December 08, 2004

Dec. 8, 2004 [R.I.P. John]

Well, here we go again with a nice set of links to point out those nuggets of wisdom and gems of humor that I have found here and there through my blog surfin' adventures. All links open in new windows, so feel free to click and read ... the list will be awaitin' your return. Now, for your readin' pleasure, the proprietors of Read My Lips are proud to present:

  • blogoSFERICS: Unintended Consequences 101 talk 'bout cuttin' off somethin' to spite somethin' or somethin' like that.
  • WorldNetDaily: Angels photographed over nation's capital? Angels? They'll do anythin' to dispell UFO sightin's these days, won't they? Feste deserves a much needed sporkin' it seems.
  • Rodney Olsen posts 'bout a study which he believes shows that
    smoking makes you stupid.
    As a former smoker, myself, I see this statement:
    Smokers performed significantly worse in five different cognitive tests than did both former smokers and those who had never smoked [source]
    as sayin' that there was jes' some severe jonesin' for nic sticks goin' on, distractin' attention from the task at hand -- not evidence of stupidity. Oh, wait, ya do kinda do gotta be stupid to start smokin' in the first place.
  • Hey, Dude! Stick to the political stuff and leave the pointin' out the silly stuff to me.
and, lastly,
  • I received the subject poem of this page in my email, not properly attributed. Accordin' to the information that you will find here, it is sent 'round ever' Christmas, oft either unattributed or wrongfully attributed. Jes' so's ya know.

Posted by Tiger at December 8, 2004 10:30 PM

Smokin' di'n make me any stoopider.

Posted by: zombyboy at December 8, 2004 11:37 PM