or so they say. I am doing well, other than fretting about the lack of contact from my publisher, and having too little free time or too little inclination to share those little tidbits about what is going on in my life or how I feel about things politically and otherwise, but felt this space was going to waste and there were people wondering if I was still alive so felt I could at least share some of the great photos Susan and I have taken here lately on our travels. If you like them, feel free to say so or not. If you wish to use them, feel free to do so. If you would like to have it in the original size, about 4 3 times as large as what is posted, drop me an email at the address under the unknown lady at the left and tell me which one and I'll be glad to send it your way via attachment.
As for content herein, leave it to say that I will post a pic from time to time, allowing the picture to impress you on the beauty I have seen with my own eyes. Just in case you don't know who Susan is, here is a nice photo taken of the two of us.
Recently visited London and was invited to visit an old friend at his club. It was interesting, to say the least, to see that there the law actually allowed no women to be admitted. It was beautiful: mahogany panels with safari trophies nearly everywhere you looked, nice, comfortable leather chairs and sofas to sit upon, and being waited on by nicely uniformed stewards. The only really downside, I found, was there I was ... sitting comfortably, sipping on a bottle of Guinness when the steward announced it was tee time, and I was without my clubs.
I made up this whole thing just to use the tea/tee time pun that popped into my head earlier today, sorry.
Well, been busy of late working with the illustrator we hired to do the illustrations for my soon-to-be published book, already self-published for those of you who were lucky enough to get your copy before I had to cease the sales, due to my contract with my publisher. Also, my day job has picked up a lot lately ... mostly just keeping me stressed out so much. I have spent most of my free time watching movies on TCM or playing Texas Hold'em at MSN gaming zone. As for blogging, I expect that in some time in the future, I might have something to share. Not reading much online, or elsewhere, not connected with either my job or my book, so suppose if you really have some news to share with me, it might be best to drop me an email. The addy is somewhere over there on the left column in a form to fool the address collectors running around out there in the ethernet. Side note to Denita, if she still drops by ... Susan shared the news she found on your blog and we are hopeful you all find your new digs pleasurable and your break from Tinyville as enjoyable as you'd hoped. Anyway, suspect there is very little interest from anyone in knowing much more, so I'll close for now and probably for several days, weeks or months. Watch your blogrolls and the list at Munuvia, never know when something actually gets posted here.
I was perusing the offerings on Turner Classic Movies and caught an "All-Colored Vaudeville Show" filmed in Black & White.
Last evening, as I rose from my (couch potato) chair, I felt what I believed to be a major charlie horse in my right calf. The pain was excruciating, making it extremely difficult to walk. Despite such, I made a valiant effort to do so -- thinking it was a simple muscle cramp I could walk off. It should have only been so easy. Next I tried a hot medicated bath, but found relief neither in nor after a long relaxing soak. Thereafter, I applied two topical agents designed to relieve muscle pain without effect. Finally, I just hoped some cessation would follow a good night's sleep. However, I awoke to find myself still hobbled on my morning run to you-know-where. I first thought, having no pressing court dates for today, to just stay in. However, due to a scheduled trial for most of next week, I did have a very lot to do to rearrange my scheduling conflicts for that period. So -- reluctant as I was to do so -- I dressed and pulled on my cowboy boots, prepared to go meet my obligations. I stepped toward the door with my right foot, tensing against the pain that had accompanied every recent attempt, without any such sensation. After walking around all day wearing my cowboy boots, I was, when dressing down for comfort at the end of the business day, able to remove them and again able to walk around my house barefooted. I would never have thought a day's trek in pair of cowboy boots could possibly cure anything. However, I find that, thanks to my boots, I now stand corrected.
Two boys from the city were on a camping trip. The mosquitoes were so fierce the boys had to hide under their blankets to keep from being bitten. Then one of them saw some lightning bugs, and said to his friend: "we might as well give up, they're coming at us with flashlights!"
"A virus ate my homework." Our dogs took the blame when I was in school.
I developed an abscess this last weekend and went to see the dentist on Monday. Left with a basic script for antibiotics and codeine laced analgesics. Except for some severe nausea accompanying the codeine usage, little else changed, except the severity of my abscess developed. Medicated, in pain, or, as is most likely -- highly medicated and still in pain. To make the proverbial long story short: I have been less than my productive self this past week. At least that's my story this time around. It's real --- wanna send the tooth-fairy over my way?
The following is a response I received from an inquiry about a severely under-priced 2005 Mini Cooper I found for sale on Yahoo! Motors:
The Mini Cooper is in a perfect condition.It's a great car, my girlfriend is devastated that we have to sell it but we have to pay too much money for register it here,so we decide to sell it. My company have relations in States and I worked there for 2 years.I has the opportunity to buy it from there and bring it with me when I was back.The car was buyed from US, so it is US standards,so stay cool it́s perfect compatibile to your standards and you will dońt have to pay more duty taxes on it.And this is an impediment for me to sell it here caus, first, we have a different standards and second will be very expensive for me to register it here.I have to pay an very expensive duty taxes.The price for this car is $7.000USD. The car it is still register in States. What other info. would you like on it? It will be shipped from Athens,Greece and i will pay the shipping and insurance charges.I will do the arrangements for shipping from here. The original receipt and all remainded warranty information packet with enrollment number is included for you. If necessary ever I will assist you in getting warranty help; most people just dump it on you with a useless warranty. The payment will be done via secure pay which means that the third party will keep the money until you receive and inspect the car. I will wait for your email to let me know if you are realy interested in knowing more details about the purchase.Strngely, there were a couple of other severely under-priced Mini Coopers also listed and I requested further information regarding a 2002 model. The response:Thanks and have a great day.
Hello,To quote the German behind the tree: "Verrrrrrrrrry Interrrrrresting."First thank you for your email regarding my car. The car is in a perfect condition, the milage is accurate, no scratches, no damages, no hidden defects.Kept it in a warm garage. My boyfriend is devastated that we have to sell it but we have to pay too much money for register it here,so we decide to sell it.My company have relations in States and I worked there for 2 years. I had the opportunity to buy it from there and bring it with me when I come back.The car was buyed from US, so it is US standards,so stay cool it́s perfect compatibile to your standards and you will dońt have to pay more duty taxes on it. And this is an impediment for me to sell it here cause,first, we have a different standards and second will be very expensive for me to register it here.I have to pay an very expensive duty taxes.The price for this car is $8,000.00.The car it is still register in States.What other info. would you like on it? It will be shipped from Athens,Greece and i will pay the shipping and insurance charges.I will do the arrangements for shipping from here.The original receipt and all remainded warranty information packet with enrollment number is included for you. If necessary ever I will assist you in getting warranty help; most people just dump it on you with a useless warranty. I will wait for your email to let me know if you are interested in knowing more details about the purchase.
Best Regards
*If it seems too good to be true, look for a skunk in the woodpile.
I suppose it is a very sad testament that my current blogging efforts are directed more to daily deletion of those continued efforts of that morass of malignant vermin that crawl all over the web-- creating mischief wherever they go. I won't name names: the culprits are either aware of their own identities or are illiterate. Either way, such serves no worthwhile purpose. Then, again, neither do they.**
*Not to be confused, of course, with the hip-hop ensemble of the same name.***
**And, responsive to the dearth of output offered of late, many might likely hold the same opinion with respect to this blog.****
***What? You haven't bought our new album: Orchestrated Chemical Enhancement - the Penile Poems?*****
****Ya'll will, however, likely enjoy reading that to which my attention has lately been directed.
*****Banned in Tanzania, of course.
In lieu of several missed NNGR™s and such, allow me to explain that I am currently working on getting all the pieces of my book together so as to get it finally published. I have about six people just dying to read it, and several others who have promised to buy signed copies of it because they love me or want to love me, or something like that. I'm well, or not too far off of the mark if you consider everything I've gone through to get to this point of my life, and eating well. There are plenty out there whose lives are not going as well as mine, but I can assure you that could never work as hard to find fault with their lives as I do with mine.
Most of us would agree that a good teacher should also be a good role model. But how many times have we heard from teachers and maybe even from parents: "Don't do as I do -- Do as I say."
This parent, herself a teacher in a nearby school, arrived for an unscheduled and rather unorthodox parent-teacher conference which, by the way, also violated student confidentiality, since it was held in front of an entire class of seventh graders.
Paulette Baines, a North Dallas High School teacher, left her campus Friday morning and showed up angry and unannounced in the classroom of Mary Oliver at nearby Travis.I wonder if the student who complained about her teacher to the counselor was proud of how her mother defended her. The sad part is that there are those who blame the school's lack of sensitivity for black students for this parent's outburst. While the student alleged that she and another black student had been singled out, Ms. Oliver saidThe police report says Ms. Oliver was sitting at her desk when Ms. Baines walked into the room and grabbed her by the hair. She hit Ms. Oliver in the face repeatedly with her fist and dragged her across the floor as the class of seventh-graders watched. Ms. Baines also kicked Ms. Oliver several times in the side while she was on the floor.
that she had not singled out any of the girls but had told them "y'all" need to get back to class.
The trigger on this incident apparently was pulled earlier that morning. Ms. Oliver has said she saw Ms. Baines' daughter and other girls in the hallway at their lockers during class. She told them to get back to class. Ms. Baines' daughter got upset and went to the school counselor, who called Ms. Baines.Neither teacher could be reached Monday. I was told that Ms. Oliver was asleep and recuperating at home from her injuries. Ms. Baines has been charged with assault.
On Sunday, Ms. Oliver told reporter Margarita Martín-Hidalgo that she had not singled out any of the girls but had told them "y'all" need to get back to class.
Some parents say race may have played a part.
I talked to Rossi Walter, who is black. He serves as president of the Dallas Council of PTAs and happens to have children at Travis.
Mr. Walter told me that he spoke with Ms. Baines, who is black. Here, in a nutshell, is what she told him:
Ms. Baines' daughter and a friend, who is black, were in the hallway during class. Ms. Oliver, who is white, directed them to get back to class but ignored a white girl who also was in the hallway in violation of school rules.
Let me stress that no one has established what role race may have played in Friday's incident. Ms. Oliver had taught science to Ms. Baines' daughter in past years. So, maybe there was a history there that had nothing to do with race.
But racial tension has plagued Travis since it opened in 2001 in Oak Lawn.
"It was foreseeable that something like this would happen," said Kenneth Walker, a black lawyer and parent of a Travis child from 2001 to 2003.
More than two years ago, I met with Mr. Walker and other black parents about their concerns that white administrators and teachers at Travis were not sensitive to black families and children.
They said they believed their children were treated differently when it came to grades and other forms of academic recognition.
"They put their heads in the sand instead of taking positive steps to address our concerns," said Mr. Walker, who described the Travis campus as "hostile territory" for black families.
Travis is a magnet school for academically talented kids. Kids apply for admission based on test scores, grades and recommendations. Competition is tough. The student body is evenly divided between black, white and Hispanic students. But the teaching staff is overwhelmingly white – 70 percent in the elementary school and 75 percent in the middle school.
At a school like Travis, where excellence is the goal, there's a lot of talk about who can cut it academically and who can't. Sometimes, the talk turns to students who should return to their less-than-rigorous neighborhood schools.
To Mr. Walker and other black parents, it seems that the question of belonging and ability was asked too often about minority students.
Mr. Walter, the PTA president, said he believes some white teachers have unconsciously created the impression that they expect less of black students than white students. The result is less faculty attention and interaction with some black students, he said.
"I don't think it's racism, but I can see how some people might see it as racism," he said.
Mr. Walter described Ms. Oliver as a strict teacher. For the record, he said his son had a good relationship with her when they were student and teacher.
The source of the violence at Travis on Friday morning must not be written off as just another isolated incident, Mr. Walter said.
I wanted to ask Mari Smith, Travis' principal, whether it's time for a serious, extended dialogue about race at Travis. And whether she believes more minority teachers are needed there. Or whether she and her bosses think yet another sensitivity training course will do the trick.
She declined to be interviewed Monday.
Even though I'm not a Catholic, I am mourning the death of a great Pope. RIP John Paul II. You showed the world what a Pope could truly be and set a great example for all those who follow.
If a grilled cheese sandwich with a purported "Virgin Mary image" sold for $28,000, perhaps the pet-store owner needs to put this one on E-Bay:
An Indiana pet store owner says he sees the image of Satan on the shell of a turtle that was the only survivor of a store fire in October.The palm-sized red-eared slider turtle, named Lucky, was the only animal to survive the fire at Dora's A-Dora-ble Pet Shop in nearby Frankfort, about 40 miles northwest of Indianapolis.
Owner Bryan Dora now says he sees Satan's face on the critter's shell. He can spot lips, eyes, a goatee, shoulders and a pair of pointy horns on Lucky's back.
"The marking on the shell was like the devil wanted us to know he was down there," Bryan Dora said. "To me, it's too coincidental that the only thing to come out unscathed would have this image on it."
In animation, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are four wise-cracking, teenaged, pizza-scarfing cartoon turtles who fight the forces of evil from their neighborhood sewer hangout.Or did he make a deal in order to survive the fire?
Conversation overheard between 4-year-old and his 5-year-old sister:
Him: This really sucks.Then there was this ass.Her: Yes, it sure does.
Mother: Will you two kids please quit playing with that vacuum cleaner?
OK, before ya get the notion this has anything to do Vonage and the stupid things that people do, it doesn't. At least, it doesn't have anything to do with Vonage, but saying it doesn't have anything to do with stupid people may be a bit untrue. After all, there are those who consider me to be just a few, or maybe more, dependent thereby on the opinion-holder in question, wrinkles short of having a fully stocked mental department in my neighborly cranial cavity. There are some who think I am crazy, others that call me eccentric, and some that wonder from what planet I came. One thing for sure that can be said about me, though, is that I am a finalist in this month's Blogging for Books contest.* Is it OK if I say my woohoo now?
Speaking of books ... it appears that there is a certain 9-year-old who is eager to read my book.** I had submitted it for her review, along with a request that she return the favor and allow me to see the book she is writing about her dog's adventures. Last evening, I got a return letter saying their version of Word was not compatible with the file I sent. I converted it to an earlier version of Word and resent it. I have not gotten any confirmation that it was received.
While we are here, let me bring up a point to all of ya'll. I really cannot understand why everyone prefers MS's Word to Corel's WordPerfect. I can write something in WP12 and open it in WP6 without any difficulty. Any company that can update their product and yet do such so that earlier versions of that same product can utilize any information produced thereon is worthy of popular support. I'm just saying, you know. However, if anyone at Corel wants to thank me, send me a check, or buy me a Cooper Mini, please do feel free to do so. That actually goes for the rest of you, too, especially the part about buying me a Cooper Mini.
*Moona called me a moment ago and when I told her I'd made the cut, said that she wanted to post about it. She said she say:1. And it came to pass that Tiger was anointed as a Prince in the Kingdom of Zero Boss. 2. And Tiger was exceedingly glad. 3. With bright countenance, he began his journey to the 2005 Texas Blogfest.
I, of course, beat her to the punch by posting this.***
**Of course, we are speaking of Alien Attitudes: Alura Allen, Alien at Large. Read the Alien Attitudes™ Archives for more information.
***I was able to mention that I was amenable to receiving gifts****, as well. I am, however, in desperate need of a new Cooper Mini. These gas prices are killing me.
****I failed to mention herein that I was soon heading to the 2005 Texas Blogfest, but I have a few other tasks to which to attend prior to my departure. I was hopeful of making that announcement on a more timely basis. It does, however, enhance the telling of the event to have used her manner of presentation.
I was just watching a show on the history channel about cannibalism. One paleontologist stated that not a single paleontologist was on record as having personally witnessed any acts of cannibalism. I suspect that to actually mean that none have lived to tell about it.
These definitions are provided courtesy of Ain't It Amazing.
- Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.
- Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.
- Abdicate (v.),to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
- Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.
- Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.
- Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.
- Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.
- Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavored mouthwash.
- Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.
- Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
- Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.
- Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a proctologist immediately before he examines you.
- Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.
- Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist.
- Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck there.
- Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.
OMG! I just saw the blurb for "The Passion: Re-Cut." This one ends differently. Jesus gets eaten by a T-Rex.
After dining in Chinatown, does an unfortunate man receive a fortune cookie without a fortune?
When you bite the bullet, do you take it out of the gun first?
DigitalCatharsis: Antarctica Blog? found via Jennifer
*Ya might surprisingly find yourself wishing to have quite a long and intimate adventure with the Mighty Jimbo once things get under way.
A man is stumbling through the woods, totally drunk, when he comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river. He proceeds to walk into the water and subsequently bumps into the preacher. The preacher turns around and is almost overcome by the smell of alcohol, whereupon he asks the drunk, "Are you ready to find Jesus?"The drunk answers, "Yes, I am." So the preacher grabs him and dunks him in the water. He pulls him up and asks the drunk, "Brother have you found Jesus?"
The drunk replies, "No, I haven't found Jesus."
The preacher shocked at the answer, dunks him into the water again for a little longer. He again pulls him out of the water and asks again, "Have you found Jesus my brother?"
The drunk again answers, "No, I haven't found Jesus."
By this time the preacher is at his wits end and dunks the drunk in the water again --- but this time holds him down for about 30 seconds and when he begins kicking his arms and legs he pulls him up. The preacher again asks the drunk, "For the love of God have you found Jesus?"
The drunk wipes his eyes and catches his breath and says to the preacher, "Are you sure this is where he fell in?"
Maybe if I apologize, you won't sue me.
[A] 1999 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine ... said the VA policy [apologizing for mistakes and offering compensation] "seems to be the rare solution that is both ethically correct and cost-effective." - source
I lived in a town where they had a rattlesnake roundup for twenty-two years, but I never liked to look at the snakes, much less hunt them.In late winter, 88-year-old Edna McDonald dons a camouflage jacket over her teddy-bear embroidered shirt, grabs her purse and her rattlesnake tongs and heads out on the hunt. January and February are snake-hunting season for McDonald. It's been that way since she started handling the creatures as a babe like some Hill Country Hercules. -- Source
But snake-hunting does appeal to some. (Read Snakedance, one of Tig's original short stories.)
Deep in the cave, a half-dozen rattlesnakes were curled up, hibernating. With the giddiness of a tomboy and a wink or two at the onlookers, she slid a long sprayer into the den while Kuzenka pumped in gasoline from a two-gallon drum to tease them out. The chemical smell wafted through the dank air.As the snakes, one by one, slithered out of the rock, she and Kuzenka, armed with long-handled tongs, grabbed them behind their heads, lightly enough not to snap their vertebrae. The rattlers started vibrating, and soon the snake bucket — a small, tightly meshed cage — was buzzing like a forest full of cicadas.
In two weeks she will deposit the snakes into a giant pit at the Oglesby Rattlesnake Roundup, a kind of sensational, old-style carnival where, among other daredevil stunts, one couple will climb into a sleeping bag with dozens of snakes. If McDonald's snakes are among the longest, or the shortest, or the heaviest, she will win a cash prize.
Eventually she will sell the snakes, at about $3.50 a pound, to a man who markets them as a delicacy to Dallas country clubs. McDonald has tried rattlesnake only once, and she was unimpressed: "It tastes like a cross between chicken and fish."
Roundups under fire
The practice of collecting snakes with gasoline and the roundups themselves, which also are found in Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Alabama and Georgia, have been criticized by animal rights and environmentalist groups.The Humane Society claims that the number of livestock deaths from rattlesnake bites is negligible, points out that rattlesnakes control rodent populations and describes the roundups as "cruel and ecologically damaging events" that "violate the most basic principles of wildlife management and humane living."
Investigators have witnessed the shutting of snakes' mouths with wire or fishing line so they could be used as props in photos.
At least a pair of roundups in Texas have closed in the past couple of years as the number of hunters has dwindled, said Chris Hamilton, a Dallas photojournalist who is working on a book about the fading culture of the Texas rattlesnake roundups.
"These little roundups were the identities of these towns," he said. "That was their spring festival that gave people a reason to have a parade or a dance."
McDonald simply says her work saves cattle and horses from debilitating bites.
"What we do is we try to do everything to help the rancher. They're the people who grow groceries, they grow our meat," said McDonald, who was "burning up" when she was told she needed a permit to sell the snakes last year.
The state requires any person possessing more than 25 rattlesnakes for commercial sale or trade to buy an $18 nongame permit.
"I don't know what's happened to our Texas," she said."After a while you'll need to have a permit to have sex."
This is not a beautiful mountain range.
Said the Little Lady to the guys in the band, "We did not invite the 'wretched refuse of your teeming shore,' and we're suing!"
Owners of the Chicago's Little Lady tour boat are the latest to file a civil lawsuit against the Dave Matthews Band, claiming human waste from the rock band's tour bus was emptied from a downtown bridge into the Chicago River -- right in the path of the watercraft.
Children, senior citizens, persons with disabilities and a pregnant woman were drenched by the "foul-smelling, brownish-yellow liquid" in the Aug. 8 incident, according to a suit filed by the vessel's owner Wednesday in Cook County Circuit Court. Mercury Skyline Yacht Charters Inc. is seeking compensatory damages in excess of $50,000 and punitive damages in the amount of $5 million in four separate counts, allegations the illegal act of dumping the waste interfered with the vessel's business that day and beyond.
It seems that the executives of Michelin
were having a brainstorming session, and somehow associated the word "gastronome" with automotive products.
I remember when "recommended by Duncan Hines" was a coveted award to be displayed by restaurants, and I never had a problem understanding why.
But how did the Michelin Man get in the act?
(I heard that his cousin is the Pillsbury Dough Boy.)
Here's my take on how to make a better ipod: add breasts.
The news came yesterday:
Supermarket giant Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. (WIN), which has struggled to compete with Wal-Mart Supercenters and other grocery chains, said Tuesday it has filed for bankruptcy reorganization. Its shares tumbled. - Source.Perhaps the dog should have been named Wal-Mart. Reviews for the movie are not too good:
Apparently, this movie is based upon a beloved children’s book, or least that’s what the ads keep stressing, but frankly, until this movie came along I’d never heard of it. I can only suggest, that if the book really is beloved, you’d be better off reading it than watching this "dull as watching the grass grow" movie version. - Source.
The four largest television networks in the United States, are NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox.
Quick, what's the fifth largest network?
According to Wal-Mart and to an agency that handles its ad sales, the TV operation captures some 130 million viewers every four weeks, making it the fifth-largest television network in the United States after NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox. - Source.
I don't think that banana dog would approve.
The New York Times article explains why Wal-Mart is spending so much on a TV network.
PEARLAND, Tex. - Here in the Houston suburbs, Banana-Vision has arrived. That's the industry nickname for the 42-inch high-definition L.C.D. monitor installed directly over a pyramid of bright yellow bananas in the produce section of the local Wal-Mart store.This TV screen and others scattered through the store are part of the Wal-Mart TV Network, a Web network of in-store programming that the company started in 1998. These days it shows previews of soon-to-be-released movies, snippets of sports events and rock concerts, and corporate messages from the world of Wal-Mart, including some intended to improve its battered public image.
But the principal reason for Wal-Mart TV is to show a constant stream of consumer product ads purchased by companies like Kraft, Unilever, Hallmark and PepsiCo. And little wonder. According to Wal-Mart and to an agency that handles its ad sales, the TV operation captures some 130 million viewers every four weeks, making it the fifth-largest television network in the United States after NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox.While other retailers have experimented with in-store television, Wal-Mart's network, which is available in almost all its 2,600 locations, is the most extensive. The company, eager to promote it, is upgrading its broadcasting plans and equipment.
"It's sort of a neat idea," said Beatrice White, a Houston resident who said she bought bananas every time she went to the store, but had just noticed the screen above them. "I just walked up here and I was looking at it. I think if you've got children with you, it would entertain them."
Armando Rivera, a Wal-Mart worker who was shopping after his shift, said the programs included sports from time to time, and "sometimes I'll stand and watch it for a while."
Late last year, the company hired Nielsen Media Research to evaluate its network (Nielsen does not regularly measure Wal-Mart TV viewers the way it does with the broadcast networks). The study found that shoppers watched Wal-Mart TV an average of seven minutes a store visit, 44 percent longer than in a similar study in 2002.
That growth has caught the eye of marketers that in the age of TiVo and proliferating cable channels are searching for other ways to send their messages to an increasingly hard-to-reach consumer.
According to Wal-Mart's rate card, advertisers pay $137,000 to $292,000 to show a single commercial for a four-week period, depending on the length of the ad and the number of stores where it is shown.
PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division has been bulking up on its ads in Wal-Mart for the last five years, said Haston Lewis, a vice president at Frito-Lay.
"From a marketing standpoint," Mr. Lewis said, "we want to be on the cutting edge of identifying and leveraging the most effective vehicles to capture consumers. The reality is unlike 40 or 50 years ago, more and more of your customers are shopping at Wal-Mart. So they have become a new medium to reach consumers."
As part of Wal-Mart's TV upgrade, some 600 of the 42-inch screens are to be installed by December and eventually every store will have them. The monitors they are replacing were one step removed from 1960's models, able to broadcast color but bolted high above shoppers' heads and easily overlooked.
And the company plans to tailor its broadcasts more specifically to areas of its stores - like electronics, produce or deli - and to individual stores, based on regional tastes and situations.
The placement of the wide, difficult-to-ignore screen at the store near Houston in the last few months represents one part of Wal-Mart's effort to capitalize on its captive audience. In the produce aisle, the TV screen gets shoppers' attention, thanks to its big size and lighted face, and from speakers installed on the ceiling, which create a kind of pathway of sound that can make even focused buyers turn toward its source.
Across the way in the delicatessen area is another screen, with different programming, and on the other side of the store, in electronics, is another.
The power of televised distraction is clear.
"A lot of them are picking up bananas and not even looking at them," said Dale Koehler, the store manager, referring to his customers. "They're looking at the TV."
I was all set to blog about the bad start I was having to a beautiful day, weather-wise, where I found my problems were petty compared to the problems besetting our favorite dollar movie manager.
I ran into this homosexual acquaintance of mine at the post office. He had a really glum look upon his face. Some bad news had come his way and, I'm telling you, he did not appear to be all that gay to me.*
*I warned ya, I really did.
*I originally heard this story on the radio. The above link to the Yahoo rendition of the AP story was harvested from OTB.
Ants have four Prime Directives:Another major difference would be, since the blogger brain is much larger than the ant brain, the blogger does probably feel pain with much greater intensity.Out of those directives, some very interesting behaviour emerges:
- Look for Food
- If you come across green pheromone, follow it to the food ... otherwise, just wander around randomly
- Pick Food Up
- If you come across food, pick it up and turn around
- Bring Food Home
- Follow the pheromones home, dropping more pheromones as you go to reinforce the trail
- Drop Food Off
- Once you're home, drop the food off and turn around to get more
That sounds pretty bloggy! Once you translate some of the terms involved (ants = bloggers, food sources = articles/blog posts), it's not hard to reconfigure the ant rules into Blogging Directives:
- Ants quickly find the closest food sources, and work together to consume it
- Random scouts luck across food sources even though they are very far away
- The ants focus on the closest food sources, consuming them until they are all gone
The results are very similar:
- Look for News
- If you come across a link to a news story, follow it to the article/blog post... otherwise, just surf the web randomly
- Read News
- If you come across a news story, read it
- Blog News
- Blog the link, making sure to link to the blog where you first saw the link (attribution link = pheromone!)
- Drop News Off
- Once you're done, turn around to get more links on the same subject
There's one big difference between ants and bloggers (well, besides being self-aware). In the ant simulation, there were no new food sources. But in the blogosphere, content sites (and increasingly, weblogs) are constantly providing fresh articles to consume. It's this constant source of food which replenishes the blogosphere and supports so much blogging. - Source.
- Bloggers quickly find the most interesting news stories, and work together to cover/analyze them
- Random scouts luck across interesting news stories even though they far off the beaten path
- Bloggers tend to focus on the most interesting news story, covering them until there are no more angles or insights left
It seems that Canseco's new book has caused more commotion in the baseball world than occurred when he assisted the 1919 ChiSox to throw the World Series.
I thought I had it. I was twisting around like this. It grazed my glove, hit me on the head, and bounced over. I'll be on ESPN for about a month. - Jose Canseco.]
Banana dog is crying. He believes himself to be unloved.
Although it is Saturday, I suspect there are still a few surfing around the blogosphere, and the odds of one or two of you hitting this site is phenomenal. For the sake of science, why don't you leave a comment to let me know you were here. That goes especially for you, Kilroy!
The world is full of all kinds of people. Sadly, though, some are unkind. That is kind of sad, huh?
Yesterday I was having a little too much fun with the OTB™ Fun with Fiction Contest. Tig told me that I had sent in enough entries and needed to quit.
The goal is to change one letter of a book title so as to give the story an entirely new meaning. After the altered title, offer a one or two sentence explanation of the new story.But this morning I thought of another one that I wanted to share with you:
The Greatest Story Ever Sold - The story of famous author Terence A. (Tiger) Russell, whose publication of the short story "Snakedance" drew national attention to his talents. Subsequently, his Alien Attitudes™ trilogy, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 2006, was made into trio blockbuster movies.This book will be written in 2007 by Moona, president of his fan club.
[The basis of a motivational seminar which I attended a few years ago was that if you visualize the results that you want, you are likely to achieve them.]
Beware you dastardly villains! Here comes Ringoman.
San Francisco bans outdoor smoking
in all city-owned parks, public plazas and sports facilities except golf courses.It is unclear from a reading of this story whether the smoking ban includes the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
I have an idea!
I don't know what it is, but hopefully it will somehow brighten my outlook.
Time's a strange concept. Seems that at any given point in time, my brain seems not to be totally in the present, but instead engaging simultaneously in sidetrips to the past and future. As they so aptly said in the song, does anybody really know what time it is? And while time "keeps on slippin' into the future," it can also seem to be standing still when there's something that you're lookin' forward to.
TimeThere are many sayin's 'bout time, most of which everyone has heard time and time again.And an astronomer said, Master, what of Time?
And he answered:
You would measure time the measureless and the immeasurable. You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons.
Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch its flowing.
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.
And that that which sings and contemplates in you is still dwelling within the bounds of that first moment which scattered the stars into space.
Idioms: time flies when you're having fun -- time to timeWell, [deep thinkin' for a shallow mind], guess I'd better quit frettin' about this, since time is of the essence.Idiom * Meaning * Example
time flies when you're having fun time *goes quickly when you are playing, how time flies * He looked at his watch, yawned and said, "Time flies when you're having fun, eh."
Pink Floyd - Time(Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) 7:06
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way. Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I'd something more to say.
DOES ANYBODY REALLY KNOW WHAT TIME IT ISAs I was walking down the street one dayA man came up to me and asked me what the time was that was
on my watch, yeahAnd I said
Does anybody really know what time it is
I don'tDoes anybody really care
careIf so I can't imagine why
about timeWe've all got time enough to cry
Oh no, noAnd I was walking down the street one day
A pretty lady looked at me and said her diamond watch had
stopped cold, yeahAnd I said
Does anybody really know what time it is
I don'tDoes anybody really care
careIf so I can't imagine why
about timeWe've all got time enough to cry
Oh no, noAnd I was walking down the street one day
Being pushed and shoved by people trying to beat the clock,
oh no, I just don't know,
I just don't knowAnd I said, yes I said
People runnin' everywhere
Don't know the way to go
Don't know where I am
Can't see past the next step
Don't have to think past the last mile
Have no time to look around
Just run around, run around and think whyDoes anybody really know what time it is
I don'tDoes anybody really care
careIf so I can't imagine why
about timeWe've all got time enough to die
Oh no, no
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
- time is money
- time is valuable, time is equal to money
- Employers who pay hourly wages know that time is money
- time is of the essence
- it is important to work as quickly as possible
- make hay while...
- When you're paying $75 an hour for a lawyer's services, time is of the essence
- time off /
- days off work, holidays
- I've been working too hard. I think I need some time off
- time on your hand
- time to relax or do what you wish, time to kill
- If you have time on your hands, read the novel Fifth Business
- time out
- stop for a minute to discuss or plan
- We need a time out to look at the map. I think we're lost
- time ran out
- there was no more time allowed for the game etc.
- Time ran out before I could complete the exam
- time stands still
- everything seems to slow down or stop moving, slo mo
- When the towers went down, time stood still
- time to kill
- time to relax or rest, kill time
- We had some time to kill while the car was being repaired
- time to time
- time's a wasting
- we are wasting time, we should be working
- Time's a wasting. Let's finish our work and then rest
- time's up
- there is no more time for the test or game etc.
- The coach checked his watch and said, "Time's up. Stop running."
- times were hard
- it was a time of poverty, hard times
- It was 1850. Times were hard in Sweden then.
Have you ever tried to imagine how a mad cow acts?
Leading Canadian official wants cows massacredThe Globe & Mail
Friday 14th January, 2005Ralph Klein, Premier of the Canadian state of Alberta, has called for a mass slaughter of older cattle.Klein wants to convince consumers and Canada's trading partners that the domestic beef supply is free from mad-cow disease.
That kind of Draconian step would be aimed at the 1.76 million animals born before August, 1997, when Canada began to halt the widespread practice of feeding cattle protein made from the body parts of other cattle.
A mass slaughter has, until now, been an unthinkable prospect for Canada's cattle industry, since it would wipe out animals worth more than $1-billion before the start of the mad-cow crisis and which would still fetch upward of $350-million today.
But Mr. Klein said yesterday that talk has already started about a large-scale cull of cattle, after this week's discovery of the fourth case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in a Canadian cow.
'Personally, and from what I hear, is a cull necessary? The answer is yes. I think that the ranching industry will come to that conclusion and devise a way to achieve that cull,' Mr. Klein told reporters in Toronto, where he gave a speech to the Empire Club of Canada.
Several ranchers and a major industry group confirmed yesterday that a mass cull is indeed being discussed as a way to ensure that the U.S. import ban on shipments of Canadian cattle ends as scheduled in early March. But the Canadian industry's fight is about to get tougher, with the U.S. Senate confirming yesterday that it will hold public hearings next month to review the plan to reopen the border to Canadian cattle under 30 months of age. Cattle most likely to be slaughtered would not have been allowed into the United States under those changes.
Since May, 2003, three cattle that were born before 1997 in Canada have tested positive for BSE; just this week, an Alberta cow born in 1998 was found to have the disease.
That suggested Canada's supposedly tough new feed rules weren't followed and threw into question whether the United States would still open its border March 7 to young Canadian cattle and beef according to its current plan.
Officially, the Bush administration says it is 'on track' to reopen the border. But U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman has also made it clear that the United States will closely monitor the Canadian-led investigation into the possible source of the latest infection.
'We are going to send a team to Canada to help with the investigation,' Ms. Veneman told reporters. 'We will continue to investigate this process to determine if there are any different actions that need to be taken.
'Although the Senate does not have the formal authority to keep the border closed, it can provide a high-profile platform that could make it politically awkward for the White House to go ahead.
Already, the head of the Senate agriculture committee has signaled that he believes the latest case of BSE, in an animal born after the feed ban was put in place, is a problem. 'A second case in a month of BSE from a Canadian-born cow raises some serious questions regarding Canada's compliance with its feed ban,' Republican Saxby Chambliss said. The agriculture committee in the House of Representatives is expected to begin a similar probe.
Ottawa is worried that the discovery of another infected cow will bolster the arguments of protectionist U.S. forces and put pressure on the U.S. government to reconsider the resumption of cattle shipments.
'[People] are still concerned about the possibility of the lobby on the Hill putting pressure on the U.S. government to back step,' said one senior federal official.But the optics of a mass cull could be a problem. Television images of mass burials and piles of burning carcasses in Britain were a potent and constant reminder of the BSE scare there in the 1990s. 'What I'm hoping to avoid is the idea of pits of dead cattle scattered across the countryside,' said Cindy McCreath, a spokeswoman with the Canadian Cattlemen's Association.
Some ranchers see a wholesale slaughter as a way to undermine the protectionist lobby in the United States. That support is firm, even though a mass slaughter would, at a minimum, mean sharply lower selling prices for each animal and could mean that carcasses would be disposed of without any payment. 'If it's that or the industry, let's take the haircut,' said Brent Stutheit, who has a 250-head herd in the foothills west of Red Deer, Alta.
One industry veteran said it is unlikely that the carcasses from a mass slaughter would be sold, since such an influx would overwhelm stockyards, slaughterhouses and freezers. 'We don't even have close to the facilities to do that,' said Will Irvine, general manager at the Calgary Stockyards.
Despite Mr. Klein's personal support for the idea of a mass slaughter, he is not yet proposing any payouts for the beef industry. A spokeswoman for Mr. Klein said it is 'far too early' to consider a compensation package.
Support for a cull is far from universal. 'Certainly Premier Klein has his ideas,' said Elizabeth Whiting, spokeswoman for federal Agriculture Minister Andy Mitchell. 'It's not something we are thinking about right now.'
Federal Conservative agriculture critic Diane Finley said culling 1.76 million old cattle would be a 'dramatic overreaction,' and her party is crunching the numbers to propose a more limited cull program. Among the provinces, Ontario said calls for a cull are premature, while British Columbia said a mass slaughter is not necessary at the moment.
Investigators from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency are now at the Alberta farm where the infected animal was found and have quarantined the herd. Twenty-two animals from the infected cow's birth cohort have been identified, and were killed yesterday morning so they could be tested for BSE. Test results are expected late tomorrow or on Saturday.
The agency said there was one spot of good news for Canada's cattle industry: Tests on nine animals from the birth cohort of the cow confirmed as infected in late December have all come back negative, confirming that those animals were healthy. The CFIA added that four additional animals were exported to the United States, rather than the single animal previously disclosed.
I jes' had the oddest phrase jump into my mind and am without a clue as to the cause:
Digital dalliances done dirt cheap.I guess that is the sort of stuff that happens when ya are strainin' your brain for great blog fodder 'cause ya jes' noticed ya ain't posted nuthin' since the navel had its last say.
*And ya'll thought we didn't pay attention to ya'll's demands.
Doin' a kamikaze laundry assault, where ever' piece of clothin', sheets, towels, whatever, which are not hangin' on a hanger or put away in a drawer are bein' washed, dried, and properly stowed away, 'cept this and that item that find themselves worthy of bein' completely discarded for some reason or 'nother ... which, by the way, with my proclivity of findin' almos' ever'thin' still has some use or 'nother, it is not often anythin' 'cept frozen-food wrappin's and paper towels finds its way into my trashcans. Although it is somethin' my own mother used to do, I still refuse to convert a worn-out pair of underwear into use as a dishrag. Well, that was the bell. Time to take the clothes outta the washer, throw them in the dryer, throw another load in the washer, and start another full cycle goin'.
Well, I tossed and turned all night, limped through court this mornin' and am back home to get a bit more rest. It was 22 degrees this mornin' and my house is cold, cold, cold, but I did do what I said I was gonna do. I stopped by Walmart and bought one of those hot oil radiators and have it heatin' up my bedroom as I am sittin' here in my full length leather coat in the ol' home office typin' this up. I am still in the midst of movin' stuff in and reorganizin' the rooms so as to work from home now. Gettin' sick was not in my plans, though. I jes' feel like the proverbial dog feces stuck on the bottom of you shoe. No matter what ya do, how hard ya try, ya jes' cannot shake it. It will stick 'round 'til it is ready to go away, or until it dries up and flakes off. Either way, I am headin' back to the warmth I feel under that double layer of goose down.
Like I needed that at 5:00 a.m. in the mornin'?
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? - JanisWhy? Jes' 'cause I can!
Does anyone but me remember the old Jax beer commercials---or even Jax beer? They were all animated, and they were all hilarious.
For example,
Scene: A bar in a city. Enter a little guy slightly resembling the current Ziggy, who talks with a lisp.or,"Thir? Thir?" he said to the bartender, whose back was turned preparing a drink. "I'd like thum Jax beer, pleathe."
"Yeth, ther," said the bartender. "Comin' right up!"
Next, enters a sexy blonde, who says in a whispery voice, "Bartender, please pour me a cold Jax beer."
With not a touch of a lisp, the bartender responded, "Why, certainly--Would you like anything else?"
Irate, the little man with the lisp comes alive. "Barthender, barthender! You're makin' fun of me!"
Calmly, the bartender says quietly to the little man, "Oh, no ther. I'm makin' fun of her!"
Scene: Bar in old western town. Enter a cowboy and his horse."Bartender, I want two cold Jax beers, one for me and one for my horse."
To which the bartender responded, "Sorry we don't serve beer to horses."
Before the cowboy could say anything, the horse turns around and says to the cowboy, "That's OK, pardner. I'm drivin' anyway."
I was jes' thinkin' how I'd like to have a threesome with Madonna and Jennifer Lopez. I figger that would make me famous . . . for at least the amount of time it would take for it to stream over your internet connection. Ya know ya would wanna see that --- and I ain't so narcissistic* that I think you wanted to watch it due to anythin' involvin' myself. Ya can almos' bet if'n it is ver' long, I am liable to be playin' the part of the snorin' man layin' on the other side of the bed as those two sluts are startin' to lick each other in all the familiar places.
*Now, there's a word that simply rolls off one's tongue.
Things really have changed in the last 100 years. Why, I read that 100 years ago, there were only 8000 cars in the United States.
The states of Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, & Tennessee had higher populations than California.
Even more shocking, I read that marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter. One pharmacist was quoted as having said, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives bouyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health." [Bouyancy???]
The average U S worker made between $200 & $400 per year. Dentists earned about $2500 a year, veterinarians between $1500 and $4000, and mechanical engineers about $5000.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea had not been invented.
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was 30.
Who wants a Pez dispenser when you can have a Poo-Pooing Reindeer.
Well, I dozed off while waitin' 'hind the chimney, hopin' to get the cross-hairs of my 30.06 trained on the shiney red nose of Rudolph. My hand really hurts, for some reason. I think Santa stepped on it while he was tryin' to step over me in order to slide down the chimney. My 30.06 is gone, as well. It was substituted with a paint-ball gun, fully-loaded with red and green paint-balls. Let's see if I can paint some kind of message in the white layer of crystaline frost that coats the earth:
As Tig told ya, I'm a small town gal. Hav been drinkin' Salty Dogs, so hope this is cohererent. Well, I used to live in a town so small that goin' to a nearbly town of about 15,000 was a real adventure. They even had a mall, but it wasn't much after the K-Mart closed), We didn't go much unless we jest had to. Traffic wuz real bad, ya know. Never went to Dallas & Fort Worth (Sodom & Gomorrah)! In the town where I usta live, there was a guy that had a fence made of old commodes. Really. They finally tore it down. It was a site to see. This town was in a rual county where the people thank that it's the center of the universe. My ex-in-laws never accepted me becuz I wasn't born there.
Well, I used to be a caseworker for what we used to call the Welfare Department. I could pretty much write a book about that.
After I worked there a few months, I realized that nearly everybody was kin to everybody else. There were some reel intersting folks.
In the beginning, I really thot' I was helpin' people. One family came in for Food Stamps. They had no income, no utilities turned on at all. I started talking to this couple. They had 2 small babies, both in diapers. Both drinking from bottles. A part of my interview for Food Stamps was to find out how they were managing.
"You have no money coming in at all?"
"So, the babies are wearing cloth diapers. How have you been washing them"
"Well, I have a wood stove. My brother-in-law, he cuts wood, and I use it in the wood stove. My brother brings us water. We heat the water in the wood stove, and we wrench the diappers in hot water."
"OK, the babies are drinking from bottles--How do you wash the bottles?"
"We wrench them in hot water--3 times (holding up fingers). You'd be surprised how clean they kum when you wrench them (holding up fingers) 3 times!"
"OK--what about toilet paper. You have no income--How do you buy toilet paper?"
(Tee-hee) "We use old groc'ry sacks."
So, management was explained. So I get this idea---Maybe we can get them a grant so that they can have their utilities turned on . . ..
"So, why does Mr. C----- not work?"
Mrs.: Why, he's disabled!!"
"How is he disabled?? Perhaps we can get disability AFDC for him."
Mr.: "I was bit by a poisonous bug when I was in the 3rd grade and could not go to school any more. I also have back trouble."
I wrote up all of the socio-economic information and requested a medical report from his doctor. The report from the local doctor came back: "There's nothing wrong with him--He just needs to be fixed."
I sent all of this in to State office, and they sent back a request for a psychological exam.
I called Mr. & Mrs. C----- in to set up the appointment to see a psychiatrist.
Mr. C------- became agitated and angry, beating on the desk: "I don't need no psychiatrist!"
I calmly stated, "Seeing a psychiatrist does not at all mean that you are crazy. They are just trying to identify any problems which might contribute to your not being able to work. You migh get a check if they find a reason why it is difficuilt for you to work.
" A check? OK --I guess I'll go."
The report came back that Mr. C----- was mentally retarded, and, in fact, eligible for an SSI check. The remainder of the family was eligible for an AFDC check, since the husband was disabled according to Social Security. So---The family finally had enough money coming in to have their utilities turned on. They had Medicaid, too. When they came into town to use the Welfare Department bathroom, all were wearing glassses and had some new clothes. I was so proud of myself for helping them.
Then the next month rolled around. Mr. C------- came into my office angrily, plopping down his gas, water, & electric bills on my desk. l
"How do you expect us to pay these bills on the little bit you give us each month.?"
I kwit that job not too much longer. Being a Walmart employee was much more fulfilling. But I visited that town not too long ago and found that there were a lot more families there with that name. Guess he never got fixed.
Well, I already have 'bout a dozen links that I harvested while surfin' this morn. I had been itchin' to post somethin', but still am jes' a bit appalled that after the severe creativity which I thought I had expressed in last eve's Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™ such 'pears to have gone completely unnoticed and is evidently uncommented 'pon. I always 'spect that posts go pretty well further unobserved by the masses of visitors that pass through on a daily basis after they fall from the top. People will often read bits and pieces of the first post, but rarely scroll down to the next one, etc. Although I am admittedly pattin' myself on the back by sayin' so, I really really hate seein' highly crafted and creative prose like that jes' wallowin' 'way, slowly driftin' toward existence as Google search fodder. Well, that was that -----
Now, pay 'tention to this. Tomorrow mornin', I am plannin' on drivin' cross the I-20 corridor toward Birmin'ham, Alabama 'fore joggin' northward into Tennessee. I am plannin' to drop in unannounced 'pon my sister and her family. I am makin' such known so that any of ya'll that might live 'long said corridor from Dallas, Texas to Birmin'ham, Alabama that might like to meet -- give me a holler. Seems that I did this when I went all the way to Key West, Florida, whenever that was, and didn't get hear a peep. Oh well. That was that, and this is this.
Oops, did I mention that Chris Muir snarked all over Wonkette today?
Have ya ever tried to download a 2.7MB Win '98 Critical Update over a 28.8K connection? I bet, if so, it was not done very recently. !5 minutes of usin' up all my bandwidth. I never know what the heck these things are 'spose to fix, but why was it broken in the first place? Oh, that's right, it's 'cause MS won't open source the code, right?
Did ya ever eat a bug? Not purposefully, I hope, 'less o' course ya was a contestant on Fear Factor.
Chase figgers if he can draw some pathetic cartoons like Frank J, he might move up in the blogosphere. I think he needs to get off of Blog*Splat first. ;) George, he is a Large Mammal, too? I guess I better join that Alliance of Free Blogs and get my link on about a zillion blogs. ;) Ain't that the one for which Susie does all the work?
Well, I was purty sure that the new look was done, at least for the main index page, but the .css file does not seem to be changin' the elements to reflect the new look. At least for me. I ain't never figgered out why I have more problem with .css displays than any other facet of site creation. Oh well. I guess I'll have a look-see in Firefox.
So, how do the rest of ya like the new sleek, and further simplified new look? This change was dictated by the Blog 'Splosion framin' I am encounterin' when visitin' other sites. With the various menus and then that frame header, I find I often see little more than a title graphic load by the time the 30 seconds runs. I redesigned so as to have the content displayed as near to the top of the page as possible. I like it and hope ya'll will too.
So, did you dress accordin' to plan today?
Spork to Wonkette.
Ever'where I turn while connected to the wild woolly web: blogs, email, and those pop-ups that slip in when I turn the danged pop-up blocker off in order to post little draft tidbits to use later in Nuggets and Gems, and there are more offers for free ipods than I can shake a stick at, mainly 'cause I ain't got no stupid stick and my wrists hurt so bad here of late that it is 'bout all I can do to shake the dew off the lily. I ain't even wantin' no ipod. I done tol' ya'll, I want my flyin' car.
Seems the left-leanin' barkin' moonbats ain't through findin' new ways to promote their socialist agenda: boycott of conservative businesses.
Your Friday, December 3, 2004 Horoscope Taurus!Actually, I love kids. I find their general innocence and naivety, along with that bit of natural curiosity they all seem to possess, to be so utterly fascinatin'. I jes' don't really see a downside in this daily forecast.More interactions with children are featured today. There could be an incident where you are stuck taking responsibility for someone else's child or children. Be sure to establish better boundaries with people who shirk their social obligations.
Is it jes' me or is hotmail fragged ag'in? I gotta Windows autoupdate this mornin' and ever since it downloaded and the 'puter rebooted, my hotmail has been haywire.
I'm wonderin' if this has anythin' to do with the problem. Prolly not, but I jes' had to ask.
DavidMC issued a challenge over at Better Livin' Through Bloggin' and I had to give it the ol' college try:
In a year filled with an electoral ruckus, a peloton of partisan liberal insurgents via this blog and that incessantly railed against the incumbent thereby constantly eroding the sovereignty of the nation, and yet, nature cared not as Hurricane Ivan roared ashore more than once, every cicada buzzed according to plan, and, in the most natural occurrence of all, my mind envisioned the joyous defenestation of Michael Moore from the top floor of a very tall building.*A spork is a spork, o' course ... and one goes to the first person who correctly identifies the source of the quote used in the title.
Don't ya jes' love it when someone steals your gag, twists it and ends up havin' done a better job than you could muster?
*I hope ya get to feelin' better soon!
Well, I ain't ever figgered out how they come up with these results, but:
You scored as Buddhist.
Religion created with QuizFarm.com |
I retrieved a glorious brand new spork for this award to Jay, who seems to be a fellow Buddhist but by his marks, is a bit lower on the reincarnation scale than myself. ;) Accordin' the marks I got, one would have to believe I might be the next Dalai Lama.
Well [artesian if ya really must know*], it is a brand new day filled to the brim with unknown new opportunities and the same ol' problems. Wouldn't ya think that someone whose profession is to continually deal with other people's problems would be properly equipped in dealin' with his own problems? Were ya aware, as well, that my profession also has, by a large margin, the highest suicide rate among professions? Why is that, do ya wonder? I could actually write volumes on it, very borin' volumes that you wouldn't want to read, wouldn't read, and I wouldn't blame ya for not readin' 'em.
No siree, on this fine bright, frigidly cold day, I ain't wantin' to dwell on those dark matters which so often come 'round to utterly suck the life out of me. ~why did I suddenly think of her?**~ I'd much rather think of those unknown opportunities, although I do wish that I knew what they were gonna be. I'd like to prepare to meet them. That way I could be ready to put my best foot forward, which would be my left one, as, for some reason, that boot always seems shinier. O' course, on the other hand, or is it foot, if the opportunity turned out to be givin' some worthy individual a good butt kickin', my best foot would necessarily be the right one. And, should the opportunity be somethin' involvin' a big pile of money, I 'spose either boot could carry as much of it as I could need. Speakin' of opportunity, does anyone really know what time it is? Ain't that highly dependent 'pon where ya live? I have a sneakin' 'spicion that is really a problem if ya live in Chicago or is in or ever was in a band by that name. So why don't ya jes' go put that in your Funk & Wagnell's and smoke it. Oh, George, is that ever' from the time a'fore most of ya'll was born. I'll jes' sit down and shut up now!
*Somewhere close to 12 out of ever' 10 people will turn at this point and run away, screamin' to themselves: What in the everlovin' flickity-flack is this guy talkin' 'bout?
**Names are not important here. She'll know who she is.
I 'pologize fiercely, or maybe not fiercely, as that would mean I would be growlin' and slashin' at ya with my claws, so let me jes' 'pologize without all the fierceness. What're ya 'pologizin' for Tig? I know ya must be askin' yourself, right? Well, I have been workin' really hard here of late to bring ya the best of snarky inane entertainment, and, have been watchin' the returnin' visitation numbers slowly climb to new heights, and then, today, I let all ya'll seekers of high quality snarky inania down. I seem to have done nuthin' but post on serious topics and post links to other people's stuff. Sure, there might be a humorous piece here and there among those links, but most of it is serious, serious, serious. I need to go relax, ease my mind and allow my thoughts to drift into the nether reaches of my brain where all the weird stuff comes from. I 'spect, however, that doin' that this evenin' is really gonna be a chore for me. Right now, I've got a major pressin' issue wearin' heavily on my psyche. It is jes' like havin' a humongous black hole in the midst of my brain that is continually suckin' ever' drop of humor, good or otherwise, from my thoughts.
I jes' can't share with ya 'zactly what my problem is. Why? Well, 'cause I have, on occasion, really ragged on others for behavin' in such manner, and, as I am a big supporter of the Golden Rule, what I did not like others to do to me, I refuse to do to others. 'Sides, it jes' ain't in my nature to ever be a burden on anyone but myself.
WWell, I have been up for 'bout an hour, and my stutterin' has finally subsided.* My tub is full of unused water that prolly has gone cold by now,** while I have only managed to read all of the fine, quality comments I collected durin' the night. Thanks Ozguru. I feel purty confident in directin' all that appreciation his way since all such comments were from him. {Hey, I always fantasized 'bout bein' a director -- guess I jes' fulfilled that fantasy. Funny, though, I always 'spected it to be somewhat different than this. ~reflectin' 'pon my previously preconceived notions of associated grandeur~} I also read all of the email in two of my three primary email accounts and partially read all of those blogs on my main blogroll that showed to have been updated since the publication of last night's better-than-average*** Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™. I found two different mentions of Blog Explosion from Serenity and Buzz, and decided to check it out. I quickly used my regular username in an effort to sign up, figurin', in the least, that by doin' so, I, could find out if it was still available, and if that proved true could, at least, then sign up usin' that desired moniker and thereby foreclose anyone else from usin' my own particular name choice.**** Someone else already usurped my right for usage of such with yahoo mail. ~grrrrrrrrr~ I successfully signed up under my desired name and read the Blog Explosion FAQ but little else. I might give it a go after readin' Opus, my horrorscope, and hopefully a tad more feedback from those current Blog Explosion users. If'n ya are interested in checkin' it out yourself, here's a handy link for ya to use. More to come? You should only be so lucky.
*See what comes outta the inane editin' process on this site when I encounter a simple typo involvin' the initiation of a post with a repeated first letter? It really ain't easy bein' me, sometimes. Too often, actually, as it often turns out.
**I checked and found it to be, at the time of checkin', not yet cold - simply tepid.
****Such username is not disclosed herein for reasons known only to myself and anyone who pauses for a brief moment of meanin'ful consideration.
