March 08, 2004

Hit the damn road already Jack

I have no idea why I thought this was funny:

I went to the zoo yesterday, Rhonda, and thought of you.

I couldn't find the dancing owl. - LeeAnn

I guess ya had to be there, right? So what the fuck am I doin' here readin' hilarious crud and laughin' my ass off when I am supposed to be on my way to a funeral. Oh, did I tell ya'll that I fuckin' hate funerals. I have it in my will that anyone who insists on havin' a funeral to dispose of my remains loses their share of my estate. If there are any remains of which to dispose, just take them to the zoo and toss them into a cage with some big cats. They know what to do with dead carcasses. No embalmin' though, 'cause embalmin' fluid fucks up the meat, ya know?

Posted by notGeorge at March 8, 2004 11:46 AM

It's supposed to be funny, :) so if it made you laugh, my work here is done.

Posted by: Lee Ann at March 8, 2004 05:11 PM

I have it specified that I am NOT to have a funeral--only a wake. My mom is the same way. She and I had a rather unique idea of distributing her ashes over her property during the wake by putting them in mortar shell-type fireworks and blowing them off at the height of the wake. That way she gets to see her favorite fireworks one last time...

I'm sorry about your loss, Tig. I'm sending you big hugs over the 'Net and you don't have to worry about the bandwidth because they're veeeeerrry compact. *HUG!*


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at March 8, 2004 06:32 PM