele doesn't get my sense of humour either, Tiger. Oh well. ;)

Posted by: Ironbear at March 7, 2004 11:16 PM

Any ideas I pay for are tax deductible.

Posted by: Frank J. at March 8, 2004 05:59 AM

Wow! How did you know, Tiger? Man, lawyers are smart!

Posted by: Bill at March 8, 2004 06:57 AM