You Are Mashed Potatoes |
Somehow, I actually think I am more like a good bottle of bourbon, somethin' you wanted to be there and thought would be there, but despite your extreme desire that such be present, you find no sign of it -- no matter how hard ya look.
Kudos to Jay who owned up to swipin' it from Jen.
Your Monday, November 22, 2004 Horoscope Taurus!*Well, excuuuuse me!Your immaturity is beginning to take a toll on your social life. People may be avoiding you if your unconscious behavior is inappropriate. Rude behavior is often unnoticed by the person engaging in it.
Next This is the start of T'day week, and already we are findin' those who are railin' 'gainst the commercial outlets who eagerly dismiss any effort to reference such event so as to begin to busily festoon their stores, if not yet properly so festooned, with Yuletide fare. My friends, all the rantin' and ravin' in the world ain't gonna bring such untimely efforts to a halt. Nope, long ago, the leaders of all the major American businesses met clandestinely in an location very near the place where Jimmy Hoffa's body is buried. It was decreed that it was good for America that they each seize ever' opportunity to increase sales durin' the largest sales period of the year. By the way, do ya get to be a journalist jes' by sayin' you're one?
For those of ya'll that wonder 'bout things, thanks to this mornin's highly successful efforts, I am no longer full of it, at least in the literal sense. I am still quite eager to receive the feedback I requested here, however, and have vowed to go postal at the end of the day if I don't see a plethora of commentary, one way or the other.
Seems that Bush went Bubba in Chile. Gangstas in south central LA immediately issued a challenge for said Prez to come try to flex a bit of muscle in their neighborhood. Micheal Moore has tentatively agreed to film the rumble.
In a feeble attempt to dull the pain of his otherwise worthless life, some junkie in Canada got 30 days for legibly forgin' a script. When the pharmacist found he was able to actually read the writin', he alerted the Mounties. At sentencin', the judge tol' the ignorant junkie to practice scribblin'. It mus be a pretty slow news day when Kevin Aylward starts prowlin' FARK for stories. ;) I can do that. Emoticons in posts have been officially OK'd by Buzz. Speakin' of checkin' FARK for stories, did anyone see this: Yahoo! News - Man cuts off thieving teens' penises?
[Addendum: Have I uncovered evidence that some FARKin' is goin' on over on Dean's World with Joe Gandleman?]
In other news, quite sad news, to be precise, it has been reported that our ol' friend, Intelligence Bill, has died.
Opus will be reviewed at some later point in the day. I got an urgent errand to run. I got a late night call from Fry's last eve and it seems that my laptop has finally been repaired and now I gotta make a costly trip into the city in order to retrieve my property. I figger, as long as I am near the mall, I might as well get an early start to my Christmas shoppin', or lack thereof. I'll likely spend a few minutes lookin' at a bunch of crap and thinkin' that I really ought to buy such for someone I know, like you. Don't be holdin' your breath in anticipation of that happenin', however. Nope! Bah Humbug, I say! Jes' go back to eatin your foul fowl and leave me alone!
Anna has again graced her adorin' fans with the first post on Primal Purge since September 24, 2004 and, in doin' so, went so far as to specifically mention me. What? Ya'll couldn't find any specific reference to me? Go back, read it ag'in and pay special attention to the line:
Except those who don't.which followed this line:
Which is to say, you people turn me on.
Wow, I had forgotten I once titled a post: Read My Lips: Can I trade you 4 diphthongs for that $50 multisyllabic word?** I guess it would unfair to use that as the name for my next dog, huh? I'd prolly jes' call him Dippy, though.
There really seems to be no OTB Traffic Jam goin' on while James is in the Bahamas, so I am jes' gonna link to this post and pretend it is today's Traffic Jam.
*Well, the first part of that is true, but the second part is not true, in the literal sense. I jes' sometimes like to actually use my hi-speed*** cable connection after close of business to get out of few of these unworthy posts I continually create for your entertainment.
**Strange that I forgot this post, as, 'pon rereadin' it, found it to be 'mong some of my better creations.
***I must use that term loosely, here, though, as, at times, it oft appears that such connection is not necessarily all that speedy.
OK, here's a SPAM header that caught my eye as I scrolled down the Junk box in one of my hotmail accounts:
jessamyn ARE MY NIPPLES WEIRD? Nov 13 2KBI didn't open it, of course, 'cause how would I know if her nipples were weird anyway? I mean, even if I thought they looked a bit weird, that is only the opinion of someone who really doesn't give a crap about how anyone's nipples look anyway. I am into navels, 'member? ;) 'Sides, seems to me the only way to really examine them would be in person, not by lookin' at pictures of such on the Internet. They might not even be real - - the pictures, I mean. I 'spect a lot of what they offer you to see is the result of a lot of photoshoppin', either that, or the world is full of a lot of skanky p**ckteasers tryin' to pull a buck or two out of some guy's pocket jes' for showin' him a bit of flesh. Actually, from the proliferation of tittie bars within the City of Dallas, I 'spect there are enough of the latter within that area, alone, to supply the needs of ever' porn site on the Internet.
In another SPAM header:
Crazy Millionaire I want to teach you 'Hot to get $20,000 i... Nov 13 106KBLike I am gonna trust some guy claimin' to be a millionaire who can't even spell a simple word like HOW right in the header of his offer to assist me in also becomin' a millionaire. I passed on this one too.
Now, lest you think I actually spend that much time with all this SPAM, I admit I do scroll the headers before hittin' the dump key jes' to make sure that somethin' I really wanted wasn't in the mix. The ones I mention here are only the ones that caught my eye long enough to actually read and reflect upon the header. This next one, however, was almos' enough to coax me to open it:
America_ Dream :Living&America Dream (DV-Visa-GreenCard... Nov 13 8KBI ain't quite sure what DV is, but a place that provides both a Visa and a GreenCard sounds like too good a deal to pass upon. Oh wait, when they said Visa, they weren't talkin' credit card, were they? Well, heck, guess I'll pass on that one too. OK, here we go -- flushed all 51 of 'em.
It seems that hangin' chads are not the only thing strange 'bout 'lections in Florida. Nope, seems in Florida, it is entirely possible to be elected to office even though not a single vote was cast for you. Yep, you heard right. It is true!*
All kudos for this find belong to James.
*The story is in The Washin'ton Post, so I felt comfortable in makin' that statement. I ain't sure I could have done so if the story had appeared in The New York Times.
Your Monday, November 8, 2004 Horoscope Taurus!It appears to me that my future path continues into the mysterious unknown, but, hopefully, the stars send an omen that the fog will soon lift to allow me to clearly see my way ahead.Ritualistic exercises help to center you toward resolving a long-sought goal. Repeating patterns that have led to success remind you of how it got this way and why. The path becomes clear in your mind after some concentration.
If anythin' develops, contact the publisher. ;)
Feelin' there is jes' too much division 'tween the sides in this 'lection, David Bernstein, in a last ditch write-in effort, has thrown his hat into the race for the Presidential seat. Although he prolly ain't got even a slim chance at success, stranger things have been known to happen in the political arena. In one notable Texas 'lection, the division of the sides was so fierce that Clay Henry was 'lected mayor of Lajitas.
Sorry, but I really jes' can't stand the best team that money can buy.
A woman gets home, screeches her car into the driveway, runs into the house, slams the door and shouts at the top of her lungs, "Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!"The husband says, 'Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?"
"Doesn't matter," she says. "Just get the hell out."
In the beginning, God covered the earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach combined with an abundance of green, yellow and red vegetables. He did this so that Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.Then, using God's bountiful gifts, Satan created Dairy Queen and Tim Horton's. And Satan said: "You want hot fudge with that?" And Man said: "Yes!" And Woman said: "I'll have one, too...with sprinkles." And lo and behold they gained 10 pounds.
And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane, and combined them. And Woman went from size 2 to size 14.
So God said: "Try my fresh green garden salad." And Satan presented crumbled Bleu Cheese dressing and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.
God then said: "I have sent you heart-healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them." And Satan brought forth deep-fried coconut shrimp, butter-dipped lobster chunks, and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man's cholesterol went through the roof.
Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with potassium and good nutrition. Then Satan peeled off the healthful skin, sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them in animal fats adding copious quantities of salt. And Man packed on more pounds.
God then brought forth running shoes so that his children might lose those extra pounds. And Satan introduced cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering light and started wearing stretchy lycra jogging suits.
God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and the 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then Satan said: "You want fries with that?" And Man replied: "Yes! And super size 'em!" And Satan said: " It is good." And Man and Woman went into cardiac arrest.
God sighed...and created quadruple by-pass surgery. Satan chuckled and created HMO's.
I was havin' pullin' my hair wonderin' why I could not download this page and finally rebooted the 'puter. I still ain't thinkin' that was the cause of the snag, however, 'cause I note that SiteMeter shows a 4 hour period with no visitation -- durin' the peak daily visitation period. StatCounter also shows a lower than normal visitation count than I would normally 'spect this day. It could be that a Presidential Debate was bein' broadcast durin' the peak of the day, ever' one in the whole world decided to avoid me - all of a sudden, or a major break occurred somewhere along the Internet backbone.
So, for any o' ya'll that tried to come but got caught in the of a Information Superhighway traffic jam, my apologies. I am sure it was a dreadful time.
Your Friday, October 1, 2004, Horoscope, Taurus!Solutions arrive today, and they all have your name on them. Other people will be fascinated with your practical ability. Analyze the things people need solved and avoid blabbing out your opinion at random. [emphasis supplied]
Well, the Cowboys slopped another one into the win column and the Rangers did their best to blow any chance of winning the American League West Pennant for this year. The fat lady ain't quite sang yet for the Rangers, but she's warmin' up her vocal chords. The Cowboys have a long way to go a'fore they become one of the teams competin' for the NFC Championship as I predicted earlier this year. O' course, I am still proud of both teams. Go Cowboys! Go Rangers!
*So, what 'zactly does today bein' Tuesday have to do with anythin'?
I began to think of words like Hate, Loathe, and Detest... So to investigate their definitions further so not to use them out of context I went to Merriam-Webster Online and found that they all fit when describing teachers who cancel class without sending out an email! [emphasis supplied] - TL CatYa know, I 'member that no one emailed me whenever a class was canceled durin' my years in college, but, then again, since neither the PC nor the Internet was in wide spread usage back in the early 80's, it was not anythin' any of us 'spected from our professors. In fact, although nearly all of us had a phone connection, I would likely have fainted if any of my professors had called me to tell me that the day's class was to be canceled. I guess times have changed!
or maybe not! What the heck is "baited breath" anyway? Hmmm, trollin' the local establishment lookin' for a good lookin' mate, across the room you see some gorgeous blue eyes starin' back in your direction and movin' slowly toward ya. Yep, better squirt some Binaca® into your mouth to provide a great degree of minty freshness to your breath when you finally get face-to-face. By my estimation, that can be the only source of such colloquialism, although it may date back to an earlier period of humanity where a man might lay on the ground with his mouth open after ingestin' some good cheese hopin' to get his daily portion of protein by havin' some mouse or rat run right into his mouth.
Stickin' the Binaca® scenario, we easily pass that nauseous sight I thankfully crossed out before publicizin' such, we can proceed to the actual purpose of this post. Oh, yeah, I was sayin' that I am awaitin' my opportunity to see if this is the day that Clark Kent encounters Lois Lane on Smallville.
[UPDATE: Origins of phrase are explained here.]
Ya remember back, what 14 years ago, when all those antidisestablishmentarians decided it was such a good idea to recombine both sides of Germany after the fall of the Soviet Union? It seems that 20% of Germans now think that maybe that hadn't been such a good idea.
*Aw, come on, surely ever'one knows how often ya get to use some words within the dictionary, and yet, here I found a story that allowed me to use a really really long one.
Yep, I have been watchin' the NFL Today so as to get the last minute info prior to the kickoff of today's games. It seems to be primarily sponsored by the current movie bein shown at nearly ever' theater* in the US and maybe the world: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I am feelin' the early signs of a bad case of Sky Captain fever. Thankfully I got enough of them why does it seem they are goin' overboard in hypin' the movie? antibodies runnin' 'round in my system to keep me from runnin' straight to the theater at this very moment. I think I will do a bit of searchin' through the early reviews whilst I watch the early game NFL action. I think I will payin' a bit more attention to the game between the Giants and the Redskins more that the game 'tween the Texans and the Lions.
*I am sure it ain't showin' at the theater Susie** manages, yet.
**Susie additionally reminds us that today is Pixy Misa,*** our Munuvian benefactor,'s birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDREW PIXY MISA!
***Link used solely for purpose**** of dispellin' the belief that ever'body in the world had the referenced story a'fore Pixy.
****OK, OK, so it also might serve to coax Pixy to notice the birthday greetin' I composed previously within this same post.
I was jes' over checkin' out new Munuvian 3 Legged Dog* and happened to see that
over on the column, and it made me think that I have forgotten to add my modified Ecosytem scripty on my new template, but then, I thought to myself that I have been a LargeI'm a
Flappy Bird
in the
TTLB Ecosystem
~~interlude: I actually composed and posted the small blurb jes' below while I was busy searchin' for the necessary links to do this one~~
*I ain't real sure how long this blog has been on the munu roll, but I am thinkin' this is the first time I have rolled across it.
**I have actually wondered, however, why I have not been added to the list of friends of Silflay Hraka.
Well, even Bigwig, or Bigvig as those in the warren are apt to call him, himself is amazed that the Carnival of the Vanities has existed for two whole years now, but it has. Silfray Hraka started it, and is hostin' the second anniversary extravaganza.* I hosted it once, but it was a really pathetic presentation, if I do say so myself.
O' course, my charmin' blog-nephew Zane came into existence at about the same time, but no one has any doubts that he will be around for a long time to come. Maybe jes' not in the same place.
I am wonderin' if this bodes well for my project:
Three bedrooms--all of which are larger than the master bedroom here--mean I'll have my personal studio space again for the first time in more than two years! I can shut the door and create artistically to my little heart's content with no fear of a three-foot-tall invader trashing my hard work!I do 'spect that I will find out eventually.
Oh, while we are speakin' of people turnin' two, MeKayla, my niece, is set to turn two at the beginnin' of next month, as well.
*Too bad the busted PayPal button messes up the right column so badly it runs over part of the text on the postin', though.
Your Tuesday, September 14, 2004, Horoscope, Taurus!Ya think I maybe should jes' leave my ego at home? O' course, I ain't real sure I could trust it to behave itself without bein' 'round to provide the level of supervision necessary to properly keep its hijinks in check.The chances are good for you to attract a soulmate today, but your ego may repulse this person if you show off by putting other people down. Make sure you practice good manners and are open minded about equality.
What follows is my review of the premiere episode of The Troy and Babe Show. Actually, this is a pairin' made for Cowboys fans, as Babe launched his successful broadcast career 'cause of his prior position as a Dallas Cowboys QB, it is a great move in pairin' him up with the other person who launched his successful broadcast career 'cause of his previously play in the same team position. I feel, however, that it is fair to say that Troy was a mite bit better at their shared playin' position than Babe, but Babe, maybe due to his more extensive experience, seems more at ease in front of the camera.
Both of 'em were a bit stiff at the front, but I am guessin' they are shootin' it live or first take, and I think Babe, especially was tryin' too hard. The set kinda inferred it was not a big budget production. However, both Troy Aikman and Babe Laufenburg can shine a bit as a good broadcaster, ever' now and when, and any show featurin' anythin' to do with the NFL, and especially the Dallas Cowboys is always gonna be worth watchin', ya know. So, I 'spose if I am sittin' here next time such show comes on next week, I will likely watch it.
I guess there is an upside to gettin' very few comments on a regular basis. I sure does make it easy to find the comment spam. In fact, based upon my recent observations, should I receive 3 comments in any given day, the odds of 1 of them bein' comment spam is 100%; the likelihood of 2 of such bein' comment spam is 95%; and the likelihood of all 3 bein' comment spam is 90%.* I sometimes wonder if'n it would be a worthwhile endeavor to dispense with allowin' commentary all together.
*For the purposes of such findin', please realize that I consider any comments which seem to have no purpose other than to affix a link to some commercial site, which add nothin' of substance, or jes' seem to have no purpose at all that I can find as comment spam. I understand this definition is slightly different than many other people's idea of what qualifies as comment spam.
Ain't it funny the things that happen. 'Cept for two more of the rash of seemin'ly useless comments that seems to be goin' round here lately, the only comment I got today came from a Miss* Chin which, in part, stated:
Nice Site!O' course, I am in complete agreement with such sentiment, but I did find it bizarre to have gotten such comment from an avowed Bush Basher. I am purty sure that my comments hereon have likely established that I hold Waffles the Clown in only slightly higher esteem than I hold those Surrender Monkeys from France. I added her to the blogroll, though, not 'cause I am a big fan** of Bush Bashin' but instead 'cause those parts that are not Bush Bashin' are interestin' to read.
*I was informed that this archaic term had fallen out of common usage.
**'Cause I definitely ain't!
I actually 'sperienced somethin' for the first time involvin' my bloggin' efforts over this past weekend - when I initially stopped at Eric and Denita's house - Denita - maybe at my insistence - I forget the actual reason for the occurrence - was readin' my blog - and - as she read this post - I know this because she read it aloud - she groaned - I felt so utterly satisfied to have actually heard that!
~~interlude* 'scuse the premature postin'. It appears that my index finger might have come into contact with some sexual enhancement tablet at some point durin' this day. 'scuse the lame attempt at a joke durin' this interlude.~~
*what were we talkin' 'bout anyway?
I caught a bit of than new CG series, Father of the Pride, which I kinda like a bit, mostly 'cause they make a lot of fun at Siegfried and Roy. There was a moment durin' this evenin's episode where they both pulled bamboo bars from some broken cage so as to use such in martial art combat. I found myself singin' in my head: "Ever'one was Bamboo Fightin'!"*
*'Member, I have previously mentioned that there is no guarantee that any of my inane thoughts are even remotely entertainin'. 'Course, there is also the inference one must make that I must have an opinion that they are of some entertainment value or would I otherwise use my time in postin' them?
Wow, Denita* found time out from havin' a great day in the sunshine likely observin' the non-stop antics of Zane and Pirate Fireant to drop in and say some nice things, and then, our own highly famous Munuvian, Susie, yes, the one in charge of the only known Practical Penumbra in the world, as most other penumbrae are found to be highly impractical on nearly every occasion, used some of the valuable time she could have been usin' to track down that nefarious white shorts wearin' man currently known solely by the designation of ^#!*@&# so as to painfully eviscerate him in some way as repayment for havin' flooded the men's bathroom at the Dollar Theater she manages,** to drop by my blog and pore over my feeble efforts of late. Very surprisin'ly, she actually left a highly personal disclosure about herself.
P.S. I ain't got a thing to say about the monkeysphere event. Ya will have to see a man called Pixy for that. However, I have got somethin' to say about no comment bein' made about the start of the story about Ned the Gnu. Surely someone has a comment to make, right?
[UPDATE: OK, even though I am a good friend of Pixy's, I think I need to go around the middle-man, that bein' my good friend, Pixy, and jes' get to tellin' ya'll that ya can find ever'thin' you need to know about the monkeysphere here. Why? 'Cause I seriously think we all really need to get a grip on life and understand ever'thin' to do with the monkeysphere.]
*This link is a totally superfluous trackback and, in the author's opinion, clickin' on same in reference to this postin' will do nuthin' at all to enhance your experience. It is jes' a bit of linky love, ya see?
**Two comments that I wish to make are that 1) I was nowhere near that hot water heater, no matter what Harvey,*** Jim, or Madfish*** have to say, and 2) I have jes' shredded ever' pair of white shorts I own. I ain't quite sure what eviscerated means, but it don't sound like somethin' I really want to try, if'n ya know what I mean.
***At least the guy does know how to properly update a post.
****WARNING: Link goes to childish fart joke. ;)
I was jes' over at Ozguru's readin' a post that he had composed with regard to the current rash of kidnappin's and his belief that the Muslim world needs to vocally disassociate itself from the militant zealots that do their evil under the guise of workin' for the benefit of the Islamic religion. In his comment to his own story,* he pointed to the most recent revelations that have come to pass in the French situation where the hostages are bein' held so as to force France to back down from its no Muslim headdress rule in state schools stance. While I have no love for the surrender monkeys, I can see some rationality for the rule. However, what I don't know is this: Is there a rule forbiddin' the wearin' of yarmulkes in state schools, as well? If not, then I would have to stand along side of the French Muslims, necessarily not inclusive of any hostage holdin' terrorists, on this issue.
[UPDATE: It seems that if one takes the time to read the actual stories one links, one gets the answers to one's own questions! DOH!
Forbidden items will include Muslim headscarf, Jewish skullcap and large Christian crucifixes - {emphasis supplied}I suppose that places the cap back firmly 'pon the can of worms.]
*I would likely have jes' used an update.
Wow, ain't none of the stations I get usin' nuthin' but the rabbit ears* is carryin' the RNC 'cept PBS. I was thinkin' that nearly ever'one covered the DNC, so wondered if there is some left wing conspiracy to only cover one side of this 'lection. Anyone ever heared of such a crazy thang?
*I 'spect there are some younguns in the audience who actually have no idea as to what rabbit ears refer with regard to this discussion.
Indeed! From a casual observation of the placard she holds, one does wonder upon what career path the object of his adoration has chosen to embark.
I was bored and glommin'** here and there to find and check out some of the new blogs that have joined in on the munu universe when I came across this post penned by Mad Mikey of the appropriately named Mad Mikey's Blog wherein his eloquent prose urged me to visit the Political Quiz Show. Although I most valiantly fought my urge to do so, I finally could hold out no longer and made my selections. My answers were tabulated and I scored a 27, such score placin' me somewhere 'tween George Bush, Dubya's daddy, and Jack Kemp. At least I wasn't pinned under Jesse Ventura.
*It seems that ya gotta put forth a lot of effort to turn her head, anymore.
**This word derives from my youth when my great-granny used to chastise me for "glommin' through all the drawers in the house", lookin' for whatever I might find.
Do you awake each mornin' with a thought already in your head? I am sure you do, jes' as we all do. I mean, sure, there are those thoughtless people 'bout here and there, but even they are not actually thoughtless, they jes' didn't think to be the sort of person we expected them to be. I 'spect it is really rare that anyone could ever clear their mind of all thought. Despite my best attempts, I have never ever been able to completely have a blank mind, although, especially of late, I have had extreme periods where my mind is occupied with thoughts concernin' my inability to come up with whatever idea it was that I was drastically attemptin' to conceive. Anyway, now that I have prefaced with an over adequate explanation, let me share my initial thought of the day with you:
I awoke thinkin' of that women's 4x100 relay matter, where the USA team was disqualified due to a failure to properly hand off the baton, and I was thinkin' of the old catch phrase used on ABC's Wild World of Sports: the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I thought surely that was a good example of the agony of defeat.
Now I never said I had a really profound thought in my head when I awoke. I do, however, have some really profound wakin' thoughts on occasions.
Havin' swept the medals during the 400 meter race, is anyone bettin' against the US taking the top spot in the 4x400 meter race?
Here is an interestin' article that discusses the emergence of blogs and their relationship to some high profile trials.
I was jes' checkin' out the listin' for Steve's book over on Barnes and Noble's website and saw this:
The title has been announced for the next Harry Potter! Sign up below, and be the first to know when it is available -- and when any Harry Potter items are released.The name for that new book is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I already know the name of the next book in the Alien Attitudes series: Brink-O-Link's Brand New Body. Take that, J. K. Rowling!
I am not sure that I have not taken and posted my results from the test show below previously, but Jay pointed it out and I wanted to see where I came in:
Your Friday, August 13, 2004 Horoscope, Taurus!I always knew I had a particularly unique insight and have always been wantin' to share it with a really eager audience awaitin' to hear it. Is today the day I am to be bestowed with my 15 minutes of fame? 'Course, if this horrorscope means what I hope it means, someone in a position to do somethin' 'bout it will fall in love with my book and do their part to push it to the top of the NYT Bestseller list where I know it belongs. ;)You will be admired by a person of status for something you own. You have a particularly unique insight about the world to share today and an eager audience waiting to hear it.
Wow, I knew there was a really good reason I avoided water parks and such other crowded places where people collect to play in water to cool off durin' the hot summers. This reason is as good as any I could imagine.
Linkage: Jaboobie
Jes' wanna wish a very Happy Birthday to my nieces, Jennifer and Keri. It certainly does not seem that long ago that I saw them at the hospital just after their birth. They were two little pink, wrinkly-skinned little naked babies. I still remember when they were growing up and were really cute little girls, and now I find that they have become two very lovely ladies.
Quincy Carter got cut -- what is bein' loudly unsaid is that he failed his drug test violated team policies. New Cowboys quarterback: Vinnie T. That almost hearkens to the days of Cowboys past, when Landry booted stars for immoral behavior. Jes' ask Hollywood, Raphael, and Lance. I 'spect, though, that they have had enough of Irvin, et al, tarnishin' the Star!
Well, I might shore have missed four straight Nightly Navel Gazin' Reports™ and yesterday's Friday Funny™ durin' my recent hiatus,* but those non-bloggin' efforts were mentally invigoratin' and, somewhat, life renewin'. The experience, however, was also a very strenuous and tirin' exercise.** I returned yesterday evenin' to my lonely abode quite weary and road worn and wholly unable to compose my thoughts for publication. Although a good night's sleep atop my comfy King-Sized bed dispelled, somewhat, the utter weariness of last eve, it seems to have done nothin' to enliven my current lack of creativity. I need, sorely, to get this first book between the covers so that I can turn my concentration onto formulation of the second book in the Alien Attitudes™ series: Alien Attitudes-Brink-o-Link's Brand New Can.
*I was somewhere else doin' somethin' different.
**Regrettably, I was financially forced to forego accommodations. Nightly, I curled up to slumber, most fitfully, in the long back seat of the Lincoln.
I am already a day and a half behind on driving several hundred miles to the site of a week long seminar I had paid to attend. I guess my stars are tellin' me to quit draggin' my feet and get on the road:
Your Tuesday, July 27, 2004, Horoscope, Taurus!*Enough with the possibilities, already! I am ready to go back into the game, coach.Travel is favored today. You could be looking at the start of a new journey in the search of wisdom. You will soon be enjoying casual vacation that brings new possibilities of romance[*] and art your way.
It does not seem like 10 years has passed since I celebrated your last birthday on this plane of existence with you. I am hopeful there is an afterlife and you are doing well. Hopefully, from time to time, you look down upon me and smile. I realize that I am not the man you knew, but without you, I kind of lost direction for awhile. I am still not sure I have found my direction, but Project Procreation seems to be the focus of my dreams. If you are in a position to do anything about that and still have as much love for me as I still feel for you, maybe you can assist me if you want. I have heard that Angels can work miracles. As you were an Angel in life, I suspect you are an Angel in Heaven. I readily admit that life has been Hell without you.
Accordin' to Denita Two Dragons, Rachel Lucas said politicians are a lot like urinatin' dogs when it comes to establishin' their territory political base. I ain't real sure 'bout that, but then ag'in, I am of the opinion that a lot of the insane rhetoric that sometimes comes outta of their mouths stinks a lot like dog pee.
*I am actually of the opinion the "What's That Smell?" was dealin' with a whole other source beside dog urine, but the title popped to mind when I was contemplatin' publication of this story.
I jes' seen a commercial blurb for King Arthur where they said somethin' 'bout the movie bein' produced by Jerry Bruckheimer as havin' previously brought us Pirates of the Carribean, whereas, might it not be equally as accurate to say he was responsible for Kangarooo Jack?
No, leave the SPAM in the can for a moment. I was jes' wonderin' if any of the rest of ya'll few readers of mine were a'thinkin' of givin' up on hotmail due to gmail givin' much more storage space and such than hotmail did. Soon after the announcement, I noticed Yahoo, who already had more email storage space than hotmail jumped on the bandwagon and was offerin' way more storage space than previously so as to compete with gmail's offerin'. I, of course, figured if I waited long enough, Billl Gates and his cohorts would give up more storage space as well. It seems that time has finally come and all of us who have been hotmail users for like forever, to use today's venacular, don't have to send out all those address changin' messages to all our friends and such after all.
Of course, the storage space problems I had been overcomin' pretty well by cleanin' out all those old messages on a regular basis, but what was really bad was the file size of attachments you could send through hotmail. I was forever havin' to tell people who were tryin' to send me somethin' that they would have to use my Yahoo email address.
Thanks to my friend TL Cat, I was able to locate a site where I was allowed to create a special quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard! I truly hope that you have as much fun takin' this quiz as I did in my creation of such.
*If you are from Texas.
Death made an offer that he could not refuse. Marlon Brando has died at age 80. I think that was a pretty good lifespan for someone who looked as much like Jabba the Hut as anyone. He had a very large body and a really big head to go with it. I guess that now leaves Garfield as the only remainin' really fat cat who is full of himself.
[UPDATE: I got to thinkin' that On the Waterfront was one of the few Best Picture winners I still did not have in my collection, and, with it bein' one of the few movies with Marlon Brando in it, the price might be goin' up quickly, so I ran to my regular source and ordered the movie. I think I am less than five away from havin' them all. Of course, I am sure that the last winner is the one to control them all.]
It has rained and rained and rained. It seems that we have gotten over 10 inches of rain this month in the local area, most of which has come over the last week. We don't yet have the record, but it would only take the amount of rain that has fallen already today to come tomorrow to take it. The ground is saturated and so ever'thin' hittin' the ground is runnin' off to someplace. So far, the Paluxy seems to be stayin' well within its banks, but thinks could change.
It was so bad that Six Flags flooded and was closed. I have not heard that there was any floodin' at our local wildlife park that would be able to cause any severe problems to the animals. This is a really hilly area, though, so the terrain seems to always have somewhere above water within a short distance, if necessary. The latest docent newsletter mentioned that they had to close the Park durin' last week's rain storm when the water over portions of the road in the giraffe pasture made the road impassable, but no mention of any need to relocate any of the animals. In actuality, we need the water.
I know people get tired of it, but we have been in a drought through the last few summers and lakes, aquifers, and such are very very low. These major runoff rain storms do more to fill ever'thin' up better than these brief trickles here and there that we have gotten occasionally, of late.
Forecast is continued rainshowers, so the record might go. As records go, I would rather break the rainfall record for June than the most days with 100 plus weather. How many can claim to have lived through those 42 straight days from June 23rd to August 3rd -- way back in 1980?
Texas weather -- if ya don't like it, jes' hang 'round, 'cause 'tis liable to change at any moment.
[UPDATE: A record - 17 straight rainy days. Wow! I wonder if there is any correllation with the way the Rangers have been playin' 'gainst the Mariners and the Seattle-like weather we seem to be experiencin'.]
Just saw the commercial for The Terminal and one reviewer supposedly said it was Tom Hanks best performance since Forrest Gump. I was always under the impression that his performance in Castaway was untoppable. Oh wait, I forget, that was the movie where he actually got shown up by a deflated soccer ball. I heard that Spaldin' had first been pegged for that role, but Wilson got it when they decided the budget did not allow for the type of money that Spaldin' was requestin'.
Scott made some comments about the Texas blogroll movement, which is movin' more like a armadillo layin' on the side of the road than the quickly scurryin' horny toad I had been hopin' to see. Stirrin' his comments into the sloshin' slew of thoughts already goin' 'round in my head, here is my newest creation:
Claim your place:
Well, so far it has been a non-routine Sunday. In my case, it really has nuthin' to do with today bein' Father's Day. Have I mentioned lately that my own father has passed away and that I am childless? Ya can see why I have no reason to celebrate, right? I really had completely forgotten today was Father's Day for most of the week, and only was reminded of such durin' last night's shoppin' spree at Wally-Mart where I was made privy to many a youngsters conversation with their siblin's about what to buy for the father. I am pretty sure there will be a lot of DVDs given around from what I observed. Who knows? I ain't gonna be a spectator of such, so it is only a guess.
I guess I failed to mention that shoppin' trip on last night's Nightly Navel Gazin' Report. I was really tired, for some reason, by the time I got around to doin' that report. Anyway, I was goin' to the neighborin' town to eat and maybe to watch a movie, but I went by the theater and I really was not all that thrilled with any of the movies showin'. I have seen enough in the previews of The Terminal that I am not all that worried about 'waitin' it to come out on video/DVD in a few months. Around the World In 80 Days is a remake, and I have the original movie. I know the story pretty well, so I passed on that one as well. As I seemed to have no further plans, I decided to go shoppin'.
I actually finally bought the LOTR DVD set which was cheaper than it was at Fry's so I was right to pass it up last week. I also bought a room A/C so as to put in my bedroom. I figure it was better than sweatin' to death because the heat pump central system seemed not to have assisted me at all. I bought a few other items, as well, but nuthin' really worth mentionin'. There was one item I was lookin' to buy that I was unable to find at Wally-Mart, and, as it was after 10:00 p.m. before I left the store, I was unable to go to Home Depot for such.
I had actually watched The Fellowship of the Ring just a couple of days ago, so I likely ain't gonna watch the whole series today. Give me a week or two and then I might be ready to do so.
This mornin', I decided, was a good time to install that A/C in my bedroom. The window, like ever' other window in this old house was stuck, so that was the first problem with which I had to deal. A couple of pry bars and a hammer and I managed to get it up enough to allow me to slip the A/C through. I actually made sure of such by puttin' that little A/C unit in place, then took it back out so as to do the window preparation. Of course, I somehow gouged a good part of my arm while doin' so, as well. However, eventually, that job was completed and the room seems to be coolin' down nicely.
My grass is really high right now. It rained forever the week before this past week, so my lawn guys never came around. I expected them ever' day last week, but no show. I have no number for them, and the guy I know that knows how to contact them is the one who I went to visit in the hospital. I came to the conclusion that I needed some way to keep it from lookin' like my yard was a jungle, so I went and bought a Sling Blade, just a few minutes ago. That was what I had been lookin' for at Wally-Mart which I did not find. I suspect that I will go out and knock the high weeds and high points of the grass at some point later. Right now, it is too hot. What do ya wanna bet it will be a really good cardio workout when I finally get around to it. I have not cut grass with a sling blade, also called a swing hoe or a yo yo, in years. I mean a lot of years --- more than 30 by my count. I think I do still know how to do it. I think I still can do it. I will let ya'll know a bit later.
*Limited, of course, to all of those to whom such wishes are appropriate.
Been downloadin' some software today, doin' a lot of rebootin' as is necessary from time to time when ya are installin' programs on Windows, although I would suspect there ain't many 'mong ya'll that was not already aware of such. The actual reason for this post is to allow me to test one of the programs I downloaded. Live with it, OK?
If white is not actually a color, then my Fruit of the Looms are colorless -- at least, for the most part.*
*Stop your whinin', or whingin' if ya prefer, as I voluntarily confessed to the inanity of this message.
OK, so this is outside the parameters of what I said you might expect from me, but, what the hey, right?
Your Wednesday, June 16, 2004, Taurus Horoscope!Although some romance comin' into my world might actually be the perfect way to boost me me up and outta this current blue funk hole into which I have found myself, I am very sure that I already had enough distractions to keep me from gettin' any work done. I sincerely 'spect that the latter part of today's astrological prognostication will likely be found to be right on the mark.Romance is all around your world today. The week begins with a new emphasis on feeling loved and excited by the pursuit of another. You might have to concentrate extra hard today just to get any work done.
Well, the email with all the available zoo tours needin' to be covered came through the other day. As I am practically frazzled to the bone -- in desperate need of a vacation, methinks -- I passed on signin' up for any more for this month. When the mass call for volunteers goes out, it is fairly easy to sit back in the shadows and watch others step forward to fill the spaces.
One of the spaces was for today, however, and I suppose no one stepped up to take it in response to the email. How do I know this? I know this because I received a phone call. This has become the way I most often sign up for these tours, these days. I happen to be the only docent that resides close to the local wildlife park. Many of our volunteers drive in from Fort Worth or Dallas. As such, it actually is less trouble for me to go donate 3 or 4 hours of my time than to ask someone to drive an hour and a half to do so and then drive an hour and a half back home. I have advised them to always call me first if they have an urgent need. They did and I am gonna be goin' out to give a tour behind the scenes for some special group this mornin'.
Ya wouldn't think it would be all that hard sittin' in the front of an open topped van just tellin' people 'bout this and that, would ya? It really ain't, 'cept it will be hot, my throat gets parched despite the fact that I will be suckin' mint drops and Dr. Pepper intermittently durin' the tour. The worst part is the continual cranin' my neck around so as to talk to those sittin' behind my seat. My neck stiffens up quite nicely.
If ya get really lucky, there will be a new docent in trainin' that is needin' to learn the roads. That will allow you to sit in the back with the crowd just behind the drivers seat. From this position, you can easily direct the driver and easily provide the immense amount of knowledge you impart to your guests without excruciatin' neck pain. I am hopeful, but not overly so, that I will have a driver for this tour. Driver or no driver, one group of fine people is gonna find themselves havin' a load of fun at my expense today -- complete with my permission, however.
Yep, the Venus transit across the face of the Sun as seen from some places on the Earth is today. It has begun. It may be over. It likely will not happen again in your lifetime. It is cloudy and rainy here and we are completely unable to even see the sun. From what I had previously heard, those in the US on the west side of the Mississippi River would not be in a position to see the phenomenon anyway. Oh well, there are always photographs. Here is one from a good vantage point in Islamabad.
Today would have been my mother's 69th birthday had she survived this long. RIP Mom. Speakin' of dead people, Reagan is still lyin' in state in California, in case ya want to go see what his dead carcass looks like. I have already seen all the dead carcasses I care to see, but doubt I am done with viewin' them for the remainder of my lifetime. Lookin' into cold lifeless eyes just always gives me the heebie-jeebies. I would rather view astronomical events than dead bodies.
For those of ya'll wonderin' where all the pings are from my postin' of the Carnival, I am wonderin' the same thing. I actually had a lot of difficulty jes' gettin' the Carnival to successfully post, an ordeal that required me to completely rebuild my whole site ... but it finally showed, but why I keep endin' up with a dead page 'pon tryin' to get it to successfully post the pingage is beyond me. I will try again on the cable connection when I get to the office.
On a completely other note:
If it was a car, it would be the bastard love-child of KITT and the Batmobileit would likely be black, other than that, what you would get would be anybody's guess --- and just which Batmobile are we talkin' 'bout? Still, that Denita sure can turn a phrase with all kinds of visual gusto, huh?
And while we are on the subject of notes, did I ever tell ya'll that John is a punny* man? But at least he keeps an eye on the important** stories.
[UPDATE: Well, thankfully, the cable connection did finally allow most of the pingage to go through, but still it took like forever to rebuild the post and to send those pings. A couple of typepad pings:
http://www.typepad.com/t/trackback/782727failed to go through on two separate occasions with a read timeout error, whatever that is, so they may or may not have actually gone through.]http://www.typepad.com/t/trackback/772690
*Pun intended, of course.
*No sarcasm to be inferred.
Somethin' I heard on the radio this mornin':
[paraphrased from memory] You remember that problem they had recently with the gorilla at the Dallas zoo? Well, it seems that since that incident, the trainers have decided that all of the apes must remain indoors.They probably ain't all too upset about it, if they have a good A/C system, I bet, and to insure that don't get bored, the trainers allow them to spend most of their time watching TV.
[Name forgotten], a 12 year old lowland gorilla, especially likes National Geographic Specials. He hates sports but likes animated Disney movies. The Little Mermaid and The Lion King are his favorites.I just thought this was both fascinatin' and interestin'. There was no mention of whether or not the gorilla received visitors, but that might be in accordance with Robin Williams' wishes.
Ya would think with a good 6 hours of sleep under my belt, my tired weary eyes would be feelin' a bit more refreshed than they do, wouldn't ya? I suppose another two hours or so of sleep would not kill me, but then I awoke earlier than I had to and I couldn't get back to sleep despite my best efforts. It ain't like I got nuthin' 'citin' lined up for today. It is mostly a slow day, with a lot of bill payin' to do. I thankfully have just enough money to pay the important ones.
On another note, I do suppose I could clean up around here a bit. It seems I am gonna have house guests today:
June 1, 2004: Your Tuesday Horoscope. Taurus!More to come, although likely to be intermittently.The chance to revive enjoying your home life occurs today. There are numerous possibilities on the home front. Look to entertain a friend or two at your place as you focus on achieving for domestic bliss.
[UPDATE: There might be a few of ya'll that are keepin' up with this matter, but this mornin' was the first day that my actual index page was the most popular entry page and not this one, although it is still a very close race. However, the index page, which historically always held the position of the most popular entry page by a huge margin, has not been the top entry page since May 12 . It might be a good indication that the insanity is finally wanin'.]
I keep seein' these comments on the Berg story where people keep askin' if someone will send them the video or a link to see such, and I am wonderin' if anyone has been runnin' down those comments and been emailin' them the link or the video as requested. I know I have not been doin' so. 'Bout all I have to do with them commenters is edit stuff from time to time, and sometimes deletin' one here and there whenever necessary.
I found a visitor on my SiteMeter page that came from http://fresh.blogrolling.com/ and, not bein' familiar with what was offered on such site, I went for a visit. Well, as I suspected, it is a listin' of recently updated blogs as culled from BlogRolling.com, Weblogs.com and Blogger.com. As is my usual wont, when confronted by a list of blogs, I perused the listin's and clicked on several of the names which interested me. Almost all were on blog*spot and almost all were fairly new to the bloggin' game. Just a bit of an overview of what I found:
While I was awaitin' additional Carnival submissions, I thought I would take a stroll through the blogroll and see what was new in the Blogosphere.
Well, first off, I find someone named Pete postin' over on Jennifer's blog, but after readin' though the rest of the entries on the main page, it appears she, at least, knows who he is and may have been instrumental in his havin' access to blog 'bout:
Data recovery service Disksavers has hired Kelly Chessen, a former suicide-prevention counselor, to do customer service.While losin' all the data on my disk might be traumatic, I 'spect I ain't gonna climb on a ledge as Pete said some of his previous customers were known to do. Pete did, in turn, attribute Sgt. Stryker for the story.
I had the whole house to myself. I nearly wept.I am mindful that I have several loads of laundry to do myself, but somehow have the feelin' I won't find quite the enjoyment Cathy exhibited.Of course, not knowing what to do with my unexpected solitude, I decided to fill it by washing several loads of laundry and taking a nap. Man, was that some goooood laundry.
[Title:]SexIt makes one wonder if it is the animal magnetism or the pheromones at work, huh?Tricky business, isn't it? [no links]
Is it jes' me, or does anyone else notice that the Amber Alert script goes down almost ever' weekend. If ya think the blog is loadin' slow, guess what is causin' that problem? O' course, I still think the service is so worthwhile, I hate to remove the script, but what's the problem? Do they just shut down their server on the weekends or is there a coincidence that causes the script to crash at midnight on Friday while everyone is away?
Science finds another way to keep women happy without any need for a man to be around. Are men quickly becomin' an endangered species? Of course, then again, with this story originatin' out of India, which is quickly becomin' the most populous country in the world, keepin' men and women from bein' together havin' sex might be a genuinely good idea, after all.
Throwin' a cookie to Straight White Guy, although I am wonderin' if just thinkin' of it first really gives him the right to claim that title. There is actually more than one straight white guy in the world. ;) However, if there was solely only one, I think I have the actual rights to that title
It seems that you might have even a better reason to stay home and shop online.
WASHINGTON - U.S. officials have obtained new intelligence deemed highly credible indicating al-Qaida or other terrorists are in the United States and preparing to launch a major attack this summer.Yahoo! News - AP: Terrorists Planning Summer Attack
The FBI and Homeland Security Department also are concerned about so-called soft targets such as shopping malls anywhere in the United States that offer a far less protected environment . . . .
I got a lot to do this mornin' so bloggin' might be light. Of course, if you already read last night's fantastic Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™, ya likely ain't gonna be satisfied with anythin' my tired, sleep deprived brain can concoct at this unGeorgely early hour. It ain't even 8:00am yet. Anyway, I found somethin' to entertain ya'll, but ya gotta go to Uptown Girl to see it. The trip is not far, won't take ya long, and is definitely worth the effort. Would I steer ya wrong?
I am talkin' to my sister on IM and she is tellin' me about her new puppy. His name is Tyson, and she swears she named the dog before she found out he loves to bite ears. It was just too cute an anecdote not to share, and I would have likely forgot to blog on it had I awaited the morn.
Now wait just one minute there! Are you tellin' me that they have finally discovered that life did exist on Mars?
In 1996, nannobacteria came to the attention of the world's media when scientists announced they had found fossils in a Martian meteorite of what appeared to be nano-sized bacteria.
Doctors claim to have uncovered new evidence that the tiny particles known as "nannobacteria" are indeed alive and may cause a range of human illnesses.*
*And are not the same supposed bacteria found in said Martian meteor, or course.**
**Evidence suggests that Marvin the Martian already successfully negotiated for the release of such for the return of 15 carrots Bug Bunny had negligently dropped on his last visit to Mars.
OK, talk about a most interestin' story in development, it seems that someone has noticed a difference in the way Reuters reported a story and the way that the Associated Press reported the same story, and goes onto show just how easily the news can be slanted.* Check out The Dawn Patrol: 'Pope' Go the Weasels and follow the links. I backtracked from the commentary about this situation that C.G.Hill had on his blog.
The cream of Dawn's stuff:
I wonder if it would be possible to extend this exclusionary principle to ordinary conversation. I could say, "One black coffee, please," and Reuters could write, "Dawn Eden Denies Business to Dairy Industry." Or I could say, "Would you like to see 'Shrek 2' Thursday night?" and the headline would be, "Avoid Patronizing Cinemas on Weekend: Eden."Of course, if I told a man, "Brunch on Saturday sounds good," Reuters would report, "Eden Refuses Nearly Every Man on Earth." And if the man were a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant? Well, you can predict that one: "Eden Refuses Nearly Every Man on Earth: Women, Minorities Hit Hardest."
Ironbear has once again been spotted near a keyboard.
Ever notice how the liberals never really address the issues? If you bring up John Kerry's flip flops, you get an earful of their criticisms of Bush? If you bring up John Kerry's Vietnam record - they tell you that you're being petty and dealing in picky little details - - and when you bring up the fact that Kerry is the one who is largely responsible for Vietnam even being an issue in this campaign - they just shake their head and roll their eyes. They call the President a liar over the Weapons of Mass Destruction issue - - yet when you ask them why any number of Democrats, including Clinton, Albright, Gore and Kerry, said the VERY SAME things about WMD's - as well as the UN who also made the same statements about the danger of Saddam's weapons...it's still only Bush who lied? Everyone else was just.......pontificating? - LisaSDoes the knife not cut equally as well in both directions, grasshopper?
*in a galaxy not far far away -- well, OK, ya caught me there -- it was in a universe mostly centered right around me.
My right arm is startin' to hurt pretty badly, so I am gonna take a break. I am actually contemplatin' takin' a short road trip somewhere, just to get out of town. I ain't gonna go far, though, not with these high gas prices. My dialup is gettin' pretty cranky, anyway, so now seems a good time to do somethin' that does not involve transferrin' data over a decrepit phone line.
Pixy, do I am have trickle on this blog?*
*That is likely rhetorical, 'cause I really ain't 'spectin' Pixy to read that.
I want to thank Debbye for linkin' to an OzGuru post that I had overlooked which linked to a post of Simon's that I had overlooked which compared Australian Football with American Football. Jeez, it makes our game look like it is played by a bunch of sissies. Uh, wait, might that be highly overpaid, cry baby sissies?
OK, I warned ya'll in January* that I was gonna be hostin' the Carnival of the Vanities come June 2. That date is fast approachin'. Start workin' in that good stuff while I try to come up with a theme that no one else has used. By the way, the latest Carnival of the vanities is at Dispatches from the Culture Wars and will be at Spot On this comin' week, then will be here on my fine, upstandin', highly entertainin' blog and then moves on to the King blog of the Munuvian Empire** the followin' week.
Ladies and gentlemen, warm up those keyboardin' fingers, 'cause I seriously want some good stuff. I will give ya submission details right after Spot On publishes the 88th edition of the Carnival on May 26th. Until then, blog well, grasshoppers. Big Daddy*** is watchin' ... unless he is workin' on his cookbook or cookin' or messin' with parrots or whatever.
*This blog, however, was somewhere else and named somethin' else at that time.
**All hail the great and noble Pixy Misa!
***George, ya'll ... it is hard to find some snarky thing to put in every message ya'll know, so this was the best I could do this round. Cut me some slack, OK?
I followed some emotion thingy from Wasted Days, Wasted Nites to UnkyMoods.com. They have some cute little characters that are drawn by some guy named Marc Lutz. He also draws a comic strip called Can Hed and like every other online comic artist, is hopin' to be seen in your local newspaper. However, take a look at today's strip, and tell me if such would likely make it into the funnies in your hometown paper.
How many of ya'll really like those pop-up windows that hide down under the part of the window you can see on your monitor? I am not sure what good they are if you can't see them, but I suspect they are minin' your computer for all kinds of popups or are spyin' on what you are doin'. I suppose it is time to run Ad-Aware again, huh? By the way, if you are here and are one of the few people who have not discovered Ad-Aware, do so now. http://www.lavasoftusa.com/ It is free and it is invaluable for gettin' rid of spyware and dataminers.
Well, sometime durin' the last few days, I exceeded 50,000 visitors. My SiteMeter now shows to be be above 50,000. Of course, SiteMeter has also been on the fritz for the last few days. That was why I said that it was sometime durin' the last couple of days that I exceeded 50K.. Also note the StatCounter count. Almost exactly a month ago, I installed StatCounter, set it on exactly the same count I had on SiteMeter, and now I see it is showin' I have had almost 15,000 more visitors durin' the past month.
Somethin' I heard on the radio: DJ said people should not have children after 35. He then stated that 35 children should be plenty and it was time to stop.
I forgot to do yesterday's Stupidest Person of the Day™ so that should mean I was yesterday's Stupidest Person of the Day. So that today's gets done, please get your nominations in the comments of this post. ;)
No, not Felix the Cat, ya'll! I understand he has at least 4 of his 9 lives left. Nope, Felix Unger, or, actually the actor who played Felix Unger in TV's The Odd Couple, Tony Randall died at the age of 84.
RIP Tony!
They found some Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) in Iraq. It had been suspected all along that if you just piled enough naked terroristic Iraqi prisoners high enough, or otherwise embarrassed some of 'em to the point they couldn't stand it no more, their compatriots in arms, those dastardly terrorists that had not yet been caught, would go to their weapon stash and finally bring out the good stuff.*
*You heard it here first, but watch this scenario make it into the late night jokes tonight.
Well, I was gonna read a few blogs so as to try to find a winner of the stupidest person of the day for today, but my dialup connection decided to be a bit uncooperative. However, I noticed somethin' that I thought might be of interest to certain number of you.
I usually load several blogs at one time, because with the slow load up time over the dialup, some load faster than others, and I am usually lucky enough to fine a new one loaded up by the time I am ready to read another one. This mornin' I started loadin' blogs in the followin' order:
I had read the first post on Mudville Gazette while the other blogs were continuing to load, but the connection died while attemptin' to load whatever was under Greyhawk's first link on that top post. From the evidence I saw by scannin' the remainder of the blogs I had attempted to load, I was of the opinion the connection had been open long enough to have loaded them all. However, such was not the case, and here are my observations:
Any blog not mentioned in the preceding observations had fully and completely loaded.
Now except for Dean's World, Tiny Little Lies aka Hog on Ice, Outside the Beltway and Country Store, even those blogs that had not fully loaded were readable. Country Store is on blog*spot, so that is hit and miss at best anyway. For some reason, I recollect that I have found the other three to be especially slow loadin' in the past, as well.
So, take these observations for what they are worth and do with them what you want. I just thought I would share this bit of information for those who might like to have some idea about what effect a slow dailup has on their blog loadin' time.
Speakin' of time, my early day bloggin' time has expired and I still don't have a Stupidest Person of the Day to post --- so I am gonna open the floor for nominations. Leave your nominations in the comments and I will make my decision from among such when I return.
Now let's see if I can get my dead connection to disconnect, so I can reconnect it long enough to post this. ;) Nope, looks like we gotta reboot. George, I hate dialup.
Wouldn't ya know it -- just as I am just about to reobtain my Large Mammal status again, the Ecosystem seems to go down. Oh well. I guess I can be a danged Maraudin' Marsupial until Grumpy Ol' NZ Bear gets around to fixin' whatever is broke this time. If I knew how to fix it . . . but I don't.
Just for the record here, I have seen several links to the actual video of the beheadin' of Nick Berg, but I have no interest in watchin' it. What thrill is there in witnessin' senseless killin'? It would be different if his head was shown as bein' lopped off by an Orc's sword in defense of Middle Earth, but the video was not produced to be a form of entertainment. It was produced solely to shock and to provide further evidence of the lack of compassion on the part of those who took 3000 lives on 9/11. I do not need to witness their cruelty. I have already witnessed as much of that as I could stand.
I have not seen my blogroll come up all day. I guess they are doin' somethin' important, like beefin' up the security or somethin'.
All for now. Gotta shut down the office, run home, change clothes, and go see what they got for me to do out at the golf course.
Runnin' 'round like a chicken with his head cut off, it seems, with no relief in sight for almost the entire day. I have already been to court for the mornin' round, but have to be in two different courts at the same time for this afternoon in two different towns, so you can see I am gonna be movin' fast. Lion's Club Golf Tourney is tomorrow and we were asked to show up this evenin' to assist in gettin' everythin' set up for tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow, I will likely be assistin' in the Tourney, and this weekend I have a family reunion to attend. In between, all of that, I am still workin' on the book tryin' to finish that extra chapter or two that I felt was important to put in the middle. The fire just don't seem big enough for all those irons I got goin' here lately.
If ya are lookin' for somethin' really snarky, hint, hint, Venomous Kate, I liked this one the best.
I guess I got to award somethin' valuable to Invited Intruder for so ably coverin' last evenin's Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™, so let me look into my bag of tricks and see what we have --- oh a lovely Pee Wee Herman Pog -- how very special. A show of hands --- how many of ya'll even know what a pog is?
I was extremely busy for most of the day while a sinus headache was buildin' up greatly and as luck would have it, the end of the workday and the climax of the headache came together nicely. As such, I am now sufficiently medicated to the point where I feel like layin' down for a bit to see if I can get my head to stop swimmin' or somethin'. It is very hard to concentrate on anythin', so I am gonna give up for awhile. Hopefully, I will feel better later. At least I hope to feel good enough to give my Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™. ttfn ya'll
As Glenn Reynolds is fond of sayin': "Indeed."
*With apologies to Uncle Ray.**
**We ain't really related.
I just got a call into my office. I was still just hangin' 'round -- readin' a few blogs tryin' to Kill Beal* without success. Phone rings - I answer:
Good evenin', Law Office.He did not even wait for me to advise him to try to stay out of trouble.Yes, is the attorney in?
