October 07, 2004

Sing along with me here -- If I had a headache . . .

It hit me right behind the eyeballs. I blame it on the weather and the mold allergy with which I am afflicted. I think I tol' ya'll bought that crazy side effect I get when I take antihistamines, right? The thing where I am unable to fall asleep durin' the night? I got too much planned over the next several days -- I don't need to be groggy. Rain, rain, come and stay, come and wash mold spores away. Arrrrrrrgh! See what it made me do? walk like an Egyptian talk like a pirateIf there was ever a time when I wanted to lay down with a cold rag across my forehead!

Posted by Tiger at October 7, 2004 02:57 PM

I'll sing along. Is it to the tune of 'If I Had a Hammer' ??

Hope you're feeling better soon -- I've got a nasty headache also.

Posted by: Cindy at October 7, 2004 05:38 PM