February 25, 2005

Now that's news [so they say]!

Man bites dog.howling dog.jpg

David Todd is accused of sinking his teeth into the animal's head in a busy street in Edinburgh.

An eyewitness told Lothian and Borders Police the 34-year-old dragged the bitch across the road before biting its head and kicking its body.

Todd is facing charges of breach of the peace and animal cruelty for the alleged attack earlier this month close to Edinburgh's Meadowbank Retail Park.

The eight-year-old labrador/retriever cross was taken into protective care by police and handed over to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. -- Source.

Posted by Susan R at February 25, 2005 09:05 AM

hmm. put the guy in a room full of hungry rotweillers.

Zeb Palmer, writes

Posted by: zebthepilot at February 25, 2005 12:19 PM