This is he.
This is [insert name of innocent client]. You saw me in the jail yesterday. They just let me out of jail. What happened?
I got the DA to drop the case.
Thanks. /Click/
It ain't often that I can get the DA here to actually drop a case, but it is hard to make a charge of Felon in Possession of a Firearm stick if the guy does not have a felony conviction. Such was apparent from a readin' of every piece of paperwork in the DA's file, but did they catch it? Surely they did. Were they jes' happy to hold him in the jail until someone with enough brains came along to find it and point it out to them? Or were they hopin' that no one would notice they had indicted a guy on a totally bogus charge** and that some court appointed attorney would just twist the guy's arm to plead guilty, thus waivin' his right to appeal the matter, for probation and a felony conviction?
My discussion with the DA that resulted in the above came about after I finished up the matter I was scheduled to appear in court for this mornin'. I thought it strange enough that I had was compelled to actually argue a discovery motion to have the DA's office investigate and turn over the criminal records of two witnesses against a client of mine. I had previously asked them to look into the fact that one of the witnesses, the daughter, had previously been charged with a similar offense as the one with which my client is charged involvin' the other witness to the case, whose criminal history I requested. As far as I could determine, the DA's office had failed to even take the time to look if there was a possibility my client was not guilty of the offense for which she is charged. They thereby forced me to file a motion so as to get the judge to require that they investigate their own witnesses. As it was, I thought the judge was going to deny my Motion, anyway, until I agreed to allow the judge to examine the records in camera,** so as to redact any matters that might be extraneous to the issues at hand, prior to turning such over to me. A SCOTUS case most attorneys refer to as Brady says that the State has an obligation to turn over any and all evidence in their possession that might be exculpatory (beneficial in some way to the defense of the person charged). There is actually some belief that the State must make such information available voluntarily and not await the defense's filin' of a motion and the obtainin' of a rulin' by the court. Most judges, in my previous experience ,routinely grant such motion and require that the State immediately provide criminal records of all the State's witnesses except police officers. Most courts believe that it would just be a waste of time to do a criminal record search on police officers.
Let's link to OTB, whadda ya say?
*Damn, I'm good! ;)
**Law lesson here, ya'll. Just because a person is indicted by a Grand Jury does not necessarily mean they are guilty. Grand Juries often just do whatever the DA asks of them. It is mostly a rubber stamp process.
***Legal term meaning that the judge looks at some materials privately so as to assess the level of damage such might cause if allowed to be introduced in a case.
Is it just me, or are there many others that think we ought not be playin' with our food so much? Ya know, there may be a day when Mother Nature has finally had enough, and orders us away from the dinner table - for good.
What brought all of this on, ya say? Jes' this story over on Aaron's blog.
I, o' course, might'a missed it had it not been for a blurb I eyed over on Mind of Mog.
The followin' is somethin' I found here:
1/ Be decisive. People will bow down to you faster if you use a decisive tone of voice.OK, now I am mindful that I do not do a great job of keepin' my boots nicely shined, but my individual entry templates look great!
2/ Expand your vocabulary. If people are busy deciphering what you're saying, you'll be able to slip a world-ruling clause or two into conversations and contracts without them noticing.
3/ No friends. They only get in the way. You're looking for followers and disciples.
4/ Believe in yourself. Conviction and meglomania [sic] are the way to go. Nice guys finish without ruling the world. Not you!
5/ Proof-read and spell-check. Sloppy documents make for sloppy work. Sloppy work makes for failed ruling.
6/ Topple governments. Ruling parties can be troublesome when you're brainwashing the citizens. Better to remove the old regime first.
7/ Designate two or three successors. The in-fighting between them while they try and curry your favour will keep anyone from targeting you with a decapitation strike at your empire. Besides, a layer or two between you and the lackeys leaves you more time to work towards [sic] the goal.
8/ Nice shoes. No one respects a bad shine.
9/ Planning. Thing like ruling the world don't "just happen".
10/ Talk loudly. You need to be heard. And drowning out everyone else will get your points across faster.
11/ Take on more than you can handle. Taking over the world is hard work and appearing busy is the key to the awe and respect you'll need. Don't let anyone know that you're delegating most of the work to those aforementioned disciples and followers.
12/ Get a snappy URL. Marketing is EVERYTHING!
Ain't it funny how things just seem to happen for a reason? As you can probably easily divine from my previous post, I have made a round to read DavidMSC's blog this evenin'. Well on another of his stories, he mentioned somethin' 'bout a makeover they had done on blogger.com. I, o' course, who chide the walnuts* off of Blogger at every chance I get, just had to see what was new with Blogger.
I ain't really gonna say much about them changes, 'cause I ain't goin' back. I think I will just stay right where I am, thank ya very much, and blog on whatever the good Pixy provides ... I will choose the content and the layout, however. The software and server decisions I leave in more highly qualified and capable hands.
However, the reason I was blurbin' 'bout all of this anyway was 'cause . . . since I was already over there, I decided to see if my ol' Blogger/blog*spot blog was still in existence, and it is ... what is really cool is that the last post on that blog is dated May 9, 2003. Today is the one year anniversary of the day I deserted blog*spot!
*Make of that what you will and feel free to discuss it among yourselves.
The two biggest topics bein' searched on today are Hippie Hollow and green baby poop -- nude beach and baby crap. I really don't have a clue as to what to read into that, do you?
. . . or why I watch Saturday morning cartoons.
So anyway, I was watchin' this show called Filmore and the characters were sayin' the word "frisco" here and there, as if it was communicatin' some secret message. I assumed it was a part of our ever growin' American vernacular ... and I do like to keep up on such things. So, any one got a clue as to what the term "frisco" is intended to communicate to another person? I know, I know, I am an ol' Fogey* and that is like yesterday. Just lay the 411 on me.
*Does that connote** that I smell like an cheap cigar?***
**Whose meaning was previously overlooked.
***Never mind ... I had it mixed up with rank stogie [var. stogy].
Saturdays are such always slow bloggin' days.
The National Bloggin' Service has hereby issued a light bloggin' warnin' for most of the World Wide Web which will remain in effect until 6:00 pm. CDST.
I am unsure of the hour, but it was one of those in the midst of the early mornin'. I awoke with the pressure of a full bladder clamorin' for relief. This is not a surprisin' scenario, as it occurs often. I arose, half-asleep and walked into the bathroom. I did my business without incident.* At the conclusion, I began to make the trip back to my bed when I suddenly became disoriented and fell backward onto my coccyx.** Other than havin' likely sustained a bit of bruisin' to said coccyx, I appear to be otherwise unharmed. Alarmed, yes - harmed, no. Currently, I am just chalkin' it up to one of those odd moments of life.
*OK, OK, I admit that it was dark and there may have been the tiniest bit of errant splatter.
**This is the tail bone for ya'll that ain't up on the medical vernacular. I actually ain't all that keen on usin' the medical terms myself, and promise I didn't do it this time to show off or because it sounds nasty when you say it. I just especially like the unique spellin' of the word. I mean 3 "c's", a "y", and an "x". Those kind of words don't come around all the time, ya know? I just wonder what the Scrabble score would be for playin' coccyx.
Hmmm, just noticed some guy found my site by searchin' "Just for a Thrill." I, of course, was thrilled to have found myself listed as #2 on the list of returns for that combination of words.
However, what was more surprisin' was that I was the top return on a search for "uns20910" as I was neither familiar with that term nor had I any idea that I had ever blogged 'bout such term. I found that I had, indeed, not included such blog term in my previous blog posts. The term, whatever it is, was found in a comment to this post..
My favorites on this date were "no chew upholstery" [Returned No. 2 but score that one for Rusty!*] - "imponderable questions" [Returned No. 5] - "deeper voice" [Returned No. 9] - and lastly - "african tribal ear piercing" [Returned No. 1].
Now strangely enough, the same post that comes up No. 1 on a search for african tribal ear piercing is the exact same post that comes up as No. 1 on a search for uns20910. I do suppose that stranger things have happened.
*There may be some, especially you new readers that do not know that I reprised several of my deceased father's columns last year in the category Rusty Rides Again™.
Often I pose questions, ala Michele, upon which I am very interested in receivin' some feedback.. Of course, seldom does anyone actually give me their thoughts. I ain't gonna whine 'bout it, though, but I do pose them because I do want to know how some of ya'll feel 'bout certain things. Take for example this situation:
Recently on hotmail, there have been a series of FLASH ads in the panel along the right border for some site that will supposedly disclose how much homes in your area are worth (presumably for a small fee). There have been a couple of different ads with a little bird of some sort and another with six little houses. If your cursor crosses a certain part of the ad, the bird will move and chirp, or one of the houses will spin and a door bell with will ring. I know how this works and how to duplicate such as I do some FLASH design myself, but does anyone else find it so irritatin' and aggravatin' as to wish the practice would cease?
John Kerry thinks he is Tom Cruise.I was expectin' to read that Lurch had converted to the Church of Scientology, not braggin' that he had played Top Gun over Israel. I wonder if he tossed any
I also need to give an assist to Michele in the creation of this story.
When you get the reports directly from the source, you seem to get a truer picture of what is occurring in Iraq. Kelly, "The Patriette" brings us a first hand account of the types of dangers some of the civilian workers in Iraq are facin'.
It seems there has been a lyrical snark fest posted on 'Lectric Venom and yours truly had nary a link among the offerin's. Oh, ain't like I been real snarky of late, is it?
Guess I been puttin' in way too much effort tryin' to find me a literary agent to look at my book. It seems that best sellers just don't find their own way onto the shelf this day and age.
I had thought Nightline was birthed with the growin' storm of controversy surroundin' the US involvement with the Middle East, and it did indeed come into fruition as a forum to share the news regardin' the Iran-Hostage situation in 1979. The show has seemingly always found its greatest share of audience playin' up to the fears of Americans via its use of slanted reportin' about things Arabic. Is it any wonder that Ted Koppel would find it necessary to publicly tabulate the cost of this war by listing the names of those who have perished in the current conflict? I find it unsurprisin', in the least, and of no great consequence in the most. The Viet Nam Memorial lists the name of every person killed in that conflict. The listing of names no more justifies our involvement in that war as it makes it appear to be unjustified. It merely memorializes the sacrifice those few did in honor of the rest of us. I see no reason to censor Koppel, or to forestall his supposed political statement of his disgust with the current situation in Iraq. That is the American Way. All sides are to be accorded a full and equal right to redress their grievances. Even if they are barkin' moonbat asshats. Now, that is all I have to say about the matter.
Saturdays are always slow bloggin' days, it seems. Of course, that means there are fewer lines to in which to wait so as to see what is new here, I guess. I mean look at the lovely set of countries from which visitors came today:
the Netherlands; Ireland; India; Denmark; United Kingdom; Germany; Australia; Jordan; France; Switzerland; Cyprus; Poland; and Canada.I would have never dreamed that anythin' I would have written would have reached people from all of those countries in a single day even if it had been suggested such would even be possible a decade ago. I do not really care what anyone else suggests about bloggin', the mere fact that it is instantaneously accessible, content driven medium done on a wide-scale world-wide basis poises it at the forefront of a communicational avalanche that clear the path for a new way of thinking as we enter the 21st Century. I am utterly pleased to be one of the larger snowballs at the top of the heap. Thanks, ya'll, for your support.
Ya'll remember when I made that trip to Florida and came back after havin' driven all the way through The Everglades without seein' a single alligator? I suspect James thinks I was a lucky fellow, and crazy because I actually was hopin' to see one.
Now here is one of our Munuvians that really has his eye on what is important:
I'm Voting for KerryTom of The Nap Room, however, immediately says that he is jes' kiddin'. He does explain very simply the reason that most of the people who are gonna vote for Kerry are gonna vote for Kerry:
Kerry has far superior economic plans.Tom then says somethin' important:
"He's going to creat [sic] 10 million new jobs!""How?"
"He's gonna keep jobs in this country"
"He's gonna keep jobs in this country!"
I am always interested to understand why people support candidates on such weak arguments. Is it because their unions told them so? Do they even have any basic understandings of economics? I don't think so. They are brainwashed.If you want to support a candidate, back it up with logic and facts. Don't do it because your union thugs told you to.
I found a story over on Emperor Misha I's blog that seems to have ever'one crackin' up. It seems some idiotic Palestinians tried to steal a bomb from a Hamas suicide bomber.
The robbers forced the bomber to lie on the ground and tried to steal the bomb, but the militant detonated it, killing all three.I dunno, but I think if a guy has already planned to martyr himself, there ain't much you could really do to make him give up on killin' himself, so why in the world would you try to steal his bomb? I mean, really, are bombs really all that hard to come up with in the Middle East that you even need to be worryin' 'bout stealin' one from a suicide bomber? Heck, seems if you needed one that badly, you just go to your nearest Hamas' office, walk in, say, "Hey, I want to volunteer to blow myself up and take a whole bunch of Israelis with me," and they would just give you a bomb of your own. Wouldn't it be much easier to steal it from yourself once you got out of they eyesight?. But then, of course, idiots don't really have the ability to think things through like that, do they?
Glenn Reynolds gets monetary donations and hate email. I don't get either, but then I don't have any buttons to allow people to donate and have not published an email address hereon for people to use to send hate mail. I am quite sure everyone wantin' to send me hatemail already has my email address. I do have comments, however, so hateful messages can be freely posted for all to see.
I really liked Frank J's Suggestions to Improve John Kerry's Campaign. I would quote a goodly bit of it, but it might be easier if you just go look at it over there. You can come back, and, who knows, there might be somethin' new here.
Although today was my birthday, it was probably the worst birthday I have had in my life. I have been fightin' some stomach bug all day long. Of course, maybe it is apropos. After all, today I turned IL.* I just hope I am not ill all year because of such.
My back had really been achin' me over the last few days, too. I had court this mornin', and as soon as I was able to leave, I went to a chiropractor. At least my back and my neck feel much better. Tink sent me a really cute Birthday card.
When I was gettin' dressed this morning, for some reason, as I was puttin' on my underwear, I had a weird thought. Aren't we lucky that our clothin' is no longer sized by our age after about age 6? I am pretty sure if I tried to wear a pair of pants in size 49, I would look like I was a teenaged boy, as my pants would fallin' off of my body and my underwear would be showin' above the waist band.
If there was any silver linin' for the day, at least my dialup connection is workin' better than it has been for the last couple of days. I can actually surf again. And right after I typed that, I got disconnected before I could post it.
*I have decided that ages don't seem all that bad if you put them in Roman numerals.
A swirling mist
enveloping all,
choking some,
sustaining others;
some few
have loosed
their grip.
and float
for that
which cannot
Yesterday - I had a pretty nasty headache. I was in Walmart lookin' over the analgesics and was thinkin' of gettin' the Walmart equivalent to Excedrin Migraine. It was somethin' like $4.29 for 100 coated caplets. I read the ingredients: Acetaminophen 250mg; Aspirin 250mg; and Caffeine 65mg. I was just wonderin' what additional ingredients were in the Migraine version than say the Extra Strength version, so I picked up a bottle of 100 tablets of the Extra Strength version which sells for $2.79 and guess what? The ingredients in the Extra Strength version are: Acetaminophen 250mg; Aspirin 250mg; and Caffeine 65mg. Of course, they are tablets and not caplets, so they are bit smaller. The inert ingredients were a bit different as well, but those ingredients are not really all that important anyway, are they? Surely not $1.50 worth.
However, Jaboobie did a better job than I of checkin' on stuff:
According to West Nile Statistics for PA, Last year, there were 247 cases and 8 deaths. The population of PA according to the 2002 census is 12,335,091. That means you have a .0020024% chance of contracting the disease and a .0000648 chance of dying from it. Accordingly, the National Safety Council states that you have a .004938% of dying from accidental poisoning and a .0001052% chance of dying just because it's hot outside.From what I could see from his reaction, Jaboobie thinks his chances of not contractin' West Nile virus are good enough, he ain't gonna worry a bit about it.
To John, Snip! Snip! Snip! means gettin' a haircut. Accordin' to Dustbury, it could mean somethin' entirely different in Oklahoma.
My StatCounter just rolled over to 40,000 but my SiteMeter counter is still at 39,608. Now when I set up the StatCounter, I set both to the exact same number. I counted each previous milestone by the number on the SiteMeter. Which do I use now? I am not countin' 40,000 as a milestone. My belief is that the next mark past 25,000 is 50,000. Still, it is somethin' to think about.
I am so proud to announce that I had my first visitor from a country that I did not know existed: Kazakstan. I am almost sure it is one of those little independent countries in the southern region of what was formerly the Soviet Union. Geography has surely changed since I was in elementary school. So Just where is Kazakstan? Here it is. The essential data:
Full country name: Republic of KazakhstanA few other interesting facts:
Area: 2.71 million sq km
Population: 16.8 million
People: 46% Kazakh, 34.7% Russian, 4.9% Ukrainian, 3.1% German, 2.3% Uzbek, 1.9% Tatar
Language: Kazakh, Russian
Religion: 47% Muslim, 44% Russian Orthodox, 2% Protestant
Government: republic
Head of State: President Nursultan Nazarbayev
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daniyal Akhmetov
GDP: US$52.9 billion
GDP per capita: US$3,100
Inflation: 10%
Major Industries: Much of industrial capacity is shut down and/or in need of repair) Oil, coal, iron ore, manganese, chromite, lead, zinc, copper, titanium, bauxite, gold, silver, phosphates, sulfur, iron and steel, nonferrous metal, tractors and other agricultural machinery, electric motors, construction materials, grain (mostly spring wheat), cotton, wool, livestock
Major Trading Partners: Russia, UK, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the Netherlands, China, Italy, Germany, Turkey, South Korea
If you're not a fan of endless semi-arid steppe and decaying industrial cities, Kazakhstan may seem bleak, but those who enjoy remoteness, wide open spaces, lunar landscapes, long hypnotic train rides and horse sausage will definitely be in their element. [more]Of course, if you really want the official skinny on Kazakhstan
The only official site in Kazakhstan. Owned by the President of the Kazakhstan. All information you need about Kazakhstan: Political structure, geography, education, geography, tourism, culture, ...Well, let me conclude this brief foray into our quest for knowledge about Kazakhstan by welcoming our Kazakhstanian friends to our humble blog and asking them to please feel free to drop in whenever the mood should strike them in the future.
It seems that there are more allegations of girl bloggers thinking boy bloggers are being bad goin' on. I ain't too sure I ain't gonna go with the girls on this one, 'cause it does appear as if some of the little boys are intentionally puttin' the little girls' pigtails in the inkwells. Now let's all start playin' nice a'fore someone gets mad and trots off home cryin' home takin' their ball with 'em.
Now this is a big story! [requires registration]
Frustrated by a lack of economic progress under the democratic regimes that rule them, a majority of Latin Americans would support an authoritarian government if it bettered their lives, according to a UN report released Wednesday.So, there are those living in such abject poverty, squalor and starvation in our own hemisphere, who, in order to enjoy a more fruitful existence, would rather be subjected to iron-fisted rule than to be free. When Michael Van Winkle suggests that Latin America is ripe for tyrannical rule, he is right on the mark. It is unlikely, however, that the causes of the poverty have as much to do with the type of government in place, as they do with the utter corruption or corruptibility of the ones in power.
Well, I got my first comment spammer today since I moved to munu. Thankfully I remembered that Pixy puts the link to the blacklist console in the bottom of his bloglets emails, so I easily deleted it and added about 5 or 6 more URLs in the list. I feel so satisfied.
I really did not think there was much about today's horoscope to worry about:
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 -- Your Tuesday horoscope, Taurus!I am not sure if any of ya'll know how much I chat with Cherry,* but I said somethin' about a person in a group to which we both used to belong, and she chastised me for being a bit harsh. Then, as chance would have it, she got really busy at work and stopped respondin' to my messages for a pretty long time. I guess I did not build up my psychological defense mechanisms all that well, because I was actually startin' to worry a bit. However, it seems there was not as much to worry 'bout as my mind was tryin' to make me think there was.
The Sun in Taurus is causing you to be a little more sensitive. Sharp words from someone you admire could stop you in your tracks. The quicker you build a psychological defense mechanism, the better.
*Yes, this is the same blogger who used to be a Munuvian bloggin' at the now defunct Cherry's Ramblings.
Oh my George! If I had seen Lenore in a Yankee's cap, I likely would have had a heart attack. Seeing her in a Red Sox cap sent Michele* into full blown war mode.
* Who is again back to bloggin' at full speed.
It seems that Susie is havin' a contest, with a prize even,* wherein people are asked to submit their best stupid customer stories, personal observation of such is a requirement, so none of those well this is something that my brother-in-law said happened to him when he was doing customer service for Baby Bell in 1972 stories. I think I could submit several, but then my customer service situations almost always involve something a bit peculiar, huh? Anyway, I heard that Mr. Mouse was going to be one of the judges of the contest. I am personally very afraid of blogging mice, so I am gonna have to pass. But ya'll enter, really. I heard the prize was up there with what she gave Bill on his birthday.
*Still channeling Snagglepuss on occasion. Exit Stage Left.
Just received via email. I think I have seen this previously. I just hopefully haven't posted it previously. Of course, I might have. Oh well, without further angst and ado:
Let's see if I understand how the world works lately...Of course, as most of you know by now, I actually believe that we all too often shift the blame where it doesn't lie. Some of you might not have noticed that there have been some recent additions made at USURP.If a man cuts his finger off while slicing salami at work, he blames the restaurant.
If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer, your family blames the tobacco company.
If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, he blames the bartender.
If your grandchildren are brats without manners, you blame television.
If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.
And if a crazed person breaks into the cockpit and tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet, and the passengers kill him instead, the mother of the crazed deceased blames the airline.
I must have lived too long to understand the world as it is anymore.
So, if I die while my old, wrinkled butt is parked in front of this computer, I want you to blame Bill Gates...okay?
Now here is something truly amazing:
A Belgian motorist was left stunned after authorities sent him a speeding ticket for travelling in his Mini at three times the speed of sound. [emphasis supplied]I guess what they always use to say about not being able to outrun the radio is not true any longer. Well, wait just a minute ...
However, police later admitted that a faulty radar had been responsible for the Mini's incredible feat.The prosecutors office laughed when they were called in to follow up the unpaid fine.
Police also said they had made a mistake in still sending out the ticket, given that it was impossible - even for a doughty little Mini - for a car to have travelled so fast.
"We called the local police to find out what height the plane caught speeding along the Boulevard Lambermont was flying at."Oh well, I guess everyone got a good laugh at that one. I sure do hope the motorist didn't get a citation for "failure to appear" when he blew off what was evidently a fictitious charge. If not, I suppose, it is "all's well that ends well."
The valuable kudos to be awarded in connection with this report go to Mr. Pigvig at Silflay Hraka.
I always thought I had something in common with Drew Carey:
Of course, as with most of these quizzes, there are too few questions and not enough different choices to be all that accurate. I mean how can I be Cleveland? It snows a lot there, and I ain't all that crazy about snow. I was thinkin' more like maybe Acapulco or Juarez ... but then I suppose the test makers likely excluded the cities in the rest of the Americas, right? You probably couldn't be Calgary or Montreal as well, although a snow avoidin' Texas boy like me likely wouldn't want to be one of those two either.Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"
You are blue collar and Rock n Roll. You Work hard and party harder.
Still, I need to thank Eric at Classical Values for sendin' me the right way --- I think. Cleveland??????
I actually found this in my Inbox. As I read through it, I became alarmed because the situation as described was very sad. However, it was so unbelievable, that I became convinced it was a hoax. However, by the very end, I was thoroughly convinced that the matters discussed within the letter were absolutely true. Of course, despite the troubles of the letter writer, I still feel very little compassion for his situation.:
Dear Mr. President:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak my mind. I lost my job this past year. When Mr. Clinton was president I was secure and prosperous, but you have cost me my job and my home. In the last year we had to close our operations. I was forced out of the place of employment where I had worked for 34 years, and not a single government program was there to help me.
Far worse, I lost two of my sons in your evil war in Iraq. They gave their lives for their country, and for what? While it is trivial next to the loss of my sons, I regret to say that I also lost my home. I simply have nothing left.I am a senior citizen with various medical problems and I'm in no position to begin a new career. If I had any money left I would donate it to the Democratic Party. If Al Gore had been elected in 2000 I would still have a job, a home, and most importantly, my dear sons.
Saddam Hussein
Does anyone recall that I began bloggin' 'zactly one year ago, today. I started on blogger as most of us do, soon began publishin' to my own domain. After about a month, I tinkered with greymatter before decidin' to go with MT. I finally decided to become a part of the greater munu universe. 2400+ posts, 3000+comments, and 38,000+ visitors. What a wild ride it has been. Thanks ya'll!
A couple of interestin' International situations I found surfin' around today: First of all, I should have been keepin' a closer eye on the situation with bloggers in China. Brainysmurf says that the Chinese government's efforts to block bloggin' from within and about China is resultin' in givin' those bloggers more attention.
Then, Reuters reports that the World Court has ordered that all the death row cases in the United States involvin' Mexican citizens are to be reviewed because the Mexican citizens had not been properly informed of their right to talk to consular officials shortly after their arrests.
UPDATE: It seems our motorcycle ridin' friend from Russia, who has now identified herself as Elena, has some more pictures she took of rides through the Chernobyl area. I think it is worth another look, ya'll.
UPDATE II: In continuin' our look at items dealin' with other countries, have ya ever wondered exactly who is in charge of lookin' into and dealin' with all those Nigerian email scams here in the US? It seems the agency that is in charge of such is the Secret Service.
Would you believe they did it again? Carnival of the Cats II - was there ever a bigger waste of electrons?*
*OK, I am sure that Bill has wasted more than this on any given day.**
**I figured I had better pick on Bill today, as he seems to have forgotten 'bout me. He still ain't changed his link.
My Aunt 'Net has filled my inbox with a bunch of different items and I found this link to a wonderful site that follows the life of a hummin'bird, complete with pictures, from the day it was hatched to the day it was ready to fly. Start at the link and be sure to keep hittin' the next page link at the bottom of the page. It s a very interestin' journey and it ain't all that long.
I thought the comment spammers were bad, but whoever you people are that are comin' in here spyin' on me and hackin' my pages and changin' my words: You are not welcome. I am currenlly investigatin' to determine who you are: itexas.net 12:19:38 pm viewed 2 pages and spent 8:38 lookin' at this site.
Is there anythin' that some crook somewhere won't think up just to steal someone else's money? Even I would never have thought of this scheme. What I am wonderin', though, is if these things are sold stores or available online and just how much you have to lay out to sit in a car watchin' some ATM for your chance at some easy money?
The post import file is uploaded onto munu and I did a couple of attempts to import it yesterday. My dialup crashed after a bit and when I reattempted, it started duplicatin' the posts that had imported prior to the crash. I decided it might be better to do the import on my office cable connection. I spent the rest of the night deletin' all the posts that had imported.
I went back to bed after I posted the last item. I suppose ya'll are aware that the last two days had worn me down extensively, and my body just gave out, I guess. Anyway, I dozed intermittently as I say there, and several items came to mind. My other location is not yet registered on NZB's Ecosystem and when I do so, I will likely find myself back in the lower echelon of the species thereon. Alas, I suppose I will eventually climb back up in the ranks of the pickled pig's feet at some future point as most of ya'll change your links to http://tig.mu.nu/. I suppose I will have to reconfigure my SiteMeter to read from the new location, and although I can add the number of visitors from my current site meter to that meter, the graph won't show that giant Instalanche 10,500 visitor spike I got last August or otherwise allow me to keep track of my previous visitation statistics. Again, so what? It ain't nuthin' 'specially important in the long run of what I really hope to accomplish by bloggin'. There is, however, one thing that does bother me extensively ... that is all those trackbacks to my posts that exist out there on ya'll blogs that could end up pointed to URLs that no longer exist. I am supposin' that I could create a bunch of redirect pages or somethin' to lead people to the new location of those posts, or some other work around. I am still thinkin' on that.
I am still thinkin' and would really appreciate any thoughts and suggestions ya'll might have regardin' these and any other problems ya'll might have regardin' the blog move. But, from this point on, all further bloggin' will be at the other this place: Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin' ... same name, same blogger, same crud, different URL. Change your links, PLEASE!
Wow, has today ever started off with a rash of surprises. Of course, I was surprised to learn that my good friend Susie was such an influential blogger, but I already posted 'bout that. Then I walk into the office as my secretary was leavin' a message on the answerin' machine tellin' me she would not be in today because she is in the hospital. It seems this pregnancy is not goin' easily. I am not surprised that she is continuin' to have difficulties, I was just surprised that she had been hospitalized. I actually did pick up the phone and was able to speak with her before she hung up. Her spirits were good. I was glad for that. She was primarily worried about how I was gonna get along without her. It will be difficult, to be sure, but I am more concerned about my havin' to pay her for today when she was not able to work. However, she works for what I can afford to pay her and she does put forth a lot of effort and gets a lot done when she is able. If she needs a day here and there, due to health and family problems, I just count it as part of runnin' a small business. To do otherwise, I would likely have to hire someone who expects to be paid more than I gross on a monthly basis. Very Important news is contained in the extended entry ... somethin' you likely do not want to miss.
After I hung up with Sam[antha], I checked the messages on my answerin' machine. There was only one message and it from someone who mentioned they were lookin' for someone with my name that lived in a town where I used to live. They left a name that sounded very familiar, but I could not recall anythin' 'bout the person. It turns out it was a very close friend of mine and my late wife from the time when she had died,. Carrie had cared for the dogs I had at that time while I spend most of the time carin' for my wife, either in the hospital or travelin' back and forth from Dallas to Carlsbad, NM where she lived the last weeks of her life. We had a pleasant conversation and caught up on what has been happening' in both our lives. It seems she divorced and remarried. Her kids are now grown but she has young step daughters and seems to be stayin' pretty busy clearin' up some old business havin' to do with her prior relationship. I explained to her how I came to live where I live and why I liked living here in notCrawford. I told her my email address and the URL of this blog. It was kinda surprisin' to hear from someone from my past like that.
I had just hung up from talkin' to her and had gone to the back of the office to [TMI] when I heard the entry bell ring. I completed my business hurriedly and rushed out of the men's room. I shouted to let whoever it was know I was in the back of the office and was comin' their way. My visitor turned out to be some guy with two plats full of ripe strawberries. He said that someone had bought them for me. He set them on my counter and left as I watched with what I assume was an utterly perplexed look upon my face. I ate a couple of the strawberries and they were delicious. I then locked the door and walked the square, located his truck, and attempted to investigate in an attempt to locate my mysterious strawberry patron. No one seemed to possess any relevant information about the identity of the mystery person, however. Followin' my failed investigation attempt, I returned to my office. I ate a couple more of the strawberries, and began to try to figure out what I was gonna do with two plats of strawberries. I don't really eat all that much fresh fruit. I rarely even eat at home. If I do, it is usually somethin' that is prepackaged and microwaveable, or easily heated in a pre-heated oven. Admittedly, almost anythin' that does make it into my refrigerator generally develops mold before I ever look for it again. Current residents in my fridge are a jar of pickles, a can or two of Dublin Dr. Pepper, and some old dried up baked potato I never got around to eatin'. So, I was thinkin' about takin' them to my friend's store and just lettin' him give them away when the proverbial light bulb flashed over my head: I ended up donatin' them to the local food bank. The food bank personnel were delighted to have received them and said they would be a very special treat for some of our less fortunate citizens. So, to whomever gave me the strawberries: I thank you for your gift and the sentiment involved and I dearly thank you for providin' me with another opportunity to help people in my community.
As I drove back the two short blocks from the food bank to my office, I had no sooner parked when I saw someone for whom I had been intendin' to call. Bill is the guy who organizes the Lion's Club golf tournament. He had previously asked me if I would draw up a hold harmless agreement he could use in connection with the tournament. I had done drafted one yesterday and presented him with my proposal. He was very pleased with the document, and we discussed a couple of modifications that would be necessary so as it use it with multiple parties. I am elated to have be able to do somethin' for the Lion's Club. So many of the other members donate products to sell when we have fund raisers, but I really have nuthin' to offer. It ain't like I can donate a certificate for 50% off on a divorce or free defense on your next DWI arrest.
While I was talkin' to Bill on the sidewalk in front of the office, Jim Brady, the Commander of my American Legion Post drove by. He rolled down his window and reminded me that I had yet to type up the minutes from our last meetin'. I again made a mental note to try to recall where I put my notes. As he drove off, the next car at the stop sign was one of my staunchest supporters for my County Attorney race. I waved her over to discuss some issues with another candidate's sign I had taken down prematurely. It seems they are in a run-off. I had removed all the signs from my front fence on the eve after the primary because State Election Law requires them to be taken down. We can put them back up 90 days prior to the November election. I have not even purchased signs yet, as I have not raised any money yet. Well, actually, the person I was speakin' with has raised some on my behalf. I forgot to ask her if I had enough to buy the helium balloons I want to give away at the 4th of July Parade. Oh well, there is still a bit of time between now and then. Overall, it was surprisin' that I happened to chance upon three people that I needed to speak with or that needed to speak with me, lined up like they did. Usually, I would have run into one at the post office, another at the grocery store, and would have had to call the third one later this evenin'.
I saved the biggest surprise of the mornin for last. Pixy Misa contacted me via email about the disappearance of Cherry. I explained to him that there was no cause for alarm. Cherry found a higher callin', she says, and has given up on bloggin'. However, it had been suggested on previous occasions that I was welcome to become a full member of the munu universe. I have begun negotiations to finally move T:RR into the munu realm. If I continue to keep bloggin' in connection with my legal practice, I can use this space for things of a more local nature. If the move goes as I foresee it, I will l kick Kang out of his home. He has become too Apathetic to even Abjectly Procrastinate. I fear that he, too, has completely given up on bloggin' . Even the bartender seems to have cooled on the idea of assistin' him with the bloggin' efforts.. I guess there is just so much one can expect from kangaroos, after all. The move may happen quickly and I am hopeful that there won't be too many of ya''ll who will be surprised if ya come here lookin' for T:RR and it is gone. It won't be gone -- it will one be where it should have been a long time ago, nestled among its friends: Ambient Irony (Pixy) [esteemed patron and benefactor of all things munu], Practical Penumbra (Susie), Stranger in a Strange Land (Tim), Jennifer's History and Stuff, Rocket Jones (Ted), Mookie Riffic; The Cheese Stands Alone (Lee Ann), Roxette Bunny; Caught in the X fire (Stevie); Angelweave (Heather), Anger Management (Don), Snooze Button Dreams (Jim), Everyday Stranger (Helen), Madfish Willie's, Annika's Poetry and Journal, and a host of new citizens with whom I have yet to become acquainted.
OK, I got two identical comments on some really old posts from some Russian blogger and a strange message from some guy in Canada in my last few comments. And about the only thing I did not retain from my previous template is the translator box, as I was of the opinion that no one was usin' it. I am pretty sure that "muxa stuk sell" does not mean what the fork did you do with the translator box? in Russian and if the Canadian was a French speaker, why was his message in English. I like to make sense of things, and these things do not make sense. I am liable to stay awake all night wonderin' just what all this means. Is it a sign of the apocalypse or just my own personal doom or is it just what it seems to be: somethin' totally unexplainable? I am lookin' for answers, people, anyone got any?
{UPDATE: I just now 'membered what I had originally intended to say, or one of the things other than what I did say that was my purpose of postin'. I just thought I had two pretty noteworthy and controversial seemin'ly joke emails I received today of which no one seems to have taken notice: regardin' the different ways reporters can see the same story and a parable denouncin' homosexual relationships.]
First of all, I am very peeved that none of ya'll even attempted to win the easy Kudos on this post despite my havin' brung up this matter not once, but twice, since the original post. Now, this makes three times, but that don't make me a lady. I would put a kudo challenge on that one, but seems no one cares a whit for my kudos. They are at least a valuable as Jim's snooze points, aren't they? Actually, I ain't got any idea what the fork kudos are anyway, just some ol' hackneyed cliche' like most of the crud with which I come up. Damn, but what Churchill would be proud. There could be some kudos for that too, but ya'll don't seem to be playin'.
OK, so let's move off on another subject: my blog template. Ha ha! Yeah, I know ya'll are tired as Hell® of hearin' 'bout my blog template, but actually I was just gonna say that I tested it at 800x600 and it actually showed everythin' 'cept the right column without scrollin'. That is great, 'cause mostly all that is on the right column is links to ya'll. ;) No seriously, anyone who surfs at 800x600 or below just needs to go into the Individual Entry Archives. It ain't like we all get what we want. I like surfin' at a higher resolution than I do on this system because it is missin' the stop just above the settin' I use at the office and I don't like how small the letters are at the next higher settin' that is available. Surprisin'ly, none of my monitors will go down to 640x480 now. If you need to have things that big, folks, use the magnifier in Windows Accessories Accessibility. My late dad had such poor eyesight, he had a 36" monitor set to large type. He was surprised when I showed him the magnifier accessory.
Well, that is enough crud to spread for now. My head is poundin' -- likely sinus, Susie* -- and my neck has taken a lot of abuse from me sittin' steadily in this computer chair over the last two days, so I think I am gonna go watch one of them Lee Van Cleef movies I bought the other day. I got a full cup of Dr. Pepper and my belly is full from the Fritos® Chili Pie and regular order of onion rings I had at Sonic® after my last post from the office as I was headin' this way. I made a short detour, as usual, and filled my cup, then took a short trip down the street and filled my belly. I'll likely tell ya how the chili settled a bit later. ;)
Two months, one week, six days, 20 hours, 3 minutes and 4 seconds as elapsed since I last took a puff off of a nasty cigarette and that now means 2584 cigarettes not smoked, allowin' me to save $516.85 in cash as well as possibly extendin' my life an additional 1 week, 1 day, 23 hours, 20 minutes.
*Who will likely, I hope, be pleased that neither digital pictures nor movies, generally, ever give me a headache. ;)
I just got this from my sister, an expatriated Texan livin' in Tennessee. I am 'spectin' that she didn't vote for Albert Gore , despite his ties to her state of residence, last time around. I made that assumption after considerin' the followin':
A father watched his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.
Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.
"They're mating," her father replied.
"What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked.
"That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.
"So, the other one is Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.
"No," her father replied. "Both of them are Daddy Longlegs."
The little girl thought for a moment, then she stomped them flat and said: "Well, it might be okay in California, Vermont, and Massachusetts, but we're not having any of that crud in Texas.
Hey, I'm just passin' it along as somethin' topical I got in my email. Take it however ya' want it, 'cause I know there is bunches of ya on both sides of the issue. Of course, no matter what side you be on, please, let's don't be stompin' on others just 'cause you ain't agreein' with their lifestyles, OK?
Ya know, I hadn't seen a soul accuse them of havin' any brains at all, but sheesh, ya would think 'afore they wasted some of their efforts a'writin' all them URLs to all them filthy sites and crud, they might read some of the blogs they are a hittin' to get some idea about which ones might be unwatched for a few hours. I mean it ain't like I ain't been bloggin' 'bout how much I was just sittin' here and that the last couple of comments were from me. George, but them assholes is dumber than crud!
So who's up for paintin' zodiac crud all over their bodies and sendin' Goldie the pictures so she can put them up on the internet for all to see. Damn, I wasn't 'spectin' a sea of hands. I thought it was a facetious question.
Despite havin' tragically lost a family member due to the actions of a misguided teenager today, Michele calmly plots how to get close enough to snap a picture of the Big Kahuna in the Big Apple.
Well, all of the excitement last night was just too much for me and I overslept. Now I am runnin' late for court, so gonna run so I can beat the judge there. Even though I have a 25 minute head start, it might still be a close race. ttffn™
OK, I am thinkin' Michele is against R ratin's for movies that glorify the use of tobacco products. While I am in agreement that the politically correct police are goin' a bit overboard with when and where you can and cannot smoke, let me be one of the first to jump on the bandwagon for this idea. I cannot think of a single person who will disagree that the use of tobacco products does not constitute some unjustified risks to health in the majority of people. I know from experience that quittin' smokin' is one of the hardest things to do because of the various addictive factors associated with smokin'. As such, the absolute best method to quit smokin' is not to ever begin smokin' in the first place. Takin' steps not to glorify tobacco usage in motion pictures seems a good place to start. I am not too sure I agree with "R" ratin's however, but could see requirement of PG-13 ratin's for movies displayin' use of tobacco products with the appropriate identification factors for the ratin'. [full story]
Two months, one week, one day, 22 hours, 26 minutes and 12 seconds. 2412 cigarettes not smoked, saving $482.54. Life saved: 1 week, 1 day, 9 hours, 0 minutes.
Judge sentences Washington-area sniper John Allen Muhammad to death. I am so sad. [NOT!!!!!]
You're A People's History of the United States!
by Howard Zinn
After years of listening to other peoples' lies, you decided you've had enough. Now you're out to tell it like it is, with all the gory details and nothing left out. Instead of respecting leaders, you want to know what the common people have to offer. But this revolution still has a long way to go, and you're not against making a little profit while you wait. Honesty is your best policy.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Gracias to Linda at Right We Are for pointin' the way.
I have no idea why I thought this was funny:
I went to the zoo yesterday, Rhonda, and thought of you.
I couldn't find the dancing owl. - LeeAnn
I guess ya had to be there, right? So what the fuck am I doin' here readin' hilarious crud and laughin' my ass off when I am supposed to be on my way to a funeral. Oh, did I tell ya'll that I fuckin' hate funerals. I have it in my will that anyone who insists on havin' a funeral to dispose of my remains loses their share of my estate. If there are any remains of which to dispose, just take them to the zoo and toss them into a cage with some big cats. They know what to do with dead carcasses. No embalmin' though, 'cause embalmin' fluid fucks up the meat, ya know?
I just absolutely hate dialup ... uh, actually, I hate it just about as bad on my cable connection also when I can't connect up, but for some reason, I get a lot fewer hiccups on cable than I do with my third-world phone company line hookup with the ISP in the next town. I have been tryin' to get back to post some crud for like 30 minutes or more and now I forgot what the fuck I was gonna say. All I 'member is that it was the most Earth-shatterin' news I had ever had to pass along since I have been bloggin'. Now if I could just remember what it was. [insert massive amount of thinkin' and further contemplation here] Oh yeah, now I 'member, it was to tell ya'll, 'specially Scott,* to never ever buy any Kanterbrau Beer. I gotta thank Harvey for turnin' me onto that fact, but I still can't thank him for linkin' to me ... I guess he hates me or somethin'.
Oh, and James, speakin' of oxymorons ... wouldn't you agree that French beer is an oxymoron and that good French beer would be a double oxymoron?
*Linked post ain't got nuthin' to do with beer, 'cept that Scott was probably drinkin' one when he wrote it.
The BBC says Putin is a super tsar.
Da Commissar slanted it differently.
I found this quiz over on Ozguru's* and figured I would come up as someone cool, like Yoda, but no, I am:
![]() If I were a Star Wars character, I would be: Qui-Gon Jinn.
*It seems I caused a bit of confusion to the entire continent of Australia with this previous post and ran across the link to this quiz durin' an attempted clarification excursion.
Oh now, here is a good catch for some of ya'll gals: 27 year old male student, lives at home with mother.*
*It could be worse. He could be livin' at home with mother while assistin' her in the runnin of the family motel business.
It seems the media might be playin' with a set of marked cards in this current media meme frenzy about Bush's exploitation of 9/11 in his current ads. The cards are marked let's sway this news to make Bush look bad so Kerry can win.
Ith had further coverage on this veiled political attack by the Kerry camp.
Martha Stewart was convicted on four counts. I would provide a link, but just hit any news site, newspaper or serious blog.* Some may see this as a detriment to her career path, but I just see it as a good start for a future Country & Western Star. I mean how much longer was she gonna be able to push that current shtick anyway?
*I do not, by any means, consider this a serious blog, but I do honestly opine that I am a serious blogger.
I am just amazed that I have not had anyone claim the kidos on this post. I had thought that Buzz would get it, as he is the only person, besides me, that actually saw every episode of The Greatest American Hero.
Well, after a deluge of ecstatic activity at the beginnin' of the week, there was an eerie lull here at ***: Raggin' & Rantin' of late and I, for the life of me, could not figure out what had changed. I was postin' some great snarky and inane crud as usual, but it was fallin' on blind eyes. Verily, however, I awoke this mornin' and saw somethin' on my blogroll that disclosed the answer to that plaguin' problem. There was an update flag next to Sanity's Edge. Paul has returned and is again stealin' all of my thunder. Welcome back Paul!
[Yikes! I found another postin' on Ramblings* of SilverBlue that hints that there might be another reason people seem to be avoidin' my blog.]
*I have a really hard time typin' that "g" ;)
Well, the day had begun and I need to go see if I can dig myself outta of the hole I fell into yesterday. Until I get back, hold the fort, keep your chins up and Remember the Alamo.
Two months, three days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 32 seconds. 2216 cigarettes not smoked, saving $443.25. Life saved: 1 week, 16 hours, 40 minutes.
Velociman has a real hangup about meat and crud. Of course, with the recent flap goin' on about Acidman, I am not too sure I would even use the phrase "because I'm white."
The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the PresidentThe person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
Yep, Vermont says Dean is their man, even though he bowed out of the race already. Guess we kinda get some kind of a clue as to what kind of environment it takes to grow and nurture moonbats to maturity, huh?
*I ain't just real sure how people from Vermont talk. It may be that they like pronouncin' "g's" on the end of words.
You gotta see this picture that is posted over on Boots and Sabers.
*Lest I fail to be perfectly politically correct, I do suppose the same applies to pissed-off gay lovers as well.
Serenity is currently not so serene. Life has handed her a nasty basket of lemons, and she needs your support both in prayers and good wishes and also can likely use a bit of financial support as well. It seems that she mis-stepped on some wet cobbles and broke several bones in her ankle. Her health insurance has yet to kick in and she may be laid up long enough that her job won't wait. Bloggers are a close-knit family, so let's all gather 'round one of ours in this time of need.
Well, this is the 12th one since the day of my birth, and the first in 8 years, so those of ya'll that were lucky enough to have been born on February 29th, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I do know it has been quite awhile since you got to celebrate, but just remember, even though your birthdays come few and far between, the world throws a party near* ever' year you have one. All the countries gather together their biggest, fastest and strongest performance enhanced and genetically modified specimens to compete against each other in a contest for metal medallions and braggin' rights. As usual, I shall be pullin' for Zimbabwe to take the gold in basketweavin'. This year the celebration is to be held in Greece, where the damn party and leap year originated.** However, this may be the first time the Olympics have been hosted by Greece that Troy, Mesopotamia and Persia did not field teams.***
Today was also supposed to be a very very special day for me. I had intended today to be my weddin' day. I mean, I am so addle-pated, I figured if I got married on a day that comes around only once in four years, I can only forget my anniversary once every four years. Like I said, I might be an idiot, but I ain't an uneducated idiot. All the plans were made. I was all ready to get the ceremony done. I had decided Carrot Top could conduct the ceremony. I had heard that he is an ordained minister of the Church of Dial Down the Middle of North America. However, it does seem that my people could not coordinate the event with her people. In fact, it seems that my people did not contact her people at all. In actually, I believe my people do not possess a clue as how to contact her people. I guess I shall just have to continue to worship my true love from afar and ain't that a cryin' shame. I hope you win that Oscar tonight, sweetie. Whatever you wear will be fine, honey, as you are gonna be the best lookin' woman in attendance.****
Old Man Wind also seems to be a bit confused about this leap year business. He is under the impression that March has arrived and roared in like a lion this mornin'. His wife, the Rain Mistress, is even more confused. She thinks it is April and was providin' spring showers. Me, I'll just continue to believe it is December and go check the mail for Christmas cards. ttffn
*There is that thing about it not happenin' on years endin' with double naughts. I suppose such years are just too naughty for leap years.
**This may not be a fact, as I did not research such and don't really forkin' care ... it was just somethin' to say, OK?
***See footnote **
****If you don't know who she is, if you are fertile and wantin' to have my baby, it might be you or it might be Renee Zellweger.*****
*****Uh, she inferred that you be female ... I just remembered some of my readers****** ain't as smart as me and I have to spell things out for them.*******
******Does one count as some?
*******See footnote **
So. I was up at the crack of dawn this mornin' with the other idiots and old men. I am not 'zactly sure with which group I am supposed to be associated, so I just sat and waited to see which group would gather 'round me. No gatherin' took place in my immediate area. Except for a casual scowl in my direction, no one seemed to take notice of my presence. Eventually, the idiots and the old men gathered in their respective areas and began to converse. I watched for awhile and then approached one group and then the other. In each case, a deathly hush preceded my approach. I felt their watchful eyes bore into me as I stepped closer and closer. I stopped short of sayin' anythin' and backed away. I eventually came to a conclusion that I was too ignorant to join the old men and too old to fit in among the idiots. Odd man out, as usual.
Now, after that depressin' scenario, you might have a hankerin' for a wee bit of levity, eh? Venture into the unknown and check out the entended entry.
OK, as the biggest topic of the weekend is The Passion of the Christ, I present the followin' bit of crud:
Gerald went on a vacation to the Middle East with most of his family including his mother-in-law.
During their vacation and while they were visiting Jerusalem. Gerald's mother-in-law died.
With the death certificate in hand, Gerald went to the American Consulate Office to make arrangements to send the body back to the States for proper burial.
The Consul, after hearing of the death of the mother-in-law told Gerald that the sending of a body back to the States for burial is very, very expensive. It could cost as much as $5,000.00. The Consul continued, that in most cases the person responsible for the remains normally decides to bury the body here. This would only cost $150.00.
Gerald thinks for some time and answers, "I don't care how much it will cost to send the body back; that's what I want to do."
The Consul, after hearing this, says "You must have loved your mother-in-law very much considering the difference in price."
"No, it's not that," says Gerald. "You see, I know of a case many years ago of a person that was buried here in Jerusalem. On the third day he arose from the dead! I would rather not take that risk.
There is just too much really strange, unique, genuine, funny, insane, snarky, cruel, irreverant and otherwise noteworthy stuff left over from yesterday that ya haven't read or acknowledged, so until I am satisfied everyone has given such the attention it deserves, I am reservin't this space for future use.* Navel Gazin' Report fans need not worry too much as history has shown that even a major snit seldom precludes my daily regurgitatin' of inane belly button lore.
*Yeah, I am poutin' for links and comments ... :p
It seems that Owen is among those lucky enough to have already seen The Passion of the Christ. It appears that many have yet to find any tickets available. Then, of course, there might be a few like me that will just await the DVD to hit the bargain bins at the local video store.
London tourists might not think a toilet with one-way mirrors is a good idea, but I could have definitely found a use for one durin' the showin's of every episode of the Lord of the Rings movie series. I mean, ya eat a tub of popcorn, salty as Hell, while washin' that down with 32 ounces of Dr. Pepper® (or in some cases, Coca-Cola*, in those places in which only Coke products are sold**) in a 3 hour movie, ya are gonna gave to make a trip to the restroom. If they had some toilets with see through walls in the rear of the theater, then I would not have to cringe, pinch my legs together, just waitin' for a slow moment in the action so as to dart out, jostlin' people and steppin' on toes, runnin' to the restroom, yada yada***, and runnin' back, hopin' I didn't miss somethin' really good.
attribution: Goldie
*If you want me to do the extra work to identify your trademark, then pony up the bucks that I am hopeful that Dr. Pepper will one day pay me to hype their fantastic product.
**Mr. Pibb bein' such a bad imitation of Dr. Pepper as to be a totally nauseatin' choice.
***TMI replacement language.
Well, I aroused all fresh and alert and feel that my mental trowel is clean and sharp, so I am ready to spend the greater part of today listenin' to a lot of the State of Texas' witnesses and then do my best to punch a few holes in their testimony. I fear they have a strong case, but I will do my best to make the whole scenario look a bit like a Swiss cheese tapestry when laid out for final view either some time this afternoon or tomorrow.
[UPDATE: Now ain't this apropos:
Your Thursday horoscope, Taurus!
Communication is emphasized in a dramatic manner today. This is an afternoon of poetry and song, although some trouble is indicated if you forget your previously scheduled appointments.
It appears the stars are tellin' me I might need to insert a little song and dance into today's trial routine, and that if I don't hit the road soon and make it on time, the judge is gonna jump down my ass. ttffn]
[UPDATE II: Well, it does seem that my legal skills were just too much for anyone to handle today. As soon as I showed up, the DA said he had been up all night workin' on a possible murder case over the night where some argument dealin' with a pit bull dog came to a point where one person shot another person who is expected to die soon. So, the DA was tired and decided to come down a bit on his plea bargain offer. As soon as my client showed up, I took him to the side to tell him the offer, figuring he would not take it, as he has been sayin' all along he was an innocent bystander caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, it seems that after lookin' in the eyes of the jury yesterday after they were seated, he, too, had also had a sleepless night. This mornin' he was not really so eager to thrust grand decisions regardin' his life into their eager hands. As such, with a tiny tad of coaxin' on my part and some elaborately devised explanations to his family members as why I thought he was wise to be wantin' to accept the offer, the deal was made. As such, following some admonishments and waivers, the plea was accepted and the trial is over; the jury was dismissed; my client is likely gonna do less time than any of the other 7 people involved in the case; the DA gets to go home and get some rest; the Judge's trial week is over and he could now go fishin' or somethin' if he wanted; my secretary decided to take today off thinkin' I was gonna be in trial all day and would never know about it; and I am playin' hooky at home nursin' that damn sore back I got from standin' in the damn same place for 45 minutes yesterday pickin' that damn jury. My hot bath has been run, and I am thinkin' of doin' a bit of housecleanin'.*** The best thing about the whole episode is that I did not have to call the local County Judge to tell him I was gonna miss this month's County Court docket set tomorrow mornin' because I was stuck in trial after havin' missed it for the last two prior months because I was stuck in some District Court here or there. I personally am just a bit sad that the trial did not go, as I do so love goin' through the whole dog and pony show. The part I hate the most is jury selection, and here the damn trial went past that part and was aborted just as the fun part was fixin' to start.]
*To be received on this upcomin' Friday in some utterly remote parts of the world.
**As with most supposed quickies, the mere labelin' of some action as such never actually quells one's urge to keep comin' back for more and more of a good thing.
***That thought quickly passed and I am pretty sure no housecleanin' is gonna get done today after all. I am pretty sure that my desire to take a nap will supersede such endeavor in my personal priorities list.****
****Such list is stored firmly in the recesses of my chaotic mind and is governed by balancing a need for systematic procrastination with my personal tendencies toward utter laziness.
