November 17, 2004

What those liberals won't do to insure Hilary's election

It seems that one of the socialist* barkin' moonbats is askin' Osama Bin Laden to wipe out a substantial number of Bush backers with his next attack and advisin' him where the best places to do so would be.

Fly a Cessna into the stands of a NASCAR rally. Put a suicide bomber on the Arch in St. Louis. Drive a truck-bomb into the Grand Ole Opry. Release anthrax at an Astros game. [source]
The idjit was too skeered to use his name.

I am gonna wish a boatload of Kudos on Improved Clinch for the pointer, and also advise those of ya'll that venture by way beyond the expiration date of the archives on The Stranger, that the letter, in its entirety, has been quoted in the linked Improved Clinch post. A slew of Kudos are also due to Dean, who seems to have fixed the template problems I noted on my last visit, for his Glenn Reynolds emulation which served to direct me to the Improved Clinch post.

*Ain't it funny how the Dems seem to be the only ones who don't understand that their standard domestic economic agenda is nuthin' more than pressin the US to become socialist, like Great Britain and Canada. I mean, when you believe ever'one is entitled to certain things whether they assist in the production of our GNP or not and expect that those who do contribute to our GNP pay the costs for the necessary provision of those entitlements by the government, then you create a socialist government.

Posted by Tiger at November 17, 2004 11:04 AM