December 02, 2004

Hangin' ten five* on a wild surfin' safari through the blogosphere

  1. One of the funniest things goin' round the internet, both on blogs and via email, unattributed,** of course, seems to be a Nov. 16 column by Joe Blundo in the Columbus Dispatch. In part, reportin' on the massive flight of liberals across the Canadian border, he wrote:
    In the days since the election, liberals have turned to sometimes-ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have taken to posing as senior citizens on bus trips to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans disguised in powdered wigs, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizen passengers. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we get suspicious about their age," an official said.
    That test seems pretty harsh, though, 'cause I am an actual grey-headed guy and ain't sure I could pick Lawrence Welk, himself, outta of a lineup. [UPDATE: I musta really liked this column 'cause this is the second time I posted on it.]

  2. For whichever one of your relatives that cusses other drivers a lot when they are drivin' to and fro, here is that perfect Christmas gift. If'n ya ain't wantin' ta click that link and wait for a bunch of graphics to load up to show ya the whole product line, here is a quick popup that will give ya a 'zample. 'Course, if ya want the deluxe model, I can design cards to say whatever ya want, and for the right price, I'll put 'em on Kevlar® backin' for use in reflectin' the returnin' gunfire. Spork award: Sweetpea's baby sister? Testypea

  3. Susie has prepared her letter to Santa. One of the items she requested was world peace, but don't ya think she showed a bit of a selfish streak when she added this item?
    I need a new "Mystery Date" because the one you brought me in 1969 has finally worn out. (Poindexter was the only date left anyway!).
    I mean, how is Poindexter gonna get a date now? He was havin' a hard enough time when he was the only choice other than turnin' lesbian.***

  4. Methinks Ted and John are beggin' for Scooby snacks. 'Course, when it comes to the cartoon babes, who could ever resist Big Ethyl? I mean other than Jughead Jones.

  5. From my wave runnin' here and there along the heavy surf of the Blog Explosion coastline, it 'pears to me that the hottest meme goin' is Genuine's
    I just gave each of you $10 Million dollars to do anything with it you would like. You can blow it all or set long term goals for your future. You are a Genuine Millionaire. Now tell me what you would do. You can put it here in comments or post it on your own site. I really am curious about how you are going to spend your money. Give us all a peek. Invite us into your Walter Mitty world.
    I'd like to give it a go, but not right now. I am too busy tryin' to stay on this board.

*Oops, had to cut this adventure short cause some very sweet person gifted me with 4:00p.m. tickets to the Cirque du Soleil. [footnote addendum: I had to go to the office to access and print the files transferred to me via gmail, which, due to a firewall or whatever, I cannot access from the office. Upon printin' out the tickets, I found that they were actually for tomorrow afternoon -- which is a very good thing.]

**See the comments.

***The statistics regardin' the number of young ladies who opted for a change in sexual orientation so as not to be forced to date Poindexter are skewed and, unRatherlike, I won't publish material which cannot be fully autheniticated, Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

Posted by Tiger at December 2, 2004 01:33 PM