I just absolutely hate dialup ... uh, actually, I hate it just about as bad on my cable connection also when I can't connect up, but for some reason, I get a lot fewer hiccups on cable than I do with my third-world phone company line hookup with the ISP in the next town. I have been tryin' to get back to post some crud for like 30 minutes or more and now I forgot what the fuck I was gonna say. All I 'member is that it was the most Earth-shatterin' news I had ever had to pass along since I have been bloggin'. Now if I could just remember what it was. [insert massive amount of thinkin' and further contemplation here] Oh yeah, now I 'member, it was to tell ya'll, 'specially Scott,* to never ever buy any Kanterbrau Beer. I gotta thank Harvey for turnin' me onto that fact, but I still can't thank him for linkin' to me ... I guess he hates me or somethin'.
Oh, and James, speakin' of oxymorons ... wouldn't you agree that French beer is an oxymoron and that good French beer would be a double oxymoron?
*Linked post ain't got nuthin' to do with beer, 'cept that Scott was probably drinkin' one when he wrote it.
Posted by notGeorge at March 7, 2004 10:51 PM