November 17, 2004

A casual observation from the man's side of things

I was jes perusin' Serenity's Journal when I ran across this passage:

[W]hy is it that whenever you go to the store clad in a pair of sweats and pajama top thinking you’re just going to run in, get the milk and run out real quick, besides, it’s middle of the day, only old people and moms are shopping at this hour and you barely ran a brush through your hair, your face is going natural, but it doesn’t matter because really, hardly anyone is going to see you right.....that it is at that precise moment in time that a delicious looking guy passes you in the aisle looking fabulous. [sic] He makes eye contact, gives you a smile and you are mortified because you, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it was a congenial smile, know he’s taking mental notes of your current appearance and having himself a good inner laugh? [more . . .]
I don't know how many times I have to 'splain to ya'll gals that in such situations we guys ain't all that concerned about your outer accouterments so long as your outerwear sufficiently provides a general idea 'bout what you'd look like naked or 'least in your underwear. Women are the fashion judges of the world, whereas most men's minds are occupied with more 'portant thoughts usually related to their Cheneys.

[ADDENDUM: Speakin' of naked.]

Posted by Tiger at November 17, 2004 04:41 PM

I seriously doubt they'll ever 'get it' Tig, but that certainly doesn't mean it isn't true!


Posted by: Light & Dark at November 17, 2004 05:51 PM