I thought I had done gone screwy when I saw where Goldie had pinged me today with a post entitled did someone say 'hump day'? 'cause all day I had been under the impression that today was Fat Tuesday. Well, it was Fat Tuesday for us, but seems it is already Ash Wednesday for those in the land of Oz, and likely my Kiwi friends in New Zealand as well. Now what concerns me is that I have forgotten in which direction Superman has to fly at a speed faster than light in order to go back in time. I know I knew that when I was 10 ... so how could I have forgotten such an important piece of information, now, when I probably need it more than I ever did at age 10. Of course, I now probably have more need for my name to be written in my underwear than I did when I was 10. This is not because I am any more liable to be losin' my underwear now than I was then. In neither case was that likely, as I have always managed to stay aware of the location of my underwear. No, any need for havin' identification written therein is because I am much more likely to forget who I am now that I was when I was 10. If you need any proof as to the decay of my mental processes, just notice how this post started out as a discussion of dates* and denigrated into a discussion of my underwear. Case closed, I think ... found guilty of bein' brainless.
*And, if you reread the overlooked first post of the day, you can see I was already a bit confused about whether I awoke today or tomorrow.
I don't know why someone from came in and left 25 comments on various posts without posing a URL. The appeared to have left 3 or 4 different email addresses. Their comments were not trollish, necessarily, in nature but added nothin' of substance to any of the posts. Most were the trite statements like Thee best blogggg or somethin' similar. Mostly, it was just the sheer number of such comments that I found irritatin'. Regrettably, I found it necessary to delete them all and to ban such IP number. I do so hope that I did not just press the iggy button on my new No. 1 fan, or, George forbid, the mother of my children. ;)
Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by environmental encounters.
While attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend, Walter and his wife Ann, listened to the instructor declare, "It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other."
He addressed the men, "Can you name and describe your wife's favorite flower?"
Walter leaned over, touched Ann's arm gently and whispered, "Pillsbury All-purpose, isn't it?"
And, thus began Walter's life of celibacy.
I awoke this morning to find that a severe blizzard blew through last night and dumped almost an inch of snow. I am tellin' ya, Texas looked more like Canada. I am waitin' on the snowplows to come clear the streets before I venture out.
I might have mentioned previously that I have been and still am a volunteer "expert" on http://www.allexperts.com/ on diet and nutrition. You might be surprised at some of the questions I get. Consider this one:
My name is Julian and I am currently slightly overweigh, by twenty pounds. I'm 5'10" and weigh about 205 lbs. I have been exercising for a couple of weeks, but my diet has been poor somewhat. I don't eat meat or chicken that much because I'm not a fan of them. However, I eat foods that are loaded in carbs. I also love eating all kinds of fish. I'm 30 years old and of south american descent. I would like to know how long I will live if I start getting fit now. I want to live a very long time and I would like to know if it's not to late to change my ways. How long am I expected to live if I do this?
Now, you have a serious of radio buttons you can pick so as to handle the questions you get:
- Answer this question or request more information.
- Sorry, this is outside my expertise OR I simply can't help with that.
- This question is too long and involved for me to help with.
- This is a rude, non-serious question.
- This is one followup too many.
- I don't do homework questions.
- Send me an e-mail of this question so I can consider this further.
- Send questioner a "you're welcome" note.
- This is a duplicate question. Use this option to deal with duplicate questions.
- There is no question here.
- I can't answer this with custom rejection message.
Now the first selection is if you actually want to field the question, and the remainder are ways to blow the questioner off in some way or another without a personalized response. I have rarely ever used any of the selections other than the first (and the one dealing with duplicate questions when applicable), because even if one of the other options actually fits, I feel the questioner, at the very least, unless it is obvious they were just being an ass, deserves a personalized response. I guess I do assist with homework questions, because I have been known to supply a few URLs and search terms to some people who seem to be lookin' for homework assistance. So, you have seen Julian's question. How do you think I answered him?
Hi Julian,
There is no way anyone can answer that question. Access to and advancement in medical technology makes such impossible, but I will give you this answer from what I have learned from my wife's death from complications due to her being anorexic for 15 to 16 years at the end of her life. No matter what you eat, you will live longer than if you don't eat.
Good luck,
Terence A. Russell
I suspect that is about as truthful as anyone could answer that question.
I just got this email that said "Make Your PC Fly" in the subject line, and I thought, yeah, toss it out the window. Now aren't you glad you took the time to read that?
See, I don't even rate as a dangerous blogger. Blah! Sorry Denita.
Your Thursday horoscope, Taurus! You will be looking your best today, so pursue the type of success that until recently you could only imagine. This is a day to make your sensuality known and appreciated, regardless of your intent.
OK, ladies, ya'll do know about my sensuality, right? Well, I am still unsure of my intent, but ya'll really ought to be appreciatin' my sensuality.
Did ya ever wonder who was first in claimin' www.cummingfirst.com? It likely ain't anyone that immediately popped into your mind.
Disclaimer for my students: Professor Levy's level of caffeine intake is not medically recommended and should not be emulated. His tolerance is at an appallingly high level, and therefore his intake does not interfere with his getting eight-plus hours of sleep per night. You all have an alarming tendency not to get eight hours of sleep per night, and this is not good. Coffee is a wonderful, wonderful thing but is not a substitute for sleep... - Jacob Levy
And yet, when it comes to students and not getting enough sleep, I am pretty sure there is somethin' much more physical involved on most occasions than the mere physical effects of caffeine.
Is there some kind of sandstorm of rebellion a'brewin' in Saudi Arabia? Glenn Reynolds points to this story and says Maybe.
Yes, the child has been found . . . alive and as good as can be expected under the circumstances. Momma did not fare so well. No word regardin' the father.
attribution: Dean or was it Rosemary? I actually, know which one is was, just was wantin' to wish a welcome back to Rosemary.
"What a stinking mess! This blood and other stuff that blew out on the road is disgusting, and the smell is really awful," said one resident.
"[T]he whale's belly just exploded and spilled blood and the innards on the street."
George, that is simply unbelievable?
attribution: Ravenwood
What kind of an idiot do you have to be to just rampantly destroy other people's vehicles because you believe ownership of such environmentally unfriendly vehicles displays decadence? One of the gang involved in destroyin' 50 SUVs said she particularly resented "arrogant ladies" who drive expensive SUVs instead of buying more economical cars and donating the surplus money to charity. [story] George! The next thing ya know, people will start throwin' blood on people who wear furs just to protest the killlin' of animals or somethin'.
attribution: Cracker Barrel Philosopher
I just saw this along the top of IMAO:
"Why do you want to harm France and Germany?" piped in one reporter, "Don't you understand that their just trying to bravely stand against America's imperial impulses?"and I thought, wow, what a dumb reporter -- doesn't even know that the correct term would be they're not their. He must have been Canadian.*
*Hey, that is just a joke, ya hosers. I like Canadians, eh? 'Cept them FROGLITES™ in Keybec, who are just a tad bit arrogant thinkin' we ought ta speak Harley Goo Parfait or some such nonsense.
One of the things I notice and blog about often is the endless circles we find ourselves in, just visitin' the same blogs over and over ... and thought of one way to get out of that rut by doin' somethin' a bit different. Let's call it Go Back Five. Pick any blog on your blogroll, open the main page, go to the fifth entry, find a link to another blog, click it, if archived page, go to main page, go to fifth entry, click on a link to another blog, do this three more times until you are lookin' at the main page of that last blog, then find somethin' on that blog to blurb about.
Here we go: Opening Drumwaster's Rants* ... fifth blurb links to michele ... go to main page of A Small Victory ... went down five posts to find this link to bradchoate.com ... opened full weblog and scrolled to fifth post where I found a link to Silverberry in the comments ... where I had to hit the archives to find the fifth post which was this one where I found a link that took me to this post ... is that FIVE? Close enough for this inane example: And we wind up at ConnieLane's LJ.
I was particular entranced with this blog entry:
Well, I have just done something monumentally foolish. But I can't undo it, and I don't think I want to.
Oh well.
ETA: Just so everyone knows, I didn't trade weapons for hostages or anything like that. This truly not that big a deal to anyone but me. I tend to blow these things way out of proportion.
EFTA: Feel much better now. Though not necessarily less foolish.
*This was not actually my first choice, as my first choice did not regularly link blogs. The rules are flexible as it is the end result that is important.
OK, we have reached that point in the day when the 15 second variance in the risin' of the sun, on which I reported earlier for those of ya'll that ain't been keepin' up, and I need to take a nap. Big cats take big naps. I am thinkin' on goin' out and stretchin' out along the tops of some big rocks, as it is such a fine January day, bright sunshine, upper 60s, stiff breeze makin' it feel like March weather already. It would be a nice day for a picnic if I had some svelte young tigress to accompany me in dining on some nice antelope or whatever else we could find on our stroll through the jungle. Damn, now I'm hungry.
... or maybe my watch is just runnin' a tad slow, 'cause accordin' to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the sun was suppose to rise 15 seconds before it actually did. Now that is gonna throw off my whole damn day. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say good mornin'. I am still amidst my early mornin' gettin' ready to go out and get my cup filled with Dr. Pepper and read today's Opus so as to come make my Eye on Opus™ report agenda. I was just thrilled to see that so many of ya'll had already arisen and were eager for me to post somethin'. So? This is somethin', isn't it? More to come, I promise.
[UPDATE: OK, I am ready and fixin' to go out and get that cup filled and maybe go somewhere and get a bite of breakfast. While I am gone, do ya think a couple of my avid fans might have a look at this and tell me what ya think?]
OK, I wanna know -- How many of ya'll actually submitted your financial information in response to an email from the FDIC?
Is this spin, sarcasm or just someone who observed the truth?
Well, let me see ... what is the most interestin' story goin' at the moment? Oh, that the U. S. Army wants to fill in Saddam's Hidey-Hole. I say No! No! No! Dig that baby up, sling it under a helicopter and fly it back to the US. I want that in the Smithsonian Institute. Spoils of war, baby!
*Zempt has the best spellchecker of any program I have ever used.**
**I say that and then find it don't even recognize its own name.
Folks, now here is a bit of common sense I wish to share with all of ya'll. If ya are smokin' marijuana in the back of the limo, instruct the driver to obey the traffic laws. It is kinda embarrassin' if ya get busted when he gets pulled over for a speedin' ticket.
Surreptitiously lifted from TalkLeft
*Grossly indecent admiration to the first person who actually gets the title.
I didn't ask, and I, for one, really do wish you had not told anyone about this.
attribution: McGehee
Gennie says Yankees love Cream of Wheat, and people South of the Mason/Dixon line would rather eat 15 brands of grits than to ever take a taste of some old nasty Cream of Wheat. Their constant derision and comments are startin' to chap her ass. She really said that:
Wanna know what really chaps my ass about the South?
Me, I like Cream of Wheat and grits equally, in second place behind Malt-O-Meal. If'n ya wanna talk about somethin' really nasty: oatmeal. Keep it for the cookies, cause all mushy in a bowl ain't nuthin' I even wanna spoon into my mouth.
[UPDATE: Even this is preferable to OATMEAL]
I just heard that NASA has lost contact with the Mars Rover. I wonder if those little green men snuck up behind it and turned it off.
[UPDATE: It looks like I might have been right on the money.]
There must have been a lot of thought put into that sayin' a fool and his money are soon parted. 'Course, if ya got millions, what is a hundred grand, right?
attribution: Ravenwood
Wow, I never thought I would ever say that I thought Bill showed a lot of good sense. He musta finally got a brain.
I got a new car stereo the other day and it has voice activation software installed into it! If you yell out Rock, it switches the settings to "ROCK"! If you yell out Country, it switches the settings to "Country"! On my way home last night some kids ran out in front of my car. Hitting the brakes I yelled "Fucking Kids" and the radio started playing Michael Jackson.
Zombyboy was discussin' his love/hate relationship with livin' in Denver and it reminded me that I ofter consider that most people really had little choice in where they live. They were born there or in some small town not too distant from the city in which they currently reside, or their job or career took them there. I moved here with a gaol to make my home here because I saw opportunity existed and a place where the community embraced me and made me feel welcome. I found a unique position, a place in the world. How many of ya'll actually put any thought into the geographic location where you currently reside?
Linkin' to the Traffic Jam, BOSS, linkin' to the the Traffic Jam.
Crap, I am gonna have to start keepin' a closer eye on Michele, 'cause there is definitely somethin' strange goin' on over on A Small Victory, somethin' very very very strange. Should I continue?
It is truly sad that there are some very evil people in this world. Ask Natalie.
I thought this post was entitled "Shania and Democracy" and I clicked the link hopin' to see some sexy picks of Shania Twain. I didn't find any. I was severely disappointed. Of course, I also figured I must be gettin' way behind in my current events 'cause I didn't know who or what Sharia was. I think Ms. Singletary would be disappointed in me, now. When I was in second grade, I was teacher's pet because I always was up on current events. My, how my priorities have changed since puberty. I seem to think much more aboutthe shape of women now than I do about the shape of the world's affairs. Is that a bad thing?
I have actually accidentally frightened my weeniewolf a few times and had him turn and bite me. Once to twice, he broke through the skin. However, you can bet I won't ever try to come up behind a cornered cat and pick it up. Nope, no way. See, I understand this reaction, all to well. ***s are big cats, after all, and I know when I am backed into a corner, I come out fightin'. teeth and claws bared, and ain't worryin' 'whether those I am takin' out be friend or foe.
Yep, our own Bill, the King of Suck, provided a bit of political commentary for your review. As usual, it sucked, well all except for this part:
If I were a Democrat, I wouldn't have voted for Kerry just because of his hair. And his ties to big ketchup. How come nobody ever brings that up? How come nobody ever makes the connection between John Kerry being a Vietnam vet and his wife who owns a company that produces a viscous red liquid THAT LOOKS AN AWFUL LOT LIKE BLOOD! Coincidence? I don't think so.
Of course, he probably stole that from Lileks.
[UPDATE: This actually sucks worse than Bill.]
Cathy has a full and active life and I can't even get any nasty remarks in response to any of the crap I wrote today. I am beginnin' to feel like the Rodney Dangerfield of bloggers. I really wanted to the Homer Simpson. Homer may be an idiot, but he is popular. Everyone always seems to be chasin' after him.
John named his new car Kosheen. I wonder which one of the KInks named his car Sharrona? I ain't named any cars since the tragic death of Lickety-Split, my beloved '88 5.0 'stang ragtop that I lost sittin' still in the turn lane a couple of years ago after havin' babied along for a decade, and havin' amassed almost 400,000 miles.* I tried to replace him with the '89 bucket of rust I brought back from Chicago. I drive the Lincoln the most, but I ain't really taken the time to name him. Actually, it might be a her. I haven't crawled underneath to look.
*Ya'll 'member that spontaneous 4 day trip I took to Key West, FL and back over this past T'day? I used to do those quite regularly in Lickety-Split.
That very lovely young lady, *The Patriette*, finds some of the most interestin' things to blog about. Talk about a Democratic candidate makin' a jackass out of himself.
Comments are enabled again. I am seeking one of those scripts that makes people type that number you have to look with a magnifyin' glass to see on an almost same colored background before ya can post it. If'n ya got one of them, email me: the hotmail people know me simply as roguegenius. Death to those who ruined my Saturday!*
*In my researchin' for stuff to assist me in cleanin' the crap from my files, I ran across somethin' that said the sort of folks who did this to me target those who use certain words, like references to the tradename of salty canned meat products in very close proximity to the term used for the very thing you do when you want to add your opinion to someone's blog entry. As such, I am doin' my very best to not use those terms until I get a better security system in place.
First, 'fore we begin this inane diatribe, could I get one of ya'll big strappin' gals to come over here and help me with this jar of pickles? Damn, whatta they put these lids on with, pneumatic tools?
So, first of all, let me say that I agree 100% with Michele on this, but will never forgive her for writin' a tome about Popeye and not once mentionin' Alice the Goon. I mean, just the sound of her voice used to make my heart go pitter-patter. Of course, I was a little boy and just a look from a pretty girl would likely make me blush and piss myself. I was a very insecure little boy. The babes loved it . . . then! That was the 50's -- people were weird in the 50's, always starin' at the horizon like they was lookin' for somethin'. They was always sayin' somethin' 'bout mushrooms.
It would be good to see this guy move off of blog*spot, get some permalinks, maybe, or somethin'. Still, gotta send some kudos to the divine Ms. Margi for introducin' me to the funny fella. Of course, it always amazes me that people ain't beatin' the doors down to get into this place. What's wrong, folks, are the drinks watered down? Are the jokes lame? Does my breath stink? What is it? What does a person have to do to get some recognition 'round here, threaten to shoot one of my dogs? Crap! Oh, speakin' of crap, what is this crap? Are they gonna Photo Shop this little kid hangin' outside the windshield of ever' type of vehicle there is? Last time I saw him, he was hangin' onto the hood of grandma's car with that same expression on his face. See, I have a mind like a leaky collander, although most of what I see and hear just goes right through, I catch a small bit of it.
Hey, ya'll 'member that quote from Windrider down below? Well, seems these three gentlemen left home without their I'm an Idiot sign. Thanks to the Cracker Barrel Puffdaddy for bringin' that scenario to my attention.
George, but what a load of crap. I got a mess of spiders crammin' my comments with some really weird crap! Help, help, help! What can I do to stop this?
There ain't all that much that happens here, weatherwise, that will make go stir crazy like Dawn 'cause it is too hard to get yourself up and out and goin' somewhere. In fact, about the only thing that happens here that will keep ya inside with the doors locked is pitchin' woo. Oh wait, do they pitch woo anymore? Where in the Hell were they pitchin' it? I am suspicious that there is a big pile of woo somewhere in this great state. I may have possibly stepped in some of it in my past adventures.
Otherwise, why would SilverBlue be postin' his best stuff!
There is a kink somewhere and I ain't got a clue where ta look. Seems my page is dyin' as the left column is writin'. If ya look, ya can see it cuts off just under Hit Parade. Just before I published the prior post, it was writing a bit more of the left right* column, but the page was not completely loadin'. I have rebuilt all the indexes and am without a clue as what to do. Have I hit a blip somewhere along the path? Has anyone experienced this same blog phenomenon previously? Am I truly the first to be afflicted with the meltin' blog syndrome*? Arrrgggggh! I don't wanna die like this! Help, help, help, help, help!
[UPDATE: Well, after a couple of other people looked at it and said they didn't see what I saw, I came up with the conclusion it was somethin' within my control. As every added bit on data I added ate more of what was supposed to be displayed, I determined there must be some setting with regard to the amount of bits, bytes or somethin' that would load up in my browser window. It must be a default settin' 'cause I experienced the same problem when I viewed in Mozilla. Anyway, so I was gonna shorten the number of days I had showin' on the main page and discovered that I had never reset the number of days show back from 14, where I set it prior to hiatus so that my front page would not be bare in my absence. I changed it back to 7, and my display was back to the norm. I have subsequently reset it to show the last 50 posts. That should usually take ya back at least two, maybe two and a half days, on a good week, and if ya ain't been by to read anythin' before then, ya might need to go get somethin' cold to drink, 'cause it might be time to start viewin' them archives. ;) ]
*It depends a lot from perspective. I was inside lookin' for the problem and lookin' at the back of the monitor screen.
**I knew the word would come to me.
Ted got interviewed, and not by Jennifer . . . this time.
Ya know, it is funny how there are just those really great bloggers out there ever'one raves and blogs 'bout that I just never get around to readin'. Bill Whittle is one of 'em. But, today somethin' drew me there and now I want you to go there. There is somethin' ya need to do. Whether ya enjoy my crap, or ya like Frank J's drivel, or the bow to the Majesty of Emperor Misha I or are one of those who hangs on ever' word that Bill Whittle pens, we are all askin' ya to pay us what you think ya owe by donatin' to the Marines who are carryin' much needed supplies and tokens of friendship back with 'em when they return to the deserts of Iraq. These guys are puttin' their lives on the line for us, and they are askin' our help in assistin' them to assist those we sent them to free. We freed Iraqis because that is what Americans do, now let's show the Iraqis just what kind of people Americans really are. We ain't infidels, we is the ones who care the most.
Oops, did I forget to mention that to do your part, all ya gotta do is to go here and to give what ya can!
Seems I been mentionin' Deb Yoder ever' other blurb here lately, but ain't coincidental that I was her 30,000th visitor yesterday, and I am likely gonna pass the 30K mark myself today. Of course, I was not really gonna say much about the milestone here as I was gonna wait until I got 50K ... which should occur sometime in 2005.
So, anyone out there that can explain to me just exactly what this is about? It looks like people are bein' killed without any chance of surrender. Surely this is a joke, right?
I ain't too sure I understand this:
The Hierophant often represents learning with experts or knowledgeable teachers. This card also stands for institutions and their values. The Hierophant is a symbol of the need to conform to rules or fixed situations. His appearance in a reading can show that you are struggling with a force that is not innovative, free-spirited or individual. Groups can be enriching or stifling, depending on circumstances. Sometimes we need to follow a program or embrace tradition, other times, we need to trust ourselves. For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com |
What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate. |
This was found on DramaQueen, one of the new additions to the blogroll I made today.
Do ya ever find yourself in a rut. Always readin' the same ol' crap everyday from the same ol' blogs and ya just wish ya could find somethin' really different? Go to http://www.movabletype.org/ and see a list of blogs ya probably haven't run across. Of course, there are a few other places ya can do the same thing. I just am mentionin' http://www.movabletype.org/ 'cause they send a lot of visitors my way. I kinda feel like they are sponsorin' me, so figured I had better supply a bit of support for my sponsor, right? ;)
and I am pretty sure I could not describe this if I worked on it for a million years. Just go see it.
Ya know, it is so sad when couples break up. Of course, it is nice when some attempt is made to reconcile. I just received a copy of a very well written letter from one man to his estranged partner attemptin' to resolve their differences. Now sure, ya'll gals would think this guy deserves a second chance, wouldn't ya?
The letter is a bit long, so I dropped it into the extended entries for those of ya'll that might want ta give it a look over.
Dear Audrey:
I know the counselor said we shouldn't contact each other during our "cooling off" period, but I couldn't wait anymore. The day you left, I swore I'd never talk to you again. But that was just the wounded little boy in me talking. Still, I never wanted to be the first one to make contact. In my fantasies, it was always you who would come crawling back to me. I guess my pride needed that. But now I see that my pride's cost me a lot of things. I'm tired of pretending I don't miss you. I don't care about looking bad anymore. I don't care who makes the first move as long as one of us does. Maybe it's time we let our hearts speak as loudly as our hurt. And this is what my heart says . . . "There's no one like you, Audrey." I look for you in the eyes and breasts of every woman I see, but they're not you. They're not even close. Two weeks ago, I met this girl at Flamingoes and brought her home with me. I don't say this to hurt you, but just to illustrate the depth of my desperation. She was young, maybe 19, with one of those perfect bodies that only youth and maybe a childhood spent ice skating can give you. I mean, just a perfect body. Jugs you wouldn't believe and an ass like a tortoise shell. Every man's dream, right? But as I sat on the couch being blown by this stunner, I thought, look at the stuff we've made important in our lives. It's all so superficial. What does a perfect body mean? Does it make her better in bed? Well, in this case, yes. But you see what I'm getting at. Does it make her a better person? Does she have a better heart than my moderately attractive Audrey? I doubt it. And I'd never really thought of that before. I don't know, maybe I'm just growing up a little. Later, after I'd tossed her about a half a pint of throat yogurt, I found myself thinking, "Why do I feel so drained and empty?" It wasn't just her flawless technique or her slutty, shameless hunger, but something else. Some niggling feeling of loss. Why did it feel so incomplete? And then it hit me. It didn't feel the same because you weren't there, Audrey, to watch. Do you know what I mean? Nothing feels the same without you. Jesus, Audrey, I'm just going crazy without you. And everything I do just reminds me of you. Do you remember Carol, that single mom we met at Pontins last year? Well, she dropped by last week with a pan of lasagna. She said she figured I wasn't eating right without a woman around. I didn't know what she meant till later, but that's not the real story. Anyway, we had a few glasses of wine and the next thing you know we're banging away in our old bedroom. And this tart's a total monster in the sack. She's giving me everything, you know like a real woman does when she's not hung up about her weight or her career and whether the kids can hear us. And all of a sudden she spots that tilting mirror on your grandmother' old vanity. So she puts it on the floor and we straddle it, right, so we can watch ourselves. And it's totally hot, but it makes me sad too. 'Cause I can't help thinking, "Why didn't Audrey ever put the mirror on the floor? We've had this old vanity for what, 14 years, and we never used it as a sex aid." Saturday, your sister drops by with my copy of the restraining order. I mean, Vicky's just a kid and all, but she's got a pretty good head on her shoulders and she's been a real friend to me during this painful time. She's given me lots of good counsel about you and about women in general. She's pulling for us to get back together, Audrey, She really is. So we're drinking in a hot bath and talking about happier times. Here's this teenage girl with the same DNA as you and all I can do is think of how much she looked like you when you were 18. And that just about makes me cry. And then it turns out Vicky's really into the whole anal thing and that gets me to thinking about how many times I pressured you about trying it and how that probably fueled some of the bitterness between us. But do you see how even then, when I'm thrusting inside your baby sister's cinnamon ring, all I can do is think of you? It's true, Audrey. In your heart you know it. Don't you think we could start over? Just wipe out all the grievances and start fresh? I think we can. If you feel the same please please please let me know, otherwise, can you let me know where the Sky remote control is?
It seems that Kevin has followed his announcement of this week's Bonfire of the Vanities with his entry for next week's edition.
OK, Kelley is pissed and not without good reason. I mean this is in such poor taste, human decency would dictate chainsaw sterilization of all persons connected with its creation, wouldn't it?
I spent an hour this mornin' at the Johnson County Courthouse before learnin' that my case was gonna be passed over this time around. It seems there were two other people who had been sittin' in jail awaitin' goin' to trial for a year already, so as my client has only been there somewhere about 90 days now, it was felt the other guys should go to trial first. I kinda felt like that was fair also. My client did not seem like he as too happy about goin' to trial today as it was, so he did not seem to have any problem with bein' set off for another month.
I came back to the office and was gettin' some stuff done, when lunch rolled around and my secretary left. She called in sayin' she was sick and was goin' to the doctor about the time she was due to return. I am not quite sure what to think about that right now.
I got something a bit special I am tryin' to put up for ya'll to see, but I seem to be havin' a bit of a problem gettin' it to scan just right for some reason. It seems my processor does not like me scannin' stuff at 1500 resolution, or 1200 resolution or even 600 resolution. That is why I have been sittin' here but not really doin' much about gettin' my share of today's bloggin' done. I am gonna give it one more try and I think I am gonna be successful this time.
I don't know 'bout ya'll, but I think we all owe the NFL a big round of applause for a fantastic weekend of football games. I was rootin' for Carolina, Green Bay, Indianapolis and Tennessee, so that means next week I will be pullin' for Carolina and Indianapolis, and am actually thinkin' that Indianapolis has the best chance of takin' the Trophy home this year.
Some of ya'll might like this: Saddam's an OutKast: Hey Allah! High bandwidth suggested if ya wanna click that link.
Happy Birthday, Elvis, wherever you might be!
Well, awakin' this mornin' makes four days without a cigarette. Today will be the first day back to work, so stress level will increase substantially. Keepin' my fingers crossed.
[UPDATE: Well, still fightin' the urge, but my stress level is really high right now what with my assistant not showin' up on time. She has never been late before, so, to me, that makes the situation more serious than usual.]
It seems that Susie is closin' in on that 20K visitation mark, so ya'll go do your part in helpin' her turn that counter before the end of the year. In other words, that means, go visit Susie today!
OK, I am attempting to consider Ted's comments about the cluster fuck that is my blog and I cannot think of any way to change it to make it better or more interestin' than it already is, other than changin' authors to a more skilled and interestin' writer. I am, however, eager for other ideas. Anyone got any good ideas?*
*And, no, I really do not think postin' a picture of me in Bermuda shorts will do anythin' to improve readership. ;)
Poor Susie is feelin' a bit under the weather. It is all my fault, though, as I know that the withdrawal symptoms once you get addicted to my Nightly Navel Gazin' Reports™ are horrendously a cause of illness to some. My sincerest apologies to Susie.
David finally got around to seein' The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and admits it has changed his life. Now he will finally understand what the rest of us are talkin' 'bout, won't he? Uh, David, if you have not seen it ... see The Unforgiven.
Tink has divulged that she does not like to attend funerals. I am quite disenchanted with being around during funerals, myself. I have gone so far as to contemplate ways to die so that I don't even attend my own. I must have really missed somethin' though, with Tink talkin' 'bout funerals and SilverBlue postin' an obituary. And of course, my sincere condolences to all who are affected by such death but am thankful that I was not missed at the funeral.
Ted slammed my blog design. No, actually I found what he had to say to be thoughtful and incisive and I appreciate that he actually took the time to not only point out structural flaws in my bloggin' endeavors but to use my mistakes to teach others to do likewise. I am ecstatic 'cause it now gives me something to worry 'bout just as I am returnin' to tendin' to my blog. Maybe I need to re-research the lessons of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, especially that ugly part.
Denita shared a bit of personal Christmas history that will bring tears of happiness and disclose how tragedy sometimes leads to a true understandin' of the true meanin' of Christmas.
Abject Apathetic Procrastination seems to be goin' hogwild on informin' us on the world of kangaroos. I just hope Kang is payin' the bartender enough for doin' all that research to keep that blog from goin' to the dingos.
Well, that seems to be about all I have time for this round, but I am so so far behind. I tell ya, I have not seen the news from the last few days yet. I am lost, I tell ya, lost.
Some of the stuff I read on people's blogs is too esoteric sometimes to be made up.
Ya know, I have before made the statement that I just do not have time to read all the blogs in my blogroll on a regular basis. However, as I am goin' through the list from top to bottom, I seldom find myself willin' to skip over any blog in the roll that is regularly updated. They are all just too good. I have previously told those of ya'll that do not ping blogrollin' when ya update that doin' so will get ya more readership. I have also told ya'll the blogrollin' has a standalone pinger that you can use to ping blogrollin' to tell it you have updated your blog.* If ya seriously want a bit more readership, pingin' blogrollin', if only once a day, will do more for your readership than anythin'. It alerts people that you have somethin' new, and it seems everyone is always lookin' around for somethin' new. Make them aware that they can find it on your blog.
*Bookmark the page and use it.
Well, this month started kind of slow, but lately the days have just flown by. A week from today is Christmas Eve. I am just not ready. Of course, I don't think I am ever ready for Christmas because I almost always forget the batteries. Sorry for the pun, it just kinda slipped out.
John Cole is full of bloggy goodness today. I was especially appreciative for this link to the WaPo story about the plan to catch Saddam.
Well, it seems that Venomous Kate is unable to slither because of a few difficulties occurrin' in her spine. As such, she has not been up to bitin' anyone of late. I bet her fangs are jonsin' for somethin' to sink into, whatta ya wanna bet? I wanna thank Kelley and Kevin* for keepin' the rest abreast of her status. Here is hopin' we get a report from Ms. Venomous regardin' her successful recovery in the very near future.
*By the way, my sister and brother are named Kelly and Kevin.
Yeah, yeah, like I am startin' to figure out the blogosphere is like life in a lot of ways. I mean you have bloggers that just get up and leave without a word, or some that say bye, but leave little explanation, or those who say bye after tellin' ya why it just has to be that way, and so many that just don't blog for awhile or whatever. Of course, ya have those that are gone and come back. I mean, come on, what happens when Glenn is gone, does the whole thing disappear? Bye ya'll that have better things to do. I am jealous 'cause ya do. Have a good life and as much fun as ya can find.
ozguru has been braggin' on ya'll for all the nice things ya'll been sayin' 'bout me.
Hmmm, looks like the votin' is over. Oh well, I sure was hopin' for third place, but comin' sixth ain't bad, as I was just pleased to have been nominated. I am a bit giddy that Xrlq won to top rung. I was pleased that Jay had a great showin', as well. I am glad it is all over, so now can we all get back to Photo Shoppin' Saddam.
Real bloggers don't use Blogger. I am just sayin' ... you know?
So anyway, I find a comment from Dan thankin' me for a link I previously made to his site. I decide I had not visited Dan recently so go visit his Blogger site. While there, I view this post of his, where he is raggin' 'bout what some other Blogger blogger has said about him. Interested, I decide to go see for myself what this other blogger has said. It was a post reviewin' other people's blogs. One of the reviews said I don't even need to review this. Funniest blog on earth. 10.. It wasn't mine, so the guy doesn't know crap, however, I had to go check out this supposed funniest blog on earth. Yes, it was pretty good stuff but seein' a Blogger template always sends up this here is another amateur flag in my brain. Maybe I need to seek therapy. I just don't know.
OK, folks, last ditch effort to boost me up to third place in the Large Mammal Blog contest in the 2003 Weblog Awards. Go vote for me, call your relatives and tell them to go vote for me, call your friends and tell them to go vote for me, call your enemies and tell them to go vote for me, and after all that, just open the local phone book and start callin' randomly tellin' people to go vote for me. Extra points for any telemarketers that call today that you can convince to go vote for me. Just do it!
Dawn Olsen provided a very very interestin' read. I remember once some gal tellin' me that there was no greater pain you could experience than the pain of childbirth. I nodded appreciatively, fully empathetic with the trials and tribulations of pregnancy and childbirth, but just could not stop myself from askin' her if she had ever been kicked in the nuts. I am pretty sure none of ya'll gals know how that feels, especially if the blow is expertly placed.
I got to the last line of this post and just about peed myself. Is this guy for real? Robert Prather said he was someone we could all hate. I dunno, though, 'cause I really see no reason for hatred. I jus' pity da fool! Forgive me Glenn.
Ith* does a movie review. It sounds like a chick movie to me. If I find a chick, I might take her to see it, provided there is not some action adventure movie with a lot of blood splatterin, some extreme car chase scenes and some babes with big hooters in skimpy bathin' suits.
*Ith has posted a picture of her fine self on her blog with an invitation for one and all to come eat her cookies. Now is that an accomodatin' gal or what?
Huh? There is a bicycle crash on a blind corner. No drugs or alcohol involved. One rider dies, the other rider is severely injured and is now charged with a criminal offense? It is in Littleton, Colorado. There just has to be a Kobe connection here. Let's go to our rovin' reporter Jeff at Notorious B.L.O.G. for more of this story.
Kathy Kinsley has somethin' good to say about the Germans doin' a raid and roundup of militant Muslims within their borders.I do suppose, say that I was an extremist Muslim bent on destroyin' Western Civilization and Christianity and had just witnessed the unwillingness of the Germans, the French and the Russians to tackle the terrorism situation head-on like the US and its allies did. If I was plannin' my next big world shakin' 9/11 type event, I might be thinkin' it would be better to attack those that would turn the other cheek instead of those that would play the eye for an eye game. Mein Heir, are ya startin' to get the feelin' that ya have a target painted on your forehead?
Geoffrey was beatin' on PETA for bein' the idiot assholes they are and has posted a picture of their action to get people to drink soy crap instead of the great cow juice that comes outta those warm teets that we all were raised on (unless of course, you are too damn young to be readin' my blog anyway). Go have a look, but before you go, beware, because he also said The Three Stooges are upset because they were banned from biddin' on reconstruction contracts in Iraq. Now, I love The Three Stooges, and was pretty sure they were all in their graves by now, but I have likely seen every episode ever made at sometime durin' my life, and to tell you the truth, that is probably as big a favor to the Iraqi people as freein' them from that asshole, Saddam. Seriously, I tell ya. Give Moe, Larry and Curly (unless he is on vacation, then it would be Shemp*) a hammer or a saw or even a pipe wrench and send them to Iraq and those poor people would be worse off than when Alexander the Great ruled the area.
*Am the only one who wished, just once, that the troup would have consisted of Moe, Shemp and Curly? I mean, I like Larry, but both Shemp and Curly were the best of the cast, and without Moe runnin' the show, there was no show to see.
Yes, I believe Velociman is right on point with the need to stop the practice of puttin' up roadside memorials. It is not like we don't realize there are not people killed everyday on highways. The damn reminders are really distractin' and depressin'.
I didn't play, I didn't care to play, I didn't even check what it was about or what was goin' on, but today I learned that LeeAnn won. I am simply ecstatic. What it was.
Tink said to go see this. I did and there was way too much to see, but the guy in the funny T-shirt didn't seem to think so.
As I have high speed for at least part of the day, maybe the old tagline is jaded. I am thinkin' of changin' to this one:
Bloggin' done proudly though few ever read, even fewer care to link and hardly anyone ever comments.
Pretty snazzy, doncha think? And so, very very true.
Silver Blue has hit the big six month mark in bloggin' today and took the time to pass along a bit of advice* on how he attains such a high visitation rate. I still remember way back to when I hit 6M.
*Of course, in my neck of the woods, we spell that final word: sacrilege.
Over on Classical Values, I found this little quip:
. . . my penis is my business. It isn't to be judged by what others do with theirs.
I kinda liked it, but thought My penis is my responsibility is not to be judged upon the irresponsible activity of other penises.
[Update: As long as we are on the subject of penises, you might oughta check out somethin' CG Hill has posted over on Dustbury.]
And after I finish, I take the shredded remains, digest them, mix liberally with all of the other stuff in my swamp of a mind, wait for gas, and if something bubbles up, I stick tongue in cheek and spew it into WordPad. Sometimes I hit [Save]. Sometimes I just go "What was I thinking?" and hit [Delete]. - Ironbear
I once wrote a piece of crap, looked at it, and then hit [DELETE] and cried for hours afterward. I really missed the little crappy thought that had plopped outta my mind. I found I had loved it so much that I mourned for days and days afterward. I decided never to do that again.
I was perusing the posts over at Time for Your Meds, and Crazy Tracy was sayin' how nothin' in her life seems all that hard to put up with when she sees what Daniel has to deal with on a daily basis. Pray for Daniel!
It seems that Jennifer is wantin' to do an in-depth interview of me to find out who I am and what I am about. Now, I know most of ya'll have determined that I am the shy, inhibited type and that I keep pretty close-mouthed about my personal matters. This may be your one chance to find out all the dirt. Go here and send what questions you may to Jennifer so that she can be fully prepared for my interview.
I decided not to put as much effort into bloggin' today as Saturdays always seem to be a slow day in the blogosphere. I also had some stuff to do, like attend a birthday party for my friend John's daughter Cheyene who turned 7 today. I did not take her a present, but did deliver a present from my two dogs, Duke and Comanche, a DVD of Findin' Nemo packed into an emptied dog biscuit box and neatly wrapped in Findin' Nemo gift wrap. I guess my prank worked, because after she unwrapped the box and saw the dog biscuit box, she just frowned and handed it off to start unwrappin' one of the other gifts. Thankfully one of her other friends was a bit wiser to the ways of giftin' and delved into the box to find the DVD. I think she was much happier with that present than she had been when she was convinced she had received of a box of dog biscuits.
Of course, that birthday gift prank didn't backfire nearly as bad as the one I played on my brother when he was about the same age. I was only 11 at the time, so my prankin' skills also lacked a bit of finesse. I had found a dead rat and I placed it in an old coffee can, along with a rusty nail, as my brother was a notorious package shaker, wrapped it up and put it among the gifts my brother received for his birthday. I can still remember the look on his face when he unwrapped the can, flipped off the lid and got his first look at that dead rat. He started cryin' and did so for the rest of that day. I had completely ruined his birthday. I tried to rectify the situation, owned up to my responsibility and how it was only intended as a joke, but my brother was havin' none of it. I got a good butt bustin' out of the deal too, and my brother still brings that incident up from time to time.
The votin' has begun in selected categories in the 2003 Weblog Awards.
Since I was invited to suck a bit of Kevin's bandwidth, I proudly display the logo for the event (designed by Michele, I think).
I did see that the nominations in the Large Mammal category are still open and that 2 of my 3 daily readers were kind enough to mention me. I appreciate your kind support.
I made my selections, and found that most of the ones listed I did not recognize and currently do not read. I voted in accordance with my blogroll, and where there was more than one blog in any category on my blogroll, I chose the one I would choose to read first if they all came up together as havin' just been updated. I was very disappointed to not see Primal Purge* in the humor category, though not at all surprised that I was not even suggested in the nomination process. I am startin' to get the hint now that I am the only one who finds any humor in my writin'. I did not vote for InstaPundit for Best Overall, but then really did not think any of the ones nominated were Best Overall. I don't really understand the criteria for Best Overall. To my way of thinkin', the Best Overall Blog would be a blog that covered a wide range of topics with a neutral attitude in a pleasant and appealing format written in a style that is enjoyable to read. I don't think such a thing exists. There are those that do well in some parts and some that do well in several parts, but none that do well in all parts. Not even me! But I do try. ;)
This story has been tagged by a succession (Crescat Sententia; Signifying Nothing; PoliBlog) of bloggers decryin' the action of the defense attorney in the case where the defendant was sentenced to two weeks for burnin' the flag. However, I can just about bet ya that there was also a judge and a prosecutor involved in the case. All are ethically bound to uphold justice, so that makes this a literal travesty of justice.
Owen reads of the 100,000 year old fossilized remains of a small sea creature and develops penis envy?
It seems that Geoffrey has decided to follow the recommendation of Democratic Senator from Georgia, Mr. Zell Miller, and vote for Bush in 2004. I can't say I could blame either of them for their decision.
I was over readin' some of the fine remarks of the Cracker Barrel Philosopher and came across a quote from this story that began with this line:
After arriving in the United States with a diploma from Leningrad University (a university with such alumni as Vladimir Lenin, Ayn Rand and President Vladimir Putin), I realized that I had the extremely unmarketable skills of a Marxist-Leninist philosophy professor.
Now I start wonderin' about one suspected inacuracy about that line. Is it actually possible that Comrade Vladimir Lenin actually graduated from an institution named Leningrad University? I admit that Russian/Soviet history is not my forte', but it would seem logical that Comrade Lenin attended college before he came into power and places began to be renamed in his honor.
Suicide bombers are just a sickenin' example of fetid fanaticism, but what if it was just all a sick game where no one actually got hurt?
attribution: Drumwaster, who provided commentary whether he thought so or not.
I am afraid there are things in this life I would rather I had never known about. Thanks to Jeff, I have become acquainted with one of them.
Hey, I am sittin' here all blank of mind and comin' up with nothin'. I need a muse -- although a lovely lady to make my life worth livin'* might work, as well.
*I am beginnin' to believe no such creature actually exists. It is jes' another mythological creature like the unicorn or the duck-billed platypus.
It appears that a request was made that Kang start allowin' visitors to caption his pictures, so Kang has asked that ya'll drop by and do so.
Is Cracker Barrel Philosopher onto somethin' or just tryin' to start a nasty rumor?
It took me a lot of thought to think of what I wanted to say about this. Seriously. On one side, I can see a child with a broken heart, and, on the other side, I can see a parent who realized they made a big mistake and attempted to fix it. I suppose if I was the parent, I might have just made a few ground rules about drummin' and if the rules were broke, I would then take the drums away.
I did that with some step-kids once, not with drums, but with their right to chew gum. I was always seein' them takin' it out of their mouth and playin' with it. Finally, one of them dropped it onto the carpet, and it took me about an hour usin' an ice cube to get as much of it out of the carpet as I could. I then told them, next time I see either of you takin' the gum out of your mouth, you will not be allowed to chew gun until you turn 10. The next day, I saw one of them takin' the gum out of their mouth, and I made them spit it out. I took every piece of gum out of the house and there was no more gum chewin' by those kids for the rest of the time I was their step-father. Of course, I was not there long enough to regrant the privilege. I am pretty sure, however, that the ban on kids chewin' gums in the house was not the reason that marriage failed. I am still not sure what the cause was, but I am pretty sure that it did not involve anythin' doin' with anyone bein' allowed to chew gum. The last time I saw those two kids they were cryin' 'cause they wanted to live with me.
Accordin' to Susie, this joke is on me.
I bet Azygos would be surprised that I actually envied him when he was describin' this situation.
A long long time ago, in a land far away ... well not that long ago and not that far ... I was pretty computer efficient, but was a bit afraid to hook up to the internet because I was convinced that there were sensors inside computers that sent information to the government. Of course, such feelin's were likely due to my ignorance more than my need to line my cap with foil or somethin'. I just needed to find a computer tech to convince me there was nothin' like that in my computer. However, I am pretty sure I was on the right track, what with cookies, data miners and such I have discovered. Of course, I am more advanced now than previously, although this thing has me confused as Hell. But even more confusin' is when my hard drive seems to be doin' somethin' when there is no data goin' in or out and I am just sittin' here readin' some blogs. Maybe I ought to start worryin' if there in a poltergeist inside the box, huh?
Well, I went out to confirm the mileage. 1651 on the trip from notCrawford, Texas to Key West, Florida, and 1615 from Key West, Florida to notCrawford, Texas. There is about 35 miles difference, which is almost amazin' since I was almost sure it was shorter to take the toll road to I-95 than to travel all the way on I-75 which was my return route so that I could taken in the expansive Everglades. I left notCrawford at approximately 9:00 am on Wednesday and returned at 10:00 pm last evenin'. Keep readin' for the entire trip story --
Sometime on November 24, I decided I to go to Key West, Florida just to see what was there and to see the sights along I-10. I had only been as far as New Orleans on this route, so anythin' beyond that point was new territory. I make provisions for someone to check on my dogs, threw 5 pairs of underwear, two changes of pants and three T-shirts into a bag and took off.
The trip from notCrawford to Beaumont is a two lane trip through a lot of little Texas towns and a lot of East Texas pine forests. It takes about 6 hours to make that drive, mostly on US 287. I just drove as fast as I could, lookin' at the scenery on both sides of the road listenin' to the radio.
At Beaumont, you connect with I-10. I made a stop in Beaumont and purchased about 18 hours worth of audiobooks. Traffic was moderate, so I just moved along with the flow. The problem with winter travel is that it grows dark so rapidly and it was dark by the time I came to I-110 which allowed me to bypass New Orleans. Of course, it was rush hour just as I arrived, so it was slow trudgin' to get through Baton Rouge. Once on the other side, the traffic flow increased and I was into Mississippi. I stopped for gas in the Biloxi, Mississippi area (not for the first time, of course) about 8:30 pm and inquired as to the location of an Internet Cafe. Someone actually told me where one was located but by the time I found it, they were just closin'. I kicked myself for havin' wasted an hour and returned to I-10 and my trek eastward. The trip through Alabama was short and quick and I crossed the Florida border as it was growin' near time for me to stop for the night. I pulled off in Pensacola, Florida and found a room. It was a moderately priced $49 room. They had internet access in the rooms, but I don't have a laptop. I asked for a wakeup call, watched a bit of HBO and finally succumbed to sleep.
I awoke fresh on T-Day, ate a toasted bagel with some butter on it and had a couple of cups of OJ, threw my bag into the car and resumed my trip. Just east of Pensacola there is a long bridge over a water expanse, and some roadside swamp, but mostly the scenery is about the same as drivin' through Alabama or Georgia on I-20. It is a long road from Pensacola to the connection with I-75. I was growin' hungry and yet found very few places open so I just drove and drove. I finally connected with I-75 and turned south. I had checked the map and it looked shorter to take the toll road to Miami and connect with I-95, so I did this. I did not see Orlando, as I took an unwise detour on Fla 27 thinkin' the traffic would be backed up in that area. I was dark by the time I got to Miami. I feared I was missin' the best scenery in Florida, so stopped for the night as soon as I got to the first of the Florida Keys, Key Largo. I pulled into the Marriott and asked it they had any rooms. They had several, but I chose the cheapest, still a hefty $149. I was able to post from a computer in their lobby. I most watched ESPN to check up on how my Cowboys did and was sorely disappointed. I wondered how ironic it was that I had been drivin' around in Dolphin territory while they were losin' to the Dolphins in Dallas. I should have listened to the game on the radio. I had thought that none of the area stations would be interested in playin' the Dallas game, but bein' the idiot that I am, did not consider that they would be pleased to play the Miami game.
Next mornin' I arose early, walked out behind the motel to the beach, looked around, checked out a dive shop next door, then climbed in my car and headed to Key West. This was the part of the trip to which I had looked most forward. I was amazed at lookin' at the map and seein' this road bridgin' all these little islands. Of course, they were not all that little, I found, as you could not even see the water along most of the trek. There were a couple of long bridges, but mostly it seemed like a long 60 mile drive through a stretched out metropolitan suburb. I was sorely disappointed. I finally did arrive in Key West and found my way to the historic business district. It was quaint, and except for the dock where a large cruise ship was berthed, could have been the river walk in San Antonio, the New Orleans French Quarter or most similarly, the Strand in Galveston, Texas. I walked around a bit. It was very very warm and I sweated profusely. I needed to find a restroom and spent a considerable time lookin' for such. Finally, havin' emptied my bladder, I did a bit of tourin' and shoppin'. I ended up buyin' a shirt to commemorate my arrival, a slice of delicious Key Lime Pie, and post card with a couple of pictures of Hemmingway and sat and drank in a bar that Hemmingway used to frequent. No one knew what Hemmingway drank when he was there, so I had a Tequilia Sunrise. I bought a couple of Coronas for a couple of German girls sittin' at the bar and we semi-conversed through my pathetic knowledge of their language and their pathetic knowledge of mine. They were on holiday and were passengers on the huge cruise ship that was currently berthed. Havin' spent a couple of hours in Key West, it was time to head back. It was early afternoon and I wanted to try to get to the Everglades and see some alligators before it got dark.
Talk about disappointed, I was even less enamored with that 60 mile key road on the way out as it seemed to take forever to reach the mainland. I barely got into the Everglades at dusk, and saw all the airboat facilities were closin' up. I kept hopin' to find somethin' still open, but never did. In fact, the road was so desolate, I began to fear I would run out of gas before findin' anywhere to stop, and did get really close to runnin' out before I finally found a station at a crossroads some 75 miles along the road. I eventually connected up with I-75 and began the long drive home. I managed to make it back to I-10 by midnight or so, and stopped at a roadside park to rest my eyes. It had gotten cold, I found. Thankfully, I had brought my full-length leather overcoat. I slept for a couple of hours, the travelled another 150 miles before my eyes started burnin' again. I pulled over and slept another 3 hours. It was daybreak so I was able to see Alabama, Mississippi and Lousiana on the way back. I was already on Hwy 287 between Beaumont and notCrawford as the sun fell last evenin'. I came rollin' in at about 10:00 pm last evenin'.
I have spontaneously decided to take off and drive to Key West, Florida over the next five days. My route will take me across several states on I-10 starting at Beaumont and ending where ever in Florida. This is a road trip, so I can take minor deviations from my intended route. I am posting this in order that anyone who lives near to the path from Beaumont Texas to Key West Florida who would like to meet face-to-face with an ugly Texas blogger over a Dr. Pepper or sumthin' will know I am headin' that way. As it currently looks, estimated leavin' time is early tomorrow mornin'.
[UPDATE: as post was posted yesterday, estimated leavin' time is now early this mornin'.]
You know all that comment SPAM crap that seems to be goin' around. Well, actually thanks to Mt-Blacklist, I don't seem to be gettin' any of it again. But that ain't what I brung ya'll all in here to tell ya. See when I was gettin' a lot of comment SPAM, I would immediately delete it so as to make sure I did not assist that pricks or skanky chicks any more than possible, and then I would immediately rebuild my site so as to make sure it was gone. I have likely told ya, if ya been readin' my crap long enough that I got an atrocious dialup connection, so you can imagine how it tied up my bandwidth havin' to rebuild a blog with 1500 entries. I found myself doin' this sometimes two or three times on a given day. So guess what? I just found that all you have to do is to resave the entry to rebuild that solitary entry and it is not necessary to rebuild the whole site. Too bad I figured this out after I stopped havin' problems with comment SPAM. I have found a use for this newly gained knowledge, however, by correctin' typos I have seen in ya'll's comments. ;)
I bet ya'll didn't catch in this interview your local papers.* Opus bares all. **Spoiler**
*unless ya live in the Ft. Worth area.
You know, I have never heard news about people in a war commitin' suicide before. I am so sorry to hear about such, sincerely. Let us pray for our soldiers safety be it from attacks from the enemy, from friendly fire or from their own hand.
Thanks to Dawn for bringin' this story to my attention, even though doin' so made me want to cry.
I was over at Days Go By and saw JaxVenus had posted one of those lists of interestin' but totally useless facts that you see from time to time. Well, I decided to go through it and add a few snarky remarks. Some I think were pretty good and others pretty lame. I will let you decide which are which. Without further ado:
1. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.2. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- and they take up less room than a jar of pickles, but don't taste as good.
3. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
- so if you see somethin' that is long and red and smells like peanuts, you shouldn't try to smoke it.
4. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
- and a million times that many ways to spend one.
5. A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
- except when you are engaged in c-sex, then it does 100% of the typin'.
6. There are more chickens than people in the world.
- but they can't wink worth a damn.
7. Two-thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in New Jersey.
- hence why you are always seein' those cows urgin' people to eat more chicken.
8. The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched.".
- they don't call it the Garden State for nuthin'.
9. On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag.
- and is third from the bottom in usage.
10. All of the clocks in the movie "Pulp Fiction" are stuck on 4:20.
- to celebrate when they get the majority of their fundin'.
11. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.
- The whole movie was shot in one minute using lots of cameras and mirrors.
12. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
- and yet several rhyme with shit, fuck, crap, and fart.
13. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
- 'cept in the south where it is the only word endin' in "mpt".
14. Almonds are a member of the peach family.
- whereas none of them are visible on Lincoln's face on the front of the $5 bill.
15. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.
- Now ain't that the pits!
16. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
- ata time when most dancin' was done in the ladies' room
17. There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
- and yet has more letters than Utah, Iowa and Ohio.
18. Los Angeles' full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula."
- and yet have never successfully been all used together in a single sentence in any major motion picture.
19. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
- but printing costs preclude usage of the entire name on city documents.
20. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
- and yet still has not developed the ability to fly.
21. ***s have striped skin, not just striped fur.
- and yet it is still smart enough not to poke its eye out with a stick.
22. In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.
- such fact discovered during Tiger shearin' season, I suppose.
23. Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
- You would think they would get a new watch picture to use at some time.
24. The characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life."
- and he stuck to that story to the day he died.
25. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.
- however, they do not resemble the movie characters a great deal.
26. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
- and yet they lead such fulfillin' existences.
27. A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
- but the data to prove this was mysteriously flushed down the toilet.
28. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
- for which no one has found a single useful purpose
29. The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.
- because the shock of seein' mucus sprayin' out of one's orafices is more than most people could take.
30. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
- and it has yet looked at itself in a mirror.
31. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
- it is a position held in name only.
32. Mr. Rogers is an ordained minister.
- he would not have noticed except the foil coverin' the chocolate bar sparked.
33. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
- and he is always eager to show people around the neighborhood.
34. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
- unless their partner suggests sex, then they fall asleep immediately.
35. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
- which absolutely fascinated whoever it was that took the time to count them.
