June 02, 2004

There is a definitely a kink in the works

For those of ya'll wonderin' where all the pings are from my postin' of the Carnival, I am wonderin' the same thing. I actually had a lot of difficulty jes' gettin' the Carnival to successfully post, an ordeal that required me to completely rebuild my whole site ... but it finally showed, but why I keep endin' up with a dead page 'pon tryin' to get it to successfully post the pingage is beyond me. I will try again on the cable connection when I get to the office.

On a completely other note:

If it was a car, it would be the bastard love-child of KITT and the Batmobile
it would likely be black, other than that, what you would get would be anybody's guess --- and just which Batmobile are we talkin' 'bout? Still, that Denita sure can turn a phrase with all kinds of visual gusto, huh?

And while we are on the subject of notes, did I ever tell ya'll that John is a punny* man? But at least he keeps an eye on the important** stories.

[UPDATE: Well, thankfully, the cable connection did finally allow most of the pingage to go through, but still it took like forever to rebuild the post and to send those pings. A couple of typepad pings:



failed to go through on two separate occasions with a read timeout error, whatever that is, so they may or may not have actually gone through.]

*Pun intended, of course.

*No sarcasm to be inferred.

Posted by Tiger at June 2, 2004 07:53 AM

Awww thanks for the linkage and the compliment, hon! What a nice thing to wake up to! :-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at June 2, 2004 09:25 AM