"Maybe what we are seeing is an 'Islamicization' of the style of ETA terrorism," said an investigator of Spain's paramilitary Guardia Civil. "That is, they see that spectacular, coordinated attacks like those carried out by al-Qaeda are the ones that cause the most impact. So instead of killing a city councilman somewhere, they do this."
Spanish investigators are working through the evidence, attemptin' to discover who was behind the 3/11 terrorist attacks in Madrid. [LA Times through Dallas Mornin'-News]
I suppose those on the left will say this is a response to Dubya's "War on Terror" efforts, while those on the right will say the attacks are futher evidence that we need to continue our no holds barred pressure to eradicate all terrror from daily life, worldwide. Those in the middle are likely just wonderin' what the fork is goin' on.
Posted by notGeorge at March 12, 2004 09:19 AM