December 29, 2004

Is it sleep deprivation or jes' a case of mad beal disease??

Hmmm, I've been doin' a bit of surfin' 'round here and there, but it seems that there is not much of any interest to be found this day. Then again, a huge cornucopia of interestin' stuff may exist to be found out there somewhere 'round the blogosphere and I jes' ain't found it or it could be that I have found it and found that it is jes' not for me. Oh, it could definitely be somethin' like that, after all, I did have one of those weird sinus-medication-induced sleepless nights where I jes' laid in bed wishin' I could fall asleep. Now I'll jes' have to work hard so as to see my way through a thoroughly yawn-filled day. I am a bit blue, too, and could use a bit of cheerin' up. Here's a question for which no amount of Google searchin' could disclose an answer: Can a McDonald's "Happy Meal" really make ya happy?

Posted by Tiger at December 29, 2004 11:43 AM

Only if you're between 3 & 6 years old--i.e,, when a happy meal can make you happy.

Posted by: Susan at December 29, 2004 12:31 PM

No. (Can a Happy Meal make you happy?)

Trivia for the bored Unix Geek: Why is the ethernet interface on lots of Sun boxes labelled 'hme'. The earlier ethernet device was 'le' (Lance Ethernet).

Ans: It stands for Happy Meal Ethernet - so called because it is **CHEAP** and would make customers happy :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at January 4, 2005 04:13 AM