October 07, 2004

You could tell he didn't have his best stuff tonight

I wanna thank James at OTB for makin' me one of the stars on tonight's marquee. From the latest count, that mention nicely garnered me 20 visitors by latest count. Hopefully they read the blurb, liked what they saw and will come back often for more zany, unpredictable snarky inaniac stuff on a daily basis.

Jes' returned home from local county Repub Club get-together and it was a fine gatherin' of people, gladhandin' and passin' stuff around, much like groups of bloggers do all the time. The biggest push from almost all speakers was to assist our local Republican Congressional candidate in beatin' the popular Democratic incumbent. We were warned to explain to ever'one he talks a good conservative story while campaignin' but votes with the liberals the majority of time while in Congress. I liked the guy who said votin' for the Democratic Congressional candidate while votin' for Bush was like votin' against Bush. Heavy and heady stuff, politics.

I am zombied to the max from the double whammy of antihistamines I took so as to rid myself of the headache I mentioned in my previous post. Although I know that I will not be able to fall asleep, they do make me drowsy, urgin' me to go to bed and close my eyes. At least that is restful. I cannot think of a good reason why I shouldn't, therefore I shall. Navel failed to timely object, so I move we close this post. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at October 7, 2004 09:01 PM