What's the rush! pass4sureJust what I thought.,OG0-081Why so pissed off? Someone got in your way!,MB6-509Let's see you do it.,1z0-036Is it too late? Can we make it?,642-873Same difference.,000-101Pervert! He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet.,000-252I'll be ready within five minutes.,70-630No use asking you.,000-874Are you through? !,650-621See? I told you! It's cold outside. I should have worn my jacket. See? I told you. It's a cold day.,920-221Can I go now!,250-365There's no other way.,BI0-112This isn't a laughing matter..
Posted by: Mirabelle274 at January 10, 2009 09:32 PMLooking for trouble. pass4sureHappens all the time.,646-204So that's how it is.,000-973that's great.,642-504You said it. I didn't.,642-446You're dreaming! In your dreams.,920-803I don't think so.,650-575I don't care.,642-586Do you have an opinion!,BI0-122Give it up.,70-298Let's go out again tomorrow night. Maybe another time.,642-426You're not wearing enough. It's cold out there.,HP0-J15What's so weird about that!,sy0-101Leave it up to me.
Posted by: Jane608 at January 13, 2009 02:05 AM