May 24, 2004

Direct from the Blogosphere's most prominent Snarky Inaniac™

Direct from the Blogosphere's most prominent Snarky Inaniac™

OK, OK, as whomever is in charge of this place is not workin' very hard to take over a niche in the blogosphere that I have been workin' hard to carve out for myself, I can still say I thought this was very funny.

Laughin' Wolf, commentin' on a Stephen Den Beste diatribe that I did not look at, as I was already fairly convinced it was likely to be much longer than I could read in a single sittin', was just mentionin' the way that the blogosphere has evolved to the point where specialists have cropped up in the model of all previous forms of media. I carved mine out and am proud of my creation, and not too sure I want any slick city whippersnappers comin' in and grabbin' up pieces of my hard won territory.

Posted by Tiger at May 24, 2004 04:49 PM