August 24, 2004

There ain't nuthin' to report

Ya thought I was joshin'? End of report.

Posted by Tiger at August 24, 2004 12:04 AM | TrackBack

Oh, Tiger. Sometimes it does feel like the blogworld is passing you by - I know. Without readers, it is like sports with no onlookers. Fans make the game, they do.

I know! Sex! Sex, religion or politics - any of which will suck in an occasional stranger.

Maybe beer...

ShinerBudMillerCoorsCoronaTecatePacificaRollingRockJaxLoneStar PearlFlatTireBohemianGirlHeiniekeDoEquis...

Are you smiling, yet?

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at August 24, 2004 01:44 PM

I must admit that your comment did definitely bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much.

Posted by: Tiger at August 24, 2004 07:50 PM