April 23, 2004

Mindless ponderin's about nuthin' much

My StatCounter just rolled over to 40,000 but my SiteMeter counter is still at 39,608. Now when I set up the StatCounter, I set both to the exact same number. I counted each previous milestone by the number on the SiteMeter. Which do I use now? I am not countin' 40,000 as a milestone. My belief is that the next mark past 25,000 is 50,000. Still, it is somethin' to think about.

Posted by notGeorge at April 23, 2004 03:29 PM | TrackBack

Both counters are likely off and short. I use SiteMeter as my semi-official counter just because it's better for comparison with other sites and because I didn't have internal host counts for the period I was on blogspot.

And, I agree, 25K, 50k, 75k, 100k, 200k, 250k, and 500k are milestones. I think I mentioned 300k but decided not to mention 400k. But, shoot, each one of the first few thousand were something special!

Posted by: James Joyner at April 23, 2004 03:39 PM