June 02, 2004

Some people are just so laughable

Comment to this post of mine - Is this what you're lookin' for?:

you people know nothing about islam and what islam teaches. First point, anyone who believes this video, is completely predictable. As a matter of fact, you are the reason the media manipulates the airways in ways to evoke a public response. This is similar to public relations. If you air certain messages, you get a certain response. Don't you get it. America has really revealed it's own barbaric nature in this war and now they want to shift the focus. What hasn't American officials lied about since this country was formed. You people, the gullable ones, the manipulators of public thought and perception thrive off of you guys. You are so predictable. The only thing America has strong left in this war is hate. Hate is now driving the soilders as well as public opinion. We lost justification so now we need a reason for being at war.
You people are so predictable. I am going to start a hate campaign against sheep. I am going to stage a video showing 3 sheep executing a bald eagle. If I get the same results as the CIA, I can get people to hate sheep. HaHaHaHa. You people are so predictable.
It was posted from some guy who called himself Marvin.

I guess some of ya'll might not understand why I think his comment is so laughable, but sheep killin' a bald eagle? Come on. Maybe if it was a sick, lame, eagle with a broken leg layin' on the ground watchin' the buzzards circlin' overhead and a flock of 3 sheep happened to accidentally stumble across its dyin' body and hasten its demise, yeah, OK -- possible. Anythin' else just ain't ever gonna happen. Even if they had the ability, sheep would not even approach a bald eagle, on a good day. Now, that is not to say that a bald eagle is the most bad ass animal in the animal kingdom, but sheep are mindless grazers oblivious to anythin' that goes on about them, kinda like the people who believe ever'thin' Kerry says or otherwise march to the beat of the screechin' moonbats of the left.

Posted by Tiger at June 2, 2004 10:34 AM

Marvin needs a remedial composition class....

Posted by: Susie at June 2, 2004 11:08 AM

For starters, Susie. For starters.

Posted by: McGehee at June 2, 2004 11:18 AM