December 30, 2004

A pleasant journey was made 'pon a pleasant day

Well, I answered my own question. I discovered that a "Happy Meal" does not make you happy, at least at my age, 'cause I would have gladly traded that gigantic and ghastly lookin' toy for one of those apple pies. Not sure what to say 'bout the burger. 'Tweren't a Big Mac, but then, to tell ya the truth, a Big Mac is usually a bit much. The fries were ample for my needs. I dumped the DP in with the remainder in my refillable cup I carry 'round with me almost all the time.

I did figger out what to do with that toy. I gifted it 'pon Zane, that lovable child of Eric and TwoDragons from Who Tends the Fires. It shot paper pogs and his two-year-old little face lit up with delight as he watched his momma shoot those pogs out and he giggled like crazy as he ran off to retrieve them and bring them back for 'nother 'round of fun. They live in that mythical town, Tinyville, Texas, some distance from the tiny burg where I live. Tinyville is tiny burg jes' a bit further down the road, in a different place altogether, still, o' course, in Texas. Texas is a big place. I figger they live somewhere 'bout 2 and a half hours from me. A pleasant drive through 4 county seats with a few other towns in between. I had once playfully chided them 'bout havin' taken 'nother group to a particular local restaurant 'bout which they had raved, so, now havin' felt some pangs of guilt ever' since my mention of such, they now forced me to consume ample portions of delectable Tex-Mex that was o'so bueno. Muchas gracias, you two, for such a lovely repast.

Denita also allowed me to gaze 'pon the exquisite sculptures she did and I cannot describe how artistically talented my good friend, Denita TwoDragons, is. We then chatted a bit about it, o' course. I am still a bit up in the air 'bout my current plans regardin' it. I'd tell ya'll what it is, but then I would have to add an additional category for this post and such seems to be goin' a bit overboard since what I jes' had to say ain't all that important in the grand scheme of things. Ain't no use in upsettin' the payin' folks ... if ya get my drift. The sinus tablets had begun to wear off and my eyes were growin' very droopy. I checked the time and not able to think of anywhere more excitin' to be ... drove back home. I rolled in here some odd minutes after 11:00 pm and the time of this postin', though I can tell ya that midnight rang 'bout two paragraphs back.

I don't know why it's so, but I do some of my best thinkin' while simply drivin' down the road watchin' the white road stripes passin' by on a steady basis. I find the exercise to be mesmerizin' on occasion and the most delightful ideas come to mind. It is, however, damn hard to write all those great things down. And my thinkin' process does not always stray to'ard what I was hopin' to get worked out in my mind, either. I am not currently sure if I know what is 'zactly needed to get resolved 'mongst those rogue neurons runnin' 'round in my brain. The only thing I do know is that I am sensin' that somethin' is comin' to a head. My navel 'spects it's simply guilt from havin' procrastinated to such a great degree when I've got so much work that needs to get done. I simply wish that my navel could do the necessary work. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at December 30, 2004 12:39 AM

I used to write memos to staff, song parodies, speeches, and even poetry in the car while I was commuting to work. It's a wonder I didn't kill somebody. It's also a wonder I could read my writing when I got to the office.

Posted by: Susan at December 30, 2004 11:40 AM

If you ever come down this way I could take you to Harry's Cafe-De-Wheels (pie cart) :-)

About the only genuine Aussie cuisine in Sydney :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at January 4, 2005 04:41 AM