- and stewardesses' asses are the thing most often pinched with the right hand
Yes, there was a High School football game yesterday that I wanted to watch. I started to make the 80 mile trip to see the game but didn't go. The game was between the High School I attended in 1970-1971 and graduated from in 1973. This team is the Wylie Bulldogs, a Taylor County School, just outside of Abilene, Texas. Their colors are purple and gold. The other team involved in the game was the Everman Bulldogs, who also wear purple and gold, and is the school just south of Ft. Worth, Texas I attended in 1972. They were last year's AAA State Champions and were a fairly large school when I attended in 1972. The Wylie team was A when I was there, but the area around the school has grown over the years and their enrollment has grown to the point to where they have been AAA for several years. Everman is also in the same AAA District in which my hometown school in notCrawford is in and defeated the notCrawford ***s in the last game of the season and knocked them out of the playoffs. So, I have a lot of connections with both teams, however I never played for either. Wylie defeated Everman, 25-24.
Now off to see if the Dallas Cowboys prevail.
Hmmm, think I might awhile before hookin' up to this electronic device.
attribution: The Enigmatic Musings of a Cynical Mind, who will hopefully move off of blog*spot at some future time and figure out how to shorten the blog title a bit. ;)
Before I send this off, however, I need to see if my main tech guy, Tony S, has provided any further information about this product. Nope, nothin' but Ebola vs. Hellboy in Vegas on pay-per-view.
I can think of nothin' blogworthy to write about right now. Hmm. I wonder if it has anythin' to do with today being the day JFK was assassinated.
Naw, that can't be right. Maybe there is just something goin' around today.
I don't know if I am an idiot or not, but I will gladly consider all arguments before makin' any conclusions.
Here is an interestin' list of what some people have requested for dinner on certain once in a lifetime occasions. I really liked the one who said he wanted:
1 jar of dill pickles
As my ol' granny used to say, What kind of a meal is that?
Found, of all the unlikely places, over at Mookie Riffic.
Frank J done went and slathered some linky-love on me today.
I know you're out there. I can hear ya breathin'.
[Update: just addin' another quick inanity to this spot 'cause I just noticed Jay Solo had linked Acidman, which, in itself is bad enough, but did so solely so he would not have to write anythin' 'bout Michael Jackson. Go read what Acidman had to say and come back here and tell me. I can't go myself because lookin' at his picture makes me sick. And, as you can see, it really was not worth creatin' a whole nuther post to tell ya'll that.]
[Update II: Damn, if I didn't run into Don thinkin' ya could get sued if ya went a day without bein' funny, then thought, surely as much as he reads Frank J, he must already know that couldn't be so.]
I know I make a lot of inane remarks and other assorted crap, and I do hate to prod people for some comments -- but, and ain't there always a butt, I really was a'thinkin' this was a good idea. Is there anyone interested in me startin' such and if so, maybe ya'll could start referrin' some links for the first edition. Hell, there ain't much goin' on Saturdays, so maybe I will make it a weekly Saturday event.
Just received via email:
This is wonderful to not be banging on one key 12 times !
thank you thank you thank you!
This came from a friend of mine who clerks at the place where I get the fuel for the slightly neurotic neuronic engine of this site several times a day. It seems I came in today durin' a conversation between she and my other friend about findin' some AT to PS/2 adapter so she could use an [oops, just went brain-dead] AT keyboard she had gotten somewhere on her computer. I came home, looked around through several boxes on top of my bookcases to see how many still had keyboards in them, and found a brand new one and took it up and gave it to her. She asked how much she owed me. My answer: nothing. I go through computers faster than keyboards. I am pretty sure that keyboard came with a computer I threw out a year or so ago. When I buy a new computer, I seldom do anythin' but take the CPU out of the box, and hook it up to the mouse, keyboard, speakers, monitor, and all the rest of the computer system I just bought that one to replace. I usually have several [oops, went brain-dead again] peripheral items around. Anyone need any computer speakers? I seem to have lots of them. I am still usin' the speakers that used to be on the side of a Packard-Bell computer I bought 10 years ago. I have never found a better set than those which cost less than $100. The computer was piece of crap, the monitor lasted me through six computer, and the speakers are still goin' through number 12.
Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Jamestown* Jonestown Massacre of 900 or so people by murderous moonbat Jim Jones.
attribution: James at OTB who says the real skinny is over at Jeff Jarvis's place.
*Thanks SilverBlue! I loved your cartoon.
Hmm, seems Kevin has again posted another week's Bonfire of the Vanities. There seems to be such a plethora of theme based linkfests goin 'round the Blogosphere lately. Of course, the original Carnival of the Vanities havin' had 60th edition posted this last week and the next edition due out tomorrow. Kelley continues her weekly Cul-de-Sac, although recently changed the format. Just recently, Venomous Kate has begun the weekly Hunting of the Snark and a daily Letter of the Day, so popular that many other bloggers take part in doin' such on their blogs. A new linkfest, a Carnival of the Capitalists has begun.
Now most of these, save the Cul-de-Sac and the daily Letter of the Day are blogger submission festivals, where bloggers submit their own posts for inclusion into the linkfest. The exceptions are linkfests composed of links selected solely by the author of the linkfest.
I am contemplatin' a whole different type of linkfest festival -- somethin' along the lines of Watchin' the Crap Swirl. I propose as this bein' a festival of links to those posts done by bloggers submitted by other bloggers who think they stink so bad they need to be flushed down the toilet.
I just had a post disappear. Literally, I saved it, nothin' saved and I got a blank postin' box thrown in my face. Strange.
OK, here is what I had said: As I stated, I was pretty busy today, and not only did I not get to post much, I was unable to prowl 'round ya'll's blogs to see what kind of bloggy goodness ya'll had to share today. As such, I might be loadin' up 30 or 40 blogs to look over to see what I might find. Of course, if I find somethin' really good, I will try to run back here and tell ya where to find it. I will probably make some kind of snarky remark or somethin.
Then I said that I seldom can get past No. 45 or so on the list, so some of ya'll that stay eternally on the bottom of the list need to read this post.
Now what do you think Rosemary is really sayin'?
I love all of ya'll! I must have the best readership in the whole of the Blogosphere, Blogogalaxy or whatever it is called this day and time. Here I am, havin' been busier than a Koran salesman in Tehran, and just now gettin' home. I finally find a spare moment to check out how many of ya'll dropped in to read my one or two paltry posts I managed to put up today and was I ever pleasantly surprised. I can hardly believe so many of ya'll decided to drop by today! Ya'll are the greatest! But then I 'spect ya'll already knew that, didn't ya?
After my final postin' last evening, I found two more comment SPAMs and downloaded and installed MT-Blacklist. Now, already today I have been attacked by another comment SPAMMER that was not caught by such security. However, I am not gonna slam the plugin, because, if nothing else, it allowed me to delete the comment without havin' to rebuild my whole site. I used to have to do that several times a day every time I discovered some damn comment SPAM just to make sure it was gone.
A couple of questions I have are:
I personally would like to see the entries in a caption contest for this picture posted by baldilocks.
OK, just as I figured -- even with some beggin', and damn if someone didn't blurb on my beggin'* and if another did not comment about whether it was effective, I still ain't seen much visitation today. But then again, it is Saturday, and that does seem par of the course.
I did get out. I went shoppin'. I didn't buy much, just a couple of movies that were too good of a deal to pass on,** and then started to feel groggy. I decided maybe I should just come home and take a nap. Of course, before doin' so, I wanted to drop by and see if I had gotten those fifty visitors I had expected while I was out. I didn't, but I really do want to thank the five of you who did visit -- wait, strike that --- make that I want to thank the four of you who visited and did not leave a SPAM comment ... as for the one who did --- well I can't quite find the words to say how I feel about you.
*I mean how pathetic is it that the only thing someone can find to blog about is some other really pathetic blogger beggin' for visitors? ;)
**I purchased Close Encounters of the Third Kind and 1941. On my way home, while I was tryin' hard not to doze off watchin' the white line, I was tryin' to think if Steven Spielberg has directed a bad movie? I guess I had forgotten about Jurassic Park: The Lost World (1997).
I am takin' that as meanin' that everyone in the Blogosphere has some excitin' activites planned for this evenin'. Cool. I kinda wish I had had some plans, but then I actually did have a plan when I came home from work, which was to take some anagesics, lay down and see if I could conquer that headache. Mission accomplished.
So, since there seems to be so little to read, what with everyone winin' and dinin' or drinkin' and dancin' or whatever other activity they could be up to this Friday night, here is a happy endin' to what had been a really sad story.
Uh, think I found that one on Ravenwood
The following was left by some commenter on Who Tends the Fires:
Rant - an unstimulating, highly-arrogant diatribe of little benefit, esp. in the blogsphere. Etymology: 2003, American; coined by me, Stacy.
Posted by Stacy at November 11, 2003 05:53 PM
I dunno, but I thought this quip to be quite humorous.
Denita, however, did not think so and retorted with this:
McTroll: an unstimulating and highly-arrogant commenter of little intelligence, who leaves moronic screeds, and is a merely a pile of virtual bugshit in the Blogosphere. Etymology: 2003, American; coined by me, Denita TwoDragons, associate owner of this blog.
Such retort I found equally humorous, if not more so. Now I did not research to find the post on Who Tends the Fires to which the comment was actually posted, and it may be given such context, its intent could be determined to have been anything but humorous.
Yes, I will most likely endlessly sit here attemptin' to find somethin' to impress and amaze ya'll until I am so tired I will literally fall outta this chair onto the floor. What, you think I jest? Nope, I regularly do that. See, bloggin' is hard work. Just ask Bill.
I really must be addicted, though, 'cause I really want to do what Deb suggested. I really do. Well, not the boot cleanin' stuff. I ain't needin' to clean my boots right now.
Denita is a most fabulous artist! You ought to see the Christmas card design she has created for me.
OK, you think up a title to describe this item I retrieved from Aunt Net's latest email barrage. Be forewarned, it is quite funny punny.
A Houston construction site boss was interviewing men for a job, when along came a Lower Cajun. I'm not hiring any Cajuns, the foreman thought to himself, so he made up a test to avoid hiring the Cajun without getting into an argument.
"Here's your first question," the foreman said. "Without using numbers, represent the number 9."
"Without numbers?" The Cajun says. "Dat is easy," and proceeds to draw three trees.
"What's this?" the boss asks.
"'Ave you got no brain? Tree and tree and tree make nine," says the Cajun.
"Fair enough," says the boss. "Here is your second question. Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99."
The Cajun stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree. "'Ere you go."
The boss scratches his head and says, "How on earth do you get that to represent 99?"
"Each of da trees is dirty now! So it's dirty tree, and dirty tree, and dirty tree. Dat is 99."
The boss is getting worried he's going to have to hire this Cajun, so he says, "All right, last question. Same rules again, but represent the number 100."
The Cajun stares into space some more, then he picks up the picture again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says, "'Ere you go. One hundred."
The boss looks at the attempt. "You must be nuts if you think that represents a hundred."
The Cajun leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree, and says, "A little dog come along and crap by each tree. So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, which make one hundred. So when I start?"
I have lived in the country off and on most of my life. It amazes me that people do not understand the rules of the road for country, two-lane road drivin'.
First of all, the older you get, the slower you drive. It is a fact of life. When one of those old fogeys gets in front of you doin' 30 in a 70 mph zone, don't honk, don't get agitated, just pray that there is an opportunity to pass within the fifteen miles. Of course, as soon as it is safe to pass, they will pull onto the shoulder. Face it, it is just that way. They will back up traffic for miles and miles and only when it is completely safe to go around them will they feel safe enough to pull out of the way.
Secondly, around every curve is a piece of farm machinery that is enterin' the highway. Of course, they go slower than 30, but they will likely only go about 1 mile before they turn off of the road. This only happens on those rare occasions when you have clear highway to your fore and clear highway to your rear.
If there are 5 car lengths between you and the car immediately in front of you which is followin' a long convoy, and there are 500 car lengths behind you before the next car, at the very next intersection, someone will pull out in front of you and take forever to get up to speed. They never wait for you to pass so that they will have the much longer space and decrease the amount of impediment they cause in your progress.
You will be continually delayed by dump trucks haulin' gravel. Every time you speed up to pass, a piece of gravel will bounce out of the bed of that truck and plonk your windshield. You can pass if you get a clear half mile of highway because you have to stay so far back that it takes a quarter-half mile of runnin' room to reach passin' speed. The more gravel trucks on the road, the fewer the passin' lanes.
At night, if you see a deer standin' still on the side of the road, it will not move until it darts right out in front of you without givin' you time to react. If you see a skunk, you just hit it. If you see an armadillo, the last car just hit it.
You can generally drive safely between two country towns without gettin' a flat unless you are not carryin' a spare or a jack. Then you will always have a flat. There will be no place to pull over for miles. No one will stop who has any teeth.
If you are in a hurry, you will encounter road construction. Either you will be stopped for 15 minutes waitin' on the lead vehicle or you will be sent on a 20 mile detour. If you are unfamiliar with the detour route, you will run out of gas. There will be no gas station for miles. You will not have a gas can. No one will stop who has any teeth.
This is all I can think of right now, but I am sure there are about a million more I forgot.
It seems that Mirriam-Webster has included a term that rankles the powers-that-be at Ronald McDonald's headquarters: McJob, a term used to describe low-payin' and dead-end work by most in the age bracket who likely get stuck with such jobs now that all the good factory jobs have gone overseas or somethin'. I could give Ronald and his bunch Hell for their whinin', but Denita has already done a very good job of it.
A couple of minutes to kickoff, and thought I would post a couple of quick thoughts, one fact and one fiction. You decide:
Country and Western legend Hank Snow is having his sunset tour, as he is retiring, or more likely, he is finally movin' on.
In a surprise move, the Atlanta Falcons have canned Dan Reeves as their head coach and replaced him with Deion Sanders.
Ta ta for now! Go Cowboys!
Yes, it is true. I found a couple of back-to-back items on Reflections in d minor that I thought were worthy of mention.
The first involves the surreptitious actions of FOX to educate its viewers in its prime time programmin'. Actually, this might not be surprisin' to many, because think of how many lessons you have learned watchin' The Simpsons. Most might be things that are not actually safe to try at home, but lessons are lessons all the same.
The second item is something of a more serious note. Lynn pointed to the often discussed differences between the online personas and the real life personas of bloggers. I have had concerns over this situation for years, myself. When I initially began chattin' online, oh so many years ago, my tagline was in the realm where fantasy reigns, comes the lowly teabag3*, a man of honesty, wisdom and knowledge. I used to be disgusted with the amount of times someone supposedly fell in love with one of the other chatters without having ever done one moment of actual face time with such person. When called on it, they would say how they had had telephone conversations with this person, etc. Pish, posh, I say. Think of your own real life loves .... how many actual dates does it take before you conclude you actually love a person. My conclusion is that chatters are often a bunch of lonely, attention-starved people.
However, I am also mindful of my own internet persona. Is it the real me? I suppose I could defer to Denita and Eric or Tony S to answer the question, as I have met them in person. However, I do attempt to be very honest about myself in this blog. Is it the true me? Probably not 100%, as this blog is, in my opinion, a form of entertainment. I have adopted a slightly more caustic personality for this forum. I am unable to disguise my true opinions, however. I may just flavor my remarks in much more colorful language than I would use in real life. Of course, I have always found it easier to communicate in the written form, as vocabulary flows more easily when you can take a moment or more to dredge up those most appropriate words from your foggy memory banks.
*I adopted the user name teabag3 when I first began my online foray, but dropped it after a couple of years, right after the first time someone informed me of the sexual activity that was often referred to as teabaggin'. How I came to choose such name is a long story that I will not go into now.
You know you are ultimately mature* when you can read somethin' like this situation without seein' anythin' humorous about it. Damn, I hope the feelin' passes 'cause I would sorely miss my Three Stooges.
Nyak, Nyak, Nyak, Nyak.
Please beware! Bill is an idiot, but at least he is man enough to admit it.
I think Vaughn has hit this particular nail right smack on the head.
It seems The Accidental Jedi had an actual lunchtime accident. At least it didn't involve a light sabre, this time.
It seems that Kevin just doesn't find Fridays to be as enjoyable as he once did. I actually understand how he feels, but I still look forward to them because I usually am lookin' forward to gettin' some rest over the weekend, but it seems I rarely do.
Well, I am back from my latest foray in the dentist's chair. The novacaine took much longer to wear off this time and I am only just now gettin' all the feelin' back into my lips. Was I overdosed, because I never remember a time when I was given so much that half my nose was numbed. Oh well, at least everything done was painless.
As usual, I went to the movies after I left the dental clinic. Of course, this time I did not even buy any popcorn, as I remembered what happened last time. 'Course, I passed on the soda also. They don't have Dr. Pepper and without any popcorn to wash down, I didn't feel the need to pass on Mr. Pibb for Coke. I just passed completely. Someone, I don't remember who, had told me Secondhand Lions was pretty good. I opted on seeing it other that several others that I have seemed to pass on the last couple of times I have been to the dentist. This theater seems to keep the same movies showin' for a longer time that the local ones do, but bein' it is in the big city of Ft. Worth, I suppose they have found it worth their while to do so. Thankfully they did, or I might have had to wait to see Seabiscuit on video. I found I had forgotten to blog about how much I liked that movie, or if I did, I sure didn't find it.
But, back to Secondhand Lions. I really liked it. I would call it a cross between Space Cowboys and Calvin & Hobbes. It was just one of those feel good movies. It was fairly strange, however, to hear Michael Caine drawlin' with a Texas twang.
Well, enough for now. Funny thing is that I was tryin' to load up all the blogs on my blogroll that have posted since I last posted, so things was movin' a bit slow with my searches on prior entries, so I happened to read everythin' InstaPundit had posted for today while I was waitin'. I am not sure when was the last time I did that.
Ya'll lazy assed kids turn off those videogames and TVs. There are some wondrous sights to be seen outside, says Michele.
Well, my trial didn't last long and didn't go my client's way, but the issue is resolved. My client is competent to stand trial. I expected that result but I had a question about it. Therefore could not have ever ethically stated that my client was competent to enter a plea. In fact, when forced to by the court, I entered a "not guilty" plea on his behalf objectin' to being forced to enter a plea prior to a findin' that he was competent. His offense is a serious matter, so back to the drawin' board.
This kid is strange. But I see strange people all the time. The world is full of them; some likely have mental disease and others are probably on drugs. There is a segment of society that appears to move in slow motion. You know that batty lady in the frilly dress and funny hat that just chats up a storm about any old crap to everyone she meets? How about that old man that rides all over town on a bicycle who waves but never speaks? We all know that funny lookin' kid pushin' the broom in the super market. Usually, such persons are productive hardworking people who cause absolutely no problems. There are also places those sort of people don't belong. Prison is one of them. A person like that doesn't last long in prison.
But sometimes people like that are accused of doing some pretty bad things. Often the evidence is pretty overwhelming that they did such things. Compassion is very hard to find. I advised him to pray about it, it couldn't hurt.
Some things are just a little too bizarre to even conjure a snarky thought in my mind.
OK, of the 20 or so people who might actually run across this post and read down this far, PsychoDad has requested that you read this post and share your comment. As it was posted yesterday and no one had yet commented, I was almost sure no one had seen it. Therefore, I am attempting TO URGE YOU TO DO SO!
*Now, don't make me start doin' a Jerry Lewis impression on ya!
Important message on home planet. Someone needs your help.
Well, it was a dreary lookin' day today and I decided to finally get one legal matter done. It was a personal matter dealing with some land my dad left for me, my brother and sister. I am not sure if I have blogged about this previously, but there was a railroad track right through the land. This is where I lived between age 12 and 18. The track has been abandoned by the railroad company and now we own one half of the right-of-way, as my dad had sold the other side of the land to someone a long time ago. The City of Abilene has been bothering me forever to approve the easement so as allow them to put a water pipe down the right-of-way for several months, and I kept trying to get them to give me more information that what they had sent. I guess they did not understand what I wanted, because every day, the person in charge of this situation would call me to see what was taking so long for me to clear it up. My brother and my sister put me in charge of it, since I am a lawyer and know more about such than they do. Well, I drove all the way there to meet with the guy, 2 hours each way, to look at the deeds of the land, check out the maps, just so I could understand the surveyor's notes attached to the easement paperwork. I also had some problems with some one clause, where I had agreed to give them a temporary easement on 20 feet on our side of the right-of-way for construction use, which said they were not responsible for any damage to our land. I told them no way, you are responsible for all damage caused. I did say there that destruction to all the mesquite trees did not count as damage, as long as they removed them. After such was changed, I signed the easement agreement. I then went by my brother's house, but found no one there, so I just left him a note. My brother does not understand things all that well, so I was just trying to assist them in getting him to go down there and sign it.
So, if you were wondering why I had not blogged much during today, now you know why!
Why does this continual lack of love continue to push me farther and farther into the depths of despair? You would think that after a few years, a guy could get used to it.
I was gonna post up somethin' really snarky to wake ya'll up but I could not even come up with a single mundane thought. However, I still attempted to report such. My crappy ISP decided to disconnect right as I went to publish that message. It was in the neighborhood of 7:00 am on Sunday mornin' and still my crappy service provider ain't got enough bandwidth to let my traffic flow.
After experiencin' such failure, I decided to reboot. While the system was occupied with shuttin' down and restartin', I ventured to my local Dr. Pepper source and filled my cup with that caffeine loaded nectar. While there, I happened to mention that I could not believe that Christmas will soon be here. The mere mention of that thought immediately depressed me, as well as the clerk and the only other customer present. I do have my reasons to dread the upcomin' holiday season, but I am wonderin' why the other two share my dread. I think I will just go soak in a hot tub and try to get my mind back onto a cheerful note. I do hope that all of ya'll have a great day of rest.
Hey, no way I am gonna eat all that sugar! Every tooth in my mouth just aches at that thought. The whole scenario was but one of my inane subterfuges in an attempt to get a few of those lurkers to disclose themselves. Well, not too sure how much bloggin' will get done here today* 'cause I am thinkin' of doin' a day at the office. I need sorely to get a lot of things filed and a lot of files in the filin' cabinet. It wouldn't hurt to run the vacuum through a couple of times.
Actually, my abode needs a sprucin' up much more badly than the office, but people actually visit me at the office, and seldom does anyone venture into the ***'s Lair.
[Update: I had to run and brush the thought of all that sugar off of my teeth.]
*It ain't like anyone does much blog readin' on the weekends anyway.
Hey, if ya got nothin' better to do, you might check out what Kang posted this evenin'.
It does seem that SilverBlue has been at the top of his game over the past couple of days. [WARNING: Clicking following link leads to graphic nudity] Start here and work your way down.
Second item on the agenda is a bit of Halloween blackmail. If I have not received 25 comments to this post by midnight, I am gonna eat all of those luscious Tiger Pops and let all the kiddos do without. So help some costumed creatures out and give up a snarky comment or two, won't you?
However, just in case you have some free time, an old friend sent me this link to a cool new game: click here
Wow! According to CG Hill, OK City's Bomber partner, Terry Nichols' brother, James is suing Michael Moore over the use of his interview as included in Bowling for Columbine. Of course, the irony of situation is that the victims of the OK City Bombing are unable to sue James Nichols for failing to smother his brother with a pillow when they were children.
DaGoddess lets us all in on why it is that you are always seeing nuns riding bicycles.
I just took emode's What's Your Email Personality? test:
Tiger, when it comes to email, you're a Joker
They say when you laugh, the world laughs with you. If that's the case, then we're all having one giant global chuckle thanks to your funny phrases. We're not sure how you do it, but you seem to have a comedian buried somewhere within.
I had to answer 15 questions to be informed that I am a Joker? I was of the assumption that was already pretty well known by those on my email address list and I was pretty sure they all figured I was not the King of Hearts, just that I wanted to be. ;)
Of course, this one didn't really surprise me either:
What's Your Monster Match?
Tiger, there's a Mummy lurking inside of you!
You've been dead for 3000 years, but you are still the life of the party because your monster match is the mummy. Has anyone ever told you that you look sharp in linen, and white is definitely your color?
I don't know, but there really is something sensual about being wrapped in cloth and then the sensuality of having it slowly removed. I mean, with the right company, is there anything more entertaining than a rousing game of strip poker?
Yes, another day in my life and I am still wondering where I am and what I am expected to do. Oh well, let me shake these cob webs from my synapses and maybe it will come back to me.
Yes, the Cowboys played poorly, but Tampa Bay has a good defense. The Cowboys' defense did a pretty good job today, but the offense did poorly. Even if Tom Landry was still around and coaching the Cowboys, just remember that they lost a few games a year also. I was pretty sure that the Cowboys would not play in the Superbowl this year, but I am still hoping that they will have at least a 9-7 season. Go Cowboys. I hope today's game was a good lesson for you, and hope you learn from your mistakes. Tuna will assist you in learning from the game. I am still your fan. See ya next week.
None o' ya'll has time to read nuthin' on Saturdays!
[UPDATE: 55 visitors for the day! See I was right. I love it when I am right!]
I need a large dose of caffeine stat, and about .5mgs of nicotine. Crap! Another day full of legal wranglin' and Chinese firedrills has begun, but thankfully it is Friday. The courts are closed tomorrow. I could do jail calls, because the jails are open 7 days a week/24 hours a day ... but then, I am not sure my spending my weekend time visiting people in jail would be very relaxing. I will likely pass on that and just sit back and watch millions of movies. If I begin to feel an urge to deal with legal issues, I suppose I can always take a turn at playing French judge a time or two. Those plans, of course, hinge on nothing more exciting coming along.
An avalanche of activity exhausted me today and as such, I predict a pure parcity of post-work postin'. Evenin' siesta sensed. Snarky snips to resume soon.
Yet, before I go, let me respond to an urgent need expressed by some of my readers for picture of me as a baby. If you have any interest in seein' how I looked when I was just learnin' to walk, check the extended entry:
But then again, aren't we all? Despite the troubles and trappings of our everyday existence, there is just some little something about actually being alive that makes life truly worth living.
As if they are not decadent enough, a French Judge has redefined the term banging the gavel.
attribution: zombyboy who was overlooked in the earlier ping wave.
Well, I started out the year by cheering for the Texas Rangers to win the year's World Series, but gave up all hope about the end of April. When they season was ending and the playoff teams were finally known, I was rootin' for the Cubs and Red Sox to play each other, and now I have no choice but to root for the Marlins. Yes, I hate the Yankees, the best team that money can buy and the only reason I would like to see MLB finally join the rest of the professional sports in having a salary cap.
I was just musin' about bloggin' and came up with a few things that I learned along the way over these past several months:
Bonus round: Blogs with nothing but pictures of kangaroos, even if the captions are funny, do not get many visits.
Wow, here it is Friday, and I guess that Friday Five is floating around, but I wonder if the current questions are as good as mine?
Go ahead and give us your answers ... if you dare.
Why do I suspect this would be simple child's play for Anna?
I received something today in the mail that I surely was not expecting and something that comes about so very rarely that I was almost amazed at having received it. What? you may ask.
Well, it was a little letter from one of my court appointed clients that I assisted last week into getting 6 months to do with about 4 months backtime on a probation violation situation. She thanked me for my efforts and said she thought I was the most excellent attorney she had ever had. High praise from someone who still has two more months in lockdown before she gets back to real life. In actuality, 6 months was the shortest sentence that could be received for her offense per statute, so in effect, I negotiated the absolute best deal that could have been accomplished. Negotiating the absolute best deal that could be accomplished is not an easy task in Johnson County, Texas. Still, I don't receive too many thank you letters from any of my clients, and hardly ever from those who end up doing time.
Do ya'll find King of the Hill to be as funny as those of us down here who believe all of the characters are modeled directly from people with whom we are personally familiar?
Heh. Actually, I have to add that I would rather see a lot more of things like this.
I already know the answer to that one, what with all the bloggy goodness to be found around, my not having posted much was not that big of a deal, huh? Well, I did miss ya'll! Really!
Well, I went to the meeting. It didn't have anything to do with setting up the chairs. Nope, I got bamboozled and after I get finished setting up the chairs, I am also supposed to assist in helping 150 to 250 motorcycle riders in parking their bikes. Like sure, they are gonna pay any damn attention to where I tell them to park. Well, thankfully, I am not in charge, I am just one of the arm wavin' bodies trying to direct them to the right spot. Ironically, the person in charge of the parking is the husband of the woman who gave me living Hell for not having been born and raised in this town and yet had the audacity to tell her that she had to move her car when I was put in charge of parking at one of our Christmas Parades when I first got to town. I have since retired from ever being in charge of parking again. Some people can get really enraged when you try to do exactly what you were instructed to do by the people in charge of the event.
And then after everyone is parked and we hear the sad story about how so much money is needed to research how to heal all these children who have pediatric brain tumors, I am also one of the people who is assisting in giving out the premiums that people get for raising money.
It does seem that I am not involved in handing out the sack lunches, thankfully, but I fear that I might possibly be involved in reversing the chair matter after the event. I am thinking that I might try to sneak off before that happens. I have not yet explained what I am to do in Saturday's Moonshine Festival, have I?
I have been busier than a 8 titted sow surrounded by 24 baby pigs. I just now got around to rolling over about 20 different things to tomorrow's task list, having been running back and forth between courts all day, but did get one of my clients out of jail, another has to see what the Parole people have to say before she gets to go home, and sent off two juveniles to Texas Youth Commission this morning. Now I have to go to some damn meeting where all of us Lion's Club members are supposed to be at so as to be trained as to how to set up 350 chairs this next Sunday morning. Whoever signed us up for that should be taken behind some barn and ... oh, I couldn't really wish such on anyone. I mean, I love to assist out, but that is hard labor. At the last meeting, when they were talking about how hard it was to find all that many chairs, I and another member suggested they check out about renting such, so guess what, that is what they did. Only, they did not know if you will pay a bit more, the rental company will set them up also. I am going to bring that up tonight and ask them if I can just hire someone to show up for me on Sunday. I am sure I can find someone that wants to make $25 just for setting up chairs and taking then back down.
Hmm, look at all I wrote, and here all I was gonna say is that I am busy* and that something that I thought about when I was going through all of my email. Do you think spammers never check what they get in their inbox? Do these damn penis enlargement pill spammers not understand that I have already gotten more than a thousand other offers to sell me these damn supposedly miracle pills and that if I was one of the 2% who likely were stupid enough to actually think the damn things worked, I would already have ordered such?
Let me be on the record right now: I don't care if they work as they are advertised anyway. I am not at all interested in making my penis any larger than it already is. I mean, I am 48 years old, it has served me as well as it could for all these years without any problem, so I see no reason to worry about whether it is large enough to satisfy anyone. If they are not satisfied with it as it is now, they probably are someone I really have no reason to want around me any damn way. Now quit sending me all those damn emails. Wjere is the DO NOT SPAM ME WITH PENIS ENLARGEMENT PILL MESSAGES LIST? I want on it, like STAT!
*Like way too busy to spellcheck this, so live with it. ;)
I am busy watching Enterprise and I suspect that a member of the crew will die in this episode. There is a non major crew member on an away mission.
[UPDATE: Hmmm, no fatality, and just how many times has that not occurred when there was a non-major player on the away mission?]
If I didn't post a damn thing for like two or three weeks, do you think anyone would care? I mean, if I went to Mexico and spent several years rotting in a Mexican prison because I didn't have any friends that cared enough to come down and bribe the officials into letting me go, would anyone have read my blog while I was gone? What if I posted a picture of my tits?
Just closed up shop and peeked in. Now a dash here and there and then maybe back a bit later. Someone post some really good bloggy goodness about the election so I don't have to catch the 10 o'clock news in order to know who won. ;)
Well, despite the fact that evidence of Deb Yoder's smoking of M&M's and munching of cigarettes is looming, Kelley has yet to post this week's Cul-de-Sac. Deb sensed the disturbance such made in The Force® and using her Jedi mind techniques compelled all of the Blogosphere to do their part in sharing the required amount of linky love in the interim.
My own mind, not resistant to Jedi mind techniques, has driven me to supply the following:
Well, I could likely pick on a few more people out there, but my carpal tunnel syndrome seems to be kickin' in, so I am gonna take that a sign from The Force® that I have fulfilled my usefulness to the universe and go look at my belly button or somethin'.
I never get any idea how some of these thoughts come up in my head, but I was checking out why this site trackbacked me. It seems that my sexiest navel contest that I ran in conjunction with the Blogger Boobie Thon, that is still going on and boobies are pushing in from left and right ... so go donate: after all, a good boobie is a terrible thing to waste.
Anyway, when I looked at the graphic on the index page, I was just so enamored with All Out of Angst,* just thinking the name is so poetic that I am sorry I didn't think it up and trademark it first, and then flashing that fossilized silhouette of a prehistoric carnivore was just more than I could stand. All of a sudden, I envision this gnarly graphic of a ravenous Tiger devouring a piece of meat and begin to delve into my synapses for a clue as to where to start looking for such, and then immediately to wondering if I could call my cousin with Siegfield and Roy and request that he effect a more ferocious pose next time he takes a bit of man flesh.*
*I perused the blogroll on this blog and saw none of the regular suspects, so if you are looking for a good list on some new blogs to read, have a look at the blogroll.
**That ought to pull me a few Google hits from sex crazed perverts searching for gay porn.***
***Of course, if you happen to be one of those succulent**** female types just looking for a cheap thrill, I can be had. ;)
****The definition of succulence will be subjectively determined by the person offering to be had.*****
*****But ain't it always that way?
I was just speaking with a friend and she said that she hated not having anything to do because it made her so bored, and then I just thought of the other side of that coin: having about a million things to do and no clue as which to do first.
*Sorry, but surely no one has stuck those two words together before, so now if ya do, ya owe me. ;) I take checks, Visa**, MasterCard*** or cash, sorry no American Express.
**How many remember when this was called BankAmeriCard?
***And this was originally called MasterCharge.
How would Yoda speak if he was Wasted Away in Margaritaville? As for Deb, it is Saturday Night, and I think if the noise pollution coming through the walls is as bad as she describes it, I would head out someplace for a Cheeseburger.
You know, you spend all night partying, awaiting the moment that the clock hits midnight, then Yay! Happy New Year! Maybe you get a kiss, I haven't for awhile, then back to partying or to bed or whatever. The moment has come and gone and life goes on. Well, my counter just crossed that 20K mark and the 20,000th visitor was someone from the east coast who linked in from MT.org updated blog list at 21 minutes and 5 seconds after the hour. Visitor 20,001 followed a couple of minutes afterward. Yay! It's over, and blogging goes on.
However, it is still pretty neat to have had that milestone come on the same day as my 6th month Blogiversary. I want to give thanks to all the little people who worked so hard to make it a reality!
Who would have ever known that the simpleton that posted something as inane as the following would and could continuously post similar crap on each and every day for the next 6 months?
A new voice in the Blogosphere
To BLOG or not to BLOG, that was the question that befell me today. Over recent years, I have encountered the occasional BLOG here and there, surfing links to locate that essential bit of information that I was seeking at that very moment. But I did not know they were BLOGS or just how numerous and popular they had become . . . until today. BLOGS are powerful stuff, according to one article I ran across, powerful enough to have assisted in the downfall of TRENT LOTT. And now, I have begun one, and that may eventually lead to my very own downfall. From where I am standing, that does not seem to be all that far to fall . . . so my gamble is small.
April 4, 2003 05:37 PM :: TrackBack
Just as I refreshed to see if that last one posted the way I 'spected it to, I recollected what it was I was gonna post 'bout when I started that last one. I was just a noticin' how close I was to crossin' the 20K mark in visitors and that at midnight tonight, I was gonna begin my second 6 months of bloggin' and how great it would be if I could reach that 20K mark in conjuction with my 6 month blogiversary. It ain't gonna happen with my current visitation rate, but it was so close to being a happenin' thing, I thought it was worth a mention.
OK, I see I had not a single reader last hour, and I can understand why, what with both Smallville and Enterprise on at the same time, probably everyone was glued to one program or the other. As for me, I went with Enterprise, but I taped* Smallville and will go watch that now. Happy blogging ya'll!
*No, Virginia, I don't have a TIVO.
Well, well, it seems that after zillions of entries in picture captioning contests, I finally came across the finish line in 3rd place in one on Kevin's site [WizBang!]. Of course, just as last week, I have again forgotten to submit anything for this week's Bonfire. And here I thought this one was one that definitely deserved to tossed upon the pile. What do you think?
IN TOTALLY OTHER NEWS: The headache still has not been completely suppressed despite my continued shock and awe bombarding with mega-doses of high-powered analgesics. Commitment to this effort is a high priority and I am totally convinced that I will prevail.
I don't pick up the mail, I don't pick up the phone
I don't answer the door, I'd as soon be alone
I don't keep this place up, I just keep the lights down
I don't live in these rooms, I just rattle around
I'm just a ghost in this house
I'm just a shadow upon these walls
As quietly as a mouse I haunt these halls
Those lines are the opening lyrics of a song called I'm Just a Ghost in this House authored by Hugh Prestwood and recorded by several artists. These few lines sum up how I feel about my life at this point.
It is kind of like I am just dog paddling until my body gives up. I often wonder if I am depressed without reason, but I actually have plenty of reasons to feel this way about my life. Although I am fairly financially stable and in fairly good health, have plenty of friends and plenty of activities to do, I really find very little enjoyment out of hardly anything for very long.
Let's see, where do I start? OK, I am 48, and yet, according to Acidman, I look older than he does at 55, and what is really bad is that I agree with him. I do look older than most people at my age. I have more white in my facial hair than most at my age, I have been gray at the temples since I was in my 30s, I am balding on top rapidly, and yet, I really don't care. My teeth have decided to rotten out over the last six or so months. I was widowed more than nine years ago, am childless and then lost both of my parents over the last few years. I jumped up and moved to a new town, and although I find I have more to do and am a bigger part of the community than anywhere else I have ever lived, I do not find such as satisfying as I thought I would.
I sometimes think about just giving up, but how do you do that? I mean, I don't want to die, as there is always a chance that things will change and I will find some fun in life again. But then I am so tired of just surviving without any purpose in my life. The stress is sometimes very overbearing.
I have thought about seeing a doctor, but then I would be saying something is wrong with me for feeling this way, and I don't think there is anything wrong with me for feeling this way. In fact, I think I am feeling exactly like any normal person would feel who has lived through the kind of life I have had so far. I don't want some drugs to suppress my feelings. If I wanted to suppress my feelings, I am sure I could drown my troubles like most people do, just staying half-conscious by drinking lots of alcoholic beverages. No, I will continue to tread though this existence, but I will still mostly just be a ghost in this house. I am here but no one sees me.
OK, I haven't gone through my site meter referrals as much as I once did, but for some reason thought I would take a gander to see who those faithful readers were than do seem to visit me on a regular basis. I came across this search done on Yahoo:
divorce AND pornography AND addiction AND visitation
Now it didn't really surprise me that I came up in the returns for such search, as the return was to one of my category archive pages, so it was likely all of those terms were in one post or another in that category. I actually did not even come up that high, being number 53. So what is the imponderable mystery, you ask? I am just always wondering what sort of person checks past the first three pages of returns on any search. But then again, maybe I am the only person in the world who believes anything past number 20 is probably really not worth even checking out anyway.
on one or two of his supposed sexual myths. I do think #3 hit a nail right on the head, #4 is not far off, #2 is wholly dependent on the number of extra pounds, and #1 is way off. There has not been a gal born yet who matches the horniness of the average male ... strike that, I have known a nymphomaniac who could do the entire NFL and still be wanting some, but on average, nope, guys want it much more than gals. If they didn't, then there would not be this cottage industry of topless bars, pornography, and prostitutes.
attribution: Lynn S
Serenity is finding things in Texas are not the same as in Seattle. It seems some squirrel gave her a piece of his mind. Of course, Texas squirrels do get a mite cantankerous when you step on their nuts. If ya come to Texas, please do start minding where ya plant your feet! ;)
*and people from Seattle.
Appeals court frees Nigerian mother sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. [full story]Posted by notGeorge at 10:22 AM | Comments (0)
Wow, I just noticed that during the time I was on the road this past Friday evenin', Acidman said I looked old. I guess I will go lie down and cry now! [AS IF!]
*Hey, sometimes I just cannot think of much more than nonsense, you know?
Well, those of you who may have come around after yesterday afternoon may have found that the site was fragged awfully bad. I was totally unable to log in to my console. I worked with Tony for over an hour trying to backdoor in, but nothing seemed to work. I finally decided that something must have changed serverside so contacted my hosting service. Here is their first response:
Hi Terry (***),
The server your site is on was upgraded earlier today to much stronger hardware and a newer operating system. I believe I have fixed the problem with your blog software, but its difficult for me to tell, as I do not have access to the administrative tools of Movable-Type. Please test your site again and let me know if everything is working.Regards,
Of course, I immediately did that, and nope, still fragged. I told Tim that I was still unable to login and that I noticed the comments were not working on the site, etc. Tim requested my MT login info so he could experiment from that end.
I provided Cherry my login info over IM checking if the login problem was restricted to my computer, way earlier in the evening. I see she slipped in during the night and posted a Nightly Navel Gazing Report™. Too bad she didn't provide a picture. ;)
Well, we are live again thanks to the efforts of Tim, Tony and Cherry:
Hi ***,
I did some research on Movable Type's website and I updated the databases that your blog uses. I was able to login and poke around a bit with your username and password. I didn't make any kind of changes to the blog itself or the setup. I believe the problem is now fixed, but I'll need you to test things out a bit and make sure all the utilities work as well.Regards,
An airline's passenger cabin was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone into a good mood as he served them food and drinks. As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and announced to the passengers, "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, lovely people, so if you could just put up your trays that would be super."On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed that a well-dressed rather exotic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines. I asked you to raise your trazy-poo so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."
She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess. I take orders from no one."
To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country, I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up bitch!"
See, I tried to warn ya! ;) Uh, if ya didn't really like that one, try the one in the extended entry:
The Italian says,"When I've a finished a makina da love withah my wife, I go down and gently tickle the back of her knees, she floats 6 inches above a da bed in ecstacy."The Frenchman replies,"Zat is noting, when ah've finished making ze love with ze wife, Ah kiss all ze way down her body and zen Ah lick za soles of her feet wiz mah tongue and she floats 12 inches above ze bed in pure ecstasy."
The Redneck says, "That aint nothing buddy. When I've finished porkin the ole lady, I git out of bed, walk over to the winder and wipe my weener on the curtains. She hits the freakin' ceiling.
What? Didn't like that? What about this?
THINGS THAT ARE DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN YOU'RE DRUNK:THINGS THAT ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO SAY WHEN YOU'RE DRUNK:Indubitably Innovative Preliminary Proliferation Cinnamon THINGS THAT ARE DOWNRIGHT IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY WHEN YOU'RE DRUNK:Specificity British Constitution Passive-aggressive disorder Loquacious Transubstantiate Thanks, but I don't want to have sex Nope, no more booze for me Sorry, but you're not really my type Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight Oh, I just couldn't. No one wants to hear me sing
Woah, right there, Bud! Stop your bitchin' and go over to Kelley's place and check out all the bloggy goodness in this week's Cul-de-Sac.
Ahoy mates, me blogchild Cherry passed 100 posts. She be a real bloggin' lass, she be. We'n forgit to check n' with'n one'nother and done pasted up t'same joke for'n today.
It be also talk like a pirate day, you scurvy dogs. Anna din't forgit. Thanks be to Bluebread for this! I be so worn out from not doin' anythin' all week that I be in a desperate needo'a rest.
Avast now, if't I'd o'recollect'd t'day was speak like a pirate day. I'd den have scribbled me prior entry as:
A wealthy man decidedt'go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day, t'dachshund started chasin' butterflies into t'jungle, and before long he was lost.
Wanderin' about, he saw a leopard headin' rapidly in his direction with t'obvious intentiono'havin' lunch. "I'm in deep trouble now!" t'dachshund thought. Then he noticed some bones on t'ground close by, and settled downt'chew on t'bones with his aftt't'approachin' cat.
Just as t'leopard was aboutt'leap, t'dachshund exclaimed loudly, "lad, that was one delicious leopard. I wonder if thar be any more around here?"
Hearin' this, t'leopard halted his attack in mid-stride, terrified, and slunk away into t'jungle. "Whew," said t'leopard, "That was close. That dachshund nearly got me."
Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watchin' t'whole scene from a nearby tree, figured he could put this knowledget'good use and trade itt't'leopard for protection. So off he went after t'leopard with great speed.
But t'dachshund saw where he was headin' and figured what he must be up to. T'monkey soon caught up with t'leopard, spilled t'beans and struck a deal for himself. T'leopard was furious at bein' made a foolo'and said, "Here monkey, hop on me aft and watch what happenst'that connivin' canine."
Now t'dachshund saw t'leopard comin' with t'monkey on his aft, and thinks, "What be I goin't'do now?" But insteado'runnin', t'dog sat down with his aftt'his attackers, pretendin' he hadn't seen them. And when they get close enought'hear, t'dachshund said, "Where's that monkey? I sent him off half an hour agot'brin' me another leopard."
Is there an algorithm in play in the ordering of Jay's blogroll?
It seems there are a lot of bloggers keeping an eye on the sky tonight, and I decided maybe I should do so also. After all, it is raining sheets outside and there have been several gusty winds come along. Of course, it is a long way from a hurricane, but then tornados seem to come around here more often that hurricanes come onshore. I hope all ya'll that are in the path of that hurricane ride it out safely, especially you fools who are out with their surfboards trying to catch a big one. If any of ya'll idiots make it back in alive, email me and I will definitely put something up on my blog about your adventures. As for me, I am just waiting for the tornado, 'cause I think I wouldn't mind getting out there and chasing Helen Hunt. ;)
James has a lawyer joke. It is not the funniest lawyer joke in the world, but it is probably in the top 100 all-time lawyer jokes. Check it out.
Talking about lawyer jokes, I was hired by a lawfirm in Houston as local counsel to walk some paperwork through court on a foreclosure matter. Last Friday I took an order to a judge to have someone removed from property following a foreclosure that occurred in January. The lady calls me, and asks can she have more time. I tell her I cannot make that decision, but I will call my client and see what they say. I call the client. The client says she has had since January to move out, so no more extensions. I call the lady and tell her what they said. She says to me: "I think you are lying." She hangs up. Hey lady? I am not even the tow truck driver on this one ... I was just answerin' the phone and pushin' papers about.
You know, I didn't post anything about that Court decision that was announced yesterday. I heard about it, even read several blog posts about it, but I am rarely concerned or amazed about anything that happens in California or any decisions of the 9th Circuit. I think this is the best story on it I have seen .
Kate says she has been blogging now for about 6 months and wants to share 10 things she has learned. I read what she had to say about it and agree pretty much with most of it.
There has a been a motion made that blogs be incorporated into the Dewey Decimal System. It has been reluctantly seconded. I suggest we open the matter up for discussion while we try to convene a quorum to vote.
Written, as if, with bloody hands, this short story draws you into the terrors of one's own mind.
This one has been handed around so many times I just couldn't bear the space to repeat it. Just in case you haven't read this, do so now. I might be doing some navel gazing in the mean time.
Kelley has an interesting discussion about the differences between a geek, a nerd and a dork. As she states, most use these terms interactively without distinction, and most allow such to get a fairly good description of the person's personality. I see all as being fairly intelligent members of the human race, but each occupying a different part of my proposed triumvirate of abilities: creating, enumerating, or constructing.
One segment of the society creates things, ideas, products. They have a unique vision for finding the new. One segment counts, records, and archives anything and everything. One segment likes to get their hands dirty, take things apart, and put things together. I refer to these groups as Philosophers, Bean Counters, and Doers.
Now Geeks are a certain segment of Philosophers, who can't see the world for what it is but only for what it could be. Make the World a better Place.
Nerds, on the other hand, are a subset of Counters, who see the world for nothing more than a mass of what it is made of and use superior intelligence to get more of it. Bill Gates is a nerd.
Dorks are a select portion of those doers who possess superior knowledge of the world, but are always tripping up. Affable, friendly, and gullible.
Now, this was floating around the Internet and Frank* fished it up:
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe and the biran fguiers it out aynawy.
Now, if you just read that and thought I bet there is an algorithm pattern to that quote, you are a Geek.
If you saw it and counted the number of correctly spelled words in the quote and expect to win a prize for having done so, you are a Nerd.
And if you saw that quote and searched Google to check whether it was an Internet hoax or not, you are a Dork.
And, if there was an a real BlogFather out there, it should be surely noticed that this post deserves an Instalanche. That is certainly prize winning material.
*You Nerds would have checked out that link.
County music legend Johnny Cash has gone to join his recently departed wife, June Carter Cash. He died of heart problems during the night at age 71. Let us hope that he didn't literally fall into a burning ring of fire. Can there ever be another Man in Black?
September 11th has rolled around for the second time after the dastardly attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. Remember those who died in that tragedy.
[Update: And PsychoDad, in the comments reminded us:
Remember our troops out there on the front lines doing their part to prevent any more cowardly attacks from happening in the future.
How very neglectful of me for having not mentioned those who are still on the front lines and those who have perished in the efforts to put a stop to terrorism in our world.
]It seems that astronomers have heard a deep sound from space:
In musical terms, the pitch of the sound generated by the black hole translates into the note of B flat. But, a human would have no chance of hearing this cosmic performance, because the note is 57 octaves lower than middle-C (by comparison a typical piano contains only about seven octaves). At a frequency over a million, billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing, this is the deepest note ever detected from an object in the universe.
The scientists claim the sound comes from a black hole in the Perseus cluster, located 250 million light years from Earth. Has anyone ever discovered what exists on the other side of black holes? Could God be speaking to us and we just can't hear?*
attribution: Anna
*Of course, it could also be the sound of God bitch slappin' Mohammed.
Jeff Trigg tells of a friend who is fighting the constitutionality of the mandatory seatbelt law. I have always thought that it was pretty dumb for them to make us wear seatbelts and then let people on motorcycles go without wearing helmets.
Of course, they have changed that helmet law thing about 5 times since I got out of High School here in Texas, but I suspect that it was the Organ Donation lobby that got it passed the last time. I understand that unhelmeted motorcyclists in accidents are, for some reason, the largest organ donors in the US.
As far as seat belts, I thought New Hampshire had the best idea, when I went through there two years ago. They had a sign that said something like "If you are under the age of 18, buckle up. It's the law."
Hey, I am so very sorry I have not been filling up much space with bloggy goodness lately. It is not because I do not want to do so. Sadly, I have been so busy trying to get this office back in shape so I can find what I need whenever I want, my brain is so strained, I cannot think enough to know where my damn head is. Hmmm, let me look up my ass ... nope, not there. Well, at least I know I don't have my head up my ass, however, I am almost sure it is not square on my shoulders either. I guess is it somewhere in between. Well, here is hoping [wait, do not start naming names, because surely you will forget somebody and hurt their feelings] all my friends and regular readers are doing well and will forgive me for slacking a bit on my posting.
I am still here at the office, still working hard to get some things done, but at least I did check my email today, but you should see this big pile of mail I have to go through. Oh wait, that one looks like it has a check in it. Let's hope it is large enough to pay all those bills in that pile over there. Nope, it is just a minnow, and I am really needing need a whale to eat up that big pile of bills. Well, back to work. Hopefully I will have a bit more time later. OK?*
*Who was that way in the back that shot me the finger? I couldn't see your face.
and I really didn't even notice. What's up with that? Maybe I need to have my medication adjusted again. ;) Yeah, like they really have anything to cure what is killin' me. Uh, Doc, you got something to mend my shattered dreams and give me back the 10 years that vanished while I was trying to get a grasp on my life?
Say "Goodnight," Gracie.
"Goodnight Gracie."*
*Yeah, I know I already used tha gag once before, but heck, Burns and Allen used it for years. ;)
Everyone was complaining about last month being such a slow news month that someone proclaimed it Navel Gazing Month. I have found that my visitation rate has dropped rapidly with the beginning of this month. I even tracked how many visitors found my site last through pointers posted in the Cul-de-Sac, the Carnival of the Vanities and the Bonfire of the Vanities and noticed very few hits coming from those link-a-thons.
My regular readership has stayed steady, however, and I am still moving slowly up the ladder in the Blogosphere Ecosystem, but is this another really slow news period? A drop of 25% in daily visitation denotes something. I am just not sure to what it points? Is it me, or is it just the general trend of things? Is this Head Banging Month?
Speaking of the Cul-de-Sac, Kelley has posted this week's plethora of posts to see.
Yes, I had to wake up much earlier than I wanted because I am signed up for every Sunday morning at our local wildlife park, where I am a docent. I got up groggy, barely had time to take a bath, get dressed and such before I had to leave to get there in time to start the tour. I stopped at the store at the corner, filled up my cup with Dr. Pepper and started on my way. I turned the corner to get to the park and the damn cup fell out of the cup holder right into my lap. Even though it has a lid on it, enough poured out of the straw hole to get my pants wet and run right up my butt crack. What a way to start the day, as I had to sit for three hours on a vinyl seat and entertain people. Oh well. I just got home, changed my underwear, and have a hot pizza and DVD full of 3 Stooges episodes. So, Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Be back with you all later. Probably after the Dallas Cowboy game, unless they get so far behind, I decide it is not worth watching to the end. Have great Sunday, unless you are Atlanta Falcon fans, then I hope yours is not all that great, because I am rooting for your team to get beat bad. Are ya ready for some Football?
I am not sure even Tony S could explain this so that a geek/0™ like me could understand. However, I am going to patiently wait until they perfect such and hope that maybe I can finally get a computer that can keep up with my train of thought. Now, that would be somethin', huh?
[UPDATE: I was just thinking ... if this occurs, would we have to worry about our motherboards getting pregnant?]
attribution: Good Friend Frank
Well, my clock radio blared off at the same time as usual this morning and awoke me telling me I've got to do something that I have no way of doing, and it pains me that I can't. Yes, here was Charley Pride saying to me: You've got to kiss an angel Good Morning and love her like the Devil when you get back home. However, that requires an angel, and I am still searching for an angel. How depressing.
Then I visit michele, as usual, and find her making a statement like this:
Have we changed? Sure we have. Mostly, our children have changed. We may not notice it now, but we will later. Their world is different than it was two years ago. Their future is different.Of course, she is talking about the post 9/11 world we now live in. I was just wondering, though, is this event less traumatic than the post-bomb world of my youth. I mean are they making little kids crawl up under their desks in preparation of nuclear attacks? Do children fear seeing the flash of a nuclear explosion? It seems those fears have greatly subsided in the modern world.
I think maybe older Americans were not as traumatized by 9/11 as were the children who had grown up with some sense of security. I suspect that people in my age group, while appalled, were already aware that you can never prepare for tragedy or the senseless destruction of large groups of people through the wanton acts of other people.
Well, I awoke with some kind of massive headache. Yea!!! [not] What a week. Two days of massive court docket days down and one to go. Tomorrow, or maybe later today, I have got to make a trip to Fry's to get a power supply, and maybe a graphic adapter to see if I can get a couple of these computers working. At least I was pleased to see that while I caught up on my sleep, no one was reading my blog. I would surely have hated to miss that. Yes, light blogging warning for today. Oh, Stevie ... if I start talking to my navel, won't people think I am crazy? ;)
Isn't that the disease where you just seem to fall asleep without warning? Well, actually I probably don't have that as these yawns seem to be warning me that I am about to fall asleep. I am unsure why I am so utterly tired today, but I am. I am going to call it an early night.
