DavidMC issued a challenge over at Better Livin' Through Bloggin' and I had to give it the ol' college try:
In a year filled with an electoral ruckus, a peloton of partisan liberal insurgents via this blog and that incessantly railed against the incumbent thereby constantly eroding the sovereignty of the nation, and yet, nature cared not as Hurricane Ivan roared ashore more than once, every cicada buzzed according to plan, and, in the most natural occurrence of all, my mind envisioned the joyous defenestation of Michael Moore from the top floor of a very tall building.*A spork is a spork, o' course ... and one goes to the first person who correctly identifies the source of the quote used in the title. Posted by Tiger at December 2, 2004 09:07 AM
That's what happened when the Devil went down to Georgia, at least according to Charlie Daniels.
I told you once, you son of a, um, spork.
Dang, CG, I laughed so hard I popped a rib outta place! ;)
Posted by: Tig at December 2, 2004 03:57 PM