December 09, 2004

'Twas a day like none other

Yep, such is so very very true. As far as I know, there has never previously been a December 8, 2004, at least not in this century. Now, I could be wrong, but I a purty sure that I ain't. I'd almos' be willin' to bet some money on it. ~egads! I plum' forgot to buy my lotto ticket~ 'Course, I ain't got no money and, willin' as I might be to bet, I'm sadly without the means to do so.

My navel did much better than my weenie wolf, today. I ain't real sure 'zactly what occurred, but I think he got whupped up on by a much bigger dog. That happens to him quite often, as he believes that he is a rottweiler. Duke is crouched at the back of his house lickin' his wounds, or, mos' likely, lickin' off the bacterial antiseptic that I used to doctor his wounds. I'm convinced that he definitely ain't feelin' well, 'cause I tried to give 'im a piece of left over hamburger from my own dinner. He refused it even though I held it right in front of his nose. Normally such a treat would have been snatched so quickly from my hand that I'd be forced to check that I wasn't missin' a finger or two.* I've continually checked on him, though, and he 'pears to be improvin' hour by hour. I 'spect he'll be back up and ready to fight pit bulls soon.

My navel couldn't fight its way outta a knit sweater. I know. I got it firmly confined within one as I pen this tiny tome. End of report.

*Though rare, he has, on occasion, errantly** bitten the hand that feeds him.

**I have had reason to question his motivations with regard to a couple of incidents.

Posted by Tiger at December 9, 2004 12:04 AM

You need to talk to my mom all day yesterday she told me it was Thursday it matters not how many times I told her no mom it is Wednesday, December 7th so she will tell you how wrong you are.

Posted by: Vickie aka Sweet n Sassy at December 9, 2004 09:44 AM

Is it Thursday today?

All day I mean?


Posted by: Dean Esmay at December 9, 2004 11:08 AM