OK, now I know summer is officially over. For the first time in months, I woke up and didn't want to crawl out from under the covers because the house was chilly. That has not occured since the middle of May.
I apologize that I have not done my regular blog visits for today. As you can tell from the posts I did over the day, I had some major problems which took up a lot of my time. If you posted something really spectacular that you want to make sure I don't miss, please feel free to post a link to it in a comment to this post and I will make sure I find time to see it. I hope you will please forgive me for having been distracted by urgent matters in my real life that kept me from spending the usual enormous amounts of time I require to read your blogs and writing crap on mine. If you didn't get your daily quota of crap today, I will sadly take the blame. You are now free to return to your regularly scheduled program. We* thank you for your support.
*Hey, whichever one of you that left your mouse behind, he seems to be in my pocket.
Dean Esmay has begun an interesting discussion on apologies over at Dean's World. I have posted a comment on my thoughts on the subject there, but forgot to add that I have yet to find a Nigerian who has offered an apology for all of those Nigerian email scams.
*Oops, sorry, there are no other myths to discuss currently.
Owen of Boots and Sabres points to a story about a new concept in space vehicle being developed by NASA: "a stripped-down four-seater." [story has picture]. Owen discusses a need for NASA to develop a fleet of varied vehicles to assist in different missions:
1) A heavy cargo replacement for the Space Shuttle. The Space Shuttle has been upgraded many times since its original manufacture, but it’s time to start fresh with new technology and new designs. The Space Shuttle fleet was designed to last 10 years and we’ve used it for 30. Retire the fleet with honor and let’s move forward. This craft is for large payloads that require human interaction.2) A light craft for carrying people and some basic supplies into space. This could be the 4-man craft they are working on now. It can be used for replacing personnel on the Space Station and orbital repair missions, assuming there isn’t a lot needed in the way of parts.
3) A heavy craft for launching unmanned satellites into orbit. I think the current rocket fleet is working fine for this. We can put satellites into space and supply the Space Station with great accuracy and efficiency with the rocket fleet. Keep it up.
4) A light craft for launching small payloads into space. I think that this would probably be a craft launched from a high altitude plane. It can be used for small supply missions and for sending parts. It could be used in combination with craft #2 for repair missions. It could also be used for small, unexpected supply missions.
5) A deeper space experimental craft. I envision a small, unmanned craft, loaded with instruments, that launches from – and returns to – the Space Station. A reusable craft of this sort could be used repeatedly at minimal cost. Perhaps even a small fleet of them. They could do things like: explore passing comets, survey the moon, survey the closer planets, find and examine other Earth-orbit crafts, etc. It could be used to pretty much explore anything that it can reach and return in the space of a couple of years, but mostly for closer missions.
I suppose I am thinking a bit differently. I see us needing several ships along the lines of the Andromeda Ascendant, a large fleet of X-wing fighters, and a plethora of Delta flyers. You add to this fleet a few of Buzz Lightyear's self contained suits with rocket packs and I think NASA would be well outfitted. Oh, for large cargo hauls, I think Sea/Land containers would be easily towable if necessary.
Well, while I was South of the Border, Charles Bronson passed away. Word is that the plans for Death Wish V are still on, as the producers, following a viewing of the fight scene in Bridget Jones's Diary, have scrambled to sign up Hugh Grant to assume the roll of Paul Kersey.
attribution: heads up from Laughing Wolf
If you told a joke and nobody laughed, would it still be funny?*
*Only respond if you read this. Those of you who can't read are not required to respond.
Well, I just got back from making a trip to the next county on some court business and was listening to the radio on the way there and back. It seems the biggest news was that some peace hatin' people in Iraq killed a large passel of peace lovin' people in Iraq. That is sad. Of course, I also think it is sad that people continue to say we shouldn't be over there in Iraq huntin' down peace hatin' people who kill peace lovin' people.
It seems a Federal Judge has curtailed the plans of the US Navy in scattering low-frequency sonar throughout the majority of the world's oceans because such has been found harmful to whales.
It appears that I may not be the only one who pays attention to the Book of Roddenberry. As such Book foretells: In the 23rd Century, a large being will come to Earth seeking to communicate with a humpback whale, and if finding none, will destroy the Earth. Now, the book does indicate that the salvation of the Earth depends upon our future descendants having made contact with the Vulcan species, having mastered interstellar space travel, and having devined a method to travel through time, none of which is possible as of this date. One may suppose that the judge is of the belief that such prophesy may indicate that it is necessary to live in harmony with all of the world's creatures.
attribution: Mark of Not Quite Tea and Crumpets
According to Jeff Trigg, activity in Canada is disproving all the old myths about the effects of marijuana use. Read the whole thing.*
*What can I say? Glenn Reynolds does get the hits, so maybe he is on to something. ;) Besides, it is his birthday.**
**Thanks to Kevin for the head's up.
The new CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll found 77 percent of the 1,009 Americans interviewed earlier this week disapproved of U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson's order to remove the monument. [full story]So did they take this poll outside of a church, or does this mean that the number of Muslims, Wiccans, Satanists, Scientologists, agnostics and atheists* in the US is approximately 23% of the population?
attribution: Boots and Sabres
*I purposefully left Hindus, Buddhists, and Taoists off the list because I have found that members of such religions are very tolerant of other people's rights to publicly practice different religions.
Did Anna say she was hungry enough to eat a cow?
Venomous Kate thinks she has discovered the back story on why Acidman is currently on vacation.
michele, in her ever eloquent way, says that despite the media not planning anything grandiose to display on the day, September 11th will be a day to remember all who were and are still affected by the occurrences on that fateful day of just two years ago. While, geographically, I am far from the scene of that tragedy and vile attack upon thousands of innocents, I watched the coverage on that morning and for days afterward. I know I will never forget. I join michele in hoping you will not forget either.
I am running late and nothing really inane has come to mind. Sorry.
Kelley from Suburban Blight has returned from vacation and posted a very long and extensive Cul-de-Sac. I scanned the listing and saw bunches of bloggy goodness for your reading pleasure. She even made a passing remark that you should stop by here and see one of my less interesting posts. She really shouldn't have.
I may need some time to recover from the shock of it all.
I was just in the kitchen opening a can of biscuits. I always hate opening a can of biscuits. You hold the can in your hand and slowly unwrap that label off until the can bursts open to reveal the biscuits inside. I just hate the anticipation of that can popping open in my hand. I don't know why, as I have never been harmed in any way, it is the just not knowing that makes it so hard to do.
It is a lot like getting a shot, I guess. You sit there, not wanting to look, just anticipating that needle being stuck into your skin and imagining the pain that will accompany it. Seldom does the pain actually bother me, it is just the anticipation that it might be different this time.
I find the opposite reaction to sexual anticipation. Although it has been some time since I actually had any sexual encounters, I actually do reflect upon those few recent ones quite often. I find that I actually seem to enjoy the anticipation of the sexual activity much more than I enjoy the sexual act itself. Craving the tactile sensation when someone touches and caresses your skin is a more intense sensation than the actual touching and caressing. I remember when my wife was alive, sometimes she would call me at work and tell me how very horny she was and how she could just not wait until I got home. I would be excited for the rest of the day, just imagining what was to come. On many of these occasions, her feelings would have changed by the time I actually arrived and I did not realize the actual activity I had eagerly anticipated throughout the day. My wife was sick and the chemicals in her body changed rapidly from minute to minute on some days. I never got upset that she changed her mind, because I was aware that the day's anticipation of the night's activities was more likely the highlight of that activity anyway.
Hmm, the thoughts one gets while opening a can of biscuits.
The Justice Department reported last week that at the end of 2001, more than 5.6 million adults -- one in every 37 U.S. adults -- were either in state or federal prison or had done prison time during their lives.*
What does this say about American society? Almost 2.5% of all Americans have served prison time? Does that include all the ones who were charged, given probated sentences, and successfully fufilled served out their probation? If not, I suspect those numbers would increase the percentage of Americans who have been charged with a major crime. This is both alarming and appalling. Is our society so decadent and evil? I disbelieve that we have this many truly bad people in our country. I just can't do that. In fact, as a criminal defense attorney for a number of years, I find that most of those charged with crimes are not all that evil, are not all that bad, and mostly are just stupid or did something stupid. Money, or the lack or it, has a lot to do with the propensity of someone to do something categorized as criminal, whether it be selling drugs, using drugs or taking something of value from someone else. Sex seems to be the second motivation for people doing something that would be categorized as criminal. Most violent crimes seem to take place in the household and are emotional reactions. They are very disturbing, but often the situation is the result of the several people's activity, and yet only one gets punished. I still don't know all the answers, but the continual warehousing of people is such a big drain on the government coffers, it seems there should be some discussion of alternatives.
*This quote comes from 2002 crime rate lowest since studies began in 1973, report finds CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer as reported on SFGate.com. attribution: TalkLeft
Graham Lester has pegged the way to create a Hollywood blockbuster, or how to make a thoroughly bad movie.
Howard has analyzed a Newsweek poll announced on Voice of America and suggests the problem with the Bush administration may lie at the feet of Rumsfeld. I actually may be one of the few, according to the results of this poll, who think the administration is actually doing a fairly good job in Iraq. However, I am wondering how America feels about the absolute worst part of the Bush Administration: Attorney Gemeral Ashcroft. I mean the guy appears to have no compassion for anyone or to show any qualms about stepping all over the rights of any person, American or otherwise.
According to some of the Blog War propoganda I have seen around, this might also apply to a few bloggers. [read more]
Thanks michele*
*who seemed to have found such at some place called Blue Green Egg.
I was in court today for some really easy stuff, like telling the judge these two cases he wants to dismiss because no action is being taken are fine with me to dismiss because they were all settled out of court: one had been to get a receiver to sell a house, and upon being served with papers on the case, the other party just agreed to sell the house, and the other was a child custody matter where the opposing party went to prison so my client got custody without making further payments on his case. The judge was late, and I actually had another hearing in another courtroom* that I needed to get to soon. I was just hanging around, spouting off about how the next county is needing to build a new jail because they are short on space, and in my opinion they would not be needing to do so if the DA was not so hard-headed when it came to plea negotiations. The court reporter said something about me not being afraid to climb on my soapbox.
It reminded me of yesterday's Chamber of Commerce luncheon when the President of the Chamber asked the lady next to me if she would mind getting called on to lead the invocation. She declined for some reason, I forget, and the President said she would ask this other person. I asked, "How come you never ask me to lead the invocation?" She said, "I am always a bit afraid of what you will say." I think she knows me pretty well, huh?
*I really thought this was weird. We have a County Judge that normally holds court one day a month, and two district judges that sit in the next county with which we share both such disticts who each hold court in the county once a month. So we regularly have court three days in the month. Normally, though, the district courts hold court on Wednesdays. County Court holds court on Friday. We already had County Court this month, but this was like a special day where there were a bunch of really old cases and some JP Appeals. The County Court rarely does any civil business, so this might be the once yearly Civil Court day. We also had already had both District Court days, but Monday starts Jury Week, one about every three months, so the District Court was handling pre-trial matters in readilness for next week's jury trials possibles. We only have one courtroom, unless you use the Commissioner's Court room. Today, it was used. District Court was held at 1:30 and thankfully the County Court was beginning at 2:00. I easily walked across the street to the other building where the Commissioner's Court is housed after my bried appearance in District Court to appear for my County Court matter. It was a JP Appeal that was dismissed because the party presenting the appeal did not appear. I guess she decided it was easier to move out of that house than to pay the attorney she hired to prosecute the appeal.
OK, MSN has listed 10 Words You Simply Must Know. Wouldn't it be fun to compose a post using all 10 of these words? If you should choose to embark on this exciting adventure, please link back to this post so that your efforts can be seen and recognized. Are ya up to it?
In and out - just wanted to admit I was so brain dead last night when that Instalanche came in, I added that update to the wrong post. Actually the post that Glenn linked was better than the one I thought he linked.
As always, my undying affection for my loyal readers, More to Come .... Later .... I hope!
I was checking my visitation rate and noticed quite a jump and when I looked at the graph, I saw that I have over 60 hits last hour.* I thought, Jeez, someone big saw something they liked and people are coming to see what it is. Yes, I did finally get my first blurb on InstaPundit. Of course, he pointed to this post. If I had had my druthers, I wished he had linked to this one, because, despite being something I wrote over 30 years ago, it is something I would like a lot of people to read.
*I have received over 200 in just the first 10 minutes of this hour.
Tony says there has not been enough people voting on which title he needs to use for his new blog name. Please, go vote for B.
Well, it seems the problems at Baylor continue. Already the basketball coach is in the middle of turmoil: probably going to be indicted for assisting in covering up the murder of one of his players and an investigation into NCCA infractions in association with that program. The athletic director was ready to give up his post as soon as a replacement was found, but I heard this morning he changed his mind and decided to just leave now, before a replacement was found. I have not thought of anyone with their head so far up their ass as to do a visual examination of their own prostate to take over as athletic director for the Baylor program, but I was thinking that Dennis Rodman would fit right in as the head of the basketball program. He has already shown a willingness to play loose with the rules, and it is still suspected that he was involved in that cigar boat incident on Lake Lewisville a few years ago that destroyed a poor girl's face and has been involved in covering up his involvment for years.
Deb Yoder says she has been to "the heretofore undiscovered tenth circle of hell." We often get that reaction from first time visitors to our Great State of Texas during the summer. I mean, when they say it is "Hotter than Hell" here, they mean it literally. Was somewhere near 100 today with a whopping 80% humidity. It is still not hot enough to turn on the A/C, but then I, like most Texans, are used to the hot summer heat.
And please do not infer any sarcasm from the use of that title. It seems that michele will not be blogging from work anymore. I look upon that as bad news, because I always enjoy reading what michele has to say, but then again, I can see a silver lining in the cloud, because I can blog from work* so her readers might find me when they are looking for something new to read during work hours.
*Provided I am at the office and not in court, and that I do not have any really pressing work to be done.**
**This is subject to change though, as soon as I can get a direct satellite connection to the internet hooked straight into my brain. At that point, I suspect I can even blog in my sleep. Now won't that be just marvelous?
Aaron the Rantblogger has posted a painting of a guy that seems to be a prime candidate for those miracle pills SPAMMERS are pushing these days. I am wondering why the painter chose this model for the painting? George, but I have seen some better packages than that painted on baby-faced cherubs. Wasn't the model who posed for Michaelangelo's David available?
*Please pardon this puny pecker posting.**
**It's not porno! It's art, dammit!
Do you mean the way to finally get Glenn Reynolds to notice you is to make a snarky remark about Frank?** Congrats Rocketman!
Alas! The life of a neutral Switzerblogger™!
*I dunno, but I thought just a simple "Do What?" was not eye catching enough, so added a bit of nonsensical stuff to catch your eye. It is kinda catchy if you actually say it out loud!
**Now where did I get the idea that it was to make snarky remarks about the French?***
***I wonder if Bill told me that? Or was it John?
I wonder what is up Dave's ass? I am not even sure he knows.
Although I may be a Switzerblog™ as far as Blog Wars go, there is so much blogging being done about such, I cannot help noticing some inane matters regarding the combatants. I was just over on Glenn (called White Glenn by his enemies) Reynold's site, InstaPundit, looking at that supposedly false quote from Frank J and noticed that one of his top supporters, Kevin from WizBang! is not even linked on his blogroll, unless you count the link for IMAO (the absolute slowest loading blog on my blogroll) going to that fake Google page on his server. Just thought I would point that out.
OK, I just got something in my email:
Dear Blogger Compatriot -I copied this from the ICQ announcement of something arriving on my server, so sorry about not including the header.We have launched a campaign to unite blogs around the world in defense
of the Iranian people who are struggling for freedom. We must let them
know that we are with them and we must DEMAND that world governments
answer their cries! Please consider uniting with Blogs who have already
joined the campaign - THE TIME IS NOW - In Unity and Struggle Free
People Will Be Victorious!For more information on the BLOG-IRAN campaign visit
http://www.activistchat.com/blogiran/Please contact us if you are interested in joining!
Join The "BLOG-IRAN" Grassroots Campaign
"Activists, Bloggers & Web Surfers Uniting For One Cause"
OK, hmmmm. What can I do? Do I support the right of the Iranian people to be free of oppression? Yes. Do I want to see the US invade Iran to free the Iraqi people from oppression? No. Do I want to see the Iranian people arise and demand their freedom and fight a revolution to free themselves from oppression? If that is what they want, yes. Do I want teh US to provide support to them once they have begun their battle? Yes.
I believe in the right for all people to be free, and I always support freedom. Free Iran!
It seems that Tony has come to the conclusion that I am Always Right is a bit too generic for a good blog name and has listed his House Commander's choices from the submitted suggestions and requests that you place your vote for the best one. I, of course, recommend voting for B, as I thought that was such a novel creation. Do a fellow blogger a favor and go give him your voice, especially if you recommend B. ;)
I have had 40 visitors visit one page that come in via one of my trackbacks. Someone linked my trackback link somewhere and are sending a lot of people my way. If anyone reading this and came in that way, please leave a message as to where you clicked the link that took you to my trackback box. That is bizarre. That is phenomenal amount of visitors, and I am wondering where they all came from. 40 on a Saturday is like an Instalanche.
And who says that Glenn Reynolds is not a force to be dallying with. There is a blogging term with regard to the effect his linking your blog does have. I wouldn't mind experiencing that once, but an average of about 200 visitors a day doesn't bother me. I was happy when my first website got 100 visitors in one month once a twice a year when I first came online. I have more people reading my thoughts now than at any other time in my life. That is something, isn't it?
michele says her day after the blackout was fair and that everything was in balance, or something like that. Yeah, pretty inane, I know, but nothing much to say. It seems I was the only one to report the only real story that came out today.
More to come . . . if I think of anything else that merits sharing. That is, if I can ever get that thought of Al Franken's frozen head still being attached to a living body to go away.
I think I will go see what is on the idiot box. After that post, I kinda feel like an idiot.
Well, I successfullly got a bite, set the hook perfectly and now have reeled in Stevie for a Tigerific raking over the coals.
Stevie, please provide responses to these questions:
[UPDATE: Stevie has responded. Answer to Question 1 - Answer to Question 2 - Answer to Question 3 - Answer to Question 4 - Answer to Question 5. Very fine answers they were.]
1. You come home and discover a break-in. You look around to assess what has been taken, and find that the only thing missing is that someone has taken every one of your undergarments, even the soiled ones in the hamper. Who do you suspect and why?
2. Which Arnold Schwarzenegger movie best identifies his qualifications for the post of Governor of California: Kindergarten Cop; Red Heat; or Hercules in New York? Why?
3. You arrived timely for your doctor's appointment to find an empty waiting room, no one at the receptionist's window and hear the distinctive sounds of passion coming from somewhere in the interior. Three magazines are sitting on the table: a copy of November 1988 Guns & Ammo, October 15, 1999's Newsweek and the July 2001 Edition of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Which do you pick up to read?
4. You wake up and find yourself in France and all the people seem to be running away from something approaching from the south. It turns out to be a marching troop of Swiss Boyscouts cleaning their nails with their Swiss Army knives. How do you convince the French population to stand and defend their homeland against this aggessive invasion?
5. You just won a contest at the local radio station by correctly naming all the members of Devo correctly after an extensive internet search and won your choice of cars on the lot down at Honest Hank's Used Car Emporium at the corner of Main and Elm across from the Pineland United Bank. You run right down to Honest Hank's Used Car Emporium and see three cars on the lot: a yellow 1977 AMC Pacer with two flats; a rusty brown 1979 Ford Pinto with fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror; and a black 1951 Studebaker Hawk with a Greatful Dead T-shirt pulled over the drivers seat back to conceal the exposed seat springs. Which do you choose and why?
Well, I have been holding back on this story all day until I could get home. It seems today is, or people are wanting it to be, National Underwear Day. According to the story michele broke, everyone was to display a part of their underwear today for the rest of the world to see. I actually was hoping to save such intimacy for my next wedding night, but if that be the will of the world:
Maybe this will become a regular feature as I do seem to get some pretty strange thoughts on a regular basis. I actually intended to post this right after I got back from the store on my last Dr. Pepper** run. I happened to notice this female feline lying in the road cleaning its genital area. I was just unsure of how to fit the word pussy into that description. Then I consdered what would happen if it had jumped up and ran off without putting up a fight if another feline had happened along. Would that be a pussy lapping pussy who turned pussy at any sign of attack? Would that be a sign the cat was from France?
*This one is most likely fodder for next week's Bonfire.
**Advertising space for the greatest soft drink on the market is available here for cheap.
Tonight's Final Thought by SilverBlue is remarkable. That is the remark I wanted to make.
OK, I got about 15 hits from Daypop for a period of about 1.5 hours close to lunch time and I am befuddled as to why I was so high up the list as to draw so many hits. If anyone has any idea as to why this occurred, please feel free to leave any clues in the comments.
Now, for the strangest search and return on Google today: Someone searched for left right middle and I came up #1. I do know why I came up #1, as I have such a great talent in titling posts to get good returns on Google, but who in the heck would use those terms on a search and why? What were they possibly hoping to find?
[Update: And Rusty scored a #1 hit on Google for LANCE RENTZEL FLASHING. Way to go Rusty! Not bad for a dead guy.]
You have probably noticed that the blog has moved from http://tiglaw.com/blog/Tiger-rant.html to http://tiglaw.com/blog/
This change, although not something that I wanted to so, was necessary to fix a bug wherein I could not effectively send pings to blogrolling.com with my main page named something other than index. I do apologize for the change and hope that all of you will adjust your links and bookmarks accordingly. I have not yet detemined what effect this will have on permalinks, but do not think such will be affected. I likely have other links within my blog that will need to be adjusted and if anyone notices any that go to http://tiglaw.com/blog/Tiger-rant.html please do inform me so that I may correct the errors.
[Sorry about the mistake a few minutes ago. I ftp'd the wrong index file into the blog folder. That is why I did not name this blog file index in the first place.]
michele pointed to an intriguing story involving the decision of some bloggers to review their blogging efforts. It seems some are deciding to separate, with password protection, the personal stuff that is intended to be viewed by only a select group from the stuff they want to share with the public at large. The concerns expressed in the story are real, and I understand the decisions made.
I have reflected from time to time the deeply personal information I share on this blog, and I am mindful that there is information that I have chosen not to share for whatever reason. I, however, view this blog as an extension of my personality, as an essential part of who I am. Examine my tagline. It begins with these words: tied to the world. It is my intention to reach out beyond the surroundings of my tiny community to the entire population of this tiny planet. I endeavor to allow each member of humanity to not only know what I think about things but to know who I am. To me, these concepts are intricately intertwined. My opinions hold more force when coupled with the knowledge of who I am and how I choose to live my life. It is as simple as that. Do I fear that anything I say will come back and bite me in the butt? Sure, but I will definitely face that time when it comes. If someone wants to find me, it is not difficult. My office address can be located easily enough. Approximately 50% of the people in my hometown of 2500 can probably tell you in which house I live. I can promise you that Comanche would love to meet you. Feel free to drop by.
It seems that I might not be the only one working on my book today, McGehee says he has finished Chapter 3. I am two paragraphs into Chapter 4. Of course, my plot has been known since the second re-write, and this one is the final, I know it! Please do not let me re-write this thing for the fifth time. I am hoping the next time I rewrite this story, it will be the screen play.
In other news, Bill seemed to be a bit more inane than usual today.
When I gave a Light Blogging Warning, I was talking about my output, and did not mean for all the rest of the Blogosphere to shut down all day. Is it just me, or has the Blogosphere died this Saturday? No one seems to be posting but Susie and Susie and Susie. Oh, wait, there are a few others: michele, Tony and Stephen.
I have actually noticed that the Blogosphere seems to go in the crapper almost every weekend, and, to me, this seems to point to either: 1. most people blog from work, or 2. people have more exciting lives that I do on the weekends. I suppose there is a possibility it could be both.
It seems that Balloon Juice is ready to make some BLOGGER AWARDS, and I really do think I should be up for being the SNARKIEST BLOG! I am not really sure what it means to be the snarkiest blog, but surely if there was a snarkiest blog in the Blogosphere, this would be it. So, if you really, really, really love me [lay it on really thick, Tiger, my boy! ] you will vote for me. Now really, think how lovely it would be to see some graphic on this blog showing this being the SNARKIEST BLOG of 2003? YOU know you want to see that, don't ya? Rusty would!
Well, guess who fell asleep at 8:00 pm last night? All that staying up until the wee hours of the morning blogging finally depleted my battery and I badly needed a recharge. Funny though, I still feel like the charger was unhooked a bit too early. I know I could use another 5 hours of snooze time to feel fully refreshed. Stumbling through the day half asleep is nothing new to me, though, so guess another day of it won't kill me. Thank George Its Friday!
I always rememeber when I was little and I would say, "I wish . . . " almost immediately my dad would say, "If wishes were horses, all men could ride." I am almost sure he didn't write that, but I don't remember the real source. It is just one of those things I think of anytime I am wishing for something. So, for what am I wishing? Oh, movies, I guess.
I started collecting movies about 3 or 4 years ago, because I wanted to remain as a participating consumer in the marketplace. Oh, of course, I buy food and paper goods, the three-pack of new underwear if I get too lazy to do some laundry for several weeks, but I seldom buy anything of any other nature. I have more clothes that I can possibly wear. I don't need anything, really. I have so much stuff already that I really don't know what to do with most of it. What I didn't have were movies. So, I decided to collect movies.
So, if you are actually collecting, does there not have to be some purpose to the collection? My aunt, the one that sends me stuff*, collects movies, too, but she is collecting all of John Wayne's movies. I wanted to go a different way. I actually have four collections: cult movies, sci-fi/superheroes, National Park documentaries, and my Best Picture collection.
I limit the first two categories to movies I like, mostly, and the National Park collection has at least one movie from every NP I have visited, except Crater Lake, because the gift shop closed just as I pulled up to the front door. I mean, it was not like I needed to do much but drive to an overlook and look at the lake. It is mostly a forest, the forest I had been driving through most of the afternoon. I was lucky to get there before the sun had set. But I digress, because this post is really about my quest to complete My Best Picture Collection:
Best Picture Collection: Red=I don't have or are not on order; V=VHS; D=DVDI am getting close, really close. If anyone has a viewable copy, hopefully with the original box that they really don't have much use for, feel free to contact me about it.[ ] 2003 Chicago (2002)
[V] 2002 Beautiful Mind, A (2001)
[V] 2001 Gladiator (2000)
[V] 2000 American Beauty (1999)
[V] 1999 Shakespeare in Love (1998)
[V] 1998 Titanic (1997)
[V] 1997 English Patient, The (1996)
[V] 1996 Braveheart (1995)
[V] 1995 Forrest Gump (1994)
[V] 1994 Schindler's List (1993)
[V] 1993 Unforgiven (1992)
[V] 1992 Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
[V] 1991 Dances with Wolves (1990)
[V] 1990 Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
[V] 1989 Rain Man (1988)
[V] 1988 Last Emperor, The (1987)
[V] 1987 Platoon (1986)
[V] 1986 Out of Africa (1985)
[V] 1985 Amadeus (1984)
[V] 1984 Terms of Endearment (1983)
[ ] 1983 Gandhi (1982)
[V] 1982 Chariots of Fire (1981)
[V] 1981 Ordinary People (1980)
[ ] 1980 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) *ON ORDER*
[V] 1979 Deer Hunter, The (1978)
[V] 1978 Annie Hall (1977)
[V] 1977 Rocky (1976)
[ ] 1976 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
[V] 1975 Godfather: Part II, The (1974)
[V] 1974 Sting, The (1973)
[V] 1973 Godfather, The (1972)
[ ] 1972 French Connection, The (1971)
[V] 1971 Patton (1970)
[V] 1970 Midnight Cowboy (1969)
[ ] 1969 Oliver! (1968)
[ ] 1968 In the Heat of the Night (1967)
[V] 1967 Man for All Seasons, A (1966)
[D] 1966 Sound of Music, The (1965)
[V] 1965 My Fair Lady (1964)
[ ] 1964 Tom Jones (1963)
[V] 1963 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
[V] 1962 West Side Story (1961)
[V] 1961 Apartment, The (1960)
[V] 1960 Ben-Hur (1959)
[V] 1959 Gigi (1958)
[V] 1958 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)
[V] 1957 Around the World in Eighty Days (1956)
[V] 1956 Marty (1955)
[ ] 1955 On the Waterfront (1954)
[V] 1954 From Here to Eternity (1953)
[ ] 1953 Greatest Show on Earth, The (1952)
[V] 1952 American in Paris, An (1951)
[V] 1951 All About Eve (1950)
[V] 1950 All the King's Men (1949)
[V] 1949 Hamlet (1948)
[ ] 1948 Gentleman's Agreement (1947)
[ ] 1947 Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946)
[ ] 1946 Lost Weekend, The (1945)
[ ] 1945 Going My Way (1944) *ON ORDER*
[V] 1944 Casablanca (1942)
[V] 1943 Mrs. Miniver (1942)
[ ] 1942 How Green Was My Valley (1941)
[V] 1941 Rebecca (1940)
[V] 1940 Gone with the Wind (1939)
[V] 1939 You Can't Take It with You (1938)
[V] 1938 Life of Emile Zola, The (1937)
[V] 1937 Great Ziegfeld, The (1936)
[V] 1936 Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
[V] 1935 It Happened One Night (1934)
[V] 1934 Cavalcade (1933)
[V] 1932 Grand Hotel (1932)
[V] 1931 Cimarron (1931)
[V] 1930 all Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
[V] 1930 Broadway Melody, The (1929)
[V] 1929 Wings (1927)
*I only have that one aunt, but she is the one who sends me the periodic email barrages.
Steven questions whether sending in a total of seven Marines, or even twenty, actually justifies a blazoning headline proclaiming US Troops in Liberia. I tend to agree, but then I wonder, are't seven Marines enough to secure peace in Liberia? Surely they wouldn't face the kind of battles that occur in, say, San Diego?
According to John Cole, thumbs up means thumbs up, even in Iraq, so any looney leftie, mindless Moonie, or other nut case trying to tell you otherwise is without a clue. Got it? End of story! You heard it here! Buy it and put it up on your mantle for the world to see. *** out!
Yeah, I think about it from time to time.*
*That's OK, I didn't expect you to get it. I'm not getting it either. ;)
Can you believe Dave would pour out all the petty details about his mundane life on the pages of his blog? You wouldn't ever catch me doing anything remotely close to that on my blog, would you?
It seems that NZB has decided to blog a bit today and actually posted something of substance.
And this post gets my vote on the New Weblog Showcase for this week. Who couldn't want to visit a blog by identical twins separated by rival universities? Be sure to go vote for your favorite and give these new bloggers a bit of encouragement!
I have previously mentioned that from time to time, my Aunt Jeanette likes to forward all the emails she gets to me. She is on AOL and I am pretty sure that people on AOL automatically forward everything they get to everyone on their address list. She must check hers once a month or so. I get all kinds of religious pamphlet stuff and virus warnings and every internet hoax that is going around. I have mentioned to her that I am not a big fan of people forwarding such stuff to me and rarely ever forward anything to anyone. I will never forward it back to the person who sent it to me even if it means I supposedly said I do not love you or like you by having failed to do so. She understood my reasoning, but she responded with: "I do not care if you forward it or even read it. I just send it to you so that you will know I am thinking of you." You cannot argue with that. So, I get this barrage of email once in a blue moon and I actually do go through it. I feel it is the least I can do to actually look thhrough what has been sent. I have, on occasion, discovered something of merit in this mass mailing. Today, I thought two were worthy of posting, with my additional comentary:
I wholeheartedly agree that all people deserve the same respect and consideration no matter what their position.HOW WE TREAT PEOPLE Five lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.
1. First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.
During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello".
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
2. Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the RainYou should not actually expect to be rewarded for doing that which you should do anyway. No decent person, under such circumstances, should leave any person in such dire straits.One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.
She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached. It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others,
Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole."
3. Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.She cried? Why? Out of her own shame for having been a crude indecent human being who failed to give a young child the proper attention he deserved solely because he was making an insignificant purchase. Yes, do tip. Waiters and waitresses do have families to feed. You can bet there are not too many who do that for the glamor of the job. Rusty's rule was to tip a buck per person, whether each had a cup of coffee or a dinner. Of course, Rusty dined mostly at the Truck Stop. You might have to tip a bit more at the Waldorff.In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10 year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.
A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.
Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.
"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.
By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.
The little boy again counted his coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away.
The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies. You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
4. Fourth Important Lesson - The Obstacles in Our Path.Pish posh! All of us have an obligation to do that which we can to benefit our community. The King merely rewarded one who understood it was his obligation to do what he could, despite his position in life. The reward, once its existence was made known, was punishment to those who failed to do what they could. You can bet that there were a bunch of rich guys moving boulders out of the road after that episode.In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway.
The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
5. Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts.Not to undermine the boy's noble act and intent, it is incredible to believe that neither the doctor nor the boy's parents had fully explained to him his risks in providing the blood to his sister.Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.
I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away?"
Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
Then there was this:
After 17 years of marriage, a man dumped his wife for a younger woman. The downtown luxury apartment was in his name and he wanted to remain there with his new love so he asked the wife to move out and then he would buy her another place. The wife agreed to this, but asked that she be given 3 days on her own there, to pack up her things.OK, look even dead rats stop smelling after a couple of weeks. I know this because I have had a couple die up under the fridge, stove, or sometimes I can only imagine, but they do stop stinking sooner or later. There is no way I am going to believe that some shrimp skins stuck in curtain rods are gonna stink up a whole house enough to make someone move. Of course, the guy was an idiot of allowing his wife to stay there for three days, all alone. If you are keeping the house, guys, pack up her stuff and kick it to the curb before you allow her to stay there for three days. You know what kind of damage a woman can do to a house in three days. Shrimp skins in curtain rods, posh! One last thought on this scenario: If you should ever find yourself with a bad smell in your house that you can not locate and therefore feel the urge to move, calculate exactly how much you will have to expend to accomplish the move, and call me. For whatever that amount may be, I will locate the source of that smell. Your savings will be the hassle of packing. My weenie wolf can sniff out anything, especially if it is really stinky. For some reason, he finds such items to be especially appetizing.While he was gone, the first day she lovingly put her personal belongings into boxes and crates and suitcases. On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their candlelit Dining table, soft music playing in the background, and feasted on a pound of shrimp and a bottle of Chardonnay. When she had finished, she went into each room and deposited a few of the resulting shrimp shells into the hollow of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left.
The husband came back, with his new girl, and all was bliss for the first few days. Then it started; slowly but surely. Clueless, the man could not explain why the place smelled so bad. They tried everything; cleaned & mopped and aired the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents, carpets were steam cleaned, Air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in, the carpets were replaced, and on it went.
Finally, they could take it no more and decided to move. The Moving company arrived and did a very professional packing job, taking everything to their new home......including the curtain rods.
No, your eyes are OK. I just changed the category for all the Rusty Rucker stuff from RIP to Rusty Rides Again. I was a bit brain dead when I was trying to think of a good category name and that one just popped into my head this morning.
I actually did see that counter flip over the 5K mark early this morning, but have no idea who won the prize for being the 5,000th visitor. Too bad, now I guess Frank will have to give that link to Susie. I was gonna point out all those grammatical mistakes Frank made in that post I linked, but I didn't want to make him angry. I still want that link, Frank, and you know I deserve it*!
*I have come to the conclusion that Frank is afraid to blogroll me as he knows most of his readers will think I am funnier than he is. Maybe I ought to paste his picture on a chicken body and display it up on my masthead.**
**Thankfully Frank does have a good sense of humor and knows this is all*** done with a humorous intent.
***Except about him needing to link me because I deserve it, now that part is serious!
Well, it seems that all those idiots hitting my site looking for the death photos of Uday and Qusay and of Kobe's accuser, and those few looking for pics of Kristin Kreuk in lingerie are paying off, although I surely am not feeling any money jingling in my pocket over it. It also seems there is a new player in the search engine bingo, with a lot of people hitting my blog looking for something about Bob Hope being buried in Arlington Cemetery. And for some reason, it seems there are a lot of bloggers coming to read Rusty Rucker and some of my posts also, but of course, they must be laughing so hard that they forget to comment, or agree with everything I have to say, or something, because I have not seen all that many comments for the traffic I have gotten today. But if they are enjoying what I am posting so much, I wonder why no one is blurbing about all the great stuff they are finding here, as I also seem to see hardly any trackbacks coming my way either. Anyway, I seem to have already surpassed my high visitation rate by over 20 visitors today, and at the last check, I was less than 20 hits from seeing my meter go over 5,000. Ain't blogging grand, when you can spend all your time posting stuff, checking on who is visiting and reading, and sit around worrying why no one is commenting or blurbing about all the great thoughts that come out of your inane brain? And damn, but didn't I do a lot of posting today. Someone would think I had nothing better to do, huh? Come to think of it, I guess I didn't have anything better to do. It is not like I have anyone in my life. I wonder if annika would be interested in a 48 year old, balding man with bad teeth. Heck, I suspect if she was, then she would not be as smart as I give her credit for being.
Comment people, and give me a bit of [linky love]. Those pats on the back feel so much nicer when you don't have to give them to yourself! ;)
*Yeah, like you could have thought up a funnier title![**] Yes, Bill, I am talking to you!
[**UPDATE: SilverBlue was very creative with the title to this post.]
Although I have been blogging only since April 4th of this year, I have begun to notice several things about blogging, blogs and the Blogosphere. While I have noticed some variance of design and display, except where enormous amounts of bandwidth are necessary, such seldom makes that much effect on the popularity of a blog. Look, for example, at the most popular blog in the Blogosphere, InstaPundit. There is nothing fantastic about the design of that blog. Even the logo is a simple graphic. What I do find is that there seems to be four primary facets of blogging: 1. Content; 2. Readership; 3. Recognition; and Interactivity. None of these are absolutely 100% essential, but each has an essential place in the overall picture of blogging.
Content is essential, but what that content that is to be is as personal as the blogger. Blogs run the gamut from being serious commentary on the issues to being inane or humorous commentary on all kinds of subjects. Some are just personal journals which share the details of the blogger's life.
Readership is the most essential element of blogging. If no one reads what you write, you could be writing Shakespearean Sonnets and no one would notice. Except for a few purely personal journals, I would bet that most bloggers want people to read their offerings.
Recognition is what I believe to be the most overlooked part of the Blogosphere. While blogrolling a site is a great way to recognize the work of other bloggers whose work you admire, almost all blogs have a fairly extensive list of links in their blogroll. The most effective way of recognizing the work of others is by placing a blurb regarding something great you have read on their site, so as to urge your readers to go read that offering for themselves. This is what InstaPundit is best at doing, although, in many instances the blurb is not as effective as I believe Glenn hopes it would be. I have a couple of points that I think are important to understand about what I call [linky love]. One has to do with links that have no effect on the Blogosphere Ecosystem, and the other has to do with getting stuck in the select circle of influence:
1. I notice quite regularly that someone posts a link to the index page of a blog they already have on their blogroll. This has absolutely no effect on the Blogosphere Ecosystem. It has already counted a link from your site to that blog from your blogroll link and ignores any additional links to the same URL. What it does count are those links to permalinks on the other blog. So if you are linking to another blog in order to enhance the number of links it has in relation to the Blogosphere Ecosystem, link to the post, not to the blog. Also, linking to your posts within your own blog have no effect on the Ecosystem stats for your blog either, so do not worry about using links to prior posts as a navigation tool.2. I have additionally noticed that many blogs, including myself and InstaPundit, link continually to stories from the same bloggers. What was that number of blogs out there? 2+ million? I cannot and would not attempt to read all those blogs, but what I do hope to do is to get pointers to the best of the posts on all of those blogs by following links on the blogs that I do read. However, that is not happening. Why? I keep rereading the same blogs, which keep linking to the same blogs, which are likely already on my blogroll because I added them from my previous visits after finding links to such blogs on the blogs I read. I really do try to add a new blog to my blogroll from time to time, but those I add are usually ones I found because of some post that I found a blurb to one some other blog that I read. I do urge you all to check out the Showcases, though, because these are a good place to find new blogs to add to the ones you are already reading and to which they are linking. Currently we have NZB's New Weblog Showcase, Kevin Aylward's Bonfire of the Vanities, Suburban Blight's Cul-de-Sac and the ever nomadic Carnival of the Vanities. However, except for NZB's New Weblog Showcase, I have found the posts on the other Showcases are littered with posting from the usual suspects.
Interactivity is what I think sets blogging off from other forms of online reporting. I like to see the comments of people to my stories almost as much as I like having them blurb about them on their own blogs. The interactivity assists the blogger in understanding his/her readership more than almost any other thing associated with blogging.
Now I know this is only a skeleton discussion of these issues, and I definitely reserve the right to expand on this discussion at a future date, but I felt some need to get these observations out into public view. So you two or three people who regularly read this blog, feel free to pass this information along to your friends and neighbors, OK?
First of all, Tony has found a great site full of answers to questions about our planet and such to check out over at Technically Speaking. He also had something to share with all of you people who share files over the internet.
It seems that Rusty Rucker has been recognized over at Suburban Blight's Cul-de-Sac thanks to Denita at Who Tends the Fires. Denita, Rusty thanks you and so do I! And I want to thank Deb Yoder for showing me the way.
It seems that if you Ask Jeeves: who shot J.R.?, you will actually find a link to one of my very old posts on the return page.
Kevin finds Texas Democrats have decided New Mexico is a better place to hide than Oklahoma.
Susie has not linked to me in a while. I wonder if it is because I have not posted anything nasty about Net Flix. I actually did make a few ***istic comments on Frank's site. Frank, however, has still not blogrolled me, despite saying I make him laugh and having voted that my answer to the essay question in his groveling contest was his favorite in the section I was in. Frank, you know I deserve that link. I might have a better chance of getting a blurb or a link on InstaPundit, eh?
James [Parkway Rest Stop] has a logo design he is having problems displaying correctly and also has a story about a motorcycle that will blow you away at 400mph. [He attributed the find to The Presurfer] And speaking of not being blogrolled, James still seems to not have recognized my existence, but he is still on blog*spot, and has no comments or trackbacks.
OLDCATMAN got some help from Susie and now has some blogs (including mine) linked on his site, and his commentary [BRAIN FARTS] is [ARE] still some of the funniest stuff around the Blogosphere. If you haven't checked out OLDCATMAN, do so!
OK, it seems that Stephen [I believe it is spelled with a "ph"] of Little Tiny Lies has discovered that the dead bodies of Uday and Qusay are for sale on eBay. Now Stephen only supplies a screenshot of the site and some of the tiny text is not really clear, so I am unsure if this is not just another little tiny lie. With Stephen, you never really know, do you? And speaking of Uday and Qusay's dead bodies, I got within 10 visits of my high mark in visitation today, but mostly because I seem to be getting a lot of hits from searches for Uday and/or Qusay's dead body pics or for pics of Kobe's accuser.
InstaPundit still has not blogrolled me or even mentioned my blog, and as far as I can see, has nothing all that interesting to see except a few blurbs to get you to read other people's stuff. Oh he did post something about some story that was going around the Blogosphere being confirmed as true.
Despite the fact that Bill and Collin were both supposed to be having a Insultathon today [blame Susie for this one], neither blog has had much action today. Bill has started competing with the Frank Answers series on IMAO, though, by having starting an Ask Scabby series.
Cherry is my blog child, you know, and still needs some encouragement, so visit and comment.
annika said I could bite her ... if only that was true. If she is truly the person pictured on her site, she looks so delicious, I would love to take her up on that offer.
Pixy Misa says Emusic is the only way to go when it comes to downloading music, and it is the legal way to do it. I am not much on downloading music, but then again, I have searched and searched for B. W. Stevenson's "Shambala" locally with no luck, and for "thirty-seven and a half cents per CD" whether Australian or US, I would like that better than paying $12.98. Maybe I will do a bit of searching there myself, when I get some free time.
If only michele could surpass InstaPundit in the Blogosphere Ecosystem .... You know, this might be the highest rated blog on which I am blogrolled, even if it is on the see it all part. [I am not definitely sure where that link will take you, so venture there at your own risk!]
Well, if you made it down this far, I appreciate your patience. I actually hope you did take the opportunity to visit some of the links posted and found a lot of blog enjoyment in your travels. Uh, if any of you want to return a bit of the linky love, feel free to do so, but do not feel obligated.
P.S. On first send, I got all the MT pings [maybe 10 to 15] to go through, but still the rpc.blogrolling.com/pinger one still hangs up every time. I just do not understand why that happens every time?
I just got a flash from CNN that comedic genius Bob Hope has died at 100. Thanks for the memories!
[Update: It seems that everyone but puppy blender has posted on this story. Kevin has the best post I have seen.]
Just thought I would update you as to what IMDB said about Hope today. So as to retain all of the linkage, the following is cut&paste from the source code on their index page from today:
Bob Hope: 1903-2003
Bob Hope, beloved comedian, actor, emcee, ambassador, and emissary, passed away last night (7/27) at his home in Toluca Lake. He had turned 100 on May 29th. Hope starred in over 60 movies and his success spanned vaudeville, radio, television, and the big screen. Hope, along with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, starred in the popular "Road to.." movies as well as headlining such films as The Seven Little Foys, The Paleface, and The Great Lover. On the small screen during the '60s and '70s, Hope's Christmas and comedy specials were a treasured staple, expanding on the formula of girls and gags from his U.S.O. tours. It's for these tours, particularly during World War II, the Korean war, and Vietnam war, that Hope endeared himself to U.S. servicemen and for which, in 1997, Hope was awarded the status of "Honorary Veteran" by the U.S. Congress. No other civilian holds the honor. Please visit our gallery of photos and leave your thoughts, comments, and remembrances of this beloved entertainer on our message boards. Thanks for the memories Bob.*
*One has to wonder if they had actually read my post before coming up with that ending phrase, huh?
Thanks to Denita, Rusty Rucker's biggest fan, I found this very well-composed item by Venomous Kate about what it is like to be a woman juggling all those daily events. Of course, women have really never understood the role of males as hunter/gatherers, have they? [ducks and runs for cover]
Oh, did I mention that I did blogroll Electric Venom?
It seems that the last part has fallen into place and the Blogosphere Ecosystem is back online. It was good to see myself back among the Maruauding Marsupials again.
Susie thinks I don't read her blog because her blogroll pings don't work. Hmmm, I don't thing mine work either despite the fact that I continually republish each new entry to manually send out such ping. I do read her site at least once every day, whether she believes I do or not.
Oh, didn't anyone think footnote Tiger of this post was funny? I thought that it was a gem.
I do sometimes wonder what it is that people like about this blog and more often regarding the purpose of this blog. I do seem to devote large parts of my time in an effort to entertain others. Hopefully I am more successful on more occasions than not.
Anna of Primal Purge, newly blogrolled, reminds us that today is Monica Lewinski's 30th birthday. And this guy is sick.
This site does contain many references to how much I fancy Monica. I can take no responsibility for any nausea suffered by my continual love-stuck comments.and then there is this:
My Plea
And this is the point in the show where I succumb to desperation and try to sell myself in the dumbfounded believe [sic] that Monica (or one of her friends) will read this and contact me. We all live in hope don't we?
Goodnight Susie.
By the way, all of my readers: Be sure to vote for my whatever-you-call-it over at Frank's place. I can't tell you which one it is, so just think like I think and you will figure it out.
Jane Galt of Asymmetrical Information was asking a few questions about converting cars for hydrogen fuel usage. Those questions launched a full scale discussion in the comments about all kinds of stuff about wind power, solar energy, problems with using hydrogen, global warming, etc. It is definitely getting interesting.
In an entry on May 4th, I said:
I lament election after election because I feel I am not given a "real" choice at the ballot box. By the time the primary roles around, the candidates left on the ballot have already been trimmed to those select indivisuals who had enough big money support to think they had a viable chance of succeeding to the next level. I am always wondering who is pulling their strings, who is going to benefit most from their election, and what kind of benefit do the big money investors hope to gain in exchange for their contributions. Are we actually voting for the Jeffersons and Hamiltons and Adamses of the new century or are we being spoon fed a selected slate of hand-picked "yes men" to do the bidding of special interests?It does seem that someone has finally responded to my question.
attribution: Drumwaster
I never liked Mr. Bean, but our local PBS affilliate showed two episodes of an animated series they are selling. I liked the animated version much better.
Then came The Red Green Show which is one of my favs. If the women don't find you handsome, at least let 'em find you handy. And, of course, every nights Men's prayer at the Possum Lodge:
I am a man . . . . And I can change . . . . . If I have to . . . . . .I guess
And then, being the inaniac that I am, while Red Green was playing on my TV, I was thinking of what I actually learned from watching Easy Rider. I finally concluded that its moral was Do not travel on two-lane highways in rural Louisiana.
Now I reflect that it is probably not too safe to travel on two-lane highways in rural Texas either. Can you believe that they are really remaking The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Well, I guess if they could remake Willard, it wasn't that much farther to sink to the appropriate level.
Hey, I didn't write these, so don't send me hate mail if you are blonde. If you are blonde and take offense at blonde jokes, everywhere it says blonde, change that to Aggie. Aggies are too stupid** to take offense at jokes about themselves.
A blonde girl enters a store that sells curtains. She tells the salesman: "I would like to buy a pink curtain the same size as my computer screen." The surprised salesman replied: "But, madam, computers do not have curtains!!" ....and the blonde said: "Helloooo....? I've got Windows!!"
A blonde is swerving down the road and gets pulled over. The cop says, "You have to take a Breathalyser test." The blonde says, "I can't. I have asthma, and it'll start me on a coughing fit." The cop says, "Then I have to give you a blood test." The blonde says, "You can't. I'm a haemophiliac, and if you stick a needle in me, I'll bleed all over the place." The cops says, "Then you have to get out of the car and walk a straight line." The blonde says, "I can't." The cop says, "Why not?" The blonde says, "Because I'm drunk. Didn't you see the way I was driving!"
*Cherry mentioned to me that I have been giving her all the credit for the work her dad does in gathering the jokes for those on his email list. I said I would be more than glad to link to him, so she gave me his email address. I decided not to publish it, but any of you who would like to get a list of good jokes once a week without forwarding carets, email me and I will be glad to pass along his email address. However, THANKS CHERRY'S DAD!
**Not really, it is just a tradition in Texas that it is OK to claim that Aggies are stupid. The Aggies really do not seem to mind, just the same way that almost all attorneys I know think all the attorney jokes are about all those other attorneys.
Spending money always makes me feel better. annikaRemember the DS9 episodes where the Ferengi species was entertaining the proposition of introducing females into their stream of commerce?
Third Hand's Kathy Kinsley pointed me to this fiction writing contest.The rules to the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest are childishly simple:
It seems there has been a coup in the West African island state of Sao Tome and Principe.
attribution: Susie, who seems to be keeping a cinemagraphic eye on this story.
I really didn't have anything interesting to say other than telling you I thought this was something you would like to read. James of Outside the Beltway analyzes why* some posts get more comments and links than others, especially the navel gazing posts.**
*I did reflect on the purpose of my blogging. I do it for all my adoring readers, all 3 of them . . . whoever they are . . . those nameless faces and faceless names in all world and I had to walk in here. Hello Rick.***
**Gawd, I don't have any of those, do I?****
***OK, OK. I probably messed that up, but you get the drift. Hey, inane thoughts just come out the way you remember them.
****Oh Lordie, I do...*****
*****I bet you wouldn't catch Glenn Reynolds posting any navel gazing posts.
but it did look touch and go there for a bit. MasterYoder of Accidental Jedi tells everyone about how her day went.
I guess I kind of do feel like a nut because I like the story James shared over on Parkway Rest Stop. Of course, I cannot seem to get these visions out of my head about a naked Greenwich Village man wielding a lawnmower blade and mumbling something. Damn! I hope I have a nightmare. It kinda feels really good on a hot night if you wake up in the middle of it in cold sweats from a nightmare.
Oh, and I liked this post at Ravenwood. Especially loved the very last line:
I mean from the CIA.. where else on the internet can you get this message from the CIA? Exactly.You know, if you read the entry, think about it, then read this last sentence again, there is a lot that can be taken from that statement.
It does pay to make comments every once in awhile, especially if you are a new blogger wanting to get my attention. Yep, there are not very many that visit here and leave any kind of a mark that do not get checked. Remember, I am the New Weblog Showcase reviewer*, so recognizing new blogs is some of what I do.**
Anyway, I just got a comment from Monkeyspit, who is suspected to be the clandestine blogger performing on Sea of Humanity. I liked it. It is funny and inane enough not to make your head hurt. Check it out. Seriously!
*I guess I better get started on that job. I just was a bit confused, as I had already reviewed some of the entries in last week's review, but I am thinking there has been some weird stuff going on over at NZB.*** those last few were ones I reviewed right before the end of voting.
**Although I am mindful that I kind of took that mantle on for myself, but hey, ya gotta have some kind of niche, don't you?****
***Like the ecosystem stats have not been regularly posted. I used to could check my stats, first thing in the morn and now, no changes, sometimes for days. Is NZB taking on too much?
****However, I am not giving up my mantle as "the undisputed master of the asterisk in the blogosphere" [see my reviews, right under the lantern, for the source of this reference]
Hmmm, I think OLDCATMAN calls these brain farts:
We got a confirmed case of West Nile Virus in a human in Dallas. That is close. I just wonder ... if you are so hot you can't move without breaking out in pools of sweat, is that a sign of having West Nile Virus, or is it just the way you always feel in the middle of July in Texas.
And it is really cruel when you are watching the news about the hurricane anticipating its hit just so you can enjoy the refreshing rain it will bring to hopefully make your days 350 miles away a bit cooler?
I just got a SPAM warning me about having corrupted files on my system that I didn't know about ... duh? With crappy Windows as an OS and umpteen programs, I know I have corrupted files ... I may not know where they are, but I know they are there. Another piece of buggy software is not going to fix things, so I am not interested.
I had some solicitor call while I was at the office. My secretary asked him if he was soliciting. He said "no." So, I take the call.
"Hi, I'm Bob."I don't worry about calls at home. I have this line tied to the Internet when I am here. If it is important, they can drop by. I live in a small town and anyone who knows me knows where I live. They also know that my dogs don't bite . . . if I am standing there watching them*. This arrangement keeps the solicitors and Jehovah Witnesses away from my doorbell."What can we do for you, Bob"
"Well, we are offering a free home security system . . ."
"Bob, don't call me on this business line." click
UPDATE: I might not have used the term acerbic** often enough. Your acerbic remarks, por favor . . .
*Well, DUKE might bite. You never really know about Duke.
**Look that up in your Funk & Wagnels~~You bet your bippy, I will.
Howard says any economic good news is not really all that good for the unemployed and the working class. Of course, he says it much better than that!
