November 17, 2004

Charlie Stenholm likely choice for next Secretary of Agriculture

I had mentioned to James in a comment to this OTB post earlier that I had heard rumors that Bush might choose recently ousted Texas Democratic Congressman Charles Stenholm as his next Secretary of agriculture, Mr. Stenholm, despite bein' a Democrat, has always been 'mong the more conservative of that party, represented a highly rural and agriculturally diverse section of Texas for three decades and has an extensive background in agriculture.

I was discussin' this same rumor with some of the others at my local Lion's Club luncheon today and one of the members said he knew that Stenholm had been unofficially contacted by Bush's people about the job. I think he will be an excellent choice for the new Ag Secretary.

[ADDENDUM: Here I thought I had come up with somethin' new and find it was ol' news days ago. ~shrugs in mock disbelief~ Now I really feel like this.]

'member, you heard it here first!


Posted by Tiger at November 17, 2004 05:07 PM