March 08, 2004

Mar. 7, 2004 UPDATE

OK, seems there is a lot of interest in who the ghostly characters were that appeared in yesterday's strip. I just can't hold ya'll that don't have access to the strip in suspense and not sure how long McGehee is willin' to keep up the guess who game, so here ya go:

click to enlarge

See how hard I work to please my fans? Sheesh! I sometimes feel like the Rodney Dangerfield of bloggers, but then I do get more respect than, say, Azygos. Besides, it seems I am a hit in Peoria.*

*Or did I confuse it with Poukeepsie again.

Posted by notGeorge at March 8, 2004 10:25 AM

Oh, those guys. Pssshhhhh!

Aside from those already named in comments to the original post, ya got Binkley and Milo, and I think the last one's name was Oscar but I'm probably wrong.

WTF is Cutter John?

Posted by: McGehee at March 8, 2004 11:05 AM

I have no idea where Cutter John is, but the anwer to the guess who quesion is Steve Dallas. I have previously mentioned that he closely resembles me or how I was 10 years ago. So Berke, if you are readin' this, the reemergence of Steve Dallas should have him donnin' a full white beard, erratic male non-pattern baldness, and he is jonesin' for a cig despite havin' quit the damn things over two months ago. He still wears tightey whities and often parades around the house wearin' nothin' else with severely bloodshot eyes, but mostly from lack of sleep since he cut way down on his drinkin'.

Posted by: Tiger at March 8, 2004 11:32 AM