I thought those deaths were always supposed to come in sets of three. We had Gregory Peck, then Kate Hepburn, and then Buddy Hackett, so that should have been it ... and now I find that N!xau* has died?
attribution: Dustbury
*He was the bushman who found the Coke bottle in "The Gods Must Be Crazy." I rarely ever laugh out loud at much, even that I find fairly funny, but I was rolling in laughter when I watched that movie.
I do not think I have ever seen a time when I looked up and down my blogroll that there was not a single blog not showing to have been recently updated. It makes me want to run turn on my TV to see what intriguing news story has drawn everyone from their computers.
Chris at shrugger unceremoniously points to this Washington Times story in which a recent survey by the Center for the Advancement of Women shows that a majority of women have shifted to the pro-life stance with regard to abortion.
I have previously stated that this matter should be a Constitutional Amendment proposal so that the whole nation can once and for all vote on whether abortion should be illegal or not.
I have always been highly disenchanted with the idea of abortion being used as just another form of birth control. However, I also believe that there is a point where what exists is only a mass of insentient cells and that eradication of such cellular mass is not completely immoral. I just find it reprehesible for doctors, or even worse, untrained people in back alleys with coat hangers, to do a surgical procedure to extract it from a woman's womb. I am much more comfortable with a morning after pill. I am not female, and despite my having amassed a certain amount of general knowledge in almost every subject, I am still both amazed and befuddled about the female reproductive system.
I am very comfortable with abortion being used in rape, incest, health risk and fetal deformity situations. In all others, there should hardly ever be a real necessity to resort to abortion.
All sex is either consensual or it is rape. If it is consensual, in the majority of cases, the female is knowledgeable about pregnancy risks associated with non-use of contraceptives. I cannot see any excuse for unwanted pregnancies to a great degree, although I recognize that any contraceptive device, save abstinence, has some chance of failure. However, the number of abortions exceeds the statistical probabilities that all or even most abortions are due to contraceptive failure.
So, what is the deal? Do we have a large number of women who want to have a baby with a man, then after a month or so find out what kind of cad he really is, and change their minds? It all comes back to the same scenario: women do not adequately take charge of their bodies during the sex act. Of course, after the act, when they find they are pregnant, their claim is that it is their body. No one should be able to tell them what they can and cannot do with their own body. Spock would state that this was illogical: that because you chose to use your own body in an episode of unprotected sex, thereby risking pregnancy, you are wronged by being required to live with the consequences of your own choice.
Do I have the answers? No. Do I feel it is my place to tell others what moral choices to make in their lives? No. Does this dilemma make me have less respect for members of the human race? Yes.
If you don't, it might be a bad day to ask Jen, because she has had a very bad day and in suffering the ill effects of homones raging out of control, I think.
David, in a comment to my post on how I made it through college asked:
Are you going to tell us what prompted the decision to go to law school...?Let it never be said that I am not responsive to my readership. You can really blame it all on Corporate America.
When I graduated in 1978, having my brand spanking new Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Political Science Degree from the University of Texas at Arlington, I thought I had achieved the pinnacle of success. I spent several days sending my resume and cover letter to literally thousands of the Fortune 500 and other companies listed on the NYSE. I continued my graveyard job, kept paying my rent, drinking the beer, and smoking the cigarettes awaiting those thousands of good job offers that flooded people with college diplomas in their hands. And I waited and I waited and I waited. Then one day, after I had waited so long I had almost given up hope, I got a letter from the Prudential Insurance Company. I was offered a position with their company selling life insurance door-to-door.
Now, it is really hard for a man of 23 to cry like a baby, but I really did. I was so down and disenchanted, I picked up the phone to call the only person I knew would listen to me: my momma. The first thing my momma said to me was, "Son, I am so proud of you." That made my chest stick out a bit. The she said, "Don't give up hope, son. I had always thought you should be a lawyer, so why don't you move back home for a bit and apply to law school."
Now, one thing you have to know about me is that I was never all that crazy about the town where I grew up, and had actually gotten quite attached to Arlington, Texas, but all of a sudden the thought of me being a lawyer had a kind of a ring to it. I mean after all, my choices were 1. to stay where I was and continue building a career in convenience stores, 2. take that job and try my hand at door-to-door insurance sales,* or 3. put my tail between my legs, realize my failure, slink back home and live with my mom and dad for a bit. My mom actually made No. 3 sound like my best option, so I called my best friend, and the next morning he and I packed all my booty in the back of his pickup and we caravanned the 200 miles back to the old hacienda.
My momma had talked to my aunt** who had talked to those special customers who ate in the snack bar at the bank where she worked, and my aunt had finagled me a job working 11-7 in the data processing department of the bank. It was actually a pretty good job, although I was the low man on the totem pole despite being the only one who had a college degree. However, I knew absolutely nothing about computers and here I was working in room full of mainframes. I sorted checks on a large machine. I took the very next offering of the LSAT.
I was a bit afraid of applying to law school, as I felt I had not really done my best during my college years, and that my 3.42 GPA was not all that great. I was very pleased when my LSAT scores came back in the 85th percentile, but as it seemed to be primarily a vocabulary and logic test, it played right into my strengths. I got several partial scholarship offers from some out of state schools,*** but after researching tuition rates, I was still better off going to the State schools in Texas without any scholarship. There were 4 such schools: Texas, Texas Tech, University of Houston, and Texas Southern University.**** I applied to all four. Almost immediately I received an acceptance letter from Texas Tech. TSU followed quickly. I discarded the one from TSU because I had found that their pass rate on the bar was about 15%. I visited Tech. University of Houston came and I considered whether I would rather live in the middle of 200 miles of bare cotton fields for half the year or live 40 miles from the beach. Regrettably, the beach won,***** so I called and released my seat at Tech. I wanted Texas so badly! Alas, I never received any response, so on the deadline for accepting the seat at UofH, I called and reserved my seat.
*You have to realize that my one and only attempt at door-to-door sales had been a disaster. When I was 10, I ordered a lot of flower seeds off the back of a comic book to sell door to door to get some prize. I worked all week and did not sell a pack. I was talking about it to my momma and my little 6 year old brother asked if he could try. I let him, and within 3 hours he had sold every pack. I was not cut out to sell anything door-to-door.******
**This is the same aunt who emails me the stuff I share on this blog from time to time. She is my momma's sister and is the only aunt I have or have ever had.
***It really did disturb me that several of the schools from the Deep South had asked me to submit a picture with my application. I suspected that they didn't accept ugly people to those schools, and didn't apply.
****Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law was created in response to the famous separate but equal doctirine case, Sweatt vs. Texas. Their campus was actually 3 blocks from the University of Houston campus. Their pass rate on the Texas bar has greatly increased over the last few years.
*****My sinuses have never been the same after having lived in that highly humid climate in Houston for three years. I had not seemed to have the same trouble with my sinuses during the shorter haul when I was stationed at Ft. Polk, LA for 18 weeks in 1973.
******I suspect that when I run for County Attorney next year, I will have to attempt to sell myself door-to-door.
[If anyone has any interest about what it is like getting married and divorced during law school, I experienced that also.]
Howard at Oculations claims that Kate Hepburn's rise to fame was wholly due to her father's fortune. Isn't it shameful that she used money to bypass the time-honored tradition of young starlets having to sleep their way to the top?
Is it shameful to admit that Houston receives absolutely no national attention?* attribution: Chris [shrugger]
And shamefully, I must admit that I am going to miss seeing Lee Ann's cheesy comments during her hiatus.
*Beware of flying popups!
Jay Solo read Rachel Lucas "bitch, moan, complain and whine through nine straight paragraphs" about the difficulties of working and going to college and was compelled to tell his story.
Having read both of their stories, I decided I would tell my story:
The year is 1973. The Viet Nam War is just winding down and so is the High School career of your favorite blogger. Having maintained an "A" average all though the first 12 grades, having only gotten less than an "A" in one class, typing, it was expected that yours truly would be the first in his lineage to attend at an institution of higher learning. I graduated 5th in a class of 42. As no one had previously attended college in my family, no one knew what was involved in actually getting into college except that it took money.* As luck, call it bad in this instance, would have it, my father got laid off from the company he had worked for since before I was born. It had something to do with the owner of the business dying and his widow selling off to the highest bidder, who subsequently drove a thriving business into the ground in less than a year.Anyway, here it is, about a month before graduation and my dad speaks those immortal words to me: "Son, you know that money I had been putting aside for your college education? Well, sorry, but I am going to have to use that to pay the mortgage and the bills until I can figure out how to make a living." You have to understand that my dad was making like $3,000.00 a month, which was big bucks in the early 70s.
Actually, my dad was something else altogether anyway. He had started making his own living printing business cards on a press he had bought from money he had made selling eggs at age 10. By 12, he owned a dump truck and was hauling gravel on a state contract. He had always expected me to follow, at least, in his mold of working for what I wanted and not waiting for someone to hand it to me. He assisted me in learning this lesson by allowing me the privilege of buying my own first car, as well as paying for all my gas, the insurance, etc. I worked evenings, every evening, at the golf course for the final year of my high school education. I graduated, kept that job, and got a factory job buffing faucets for another eight hours each day. My dad found a third, part time job for me, which was basically picking up film at three places and dropping it off at the bus depot. I maintained this pace, getting about 3 hours sleep a night, until early August. With the Fall semester to begin soon, I somehow had not amassed enough in the bank to even get myself a better car. I mean, you could not expect a guy to go to college driving the same old 1966 Plymouth Fury III 4-door, with Earl Scheib paint job, that he had been driving in High School, could you?
Well, I caught one of those ads on TV, you know, about the how they needed a Few Good Men, and stuff like that. They were offering college money if you enlisted, and, more importantly, a goodly sized enlistment bonus I could use to get a better car! Well, I won't tell you the long story about how I signed up for the Marines and ended up in the Army, just take it that it involved sex, deceit, and a generous portion of 18-year-old naivety. On August 7, 1973, yours truly entered the Army. After basic training, I used that enlistement bonus to buy me the one and only new car I ever had. It didn't outlast the 36 months of payments without being totalled . . . twice.
I came out of the Army in August 1977 with 48 months of GI Bill entitlements, and had not one idea what I was going to do with it. I did a bit of checking around. I found out just how much my entitlement offered me: roughly about $342 a month. There were three colleges in my home town: Abilene Christian University (Church of Christ), Hardin-Simmons (Baptist) and McMurray (Methodist). Their tuitions were about 10 times what the State college tuition rates were. I decided I had better go to State college. Where? Well, the closest State college to any relatives of mine was in Arlington, Texas, only about 45 minutes from where my great-grandparents lived. I moved in with them for a few months and began to save money. I worked in the oil fields and cooked at Sonic and spent my off-time seeking a job and place to live in Arlington, Texas. You have to remember, I had just spent 4 years in the Army, and was used to being on my own. I was unable to accomplish everything I needed to do to get enrolled by the Fall of '77, but was firmly entrenched in a graveyard shift convenience store job and my own apartment in the Spring of 1978.
I was now ready to go to college. Of course, all I had ever dreamed of was going to college. I had never thought about what I wanted to study. I just thumbed through the college catalogue. For some reason architecture sounded like something I would enjoy. Well, I spent the first two years in college studying architecture and finding I didn't like it. Well, exactly what I did not like was the way a bunch of dunderheaded wanna be architects who couldn't make a living at it so decided to teach graded some of my designs. Leave it to be said that I blew up in a major way during one of the grading juries and left the university.
After spending a semester or two in the world of factory labor, I decided that I also was not cut out for a life of menial manual labor, so re-enrolled** in pursuit of a BA in Political Science. In 1983, I graduated with a B.A. in Political Science with enough hours in both English and Architecture to qualify as minors. And, more amazingly than not, I still had some hours of entitlement left. Enough so that I continued to receive my little check during all but the last semester of law school.***
That little check usually made sure I had tuition and books, but the full-time job as robber bait paid for the rent , beer, cigarettes, and, if I had enough left over, food. My dad and mom did assist me, once, when I needed some major car repairs. Mostly, though, I really did do it my way.
*I have always thought I likely would have qualified for several academic scholarships, but my family really had no idea about where you found them or how you went about applying for such.**** Our little country school didn't have much in the way of counselors either. Of course, they also did not have much in the way of winning football teams or much of anything else.
**This in itself turned out to be a grand adventure. The VA has some kind of policy about making sure you don't repeat this behavior and make you take an aptitude test to assist you in deciding what it is that you are most capable of doing. When I went in for my results, the lady just looked at them and then looked at me very strangely. Squeamishly, I asked her what my results had suggested. She looked at me, smiled, and said, "They tell me that you will likely succeed at anything you choose to do." I, however, am still awaiting that success. It appears that the only thing I have ever really been successful at is making good grades without any real effort.
***It amazes how often I hear about some of the attorneys who have been practicing for years and years and still are paying off the student loans they used to finance their law school education.
****Al Gore had yet to invent the Internet, so information like that was not easily obtainable by doing a Google search on "college scholarships."
Perusing my blogroll, I spotted a recent update to Kevin's fine blog Wizbang. He was commenting on an Oprah show centered on the marketing of special products to working parents:
Some of the most successful ideas that are promoted on Oprah's show (she does these kinds of episodes fairly often) are ideas that capitalize on the type of parent who has plenty of money, but a lack of time. These parents worry that they are not successfully parenting their children due to work commitments. Their life is a constant balancing act between the necessity to earn money and spend quality time raising their children. These products and services fill a void, real or imagined, in the parents' quest to raise the perfect child.
Kevin suggests that these products may assuage the guilt of the parents, but may be of no actual benefit to the children:
A whole cottage industry has developed around catering to the worries of parents. There is a product or service that you can purchase to address most any perceived problem. I use the word 'perceived' deliberately, since your child will probably be no better off in life if they have a scrapbook or watched a video set to classical music.But that's not really the point is it? It's all about making the parent feel better…
So, what is the answer? I have always thought that the feminists sold women a baseless ideal when they convinced them that the Donna Reed lifestyle was demeaning. Kevin pointed to this posting by Courtney, in which she discusses her mommy fears. Courtney concludes her post with this statement:
Has the end result of feminism been to make all of us fear our dirty little secret desire to depend on men to support us while we raise the children? I can't even write that without cringing.Yes, women are afraid to face the fact that they might have been mislead by the feminists. However, in this modern world, Courtney has valid concerns:
I want to have fun, I want to do interesting things, I want to stay up until 3 am reading books and playing on the internet. I don't want to sign over 85% of my day to children who will scream in public, get sick and scare the hell out of me, occasionally annoy me, and have their whole lives depend on me. I want to be selfish!She additionally points quoted this scary portion of an editorial by Maggie Gallagher:
Logically, staying home almost never makes any sense from the individual perspective. It exposes women to financial risk if marriage should fail. It reduces family income over the long haul (even a few years out of the workforce reduces women's long-term earnings). But then, by any of these measures -- safety, security, autonomy, self-interest -- having a baby makes no sense either. The same longing to participate in the great mystery of creation that drives men and women together, into marriage and baby-making, seems to pull many women from purely market relationships -- whether or not they also work.Maggie Gallagher concluded her remarks with this statement:
I have nothing against working mothers. I am one. But something in me rejoices to see the deeply countercultural impulse of motherhood rising and winning over mere economic forces. Where will this lead? Not to Mommy Wars between moms who work and those who stay home, I hope, but toward a profound and shared recognition of the importance of mothering and of the husbands that give mothers the gift of choices.I too have to applaud any movement toward stay-at-home motherhood. Although the economic consequences might seem insurmountable to some, there are actually cost savings associated with one parent being home with the children: decreased commuting costs and parking fees, savings on child care, savings on prepared-at-home meals over the cost of take out (and providing more balanced nutrition, as well), savings on clothing necessary for the workplace vs. clothing appropriate for general daily activities, just to name the easy ones. I have had a continuing conversation with a friend of mine who points to the general overall trend whereas wages have not increased exponentially with growth in the economy as being a consequence of the addition of women into the workforce. It is almost a given fact that women receive less money than men for the same type of work, so that in itself is a clue. In addition, with an increase in the workforce, there is greater competition for the jobs. Such only empowers the employers to seek the cheapest workers, and often, the least qualified workers. With the greater numbers of workers, the rate of unemployment climbs. If the rate of unemployment is actually 7 or 8%, as current numbers suggest, doesn't it make sense that if approximately 25% of the current workers were removed, there would be a greater demand for workers. Candidates for jobs would not only have a better chance of being hired, but could demand higher pay?
Does this mean that women are unqualified to be in the workforce? No, I think women have proved to be capable of accomplishing any task that does not require superior physical effort, and there are few that can even compete for those jobs. But I do think that mothers need to rethink their priorities and to mold their hours around the needs of their children more than around their careers and need for additional income. Courtney described her mother:
Mom stayed at home with us until we were in school regularly. Even when she did go back to work, she worked near or in our schools, and was always home when we got there.I remember my own mother doing likewise, at least until I, the oldest, was mature enough to stand in loco parentis during the period after school ended and the parents returned from work. Women can be mothers but men cannot. While we are capable of being good parents, we can never be mothers. We are, however, suited to hard work and making money. We have never had any aspirations to do otherwise, despite the feminists changing of the gender roles.
However, I am also mindful of the alarming social trend of young motherhood, where young girls mate with some good looking man who has no feelings for them and very poor future prospects. Just to point out an example, I was eating in a restaurant yesterday and there was a 17 year old girl who was talking about buying a car. I advised her how to best get something reliable without paying an arm and a leg. As the conversation progressed, I learned that she was sharing an apartment with her boyfriend who worked as a mechanic in his father's garage bringing home $250.00 a week. She told me she had just graduated High School and had received over $900.00 from people as graduation gifts, and yet had less than $100 left because she had paid the rent and bought a new rear end for his truck. I was thinking to myself, and yes, next year she will be pregnant and this good for nothing boy will be the father.
Our ancestors were so much smarter when it came to choosing mates. People didn't move in together until they were married, and no one got married until they had been engaged, and no one got engaged unless the parents approved of the suitor, and no parents approved of a suitor who did not have the means to financially support a family. One thing the feminists are right about is that to most men, women are nothing but sex objects. What is so very very sad is that this is not the fault of the men. We men are dogs who are ruled by our lust for succulent female flesh. We freely admit to it. What is so sad is that so many women have allowed themselves to become and to be used as sex objects. Our society is sex crazed. Our society is warped.
Well, I finally got around to reading James Lileks' June 26 column. This is the one where he is discussing the fact that his wife just lost her job and the changes it has made to his life.*
I have all the sympathy in the world for him and his family's situation. However, what is it that makes people so dependent upon a dual income that their world crashes when one of those incomes suddenly disappears? People use the double income to buy bigger houses than they actually need, to get bigger and more expensive cars than their needs require, and to buy extravagant purchases. People have forgotten how to live simply.
I do not have a mortgage or a child, and due to tragedy, I also do not have a wife. Of course, when my wife was alive, we made do on my income. Her job was to upkeep the home, care for me, and to entertain friends and clients. She did have activities outside the home, but they didn't generate income. They were volunteer efforts which benefitted our community. Her job was as important as mine. She was from a very prominent family and knew that a man's success often depended upon the woman who stood behind him. It was what she did that allowed me the freedom to do my job with panache. You would be surprised at the success you can have when you exhibit the ability to entertain selected clients without substantial advance planning. My wife could throw a party at home with an hour's advance notice. If something was needed, she knew where to find it. She maintained my wardrobe and chose my clothes, and people often commented upon my appearance. Our life was a marriage. It was not a financial partnership where we were each expected or required to generate an income so as to pony up our share of the monthly bills. Of course, there were the good times and the bad times. There were times when my income dropped. Such occurs when you are self employed. I have always had the uncanny ability to live within my means, no matter what they might be, and my wife, may she rest in peace, never complained when there was a need for immediate belt tightening.
When James said:
[A]nyone need a lawyer?was he making an admission that he actually understands the prime missive of the legal profession: you never need a job, you need a client?
It appears that James' wife had been representing the United States government and was, until recently, representing the government of the State of Minnesota. Maybe it is time for her to change the focus of her practice. Instead of representing the government, maybe she can represent the people persecuted by the government for awhile. I am acquainted with at least a hundred or so former prosecutors who now defend criminals.
Ms. Lileks, you are a professional. Buck up and act like one.** Get down to the local courthouse and start asking around about court appointments.
*Just consider the changes that occur to a person's life when their spouse dies. I have lived through these changes, and talk about hitting a brick wall!
**I have to be mindful that I am responding to James' feelings about this situation, and it may actually be that Mrs. Lileks, being the professional that she is, is not as concerned about this matter as is he.
I have seen several bloggers, most notably our buddy* over at Tiny Little Lies, who are culling through their posts and creating "BEST OF" displays, sites, and whatnot. I like this idea, and thought about doing the same thing, but I seem to have a problem with such. These posts are like my children, they are all bright, intelligent, and funny. I can't seem to find any of them to be better than the others. Well, actually, I sometimes think the best ones are the ones to which absolutely no one comments. I know they are being read, so figure either people are laughing too hard to want to comment or are so in agreement with what was said that they have nothing to add.
*He posts under the name 'the Small of Dari Alexander's Back,' but that confuses the heck out of me. I would love to just refer to him as 'Tiny,' most especially since that picture on his blog reminds me of my old pinball playing college buddy of the same nickname.
Rachel Lucas, in her post entitled "Hi, I'm Dictator Gephardt" asked:
Am I being naive by thinking that a hell of a lot of black people think Al Sharpton is an unmitigated idiot and that his idea of who the "right blacks" are is about as in touch with real black people as his hairdo?I am just wondering how to answer her question. It seems to be a question that a good scientific poll* could resolve.
*Is there such a thing, or is it just an urban myth?
Susie is raggin' me because I have posted about her wonderful, humorous site, but then she has not been working to find me a wife or asking people to link to me, or even asking people to come download my music,* has she?
And every time I go to her site, Susie says we should see what Frank is saying, so I keep doing so. I guess I should blogroll him, huh? Of course, this is not the same Frank who regularly comments on my site, because I can't talk him into blogging.
*Oops, wait a minute! I don't have any music for anyone to download.
Wow, getting onto this reviewing kick has flat worn me out. I could use a long nap. Oh, wait, I forgot that I am still working on that manuscript . . .
Well maybe later.
Prometheus 6 mentioned in one of his comments to my review of his posting on the The New Weblog Showcase Review III that in my commentary about what he has posted about, it might be important to point out that people of one race do not know much about people of another race. Instead of responding to such in the comments on that post, I thought I would do so more publicly by posting about such. I do agree that I know less about how it feels to be Black, Hispanic, Indigenous American, Asian, female, disabled, homosexual, Jewish, Catholic, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, or anything else, than I know how it is to be a 48-year-old Caucasian widowed, orphaned, childless male. What I do know is that each of those mentioned above are all humans, and I do know how it feels to be a human. I also have no idea how my neighbor, who is also a Caucasian male about my age feels either. What I do believe is that we should have tolerance for almost every other human on the Earth, though I believe there are exceptions for people who are selfish, take advantage of others, have no compassion for anyone, commit crimes and such. I try not to categorize anyone other than being human. Those who put themselves into categories are as big of a problem as those who categorize people.
Racism and intolerance of others seem to be an adult problem. When I was a kid, I played with Tommy, Billy and Hector and they were my friends. I never thought of Tommy and Billy as my Black friends or Hector as my Spanish friend. They were just my friends as much as Joe and Sam, who had skin more like mine. I actually became more attuned to racial conflicts when I went into the Army and was put into a large barracks with a lot of other young men, of all races and religions, and sexual orientations. My first indication of strife was when some of the Blacks became very intolerant toward me because they did not like the type of music I played on my stereo. I was not really all that crazy about listening to Al Green either or to some of what the other White guys played on their radios and stereos, but I figured anyone was free to listen to whatever they wanted. It really surprised me that the only ones who showed any intolerance for my tastes were Black. Luckily, I found that intolerance for Whites by Blacks was limited to a very small percentage of the Blacks with whom I became acquainted. In my profession, I have had as many dealings with Blacks as I have with Whites, being I was a criminal defense attorney in Dallas, Texas. I have applauded the proliferation of non-comic relief Black characters on sitcoms and dramatic television shows and in the movies. No, I do not know how it feels to be Black, but I never will know that, just as I will never know how it feels to be female. But I do know how to treat my fellow humans with respect, and I treat all of them with respect until they prove to me that they deserve none.
My Rules of Life can be found here.
Some people really take blogging a bit too seriously. I am not going to point any fingers, though. I guess I gave up on getting really upset about what other people said and felt about me a long time ago. It took away too much of the time I could use to contemplate my own destruction.
I was listening to my favorite radio station this morning and the DJ was talking about Willie Nelson. He said in the early sixties, Willie was living in Nashville writing songs for $50.00 a week. He came up with one called "Hello Walls" and ran into Faron Young in an establishment that catered to entertainers across from the Ryman Auditorium, which used to host The Grand Ole Opry, and in an attempt to boost his income, offered to sell the rights to the song to Faron for $500.00. Faron refused, but said he would loan Willie $500.00 and would record the song, and was pretty sure Willie would be able to pay him back out of the Royalties. Well, Faron Young's rendition of Willie's "Hello Walls" shot up to No. 1 on the country charts on June 19, 1961 and remained there for 7 weeks. Willie's first royalty check was $3,000.00 and he immediately went into that establishment across from the Ryman Auditorium and found Faron Young. Upon doing so, without any warning, he kissed Faron right on the lips. Faron said it was the most passionate kiss he ever received.*
*I was unable to substantiate the truth of this story nor to locate the page which my search engine indicated made some mention that Willie might not have ever paid back the $500 to Faron.
to find the listing for my entry in this week's Carnival of the Vanities, hosted by Real Women Online. Of course, if you are reading this, you surely have already read my entry, haven't you?
Glenn Reynolds reports* that there are 20,000 weblogs by Iranians now. I suppose that explains who took all those computers during the looting of Baghdad.
*Actually, as usual, Glenn just reported which blogger really dug up that story.
Wow, I just found Practical Penumbra has defected from blog*spot. Seems there is a lot of that going on. I wonder if Dean had anything to do with it?
By the way, please be sure to modify your bookmarks so that you won't be the fool I was and be missing out on the hijinks over at PP!
Wow, here it is Father's Day! Sadly, my dad has passed and I am not yet a father. So for all of you who have some reason to celebrate this day:
Unlearned Hand pointed me to this position paper by he ACLU on Gun Control. I was enthralled to find that I and the ACLU share the same opinion when it comes to the Second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms":
If indeed the Second Amendment provides an absolute, constitutional protection for the right to bear arms in order to preserve the power of the people to resist government tyranny, then it must allow individuals to possess bazookas, torpedoes, SCUD missiles and even nuclear warheads, for they, like handguns, rifles and M-16s, are arms. Moreover, it is hard to imagine any serious resistance to the military without such arms. Yet few, if any, would argue that the Second Amendment gives individuals the unlimited right to own any weapons they please.It has always been my opinion that the last effective review of how the Second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms" applied in modern times was the Branch Davidian standoff in Waco, and we all know how that turned out. The real historical reasoning behind the enactment of the Second Amendment was a result of the kingly English tradition of armed soldiers commandeering the homes of private citizens. As no one* would believe that our neighbors have the right to possess such weapons are would be necessary to repel an invasion by out own government, any argument that we have a RIGHT to possess any weapon have been entirely superseded by the advancement of technology.
However, I am mindful, despite all the contentions that militias are no longer necessary, that a citizenry who is armed can easily become a guerrilla force should their country be invaded by outside forces.** To be in a position to defend one's country should be a RIGHT. I would argue that having an assault weapon or surface-to-air missile would be highly beneficial should one need to repel an invading force. So where do we draw the line?
In Colonial days, armies fought with cannon, muskets, bayonets, swords and lances. In the early days of the Nation, there were no regulations which forbid anyone from owning a cannon, a musket, a bayonet, a sword, or a lance. Until the 20th Century, except in some townships where the local Sheriff dictated, one was not disallowed to carry a weapon. Parts of the Nation were still wild and predatory, and many people hunted for survival. However, technology boomed near the beginning of the 20th Century and by the end of the Great War (WWI), there were weapons that had been developed that some wished had not been even imagined. There are far too many such weapons now. It is only fair to select those weapons that we wish to have in the possession of our citizenry and those we do not.
However, other than being easily concealed, for militia purposes, rifles are far superior to handguns. I, personally, am of the opinion that the security of the Nation would be better protected if we allowed the possession of assault weapons and banned the possession of handguns.
I am thoroughly satisfied to leave the entire issue of GUN CONTROL safely in the capable hands of the National Rifle Association. I may not always agree with their stance, but I am glad they are there.
*I know there is always at least one crack pot who will be contrary to public opinion, so "no one," in this context, means "no one with any sense."
**I never knew how true it was, but my dad used to tell me that the Swiss men were all militarily trained and were issued a rifle which they kept in the closet. They had no standing Army, but their entire adult population could become an Army at any time. I also still remember the movie, Red Dawn, in which the young adults of one town effectively countered an invading Soviet force.
It seems that hydrogen cell technology may not be the enviromentalist's dream after all.
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology published a report today in the journal Science saying that if hydrogen replaced fossil fuels to run everything from cars to power plants, large amounts of hydrogen would drift into the stratosphere as a result of leakage and indirectly cause increased depletion of the ozone*. [full story]I still think this technology is viable. I do agree, however, that "hydrogen's impact on ozone destruction should be considered when gauging the potential environmental downside of a hydrogen-fuel economy." Note that they did not say the emissions** from using such technology would be effecting the environment. I am sure it would not take too much thought to figure out how to refuel the cells without allowing the hydrogen to escape into the atmosphere or to put enough safeguards in place to detect any leakage in the supply lines.
attribution: Jaboobie
*I often wondered when I lived in Dallas and we regularly had "Ozone Alert" days, where they cut the public transportation fares in half to get people to ride the train or bus on such days due to the amount of ozone hanging over the city, how could we have an ozone layer problem when there seemed to be so much extra ozone hanging around. I just did not know why, if it was near the top of the atmosphere (which should mean it was lighter than any other element in the atmosphere), that the ozone hung near the ground instead of floating up and filling up any holes that everyone was always worrying about in the ozone layer. Of course, I am sure some scientist could easily explain this to my satisfaction, but it sure did and still does boggle my mind why it was and still is such a problem.
**From the report I saw about GM's hydrogen cell vehicles, it seems the only by-product or emission from the vehicle is pure water.
I just noticed today is Friday the 13th.
Update: According to my non-blogging friend Frank, who is always on top of such things, not only is it the 13th, but the moon will be officialy FULL at 12:01 am tonight, and right now we have another raging thunderstorm going on. Yep, this could be one humdinger of a day around here. I understand there were even a couple of major wrecks around town today. I was not a witness, so I do not know if the weather, the moon, or just bad luck was involved in either or both of them.
Is there any doubt that Trigg is a Libertarian?
*I think we would have a better chance of getting a Constitutional Amendment Guaranteeing the Right for Everyone to Ingest Mind Altering Substances and Trafficking Freely in Such Substances Without the Interference of the Federal Government before we would of seeing a Libertarian President in the White House.
I was gonna ask what he was smokin', but figured it was none of my friggin' business anyway.
The only thing I didn't like about PoliBlog's Bush's Method-Politics Sans Conviction? was that I felt it necessary to read this Neal Gabler commentary:
From the moment of his disputed election in 2000, President Bush has been dramatically reversing the traditional relationship between politics and policy. In his administration, politics seem less a means to policy than policy is a means to politics. Its goal is not to further the conservative revolution as advertised. The presidency's real goal is to disable the Democratic opposition, once and for all.and Kevin Drum's [CalPundit] concurrence:
He's [Bush] a furious political animal who is uninterested in compromise and whose main goal is to defeat his enemies, not advance a cause. Ideology is actually secondary, and is useful mainly as a way to batter his political opposites.to fully understand the reasons for his retort.
Before you read the article, I provide following to give you the gist of Steven's position:
On balance, while Bush is not an ideologue, he is a man of conviction, who does fight, often quite ferociously, to do what he thinks is the right thing to do policy-wise. And no, I don't think that his main overriding goal is simply to damage the Democrats (they are doing a good job of that by themselves, quite frankly).
While I have lived in Texas for most of 48 years now, I was here when Bush was President of the Texas Ranger's and when he was Governor. He did a better job as Governor.
And Democrat or Republican, the Nation has never been in better hands than when Texans are in power: Sam Rayburn, Jim Wright, LBJ, and almost Perot. Although most of the rest of the US does not realize it, the pulse of Texas is the lifeblood of the Nation. Remember the Alamo, dammit. All Texans do! Texans don't surrender, ever! Texas is not a place, it is a way of life.
Andrea Harris [Too Much To Dream] via Jeff Jarvis [BuzzMachine] discovered this first post of a new Iraqi blogger. It appears that language and culture may be the biggest problem in Iraq.
It is believed that the babies were buried alive.This is from May 4, 2003 story in Kurdish Media speaking about a mass grave found in Kirkuk. I have not yet been able to substantiate this story, although I do not currently doubt the truth* of it. Although such is alarming, I only bring it up because I saw this reaction:
So, who's still angry that we went to war with Iraq and its despicable regime?at A Small Victory. As that is a popular and widely read blog,** this story is speading and I can envision a groundswell of like-minded people raising one voice, chanting: "Enough is enough. Saddam killed babies!" As the masses begin to unify in applauding the liberation of Iraq from such a godless*** despot, the media and the bloggers can get back to talking about regular stuff, like who killed Laci Peterson or whether Jayson Blair is journalistically qualified to write for the Weekly World News.I don't care if they never find a WoMD within the confines of that country. This is evidence enough that Saddam was the biggest Weapon of Mass Destruction of all.
*It is not as if it was published by the New York Times or the Weekly World News.
**This is an inference I made upon observing the number of comments to each post on the blog.
***I am not a theological scholar by any means, but understand that the Christian and Jewish God is the same as the Islamic Allah. This Supreme Entity would, in my opinion, have smote Saddam down with His Own Hand, had He not already given up on such practice.
[I entered this one in this week's Carnival of Vanities hosted by Overtaken by Events]
However . . . just what if, there is absolutely no truth to the story at all, and that it is the biggest spin yet part of the war effort.
Everyone seems to be busy this Friday evening . . . except Glenn and Lesley.* I checked my blogroll and these were the only people who showed to have updated.
*and me, of course, but I am thinking of going out -- to this!
I had done some pretty extensive posting on the June 8 review of all the entries competing in the Showcase and for some reason about half of it has completely disappeared. I have no idea how I could have saved something to have it disappear like that? Surely if someone had hacked me, I would have seen more damage than that?
So several hours work gets flushed. THAT SUCKS! I searched all the files on my computer, just hoping maybe there was a cached version of the eariler incarnation on this computer some place. What really sucks is that I had actually been copying every new review just before saving it, because I had already lost one review on an earlier save when my connection died during the save. So I was not taking any chances. But the whole thing had been adequately saved on my server with several of the now missing posts completely intact, so where are those reviews? Now I have to do them all over, again. But you can bet I will be copying the entire post before each save from this point on.
Thankfully, all the top rated entries' reviews are still there.
I noticed a few things as I surfed a bit around the Blogosphere.
I see that TLB has finally moved among the ranks of the Higher Beings, knocking Volokh Conspiracy out. I guess all his hard work in keeping up with the Blogosphere movements and all of this New Blog Showcase stuff finally paid off.
I had seen WylieBlog on so many blogrolls that I thought I would visit and check it out. It seems the last post was made on May 15, 2003. There was no indication of why, so I am hopeful everything is going all right with Wylie.
Jay Solo said he may not be posting much today. It is good to see he has a life away from blogging, although it seems the reason his is going to be away is to go get some computer parts. I am not absolutely sure that he has not latched onto my idea but as he hinted somewhat that he had read my post about the fact that he still has overlooked blogrolling me,* I am making a reasonable inference that he saw what I was doing.
*Despite his acknowledgment of seeing my comment about him not having yet blogrolled me, I see he still has not done so, but did link to my blog and to my Showcase entry. I therefore kindly repaid both of those links.
Not much happening tonight in the blogosphere, it seems. I suppose everyone must be busy doing something important. I wonder if everyone is watching this? Well, if any of you are bored, keep reading. Feel free to comment. If anything is really interesting, please comment about it on your site and track it back to mine. I have not slept for almost 48 hours, and think it is about time I tried to get a few winks.
for blogging the longest period of time without having such blog ever being mentioned by Glenn Reynolds.*
*Does anyone know what the current record is?
It seems that multiple footnoting is catching on.
It seems that SCO Group, formerly Caldera International, is suing IBM and threatening to sue many others for infringement upon its Unix patent. It seems that the Linux software that IBM is loading on servers contains code which SCO claims was lifted straight from Unix. SCO claims similar suits may be taken against many entities, including Red Hat, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. Linux software development could be severely hampered. I wonder if we can get The Smoking Gun to initiate an investigation to locate Bill Gates stock holdings in SCO?
attribution: I Am Always Right
*I reserve the right to reuse this title in the future. Although this was an alarming revelation, I fear some other offering in the future may better fit the disappointment associated with the phrase.
I have not been blogging for long. I started this blog on April 4, 2003. However, I have found blogging to have become central in my life. Why?
I am sure there are more reasons, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately.
- I am more attuned to the news and central issues that concern the people of the world than I have ever been by using any other source and am easily able to access a varied array of viewpoints on any issue.
- I am more easily able to put forth my thoughts, opinions and viewpoints in a format where it can be easily disseminated.
- I feel that I have become part of a community of socially conscious people who are genuinely concerned with the issues.
One of the amazing things that comes from blogging is that you are continually finding very interesting items from the tools associated with blogging. I regularly check to see who is commenting to my posts. These comments often give me instant access into the mind set of my readers. I usually immediately visit their site to see what kind of fare they are offering their own readers. Very often, I blogroll their site. An example of one that would not be on my blogroll is this one where a blogger is so blatantly a one-sided zealot that the logic of their arguments is to suspect to be of any value. I additionally will sometimes remove a site from my blogroll if I find a valid reason for doing so.*
I use the blogroll as my personal reading list. To me, the blogroll is an extension of my personality, values and tastes. Not every site on my blogroll has linked to me, but I do not make that a requirement, as I also do not automatically blogroll every site that links to mine. The sites on my blogroll are those sites I enjoy reading. I visit them often. I link to their posts.
The trackbacks, also, are essential tools. If someone has linked to one of my posts, you can bet I want to see what they had to say about it. Such occurred when The Metal Wings of Destiny linked to this post. Although the commentary only used my post to point to a trend about which posts seemed to be getting the most comments in several blogs, the commentary pointed to this story in The Register. There was a lot of mindless drivel in the story about how the majority of bloggers were teenage girls venting their hormone induced diatribes about life, love and fantasy. I have actually visited such blogs on occasion, but do not think any are on my blogroll. I did find this excerpt, however, to be apropos:
**[B]logging is a solitary activity that requires the blogger to spend less time reading a book, taking the dog for the walk, meeting friends in the pub, seeing a movie, or reading to the kids. The reason that 99.93 per cent of the world doesn't blog, and never will, is because people make simple information choices in what they choose to ingest and produce, and most of this will be either personal and private, or truly social. Blog-evangelists can fulminate at the injustice of this all they like, but people are pretty smart and make fairly rational choices on the information they process.Interesting people run interesting blogs, but it's remarkable how few of them there are. [emphasis supplied]
I am just not so sure that there are not more interesting people running interesting blogs than the author is aware of. And of course, it would highly depend upon what someone thought was interesting. I am sure that what I write is interesting to some, and, just as surely, not interesting to others. What I do know is that it is my blog, and although my time might be better spent walking my dog, doing my laundry, reading a book, or going to see a movie, it is what I want to do.***
This blog, although the biggest part of it currently, is still just one part of my greater Internet presence. The presentation is not all that impressive, I know, but I do not have the design skills that this guy***** has. I wish I did.
*The validity of my reasoning for doing so may not necessarily be shared by others.
**I do not want to be accused of taking liberties ala Maureen Dowd**** in deleting portions of text so as to change the meaning of the entry. The portion that was deleted was a short clause which tied this entry into the preceding dialogue. In my opinion, nothing was changed by omitting the clause, but retaining it would have accomplished nothing more than confusion in the current manner of usage.
***As I am currently single and live alone, the choice as to what I do with my free time is my own. Should this situation change, of course, I could possibly be pointed to better things to do with my free time.
****The designer and author of such site may be male or may be female. Does it matter? He/she says not.
*****This link is courtesy of Kathy Kinsley of On the Third Hand
One thing****** that does concern me, however, is not so much whether people agree with the points I attempt to make in my posts, but whether my writing style is obtuse, convoluted and confusing or smooth, literate and easily understood. Verbose is a given.
******I also wonder if the extensive footnoting is of assistance or is distractive?
The following is from Edward Lazarus' review of "Trial and Error: The Education of a Courtroom Lawyer," the recently released autobiography of Chicago trial lawyer, John Tucker:
Could a Young Lawyer Today Possibly Replicate Tucker's Career?That was then - and this is now. In his book, Tucker not only recounts his own fulfilling career, but expresses, in an understated but unmistakable way, that careers like his own are now a thing of the past. Such a life in the law, he suggests, is now nearly impossible to replicate.
Why does Tucker view himself as so plainly a member of a vanishing breed? To answer that question, one need only look at what he identifies as the key ingredients of his success - and the difficulty it would take for a young lawyer now to attain any of them.
First, as a young lawyer, Tucker enjoyed the time to develop and hone his skills as an advocate, averaging somewhere between 1600 and 1800 billable hours per year.
Today, a young lawyer of the same age would bill, instead, at least 2200 billable hours - a sum requiring a total commitment of 60-70 hours a week, every week of the year. Such a schedule simply does not allow for the kind of side projects on which Tucker cut his teeth.
Second, Tucker was able to take on primary responsibility for trial and appellate cases early on in his career - in the form of paying matters that were relatively small, and time-intensive, trial level pro bono matters. The firm supported his interest in both types of cases.
Today, such opportunities at major firms are few and far between. Small business matters that senior lawyers could turn over to their juniors don't come to the firms in the first place - even associates' billing rates are too high. In addition, many of the blue chip law firms have cut back on their pro bono commitments - especially at the trial level, where a very substantial allocation of firm resources may be required.
Third, Tucker benefited from a relatively stable cadre of mentors and colleagues within his firm. They formed a cohesive group of people who shared a vision about the kind of law they wanted to practice, and the risks they were willing to run to achieve their goals.
Tucker accordingly did not have to fear that doing too much pro bono work would undermine his chances for partnership. To the contrary, his mentors and future partners respected the pro bono work he did, and counted it in his favor, not against him.
Today, the concept of firm loyalty is all but dead. Few lawyers spend their careers at a single firm, no matter how prestigious. Instead, they typically make one or more lateral moves, to other partnerships or in-house counsel positions - thus operating not too differently from free agents in the sports world, who are available to the highest bidder.
As a lawyer, I have enough information to believe that the above is true. The practice of law has changed. When I initially imagined myself pursuing a career in law, the practice of law was a high ideal, practiced by men of competence, morality and conviction. It was only after I was nearing graduation and began to examine the job possibilities that I noticed the realm of big firm lawyers had moved toward being more about how much money you could make than anything else. As such, not entirely believing that I wanted to trade 60 to 70 hours of my time in exchange for having more money than I would have free time to enjoy, I decided to go a different route.
I actually began my career prowling the halls of the Dallas County Courthouse doing misdemeanor court appointments for $150 a case. There are a lot of lawyers doing that, but if you hung around until almost noon, after most of the others had gone, you might pick up a straggler here and there. I did not have an office, just a small apartment and a phone. I made $500 to $800 a month, which paid for my up keep.
I actually did this for a number of years, although I did not practice long from my apartment, because several attorneys were eager to share empty office space for free just to have someone sitting there, or in exchange for simple leg work exercises, like standing in for pleas.
Eventually, I amassed a fairly large number of prior clients, mostly from the court appointments I had been doing. I maintained a fairly large docket in the 11 misdemeanor courts in Dallas County. My manner with clients and efficiency in handling cases was noticed by one of the top DWI attorneys in the area who hired me into his office. This was my perfect situation. We worked half a day on most days and made a good living. I personally handled about 150 cases, on average.
In 1994, that world fell apart. My wife died, and then my employer got caught up in a federal investigation and the whole operation went south. It was hard beginning again from scratch. I had completely given up court appointments, and there was a whole new generation of young attorneys who had taken over that niche in the interim. A friend of mine told me about a job that had opened up in a small Plaintiff's firm.
I got paid very little, but actually did very little. I was primarily a "hired gun." I drew a meager monthly salary to attend depositions and try those cases* that didn't settle. I was allowed to maintain my personal practice and it soon grew back to a point where I was again comfortable. Eventually I grew weary of the civil work and decided to go back out on my own.
A unique opportunity arose. Very near my house, an older attorney was needing someone to cover his office for an extended period. His paralegal was topnotch and mostly all they needed was someone with a license to prove up probate and divorce matters. The office billed for the services, I received one-half. I was able to continue to build my practice. When the older attorney returned, we were discussing how to rearrange the building so that I could move in my office furniture and establish a permanent office in the building when I got an invite from a friend of mine for lunch.
He had just been made partner in a small litigation firm and had discussed with his new partner how he would like to bring me in as "hired gun" for their firm to try cases. It sounded interesting. The firm had a very large staff and the money that was offered was good.
So I made a move to another area, and began work in that firm. Well, I soon learned that the turnover rate in that firm was high for associates. In fact, my friend, the partner, was partner in name only. He had very little control in the operations and did not make much more than I. Part of the deal was that I could not take on any more private clients, so within a few months, I was a company man. Then discussions began about cutting my salary, and then further discussions about the amount of work I was contributing. The rules seemed to change daily, and I was miserable. I was actually the most miserable I had been in all the years I had practiced law. Everyone is the office worked like dogs except the top guy, who came in about once a week and did nothing but bitch and complain about how no one was handling the cases the way he wanted them handled. And the only one actually making any money was the top guy.
It was after I had become completely disenchanted with this situation that I became acquainted with a guy who lived in this town through I newsgroup I used to frequent that met on occasion so that everyone could actually meet the other members of the group. He had heard my rants about my job and began to tell me how this town really needed an attorney. He invited me to come for a visit. I did.
notCrawford, Texas is a town of about 2500 and is the county seat of notClark County, pop. 7000. The county is small, the second smallest in the state, and is situated an hour to an hour and half from most of the Metroplex. When I visited, there were only two attorneys in the county, one older man, who limited his practice to real estate and probate, and the county attorney**. I had never seen a county seat in Texas who had no real practicing attorney available. My friend was right, this town needed another attorney.
So, this was the first of 2000. I visited a few more times, met and talked with one of the district judges who actually sit in one of the adjoining counties more than this one, the older attorney, and several friendly citizens. I decided to gamble and make the move. My plan was to stay in my position until the end of the year, save up as much money as possible and build a nest egg to finance my start up. I confided this to my friend at the office . . . who blabbed it to the big guy, who called me into the office and told me that my position would be terminated effectively on April 1.
Coincidentally, I had learned at the beginning of March that I would be needing to relocate my residence, as my landlord had allowed the house I was renting to be foreclosed upon, so I was already packing to move when I got that news. I had very little in savings, so was forced to make the decision whether to make the move to notCrawford, or to find another position or reestablish my private practice in Dallas and find another place to live. My gut told me that if I was going to make the break from Dallas, that the time was right, so I rented the only available place I could find in this area, a dumpy double-wide, hired two guys, rented a U-Haul truck and moved. It took two trips. After the expenses associated with the move, I had about $2000. I put an add in the paper and spent most of my time just visiting all the businesses getting to know everyone. I did not get a single case the whole month of April.
I was still driving back and forth to Dallas almost weekly taking care of a few cases that were still ongoing that I had assumed responsibility for after I left the firm. Thankfully, I settled out a couple of these, and under the agreement, split the fee with the firm, but I managed to survive. In fact, one of them settled in a structured payout agreement that guaranteed me $400 a month, so I was able to rent an office from the old attorney by July 1, 2000.
It has taken awhile to build up a practice here, mainly because so many people had become so used to going to a neighboring county to hire an attorney for divorces and such and the fact that the county court does most of its criminal business on a pro se basis. Tiger I am at that point now where I am busier than I can manage without help, but not making enough money to hire a quality assistant. I know, I have tested four who were willing to work for what I could pay.
Another attorney moved to town last year, and actually offices at my first location. I am actually in my third location, just recently moving after a business vacated the place I wanted on the square. We are very good friends and refer things back and forth. The legal life is fairly simple, but I have not really put a push on establishing too large a practice. After all, the County Attorney job is up for election in 2004. My ultimate goal is to be the sitting County Judge (which does not have to be an attorney because it is a state constitutionally established office) within 10 years.
What I have learned in the practice of law:
*I actually had no experience trying injury cases, although I had extensive experience trying criminal cases. I asked the attorney I was replacing (a son of the managing attorney, who was relocating with his wife who was in medical residency) if he would be around when the first case came to trial so that I could observe him and learn the ropes. His actual statement to me: "You can lose them as well as I can." It seems that the ones that actually did go to trial were cases which had hardly any chance of succeeding, but the managing attorney believed everyone had their right to tell their story, so if the insurance company did not settle, the case was tried, even if it was a sure loser. I did not lose them all, however. This seemed to be surprising to many, including the managing attorney.
**One of the first people I met when I first came to this town actually asked me to move to town and to file as a write-in candidate for the 2000 County Attorney election. I will be running in the 2004 election.
***I suspect that the reason the court allows most people to appear on misdemeanor offences without benefit of counsel, is to save money for the County on court appointed attorney fees and so that there are not that many legally trained eyes peering over the shoulders of the County Attorney and the non-legally trained County Judge in the handling of these matters. Although all defendants sign a waiver of attorney, I believe that Grady v. Corbin and due process would dictate that a person could not adequately waive counsel without having the benefit of advice of counsel. In my opinion, the right to counsel is too fundamental a right to be taken so lightly. I am still awaiting the right case where the stakes are high enough and the finances available to collaterally attack one of these "pro se" convictions so as to get the procedure before the Court of Appeals.
Of all the posts in my blog, the one that is getting the most attention is this one: Michael Jackson is bankrupt? That simply amazes me. Even more amazing is that there were no comments on CG's entry at dustbury.com which I listed as my source for finding the story.
It appears that the Texas Legislature has passed a bill requiring counseling prior to receiving an abortion. However, one of the items that is to be included in the counseling is a warning that an abortion might lead to breast cancer.
That link, however, does not exist, according to the American Cancer Society and federal government researchers, and critics say the law is a thinly veiled attempt to intimidate, frighten and shame women who are seeking an abortion.
Proponents say they are merely trying to give women as much information as possible, and argue that research into the alleged link between abortion and breast cancer remains inconclusive.
I have to side with the critics. If there is not absolute data showing that such warning is true, the only purpose of such could only be usage as a scare tactic. If it was true, then I would agree that such warning should be given. Are our legislators really so guilded to think that people would not care, or did some special interest pull the wool over their eyes. Why don't you decide:
After years of failed attempts to outlaw abortion outright, social conservatives across the nation are now finding success in limiting abortions by requiring so-called counseling of patients. Among the most aggressive tactics is the attempt to link abortion with breast cancer, a move that many conservative organizations have undertaken, but rarely with the success they have found in Texas.
I personally believe that abortion should not be a choice of birth control, as there are so many other ways to stop conception during sex. However, I am also of the belief that such is a moral decision and it is not my job to judge the morals of others. As I have said before, I think such should be put up in a Constitutional Amendment and allow the whole nation to decide whether such should or should not be allowed by law. BUT MOST OF ALL---I do not believe the government should ever mandate the passing of information if there is no basis for the truth of such.
attribution: The Liquid List
I was sitting, surfing channels, mostly between a Memorial Day Symphony Celebration on PBS and a Tribute to Bob Hope Turning 100. Already, I had already heard Bob Hope's name mentioned, with John Cole at Balloon-Juice wondering if it was legally possible to bury Bob Hope in Arlington National Cemetary. To take nothing from Bob Hope, Memorial Day is not about Bob Hope. There was mention in the PBS show about remembering those who fell on 9/11 and those we recently lost in the Challenger incident. Both severely tragic events, but such deaths are also not what Memorial Day is traditionally about.
Memorial Day was created in 1865 to honor the dead who had fallen in combat. It began with remembering those soldiers who had fallen in the Civil War and has come to include those who died during all following years.
Bob Hope has been magnanimously supportive of all overseas troops for years and years. He deserves utmost honor and respect for having done so. But is his sacrifice the same as those for whom we set aside this holiday to remember?
Is the "War on Terror" actually a war? If so, maybe those fallen soldiers at the Pentagon were soldiers who had died during a war. The Challenger Astronauts are mostly officers in some military unit, but that tragedy was not associated with a war.
Maybe drawing lines and saying who you are supposed to remember on Memorial Day is a bit petty, but is it not wise to be cautious about diluting the real meaning of the Day? Do we necessarily allow today's topics to shield our thoughts of those who gave their lives for this country in combat fighting for our way of life.
Jane Galt really started something over at Assymetrical Information when she announced her postulate:
Jane's Law: The devotees of the party in power are smug and arrogant. The devotees of the party out of power are insane.
I wonder if this is not the inherent difficulty by having only two parties. If you are not of one, you have to be of the other. Competition: "The Old Team Spirit." But are we really all so cohesive behind each party's political lines?
I stand right behind the Republican line when it comes to family values. However, I think everyone has an opinion on abortion and it should be put up for Constitutional Amendment and let the issue be publicly decided once and for all. Of course, unless the swing turns the other way, and the populous again has to pass a subsequent Amendment to Repeal the previous Amendment.
I also believe in lowering taxes, although I think they could do more about lowering the taxes on the lower paid workers than those at the top of the food chain.
I want to see the sick, poor and injured cared for, but think charities are more able to provide effective and cost-conscious assistance to these groups than government bureaucracy.
I also would like to see jobs, real jobs, come back to America. How did we become a nation of McDonald's and Walmart employees? Where are the factories, the massive building projects? The country's infrastructure could use a major overhaul.
How do I stand politically? Am I Republican or a Democrat? YOU TELL ME? I suspect all authority save the 10 Commandments. What was written by the hand of God, I will not question.
If God thought it so important that you not envy or desire those things that were your neighbor's after already saying you were not allowed to steal them; if He were to counsel us to have sex only with those to whom we were married; and if He dictated limitations on the very things we were not allowed to say, if he had not wanted people to drink and do drugs, would He not have mentioned that?
I voted for Perot, both times. I just had this gut feeling that when he got into the White House and took the reigns of the Executive Branch that he was going to downsize and streamline the bureaucracy. Somebody needs to do that. We have too many people in this country sucking at the Federal tit.
