March 14, 2004

The last chapter .... I hope!

OK, I had to go back to the beginning to fix whatever was wrong in the Individual Entry Archive template that was makin' anyone who tried to comment go to some search page. I just pasted the default template from MT.ORG in, changed the .css link and then rebuilt all the Individual Entry pages and it went really fast. The first thing I did was make sure the comments were workin' and after seein' such were fixed, I decided maybe it was better to keep the Individual Entry Archives pretty slim. After all, there are now over 2300 individual pages, and all that eye candy was likely takin' up a lot of server space. I suspect that people come to these pages to read somethin' anyway. After tweakin' here and there so as to make my .css file fit with the default template I came up with what ya see, if ya are not on the front page. If ya are on the front page, hit the permalink and have a look. Or don't. I don't really care as long as things work, people can read what I write* and it looks well with the rest of the site. ;)

As for the rest of it, I saw enough commentin' on the small caps to tell me it was worthwhile to go back to traditional letters. I decided the main font was a bit small after eyein' it on my office system set at my standard resolution, so upped it a bit. I also put a background for on the link hoverin' just because I thought it went well with the light hover color. I think I shall rest now. Go home, as it is. When I was havin' so much trouble gettin' that first rebuild to go through, I came up here to the office so as to do the rebuild through my cable connection. It took 3 hours. That was a real big reason why I decided to trim the Individual Entry Archives to the bare minimum. I suspect that I am either short of server space or gettin' really close and what with all the extra traffic from rebuildin' all those files today, I am likely gonna get another surcharge bill from my hostin' service. Oh well. I would say some forkin' French term about that is the way the cookie crumbles, but I don't forkin'** speak French.***

*George, I must be worn out as durin' my proof read I noticed I had typed in right there. Such would likely not be worth mentionin' 'cept I retyped wright when doin' the correction.

**Now surely no one will be offended with my use of the "F" word when referrin' to the French.

***I actually do know how to say the French phrase that I believe most appropriately deals with my situation, but I damn sure don't know how to spell it. ;)

Posted by notGeorge at March 14, 2004 06:24 PM

Good changes. Thumbs up from the zomby-like portion of the congregation.

Posted by: zombyboy at March 14, 2004 07:24 PM

Looks fantastic! :)

Posted by: Deb at March 15, 2004 11:01 AM