March 07, 2004

Surfin' the net sometimes takes you into uncharted waters

Dean Esmay was ravin' 'bout this GeoURL setup that would show you sites within the network that were geographically close to you. It sounded like somethin' to do, so I did it. I added the right crud, with some work, and sent the ping, and then checked to see who was close to me. I got like several listin's for deviantART: someusername. Yikes, I thought, I was surrounded by members of some kind of a kinky deviant sex cult that was swappin' porno of every kind and variety. I was ready to delink myself from the GeoURL site. But, bein' the avid adventurer that I am and bein' over the age of 21, I figured I would take a peek at an example of this deviantART. The site looks like some network of mostly young people to showcase their art from drawin's and photos to poetry and prose. If you are interested in art, you might actually want to check this site out. Of course, it also might be that I am the only person on the Internet who didn't already know about this site.

Posted by notGeorge at March 7, 2004 08:32 PM

Nope. Deviant Art is one of the best-kept secrets of the blogosphere.

There's absolute gold in there. Tons and tons of excellent stuff.

Posted by: Dean Esmay at March 8, 2004 01:08 AM