November 25, 2004

This cannot possibly be meant for me

Your Thursday, November 25, 2004, Horoscope Taurus!
A struggle to maintain creative control over a project will pit you against an authority figure. This person thinks he or she knows it all. An old friend may arrive to save the day.
First of all, the only project in which I maintain creative control is my Alien Attitudes trilogy, and ain't no authority figure of which I am aware with enough power to wrest creative control of that from me. Secondly, no one could possibly have a greater belief that they know it all than myself, well 'cept that I do seem to have a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to space science crap. However, as I 'spect to remain homebound for the majority of this day, havin' any ol' friend drop by would be a most pleasant experience. If such ol' friend was also a chiropractor would make this an especially miraculous day.

If any of this actually plays out, I will share such with all of ya'll in the Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™.

Posted by Tiger at November 25, 2004 10:24 AM