[In my best Ross Perot imitation, and people say I do him well] 500,000 people in the Social Security agency? Anyone here that don't think we could not do that with 200,000? Somebody get on that, find the best 200,000 of them and get rid of that other 300,000.
One could dream, couldn't they? I call myself a Libertarian, but what I actually am is a person who wishes he lived with the freedoms of 150 years ago, before Income Tax, before the Industrial Revolution, before the population of the country was bursting at the seams. I really feel oppressed by the current level of Federal power. I love Texas first and the US second.
I like Bush. I wondered what kind of Governor he would make after it was evident he had a poor head for business. I started not to vote for him because of the way he ran the Texas Rangers. But I did, and I thought he did a surprisingly good job as Governor.
I did not like Clinton. He had scandals following him into the White House, he was surrounded by buffoons, and his credibility was suspect long before the perjury was uncovered. Hillary sat mum, and did not draw my admiration for standing by that bum. Gore did very little either to distance himself.
For me, the Presidential election was an easy choice. But that does not necessarily make me a Republican.
Professor Volokh, at The Volokh Conspiracy, presented a side by side analysis of the attack on Neil Cavuto of Fox News by Paul Krugman in his New York Times column.
Krugman eloquently accuses the post-Clinton? media of kow-towing to the the Bush administration in portraying a decidely patriotic twist to the war coverage. He particularly called into point a statement made by Mr. Cavuto.
Mr Cavuto expressed his offense at being chastised for his expression of opinion and retorted like a mudslinging thug.
It was a very interesting read.
I reported on April 20 about aircraft designer Burt Rutan unveiling of his secret high-atmosphere released vessel. Well it seems that some Canadians want to beat him to the $10 million X Prize:
A Canadian group of space enthusiasts claims to be leading the quest for the famous X Prize, a $10-million (U.S.) award for whoever can invent a better way of blasting off the planet.The team announced Tuesday that it plans to launch from a remote airstrip near Kindersley, Sask., and claimed to be the first private group anywhere in the world that has applied for permission to launch a human into space.
You know, maybe I need to read up on that X Prize. I wonder if you have to return alive in order to win? Of course, if you didn't, it would be hard to personally collect, but would your team be eligible to collect?
attribution: globeandmail.com via On The Third Hand
See what I wrote at On The Third Hand's comment board.
Yeah, I know, I always ask the hard questions.
ROYAL OAK, Mich. (AP) - Prosecutors are expected to drop their fight to override a family's wishes and order surgery for a 2-year-old girl with brain cancer.Jala and Shaheda Hoque, immigrants from Bangladesh, took their daughter Noshin to a doctor because her left eye wandered and she was having trouble moving her left arm and leg. Specialists found a tumor pressing against the girl's brain stem.
Doctors disagreed on whether surgery would help but agreed it was risky.
The Hoques instead sought help through homeopathic treatment in Canada. After the family's pediatrician told the state Family Independence Agency, the agency got the prosecutor's office to intervene. [emphasis supplied]
Heartless as it may seem, there do seem to be times when it is best to let nature take its course. If all the doctors are saying that surgery is risky, but cannot agree whether or not it will help, that would seem to be one of the times you step back and say, no, let us just let nature take its course. Maybe the couple was just lucky enough to draw a sympathetic prosecutor, or maybe the truth turned him around. Whatever, I think he is making the right decision:
[W]ith her condition worsening, he is now dropping the petition for surgery and instead asking the parents to see that she has the medication she needs to fight the pain . . . .
May God, or it may be Allah in this case, comfort the poor little child and her family through this crisis.
attribution: AP via FindLaw
I am entirely grateful that I am not in the position to have to make this choice with regard to a child of mine. Such a heavy decision would tend to wear heavy on one's heart.
Lorillard Tobacco Co. has begun to battle back against the continued increase of taxes on cigarettes. They have begun to run a series of ads on radio, in newspapers and upon the billboards dotting the sides of the highways in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
One ad featured a picture of a scowling, beefy man wearing a pinstriped suit and a pinky ring, posing next to a black sedan and a suitcase stuffed with cash. "The mob, smugglers, and other street criminals are making a fortune selling illegal cigarettes while legitimate small businesses are forced to cut jobs," the ad reads. The ads specifically take aim at New York City's taxes, saying they created a market for smugglers who make knockoffs of name brands or buy cartons in other states and resell them.
William V. Corr, executive director of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, says the ads are initiated in hopes of lowering the price for a pack of cigarettes.
"Maybe we shouldn't have laws against drug use either, because people are going to go out and smuggle drugs?" John Kirkwood, chief executive of the American Lung Association, said. "The reasoning is fallacious."
Uh, people do smuggle drugs because there are laws against drug use, just as they smuggled liquor when there were laws against alcohol use. Governmental restrictions and control have always fed the coffers of organized crime. Who controls the bulk of the business in gambling, prostitution and the smuggling of contraband? Logic dictates that if a product is very expensive in one marketplace and very cheap in another marketplace, someone will use any means, lawful or otherwise, to make a profit by transporting the product from one marketplace to another.
[full AP story] via FindLaw
A judge dismissed a lawsuit challenging Indiana's ban on recognizing same-sex unions, ruling that state law clearly defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Why does this not surprise me?
Such a law, the ruling said, "promotes the state's interest in encouraging procreation to occur in a context where both biological parents are present to raise the child."The Indiana Civil Liberties Union said it would appeal.
Of course they will.
I am not sure how I feel about a ban on same-sex marriages. I do not embrace homosexuality, but do not find the practice so morally abhorrent that I condemn homosexuals to second-class citizenry. I believe that the institution of marriage has lost most real meaning in today's American society: all the laws punishing adultery have long since been repealed; divorce is granted without any true cause needing to be shown; and there is no longer any shame attached to birthing or being a bastard. It does seem quite ridiculous to place such a high premium on the institution of marriage.
attribution: AP via FindLaw
A thoroughly well done report on the expansion of the Patriot Act powers in legislation passed by the Senate can be found on TalkLeft.
Could this be the beginning of an attempt to pass the provisions of Patriot Act II piecemeal, thereby avoiding the controversial label "Patriot Act II" ?
The Schumer-Kyl bill was originally introduced on January 9, the same date on the draft of Patriot Act II. A coincidence?
Now surely the Senate would not be playing any shenanigans, trying to pull something over the American people, would it? This legislation would extend the powers granted under the Patriot Act beyond scrutiny of those who fit the definition of "foreign powers" to allow U.S. intelligence agencies to monitor foreign terrorists who, though not affiliated with a group or government, pose a serious threat to the people of the United States.
Roger Coleman was executed on May 20, 1992. Some thought he was wrongfully convicted.
Questions persisted among those who doubted Coleman's guilt:-- Why was there no coal dust on McCoy's body when Coleman's clothes were covered with it that night?
-- Why didn't Coleman's lawyer mention a bag of blood-soaked sheets, two shirts and a pair of scissors found near McCoy's home after the murder?
-- Why did Coleman's clothes lack bloodstains and why were there no fingernail scratches on his body if McCoy struggled as the evidence at trial suggested?
A group which has worked to free 26 people sentenced to death, requested an updated DNA test to for evidence of Coleman's innocence. The Virginia courts have denied the request, and so has the Governmor. The group believes that if the DNA analysis establishes Coleman's innocence, a new look at the "death penalty" might be prompted.
attribution: Reuters
Actually when I first saw this story, I was sure this was a big problem. It starts like this:
KIDS are losing the battle of the bulge - and moms aren't helping.
and it ends like this:
Maynard's team speculates that some mothers may genuinely not recognize that their heavy children are overweight, while others are reluctant to admit their children are fat.
but in the middle, it says this:
Sixty-seven percent of mothers correctly identified their overweight children, but 32 percent of mothers classified their overweight children as "about the right weight."Among children who were not overweight, but heavy enough to be considered at risk, only 14 percent of moms reported their sons were overweight but 29 percent said their daughters were overweight.
I somehow imagined to percentages would be much higher than that. Just a week or so ago, I reported on a story from New Zealand that stated, "One in seven primary school children is obese." Now, if 14% of the children are obese, and 67% of their parents know they are obese, does that not say a lot about the quality of parenting out there. Now go get a piece of candy and shut up!
attribution: Jane Galt, of that most excellent blog: Asymmetrical Information.
The state's 4 million public school students would be required to pledge allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags and observe a minute of silence each school day under a bill the House tentatively approved Monday.The minute of silence would allow the students to reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activities, according to the bill, which passed the Senate earlier.
Students not wishing to recite the pledges would be excused with written permission from a parent or guardian.
There was little debate on the measure.
I suppose, whether "under God" will be part of the daily Pledge of Allegiance will depend on the ruling by the Supreme Court as to whether such is unconstitutional. What surprises me most about this story is that I was under the impression that saying the Pledge of Allegiance was already required in all of our schools. As one of the state legislators, Rep. Dan Branch, R-Dallas, said "It sets up a tone of seriousness that I think will make our schools and institutions more reflective and more reverent."
attribution: Dallas Morning News
I received the following in my email over the weekend. Such is displayed exactly as it was received, including spelling mistakes and composition style.
As one of many concerned citizens in the West I must stand united with numerous other individuals and organisations within society and ask TEXANS to stand accounted concerning their unique 'sole trader' attitude to the barbaric immoral and criminal practice of executing humans rightly or wrongly convicted. While the practice of legal murder as it has come to be recognised, is a multibillion dollar business in Texas, with Tourism Small Business and the State's Corrective Services Council and Media to metnion a few, stand to gain by the callous comedy of killer burgers and the stimulation of viewing the murder take place, the State to date has long gone unaccounted for with the ongoing pattern of self-interest emerging in Fundamentalist redneck practices that condone murder on one hand and singout 'Hallelujah Brother!' on the other. The bottom line is the continued resistance to change and the absence of the recognition of both the Divine Law of God Almighty and respect for the person again evident int he mass murder of innocence in more recent events under the guise of 'war' and 'defence'. Karen J. Tonkin PO Box 9138 Slade Point Mackay Qld Australia 4740I am confused about this message. Although Texas does have the Death Penalty, and admitted, executes people at a higher rate than any other state, I am not privy to any knowledge or can figure out how it is regarded by anyone as a multimillion dollar business. I am almost sure that it costs much more to house those prisoners for the years and years that they go through appeal after appeal than it does to actually shoot that bit of poison into their veins. I am sorry, Karen, I am a staunch defender of the rights of all individuals, but there are cases in which the death penalty is merited. I may agree that it is unfairly meted out, however, and am completely sure that the current system amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.
To live in a cell for years and years having been condemned to death desperately searching for a chance that your life will somehow be spared seems cruel to me. In some ways, the way it was done in the old West was more humane: the sentence is pronounced and you were hung the next day or so. Of course, I admit that there was no review of the proceedings, and it may be that many an innocent man was hung in the streets. So, I cannot advocate immediate executions, as such, in my opinion, is a bit hasty and would likely be violative of due process.
In my opinion, as I have mentioned personally for several years, is that the death penalty procedure should be modified. In Texas, if one is condemned to death, the case is automatically appealed to the highest court having jurisdiction over criminal matters: the Texas Criminal Court of Appeals, which is, in essence equal to our Supreme Court, which has jurisdiction over civil matters. I like this idea that there should a review of the case by an educated and knowledgeable body who can review the case to determine if justice is served. However, I believe that it is not absolutely necessary to involve attorneys in the process, outside of those who review the case for fairness. My proposal is that the procedure be changed to dictate that each state that retains the death penalty form a body of knowledgeable and experienced people whose sole purpose is to review death penalty cases. Immediately upon a sentence of death being handed out, the complete record of that trial is to be forwarded to that body for review. If they are thoroughly convinced that everything in the proceeding was fair, that all legal rights were afforded to the defendant effectively so as guarantee justice, then the file must be immediately transferred to a Federal body, of like composition who again reviews the complete record of the case and makes a like determination. The State has six months to complete its review, and the Feds have six months to complete their review. Body shall have the power either to reverse and remand for new trial or to commute to life. The law shall be specific, however, in that if the defendant is to be executed, that such execution take place within one month, following the end of the review. If such execution has not occurred at the end of the 13th month following the pronouncement of the death penalty by the trial court, then the sentence is automatically commuted to life by operation of law.
In my opinion, such specificity and limitation remove the cruelness from the death penalty, and having two knowledgeable tribunals to review the facts and circumstances affords due process.
UPDATE: I emailed Professor Volokh, who is the main guy at the Volokh Conspiracy, which I read frequently, and asked him to check what I said about the death penalty above. He is a top legal scholar who regularly posts on legal topics. His reply: "Nope, sorry, not an expert on the death penalty, and swamped. Have to pass." [emphasis supplied] I suppose I had better take his name off of my "death penalty" expert list. However, it was very kind of him to take the time to send me a reply. I just checked his blog and his most recent post: "If you want me to read a blogpost or Web page you or someone else wrote, please include its text within the message. Yes, it doesn't take that long to just click on a link; but it does take some time, when aggregate over the dozens of such messages I get a day, and it takes especially long if I'm working from home. Including the text dramatically increases the chance that I'll actually look at the text." I read this and thought, OK, so I made a mistake and can send him another email with my last three paragraphs and maybe then he will see what it is that I am talking about. But, he said earlier that he was not an expert on the death penalty and passed on my request. I guess I will not bother a very busy man with my trivial ideas on the constitutionality of the current death penalty procedures.
I noticed that the comment links are not posting. I checked the template and the proper scripts are in place, so the problem seems to be with enetation. Not complaining, just passing along the information. All will be rectified eventually when I start using either Greymatter or Moveable Type. By the way, if anyone has a link to a simplified, how to for dummies site for Moveable Type, feel free to pass it along.
While scrolling through the stories on FARK, which I have not had much time to keep up with over the past two days, I noticed a couple of stories that caught my interest.
The first noteworthy story is from April 30th: It seems the Bush Administration is asking the US Supreme Court to overturn the 9th Circuit's opinion that it is unconstitutional to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. The decision is old news, but the Administration's joining in this matter is a recent development.
Now, did not the boy who was supposedly the plaintiff in the suit that started this situation announce that he really had no problem with saying the Pledge in school? Of course, his father is an attorney, so is likely using this case solely to make a name for himself. What a crock. And, if I remember the story right, the objection to saying the pledge is because they are atheists? Why is it always the atheists who cause the commotion about anything the government does concerning religion? I might understand if it was a Muslim, but surely no one would mind if they substituted Allah when the pledge was said, after all, Allah is God, one and the same, just a different word or name for the same deity. Hindus and Buddhists might have reason to complain, but they seldom cause a stir. In fact, it is likely due to their respective religions that they are so tolerant of others' beliefs. I do not dislike atheists. I just cannot understand why they cause such a stir over the mention of the name of a deity they have no belief in anyway. Folks, pretend it is a word that means nothing, just a word that happens to be in the script. I don't know all the words to "Louie, Louie," nor what most of that song means or has to do with anything, but I usually sing along when everyone else does. It causes me no pain. It is not like you are going to Hell because you said the word "God," is it?
"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was so far out of bounds that the Supreme Court could simply strike down the ruling without even hearing arguments on the case, Olson [Solicitor General Theodore Olson] suggested."
I do hope the Court does overturn the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' decision. It is bad enough that Disney is thinking of changing Texas history, I surely would hate to think that during all those years I was in school, I was violating the U.S. Constitution because I was saying the "Pledge" with all my heart.
UPDATE: ""She says the pledge, oh yes," David Gordon, superintendent for the Elk Grove school district, said about the daughter. "Her mother is on record as supporting the pledge." CNN.com - May. 2, 2003
The second noteworthy story is from April 29th: This appears to be a case of first impression, and to those of you who are not legally trained, that means courts have never considered the primary issues previously. The story involves DNA and the statute of limitations. Most crimes, except murder, in most states have a legal deadline in which cases must be brought forth, otherwise, the case is barred. The concept behind this rule is that a person should not be subjected to the cruelty of continually looking over one's shoulder for past transgressions. Also, it affords a defendant a fairer opportunity to defend against the charges if it is brought forth with reasonable haste, so that all the evidence beneficial to the defense has not completely disappeared. It is thought to be a matter of fundamental fairness to require prosecution to be brought within a reasonable period of time. There is generally no statute of limitations for murder, however, because a person should never be able to get away with murder. So, the statute of limitations for sexual assault is six years in Michigan. The prosecutors had some DNA, but were not sure of the owner of the DNA. The statute of limitations was running out, so the prosecutors filed the case against the DNA. The 1st Court of Appeals stated that the prosecutors had properly filed a case prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations. "The appeals court ruled that the prosecutors had acted before the statute of limitations expired; even if they hadn't, the opinion stated, sexual assault prosecutions are important enough to allow them to proceed after the statute expires if the state has an unidentified offender's DNA." Look for this one to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Now either I have been asleep, and have missed the developments leading up to this move by the US government, or this is a breaking story:
Pullout rocks Germans By Robin Gedye, Foreign Affairs Writer (Filed: 03/05/2003)Germany reacted with dismay yesterday to America's decision not to return the 17,000-strong 1st Armoured Division to Germany, accelerating plans to relocate its troops to eastern Europe.
Roland Koch, the premier of Hesse state, where 3,700 of the 70,000 US soldiers in Germany are stationed, said the American decision would lead to the loss of 250 jobs and have a huge impact on shops and other businesses.
Chancellor Gerhard Schroder has repeatedly shrugged off the prospect of a withdrawal of US forces, but officials around Frankfurt and Heidelberg, where troops are stationed, are concerned at the loss of millions of dollars which the soldiers and their families bring in each year.
Attributions: Country Store > Midwest Conservative Journal
I actually did a search trying to find any other news source on this story, came up empty on AP, Reuters, UPI and even FARK. However, there are several stories about how the US is going to have bases in Iraq, and this is likely a result of that decision. However, and where did I hear Bulgaria?, Iraq is not in Eastern Europe, being on the wrong side of Turkey.
I was stationed in German for brief spells in the 70's when I was in the Army with the 2nd Armored Division, and loved my time there. I thought the German people and culture were fascinating. The country was clean, the people nice, and the scenery magnificent. However, that was over 30 years ago, and since that time, I have heard rumors that the Neo-Nazis in Germany are growing more popular and their membership is growing. Was there an ulterior motive for Germany's lack of support in our efforts to free Iraq? After all, Israel does fit into the picture in middle East, and Saddam was a powerful enemy of Israel. WWIII did not take place, as was expected by some when the battle began, and maybe it was just waiting for the same country whose actions started the last two, to play their hand once again. No hard evidence to think so at this point, but then again, stranger things have happened.
I am sorry I have not posted much today, but this morning I had to do a tour at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center where I volunteer as a docent, doing behind the scene tours for visitors. When I got home, I decided to try to do those graphics that N.Z Bear had asked someone to find or create for the Blogosphere Ecosystem. My creations are not perfect, but as I got paid as much as I got for spending three hours showing people animals and explaining how zoos around the world are trying hard to keep them for being extinct, I think they turned out all right. Of course, I do not know if anyone else did any, or whether they were exactly what NZ was looking for, but, what the hey, I do a lot of graphics all the time that have no purpose, so having a purpose for creating some is better than just doing it for fun.
Both Eugene Volokh and guest blogger Daniel Drezner posted their takes about whether Bloggers were Journalists on The Volokh Conspiracy today. Both did an excellent and succinct job of describing the differences between Journalists and Bloggers. Such has become controversial as Blogger ethics have been called into question since the discovery that the author of The Agonist [link to blog omitted purposefully] plagarized material from another site. [see Noted War Blogger Cops to Copying] I do not consider myself a journalist, as I do not research the factual basis of news items. I only state what others have reported, adding some of my thoughts and comments to the subject at hand. CyberJournalist.net has proposed a Blogger's Code of Ethics. I have yet to read it, but likely will at some point. However, I have always thought I was an ethical person, and will live by the standards I set for myself. If I am able to correctly attribute my source, I will do so. It may be that my source did not properly attribute it to the source from which they received it. That happens on the World Wide Web. So, what is mine are the thoughts, ideas, and comments. All other items came from somewhere else. Whether such items are reliable or not should always be speculative. All information of a factual nature is speculative, as truth is relevant to perception. People see and hear what they want to see and hear, and how they describe what they see and hear is corrupted by that mode of reception.
Commenting on a story from the Chicago Tribune reporting a drop on international terrorism, Daniel W. Drezner properly credited the efforts of the Bush administrations efforts in "arresting" the worrisome increase of such attacks that was seen at the end of the 1990s.
While I am surely not a fan of international terrorism, and was as shocked as anyone at the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, but the discussion on international terrorism brought to mind one of the stories that played on 60 Minutes this past Sunday, where, when Syria's foreign minister, Farouk al-Sharaa was asked about Palestinian militants living in Syria who send suicide bombers and missiles into Israel, insisted that Palestinians who attack Israel are not terrorists but freedom fighters trying to liberate their land from Israeli occupation. That viewpoint may have some credibility, to a point.
What is an act of terrorism and what is simply a tactic employed by a weaker force against a powerful oppressor? In my very first post, I questioned the criticism the Iraqis were getting for using guerrilla tactics at the beginning of the war. I again have to question whether every supposed reported act of terrorism is actually an act of terrorism, or whether some are, in actuality, a form of military attack against an enemy one has no other means to attack.
There is no doubt that 9/11 was a terroristic attack. I do not say this because it was an attack on America and that any attack on Americans is a terroristic attack. I am suspicious, however, that in the minds of many Americans, any attack on Americans constitutes a terroristic attack. I classify it as a terroristic attack because it targeted civilians. Let me back track, the part where the planes hit the World Trade Center was a terroristic attack, but the attack on the Pentagon was aimed toward a military target. Was that a terroristic attack? Remember the US attack on Iraq? Supposedly their attempt was to attack only military targets, and attempted to minimize destruction of infrastructure and loss of civilian lives. Is it the method of the attack that makes it a terroristic attack? Had it been a plane full of Islamic volunteers that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, would that have made it a proper military attack? Or do they have to don uniforms, announce their intentions and allow defenses against their activity to be set up before any action against an enemy's military installations can take place? As all attacks committed against the United States on 9/11 were accomplished by commandeering commercial aircraft and sacrificing the lives of those passengers in the attack, even the attack on the Pentagon was a terroristic attack. But imagine some different scenarios. From a different perspective, could some supposed terroristic threats actually be unconventional military attacks: The USS Cole bombing or the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon?
While our diplomatic agenda has been superbly used to quell international terrorism, is not our foreign policy partly to blame for the causes of international terrorism aimed against the United States? ["A 'Moral' Foreign Policy That Ignores International Law? The History and Ironies of the U.S.'s Current View of Its Role In the World" by Edward Lazarus provides a good synopsis of US foreign policy and its development since the early beginnings of the nation] We do take sides in the Middle East, rightly or wrongly. But when you take sides in a conflict, the opposition rightly sees you as an enemy. If they attack you, does it necessarily become terrorism because they are they and you are you? Terrorism is sometimes just a matter of perspective.
It is funny how you get these ideas that there is something you want to share, but really do not know if it is right to do so. I was reading a post from Professor Volokh (wow, I did spell that right, but had to look back just to make sure) where he was discussing a story from the The Telegraph. It concerned a controversy in which trainee teachers are told not to use the word "brainstorming," as such is offensive to epileptics. Of course, according to the story, epileptics were not offended by the word, but were offended by being asked if they were offended by the word. But I digress.
My point concerns Professor Volokh's discussion of whether the correct term was "Native American" or "American Indian," being that neither was literally correct. I do not remember when, but I remember once being told that such people found the term "Indian" to be offensive because they were not Indians: they did not come from India. "Native" was disliked because it connotates lack of civilization. My own preference has always to refer to such people as "Indigenous Americans" or "Indigenous Peoples." I prefer the latter term, as they are also members of many differing tribes, each having differing beliefs and customs. The term "Peoples" connotates more than one civilization. I might use the former term to differentiate between the indigenous peoples of the Americas and those from Australia, New Zealand or Africa.
However, at this late hour, I am very unsure if I have ever discussed this topic with any descendant of the original citizens of our continent. I might be totally off-base . . . Maybe someone can let me know. It might be possible that my just thinking about how not to offend people whose customs and beliefs I admire greatly offends them. My luck goes that way sometimes. Maybe it is time for me to go to bed.
No, this does not mean that if you are short of funds, you can skip your court date.* It means that the courts are facing such a budgetary crisis that many of them cannot afford to stay open. This story by Associated Press Writer, William McCall, discusses how the slow national economic situation is beginning to be felt in the justice system, from the courts to the law enforcement agencies. I loved this line: "In Texas, where lawmakers face a $1.8 billion shortfall, the chief justice has proposed a constitutional amendment to cut two of the nine justices on the state Supreme Court to save money." I am just wondering if when the Amendment comes around on the ballot, if we are allowed to decide to which two of the nine we get to give the axe.
*However, being they are hurting for money, some prosecutors might be amenable to making some pretty sweet deals in exchange for a bit of immediate cash influx for the government coffers.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Virginia tipped the Internet Bureau of Greg Abbott's Texas Attorney General's office that a third party had reported a person suspected to be in possession of child pornography. That person is former Tarrant County Community College police officer, Ernest Dwaine Brown, 46. Based on the tip they had received, the Internet Bureau obtained a search warrant and discovered child porn on Mr. Brown's computer. More items were found on a CD, which constitutes promotion under the Texas statute. Johnson County District Attorney Dale Hannah, assisted by Assistant Attorney General Maya Guerra-Gamble prosecuted Mr. Brown on 10 counts of possession and three counts of promotion of child pornography. In a deal worked out between the prosecution and the defendant, Mr. Brown agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a sentence of 14 years. He had no prior criminal record. Pronouncing that sex crimes are not tolerated in Johnson County, DA Hanna said, "This shows how seriously we take these offenses in this county."
When I was first told about this case, it was reported as if the Internet Bureau and other agencies were monitoing Internet activity in an effort to locate and curb traffic in child pornography. After having read ths story, it appears that it was just another case of someone informing on someone else. Despite my feelings about governmental intrusion into the private sector of people's lives, I have also indicated that I supportive of all governmental action to protect the health and welfare of children. While the mere possession of and trading of child porn does not directly affect the lives of children, it is one of those cause and effect situations, similar to what I discussed with regard to the War on Drugs being mostly targeted toward stopping the flow of drugs by jailing the users and drying up the demand for drugs. If people demand something, and are willing to pay enough for it, someone else will provide it. In this scenario, the only way to provide the product is to injure the health and welfare of children, somewhere somehow. As I see it, the person's right to posess the material does not override any child's right to have a happy, secure childhood. 14 years does seem a little steep, but I am pretty sure, having personal knowledge of what kind of verdicts Johnson County juries handed down in the past, that Mr. Brown was wise to take that deal.
The Christian Science Monitor provides this story about the Iraqi joy of being able to access programming that is not controlled by Saddam Hussein. It is nice, with al the stories flooding out of Iraq about the riots and mobs and Anti-American sentiment, that some Iraqis appreciate what they were given: FREEDOM. I want to thank The World Wide Rant for locating the lead to this story on Instapundit.
A man who rescued four children from a burning apartment building over the weekend ended up in jail today. Kris Leija, 22, of Abilene, Texas, was arrested for failing to meet with his probation officer last month. Hopefully, the judge will go easy on him.
Remember my post on Sunday, April 20, 2003 where I said I didn't buy the kid's story about being shot by his cat jumping on the pellet gun? Neither do the Stark County sheriff’s deputies.
If you have read some of my thoughts regarding the "War on Drugs," you will have gotten an inclination that I am opposed to this war. However, I am mindful of the problems to towns, communities and families that can be associated with drugs, as this story so capably points out. However, despite the nightmare that the story vividly paints about the destruction one small community faces as it becomes surrounded by meth labs, the problem stems, to a great degree, from the black market that feeds off of the illegality of substances. As long as the demand exists, someone will supply the demand. It is pure "market place" economics. Almost any person, offered enough money, will provide any product, provided he or she has a source for the product. This is why alcohol, tobacco and coffee are still readily available. There are a myriad of substances that are not good for you or those around you, but some are sold over the counter and some are sold under the counter. It seems we do a much better job of controlling those sold over the counter than we do under the counter. Why is that? Because honest businessmen are willing to abide by regulations. Banning a substance for which there is a huge demand does not make it go away, it only causes it to be sold without sufficient regulations to control the worst of the problems associated with the substance.
Meth is a big problem. As a substance, it is one of most physically destructive of those currently marketed in the drug underground. However, it is also one of the easiest to produce from items that are readily available in the marketplace. I live in a rural area, and meth labs are frequently found here also. I have lost a cousin to this drug, so I am aware of the severe consequences which can occur from its use. I have frequently overheard meth referred to as the "poor man's cocaine." This leads me to infer that most who use meth do so because they either cannot afford or find real cocaine. "Crack" cocaine evolved because it was a cheaper form of cocaine than was otherwise available. If some drugs were available, then maybe it would be easier to convince people to stay away from the more harmful drugs. It could not hurt to try, could it?
The current plan of attack in the "War on Drugs" appears to be to imprison all the users so as to dry up the demand. The penitentiaries are full, and still there seems to be a plethora of users of various illegal substances in every city and town. How many more penitentiaries can we afford to build? How many more of our possibly productive citizens do we need to warehouse? How many more of our tax dollars do we need to invest in supporting a confined population? I suspect that if we invested a large part of the money that was spent on the "War on Drugs" into providing meaningful jobs for this same segment of society, a lot of the drug problem would disappear.
Drugs are a reality altering substance. I suspect that a large percentage of people use drugs because the reality of their lives is unbearable. There are not very many meaningful factory jobs in our society. People cannot survive working for Walmart and McDonald's. Sitting around day after day wondering how to feed a family on minimum wage is a bleak reality that too many people face. No wonder someone wants something to suppress that sense of meaningless and worthlessness about their lives, if only for a brief spell. Make people's reality a bit better, and maybe they will not work so hard to find new ways to alter it.
"One in seven primary school children is obese," says this story out of New Zealand. Last week, health officials wanted to add provisions regulating food sold at schools, banning food advertisements at certain times of the day and controlling the quality of food sold within 1km of schools, to a new health law to meet concerns about child obesity. Some area parents and children believe such laws are unnecessary, but that parents should take more responsibility over what their children eat. It is now up to the government to determine what provisions will be written into the Public Health Bill.
I am definitely against governmental interference in controlling what a person chooses to place into his or her own body, whether physically destructive or not. However, I always draw that line at legal maturity. Laws for the protection of children are often necessary to force adults in making the right decisions to safeguard the health of their children. Having previous published the WHO concerns about sugar and obesity, as well as the recent study that showed obesity was linked to cancer occurrences, obesity in childhood to the extent of 14% certainly flags the issue as one of importance. But as this story suggests, there is also a correlation with the fact that children do "not exercise enough and spent too much time watching television and playing on computers or video games." I am more comfortable with regulations that would limit children's access to sedentary pastimes and required more physical actives than I am to any legislation that dictates what one can feed one's child.
at least for the officer in charge of busting drunk drivers in Eshowe, Zululand. He was trapped in one of the roadblocks he helped to set up to nab drunken offenders. [full story]
I have often said that anyone who drinks and drives likely commits an offense on occasion, even if they are conscientious about all factors concerning their drinking behavior. It is invariably left up to the individual to determine when he has passed that magical line between competent to drive and incompetent to drive. As the comsumption of alcohol impairs one's abilities to make reasoned determinations, it only stands to reason that even the best err on occasion. The above case is a good reference in point.
"We haven't had the kind of long chains of transmission that we've seen in some other countries, but there is no reason why that couldn't happen here," Julie Gerberding, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said regarding the SARS epidemic on "Fox News Sunday." This Washington Post story says that it is only due to luck that SARS is not rampant in the United States. "No matter how talented the health workers are and what resources are available, an event like this quickly taxes it to the extreme," said Jeffrey P. Koplan, a physician at Emory University in Atlanta and former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who just returned from spending a week in Hong Kong. "There is nothing that has happened in Toronto that couldn't happen anywhere in the United States."
I noticed an online poll during my news surfing yesterday where the posted result showed that people were equally divided about whether they were concerned about SARS. 51% said they were concerned and 49% had no concern. There needs to be more concern. "Experts say they believe SARS is transmitted most easily through close human contact, often from sneezing or coughing. But some laboratory analysis and several cases suggest it may survive on surfaces for several hours, making it possible to spread the germ simply by touching objects," the Washinton Post story says. "[I]t would be a dangerous mistake to assume the contagious virus causing SARS will not still strike in larger numbers here."
Evil twin points to brotherIn a Florida case that was solved using DNA, a man convicted yesterday of a murder in 1990 had attempted to put the blame on his twin, who has identical DNA. Thankfully, the twin had a good alibi for the time of the incident. [full story]
It had always been a thought of mine that identical twins might be almost impervious to prosecution for crimes, at least as long as they always backed up each other. As they are genetically identical and share the same DNA, and I assume fingerprints, any evidence that was good against one of them would identically be good against the other. Even eyewitness testimony or being captured on video would not be sufficient to identify one over the other. Presumptively, if only one of them was involved in the activity, then the other must be innocent of any involvement. Without evidence as appeared in this case where one of them was actually known to be in another location at the time of the offense, how could anyone ever be sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, which one was actually the one who committed the crime? How could any conscientious juror not worry about maybe convicting the innocent twin of that offense committed by the guilty twin?
It seems that although an annual reunion of the Hatfields and McCoys fills the Pikeville, Kentucky hotels with visitors each June, the City Council of Pikeville will not say "yes" to placing a statue of Randolph McCoy, patriarch of the Kentucky hillbilly McCoy clan, in a city park.
Pikeville resident James Smith said many people feel placing the statue in the park would be romanticizing criminal behaviour. "I don't believe we should be putting up the statue," Smith said. "Killing is killing. It doesn't matter how you do it." Instead, according to one of the McCoy descendants, the life-sized, bronze statue will be placed in a cemetery on the outskirts of town.On an interesting note: at the annual reunion, the two families still battle one another: in a softball game and a tug-of-war contest ... but still keeping those rifles in the gun cabinet.
Or at least this blog is. ***: Raggin' & Rantin' is listed as an "Insignificant Microbe" in the blogosphere, but at least I am in the top 2000. Actually, when I posted this, I was number 1949 out of 1950 on the list. But I am on the list and maybe I will evolve some day to a higher plane of existence.
Well, I am officially a year older now. Of course, I do not feel any different than I did a couple of hours ago, and although I am not all that worried about being a year older, it is also nothing of much importance. I have been old enough to drink and old enough to vote for more than two decades, and yet I am still not old enough to retire (or actually just not rich enough to retire) nor do I qualify for any discounts because I have attained the status of senior citizenship. I am not unhappy with growing older, as I long ago realized it was eventual, but with every passing year, my dream of bringing a child or two into this world dims a bit. I do not have any special plans for today, and doubt anyone will acknowledge my birthday, now that my mother has passed. Speaking of my mother, it does bring back to me my epiphany I had when I turned 25 that my birthday might actually be far more important to my mother than it was to me, as it was my birth that had made her a mother.
What is it about birthdays? I have never found it a big deal to have another year pass. I guess the last real deal that was made about me on a birthday was when I skipped work so I would not have to attend all that black morbidity party they give you when you turn 40. My wife had died the year before, so my life was black enough without going through that ordeal. My last one was probably the worst birthday, because I lost my dad the year before, so I turned 47 being widowed and orphaned. That was not a highlight, I can tell you. Turning another year older in the same condition is not quite as bad, but is still not great.
I could get drunk today, but I long ago decided I really did not like being drunk. Semi-unconsciousness always seems to come with a lack of control, and without control, strange events can occur than can really dampen your spirits. The hangovers are not all that great either, or the puking. I could get myself a cake, but I am not really into sweets, except for Wintergreen Altoids, and I would rather they didn't have any sugar in them, just the "curiously strong" mint. I am always worrying about whether my breath smells, and somehow sucking four of them at a time alleviates my worry.
Birthdays and holidays are not really all that fun when you are alone. No one gives you gifts, though, really I kind of got over gifts when I reached the economic ability to buy most of the things that I wanted. I gave myself a new computer Christmas before last, but could not think of anything I really wanted this past Christmas. I suppose I could buy myself an electronic pest control device for my birthday. I have been wanting one of those to chase away that damn mouse that seems to live inside the wall beside my bed. It is due to that mouse that I am up at this hour composing this drivel instead of lying peacefully in my bed unable to go to sleep. Insomnia is a side effect of the sinus tablets I take on occasion when the cedar spores are heavy in the air. Those cedar spores didn't seem to bother me so much when I was still too young to drink. Your body seems to go through physical changes as you grow older whether you want them to do so or not. I still am not sure when I still had a full head of hair and when none of it was gray.
48? Is there anything special about being 48? Well, it is divisible equally by 2, 4, 6 or 8. I suppose something could be said for that. I remember when I was 34, I lived near a car wash that gave you a free one on your birthday. I went there for mine, and met a girl getting her free car wash also, who happened to be one-half my age on that day. She had turned 17. She is turning 31 today. I wonder how she feels about today? I am almost sure she must be much more excited than I am. Last year might have been the one to which she was not looking forward. (What is the deal about hanging participles that still bothers me so far into my life?)
Do I seem a bit melancholy? Maybe, but if I remember the words to the song right, "It is my party, so I can cry if I want to." No, I am going to celebrate today, for I am alive, and I am healthy. I understand there is a festival going on in one of our neighboring towns, and I think I will check it out. Who knows, maybe I will get really lucky and not be lonely next year. Yeah, on that thought, I think I will go to bed. Maybe that damn mouse has gone to sleep by now.
I always admire ingenious legal thinking, and I think that a claim that it is a violation of Miranda to use heroin one vomits up as evidence if done so prior to the reading of the Miranda rights is definitely one of the most ingenious arguments that I have heard in awhile. Hmmmm, I foresee the warnings being changed somewhat:
You have the right to keep your mouth shut, if you open your mouth, anything that comes out of your mouth can be used against you at your trial .....[full story]
There were several pretty interesting legal items in my email today.
The first involves the City and County of Santa Cruz filing action in Federal Court to enjoin the DEA from blocking the reopening of a marijuana farm and disallowing sales of marijuana for medical use.
"It is pretty clear that the people in the state of California support the use of medical marijuana," said Mardi Wormhoudt, a Santa Cruz County Supervisor. "It is disturbing when the people in the state have overwhelmingly expressed their support at the ballot the federal government feels no right to uphold that."The Supreme Court has previous ruled on the right to use marijuana for medical use, but maybe a county and city can surmount a powerful enough attack to get them to reconsider their decision. Who knows?
In a surprising decision to many, the Supreme Court decided against limiting the appeal options of people convicted of federal crimes. The Bush administration had been pushing for the opposite decision, but the court was concerned about too many cases of bad lawyering and thought that limits on appeals might allow such to get overlooked. I suppose they figure if you get enough lawyers looking over the shoulders of other lawyers, sooner or later, someone will do a good job representing the defendant.
I was personally very sad when I read about this case. It concerns people who held themselves out as a Tiger Rescue Sanctuary, and yet, today as many as 30 ***s and other big cats were found dead along with 58 cubs in a freezer in a home attached to the sanctuary. I just do not understand people taking on a responsibility and then ignoring it. Especially when it concerns ***s, the most endangered of all the big cats.
An Appellate Court in Florida struck down what was being called a "Scarlet Letter" law that required women who wanted to put up kids for adoption to disclose everyone who might have possibly fathered the child in a newspaper publication in all cities where the children might have been conceived. The State of Florida did not really put up much of a fight, it seems. The court found "the offending provisions substantially interfere with both a woman's independence in choosing adoption ... and with the right not to disclose the intimate personal information that is required when the father is unknown. We deem the invasion of both of these interests so patent in this instance as to not require our analysis." Last I recall, the Texas Legislature had devised a law that said that if you had sex with a woman and were interested in what happened to any child that might result from that sexual act, you were to register your interest, giving the details of the event, with the State. If that child was to be put up for adoption, all one had to do was produce a certificate from the registry showing no one had registered as a person who was interested in such child, and that was that. It was designed to speed up the adoption process and to save money for parties. Have you ever wondered how much they charge for those legal notices in the newspaper? And, does anyone read any of them anyway?
The California Supreme Court agreed that life support can be cut off for a 1½ year old child who has been in a coma for a year, and the child can be allowed to die.
"I'm very happy," said the child's mother. "I want him to go to heaven. That's all I ever wanted."The child's father's attorney stated:
"His position has always been, where there is life, there is hope. No matter what the circumstances are, the state should not be terminating a child's life."Of course, pulling the plug on the child could lead to a murder charge for the father who authorities say beat, shook and threw his son against the crib on Dec. 17, 2001. What kind of a person does that to a baby?
The last interesting case is the patent suit against Ebay. This case is interesting because Federal district Judge Jerome B. Friedman has already warned the attorneys that "it's going to be your responsibility to make sure this is something the average person can understand." I have always thought I was a fairly technologically knowledgeable person, but I am wondering just what it was that was proprietary about the creation of an Internet auction site. The plaintiffs are claiming Ebay stole its programs and procedures, but Ebay is saying that its procedures don't infringe the plaintiff's patents, and that those patents are unenforceable anyway because other people had proposed similar systems and methods before Woolston, the plaintiff, filed his applications. I am just glad I am not on that jury. You can bet that the testimony is going to be pretty dull and dry.
"Some of the ancient artifacts stolen from Iraqi museums are already appearing on the international art market and at least one suspected piece was seized at an American airport,' FBI officials say.
Several, including soldiers and reporters, are trying to smuggle Iraqi treasures. Maybe we should change the name of this event from "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to "Operation Iraqi Thievedom."
Chicago says there are too many rabbits around eating all the vegetation in parks and it is costing too much to replace them, so they are on a trap rampage. If you are looking for a rabbit, try going to Chicago. I am sure they will be glad to give you as many as you want.
Created by the pastry chef at the Ritz-Carlton, a chocolate bunny with a nice smile impressed Stephen King so much that he parted with $1000 for it. Look for it to be a central character in a future Stephen King story.
is not always to be envied. Dosha, a dog in Clearlake, California, had a horrible day. It all started off with Dosha getting hit by a car. A friendly police officer saw her, and thinking she was in pain, played cowboy and, so as to end her suffering, shot her. Her carcass was then taken to the local animal shelter, and placed in a freezer. A couple of hours later, the director of the facility came in and was advised about the incident. He found poor Dosha shivering in the freezer, suffering from hypothermia and a gun shot wound. Ironically, she had suffered no broken bones from the auto accident. She is recovering, but the vet bills are mounting, and as Dosha is destitute and surviving solely on meals of dog food, local citizens are taking up a collection to pay for her continued care.
In an unrelated story, in Syracuse, New York, Renny, the police dog was bitten by a suspect. "I don't think I bit the dog. I just got into a fight with him," Paul Russell of Syracuse [no relation to your friendly Tiger blogger] told The Post-Standard of Syracuse in Monday's newspaper.
I don't really remember (what happened). I was pretty drunk.Renny suffered swelling and soreness in his neck where he was bitten, but thankfully, Mr. Russell was checked for rabies and was not found to be a carrier. He was, however, found to have a broken nose and two black eyes resulting from his partner's efforts to extricate Renny from the attack, and Mr. Russell also is charged with injuring a police animal, resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration. Renny is not expected to testify at his trial.
Almost all communities have something you can volunteer to do to help our own home planet, whether it is cleaning up some trash here and there, assisting in recycling items so we can save some resources, or just being a bit more Earth-friendly in your daily activities. Let us spend tomorrow remembering the Earth is a valuable resource that none of us can live without and remembering it takes very little effort on each of our parts to assist in keeping it clean. Don't Mess with Texas or any other area of Earth! [no links in this post]
Seems that there has been some routing problems with the backbone today. I have been able to connect to sites, then not able to connect to sites. I get some sites, but without the graphics tied to other sites. I have not even been able to connect with blogger on a couple of occasions. I suspect a wolverine has likely chewed through the fiber-optic cables some place in Michigan or Wisconsin.
As I mentioned in a previous post, the way humanity deals with trash and sewage is close to the root of some of our disease and pestilence problems. Here is a watchdog (Water Environment Federation) agency's analysis of some resent dialogue between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council regarding whether the current regulations dealing with waste disposal are sufficient to defeat any risk to human health. Pretty dry stuff, but it is nice to know there are those out there who do keep an eye on such things.
>From Light exercise just will not do . . . comes this study result:
Men who shaved less than once a day were also less likely to be married, have fewer orgasms, to smoke and to work in manual occupations.
I shave less than once a day, am not currently married, pretty sure I get fewer than my share of orgasms, and smoke ... but I do not work in a manual occupation, though I could. I wonder if my life would change if I started shaving twice a day, whether I needed to do so or not? If I was sure it would increase my number of orgasms and might also assist me in dropping the cigarette habit, I might be able to force myself to scrape my face more often.
Someone says Microsoft is up to some shenanigans. Just what they are up to, I am embarrassed to say, I could not quite decipher.
Court TV reports that a Fla. sixth-grader who stomped in a puddle got arrested. I am always wondering where the line is between mischief and criminal actions in young people. When I was a kid, the worst you got for this was three good whacks on the butt by the principal, and, then a good whipping when you got home from your dad. But then again, the principal would now be arrested and sued for giving a whack for anything, and the parent would be criminally charged for punishing the child in a corporeal manner. So now, I do guess it only makes sense that you should arrest a kid for stomping in a puddle. Does it ever seem that you can now be arrested for so many things anymore? Of course, does anyone now ever feel shame for having done something bad? I think the greatest thing about those severe whoopings I got when I was a kid was that the people who gave them to me never really seemed to get any enjoyment from their end of the episode, and it did always make me feel so shameful to have to put them through such an ordeal.
In Scope of 'Miranda' Rule Up for High Court Discussion, Tony Mauro, American Lawyer Media, discusses how the US Supreme Court is set to review the cases involving Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), and the Constitutional implications of suppressing evidence discovered in confessions not complying with the 'Miranda' Rule. Although Miranda is frequently cited by Texas citizens, Texas actually has a statutory provision dealing with the admissibility of confessions, Art. 38.22, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, which provides for safeguards that exceed those required by Miranda. See also, Art. 38.23, which deals with the suppression of evidence procured through unlawful means by any person, not just police officers. This too is greater protection than the US Supreme Court has established to be required by the provisions of the US Constitution. However, any pronouncement of supposed Constitutional magnitude is noteworthy.
The heading on my horoscope this morning said:
Time to pay your dues.Duh! It is April the 15th and today is the day I have to let go of my hard earned money and pay tribute to the slave master. I doubt anyone had to look hard into the stars to come up with that prediction on April 15.
Battered Saddam statue withstands blast Thu Apr 10, 4:55 AM ETBAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Marines have used explosives to try and topple a statue of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) in central Baghdad but the resilient likeness of the Iraqi strongman was still standing after the blast.
According to a CNN correspondent transmitting live pictures from the scene near a bridge on Thursday, they had tried in vain with a tank to uproot the giant monument, similar to one which was ripped down on Wednesday in front of a crowd of jubilant Iraqis.
The statue of Saddam, right arm raised aloft, was left with a gaping hole in its groin after the explosion.
It is suspected that it is spread by cockroaches. Now, that is too awfully scary. Here we were checking passengers that were coming in from epidemic stricken areas for signs of the disease, and what do you want to bet that no one was checking the cockroaches that came along for the ride? I have always suspected that when we go back to the moon, we find the moon to be infested with cockroaches, the descendants of some who hitchhiked on those previous missions. Cockroaches seem to be able to so quickly adapt for life in any environment, which I suspect they found a way to survive on moon dust. I bet they will be awaiting us when we return.
Wow, sometimes getting on a soapbox comes back and bites you right on the ass. Even though I really do not have a donkey, I guess it is OK to use that word, but if you are offended . . . well, let us drop that subject, because if you got offended, I doubt that you would understand anything I said anyway, so go away! Well, no, do not go away, and I am sorry for offending you.
As you can already see, I am in weird mood today, mainly because I woke up feeling ill. I am not sure, but it may be finally the time to get my tonsils out. And here I had been feeling so great about getting close to 50 and still not had to yet have any surgery in my life. In fact, I have only broken one bone, thus far, and, at the time it occurred, an Army Medic misdiagnosed the problem. He told me I had only bruised the bone and it would hurt for about six months while it was healing. Of course, six months later, the ache was still there. I went to the hospital and got an x-ray. I found out I had actually broken the bone, but the doctor said it had healed pretty well. Not bad news to me, especially since I had gone to mountain climbing school between the incident that broke my leg and having it x-rayed. Of course, I was, what, about 20 at that time?
I will be 48 in less than three weeks, and some days, like today, I feel every day of it, if not more. I sometimes wish I was 20 again, though not often. I have often thought of when I was 20 lately, especially with this current war going on. Mostly my thoughts revolved around the fact that wars are mostly fought by young men. I joined up to go to Viet Nam, even though the whole country seemed up in arms about the ordeal, in 1973, just because I was young and figured I could go kill me a bunch of gooks, and had no thought about being killed myself. I mean what 20-year-old male, or anyone close to that age, does not believe that he can kick ass (there, I used that word again!) better than the next man?
The physical aspects of being 20 are fantastic, but there does not seem to be much wisdom in being young. I spent too much of my time drinking, partying and chasing after girls to care much about wisdom. I now think that those who might have actually gotten something out of yesterday's post are likely the ones, who, even if they actually read the whole thing, probably dismissed it as a bunch of crap. I remember being a bit afraid of getting gonorrhea or syphilis when I was 20, but figured you didn't get that from American girls. My practice of safe sex was to not go to Mexico and visit the red light district. However, I always felt like I was not getting enough sex, and was always wanting more. And despite all I said yesterday, I still am wanting more than I get. It just does not bother me anymore . . . too much. At least, not enough that I don't care if I hurt other people's feelings or get too risky with my own health.
Hey, I have lived to be almost 50 already, so things are not all that bad. Sure, there are a lot of people who live into their 80s, and I have seen some of them, a few looked really good, but most looked like they had already lived too long. My dad lived into his 70s, just barely so, and I have not heard him complaining much about it. His dad only lived into his 60's because medical science had not yet evolved to the point to recognize his heart problems. Such had been accomplished by the time my dad had his first heart attack. My dad survived his first two open heart surgeries and a couple of other minor procedures, before perishing of complications following the third open heart surgery.
My mom died at 66 of Hepatitis C contracted through a surgical blood transfusion a decade previously. My cousin died of the same problem at 42, although contracted from a dirty needle he used to inject some "speed" into his arm. I do miss all of my relatives, but people die, and life still goes on. I have finally arrived at the conclusion that none of us are so important that the world stops going around after we die. In many cases, there will be someone close to you that will be strongly affected, but even their world continues.
My body is less healthy than it was when I was 20. I, regrettably, have 30 years of smoking to thank for that! I gave up drinking, mostly, when I found that all four of my minor arrests had occurred when I had been drinking . . . and not thinking. My aches and pains increase, year by year, one here, and another there. I still feel some pain from that misdiagnosed broken leg when I was 20. Most of my knee problems are likely due to the sliding on them like I did when I was 12 or so. Add in the car wrecks, drunken falls, and industrial accidents, and I can easily see the causes of most of my current aches and pains. Although, luckily, I was the only member of my family not to be afflicted with asthma, I have succumbed to allergy reactions as I have grown older. I get sinus headaches and I get headaches from staring at a computer screen for hours at a time. My stomach hurts; I get heartburn whether I eat or not. If I do eat, it makes no matter what I eat. Sometimes medications work; sometimes they do not. I could not run two miles if I had to.
And yet, I feel quite healthy. In many ways, I still feel like I can kick ass! Some of the more lovely ones, I would rather kiss!!! However, I do recognize the doom and gloom on my horizon; I just do not fear it. Death comes! Fearing it is fruitless. I am not craving death, but I already recognize what a minimal effect my death will have on the world and those few people who know me well enough to care. When death comes (there is no thought of "if" any longer) I just hope it is . . . sudden and painless. I want no suffering involved. But, then, if medical science can perfect fixing people while I am still capable of being fixed, I might prefer to go on for a long while longer.
A illness induced discourse on my feelings on "life and death." Take it for what it's worth!
In an interesting point, the US Supreme Court has held that freedoms are not absolute, in that burning a cross while wearing a white hood is not protected by the right of free speech/expression. [AP story] And I somehow suspect that setting a person in a white hood on fire while beating him with a cross would likewise not be constitutionally protected.
Scientists are on the track of solving the SARS dilemma. But SARS is just one of the new diseases that have arisen over the last few years. HIV/AIDS burst onto the scene over a decade ago, and is still unchecked. The epidemic is still running rampant. [click here for .pdf report on December 2002 worldwide statistics] The disease that the largest number of people are infected with is Hepatitis C. Ebola, West Nile Virus, and, of course, a yearly new strain of flu are also infecting people now. In addition, there is a resurgence of malaria, tuberculosis (TB), cholera and small pox in many areas. The number of occurrences of cancer is on the rise. What is going on?
In my opinion, this a sign that Mother Nature is saying there are too many people for the planet to support and is trying to reduce the population. Well, actually, it is probably due to the fact that since there are a great number of highly overcrowded areas and sanitation in those areas is unmanageable. Trash heaps and pools of water, polluted by sewage, are ideal places for diseases to grow. And what with radiation, genetic experiments, and pollution, who can predict what kinds of mutations are occurring in the many germs that infest our planet. Of course, how quickly any disease will spread depends on how that disease is spread. HIV/AIDS is spread mostly by sexual contact, and since everyone seems so concerned about having sex as often as possible these days (and I admit that the urge is natural, but in earlier times, it did seem that people could control their urges more easily that seems to be possible for many this day in time, given the media pushing sex into our faces whenever we turn on the TV, open a magazine or go to the movies). Hepatitis C is spread in many of the same ways as HIV/AIDS. There are a greater number of recognized sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) than was known just 50 years ago. [For a thorough discussion of the problems in the United States due to transmission of disease by sexual contact, see Testimony of Dr. Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., MD, President, The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, Before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, April 23, 2002]
I am left with an impression that the disease problem is greatly associated with there being too many people . . . and too many people who seem to spend more time having sex than thinking about the long term health effects of having sex. It may be that the latter is just Mother Nature's way of correcting the former. It may be that "survival of the fittest" actually means "survival of the smartest." Do I have any answers? If I did, no one would care to listen, they would be too busy trying to have sex with someone.
To BLOG or not to BLOG, that was the question that befell me today. Over recent years, I have encountered the occasional BLOG here and there, surfing links to locate that essential bit of information that I was seeking at that very moment. But I did not know they were BLOGS or just how numerous and popular they had become . . . until today. BLOGS are powerful stuff, according to one article I ran across, powerful enough to have assisted in the downfall of TRENT LOTT. And now, I have begun one, and that may eventually lead to my very own downfall. From where I am standing, that does not seem to be all that far to fall . . . so my gamble is small.